xmldoc2txt: init

xmldoc2txt is a more rigid framework for replacing
xml tags in the documentation. It replaces the clunky
perl substitution expressions.
This commit is contained in:
Oystein Kristoffer Tveit 2022-11-29 15:48:31 +01:00
parent 93cc90c97b
commit e17274e94d
Signed by: oysteikt
GPG Key ID: 9F2F7D8250F35146
5 changed files with 128 additions and 96 deletions

@ -31,14 +31,14 @@
home-manager-search =
pkgs.callPackage ./searchers/home-manager-search.nix {
inherit home-manager;
inherit (self.packages.${system}) json2nix;
inherit (self.packages.${system}) json2nix xmldoc2txt;
defaultManualPath =
let pkg = self.packages.${system}.home-manager-json;
in "${pkg}/share/doc/home-manager/options.json";
nix-option-search = pkgs.callPackage ./searchers/nix-option-search.nix {
inherit nixpkgs;
inherit (self.packages.${system}) json2nix;
inherit (self.packages.${system}) json2nix xmldoc2txt;
defaultManualPath =
let pkg = self.packages.${system}.nix-options-json;
in "${pkg}/share/doc/nixos/options.json";
@ -58,6 +58,8 @@
# Internal Tools
json2nix =
pkgs.callPackage ./internals/json2nix { compiler = "ghc924"; };
xmldoc2txt =
pkgs.callPackage ./internals/xmldoc2txt { compiler = "ghc924"; };
overlays.default = _: prev: prev // self.packages.${system};

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
{ pkgs, compiler ? "ghc924", ... }:
pkgs.writers.writeHaskellBin "xmldoc2txt" {
libraries = with pkgs.haskellPackages; [ tagsoup ansi-terminal split text ];
} (builtins.readFile ./xmldoc2txt.hs)

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import qualified System.Console.ANSI as AN
import qualified System.Console.ANSI.Types as AN
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import qualified Text.HTML.TagSoup as TS
import qualified Text.HTML.TagSoup.Tree as TS
main :: IO ()
main = do
stdin <- getContents
args <- getArgs
let colorizedMode = "-C" `elem` args
printTags colorizedMode $ map replaceTagColor $ removeParagraphTags $ TS.parseTree stdin
data PotentiallyColorizedString = PCS
{ colorized :: IO (),
nonColorized :: String
removeParagraphTags :: [TS.TagTree String] -> [TS.TagTree String]
removeParagraphTags (TS.TagLeaf (TS.TagClose "para") : TS.TagLeaf (TS.TagOpen "para" []) : rest) =
TS.TagLeaf (TS.TagText "\n") : removeParagraphTags rest
removeParagraphTags (x : y : rest) = x : removeParagraphTags (y : rest)
removeParagraphTags x = x
printTags :: Bool -> [PotentiallyColorizedString] -> IO ()
printTags False = putStrLn . unwords . map nonColorized
printTags True = mapM_ colorized
wrapSGR :: AN.SGR -> String -> IO ()
wrapSGR sgr str = do
AN.setSGR [sgr]
putStr str
AN.setSGR [AN.Reset]
wrapColor :: AN.Color -> String -> IO ()
wrapColor c = wrapSGR (AN.SetColor AN.Foreground AN.Vivid c)
bold :: AN.SGR
bold = AN.SetConsoleIntensity AN.BoldIntensity
replaceTagColor :: TS.TagTree String -> PotentiallyColorizedString
replaceTagColor (TS.TagLeaf (TS.TagText s)) =
{ colorized = putStr s,
nonColorized = s
replaceTagColor (TS.TagBranch "code" _ [TS.TagLeaf (TS.TagText content)]) =
{ colorized = wrapSGR bold $ concat ["`", content, "`"],
nonColorized = concat ["`", content, "`"]
replaceTagColor (TS.TagBranch "command" _ [TS.TagLeaf (TS.TagText content)]) =
{ colorized = wrapSGR bold $ concat ["`", content, "`"],
nonColorized = concat ["`", content, "`"]
replaceTagColor (TS.TagBranch "filename" _ [TS.TagLeaf (TS.TagText content)]) =
{ colorized = wrapColor AN.Yellow content,
nonColorized = concat ["`", content, "`"]
replaceTagColor (TS.TagBranch "emphasis" _ [TS.TagLeaf (TS.TagText content)]) =
{ colorized = wrapSGR bold content,
nonColorized = concat ["`", content, "`"]
replaceTagColor (TS.TagBranch "literal" _ [TS.TagLeaf (TS.TagText content)]) =
{ colorized = wrapColor AN.Red content,
nonColorized = concat ["`", content, "`"]
replaceTagColor (TS.TagBranch "varname" _ [TS.TagLeaf (TS.TagText content)]) =
{ colorized = wrapColor AN.Red content,
nonColorized = concat ["`", content, "`"]
replaceTagColor (TS.TagBranch "link" [("xlink:href", link)] []) =
{ colorized = wrapColor AN.Blue link,
nonColorized = concat ["`", link, "`"]
replaceTagColor (TS.TagBranch "link" [("xlink:href", link)] [TS.TagLeaf (TS.TagText content)]) =
{ colorized = wrapColor AN.Blue $ concat [content, " (", link, ")"],
nonColorized = concat ["`", content, " (", link, ")`"]
replaceTagColor (TS.TagBranch "option" _ [TS.TagLeaf (TS.TagText content)]) =
{ colorized = wrapSGR bold $ concat ["`", content, "`"],
nonColorized = concat ["`", content, "`"]
replaceTagColor (TS.TagBranch "xref" [("linkend", link)] []) =
{ colorized = sequence_ $ [putStr "`"] ++ formattedLink ++ [putStr "`"],
nonColorized = concat ["`", link, "`"]
removeOptPrefix :: String -> String
removeOptPrefix ('o' : 'p' : 't' : '-' : rest) = rest
removeOptPrefix x = x
replaceName :: String -> IO ()
replaceName x = if x == "_name_" then wrapColor AN.Red "<name>" else wrapSGR bold x
formattedLink :: [IO ()]
formattedLink = intersperse (wrapSGR bold ".") $ map replaceName $ splitOn "." $ removeOptPrefix link
replaceTagColor unknown =
{ colorized = wrapColor AN.Red $ TS.renderTree [unknown],
nonColorized = TS.renderTree [unknown]

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{ pkgs, lib, home-manager, defaultManualPath, system, json2nix, ... }:
{ pkgs, lib, home-manager, defaultManualPath, system, json2nix, xmldoc2txt, ...
usage = pkgs.writeText "home-manager-search-usage" ''
@ -26,50 +27,6 @@ let
jq fzf gomplate nixfmt bat perl blinkred bold red green yellow blue magenta
clear flatten;
# TODO: Preprocess all XML tags in description.
substitutionsColor = let s = "\\s*";
in {
"<code>([^>]*)</code>" = "${bold}`$1`${clear}";
"<command>([^>]*)</command>" = "${bold}`$1`${clear}";
"<filename>([^>]*)</filename>" = "${yellow}$1${clear}";
"<emphasis>([^>]*)</emphasis>" = "${bold}$1${clear}";
"<literal>([^>]*)</literal>" = "${red}$1${clear}";
"<varname>([^>]*)</varname>" = "${red}$1${clear}";
"</para><para>" = "\\n";
"<link${s}xlink:href=\"([^>]*)\"${s}/>" = "${blue}$1${clear}";
"<link${s}xlink:href=\"([^>]*)\"${s}>([^<]*)</link>" =
"${bold}$2 ${clear}(${blue}$1${clear})";
"<xref${s}linkend=\"opt-([^>]*)\"${s}/>" = "${blue}$1${clear}";
substitutions = let s = "\\s*";
in {
"<code>([^>]*)</code>" = "`$1`";
"<command>([^>]*)</command>" = "`$1`";
"<filename>([^>]*)</filename>" = "`$1`";
"<emphasis>([^>]*)</emphasis>" = "`$1`";
"<literal>([^>]*)</literal>" = "`$1`";
"<varname>([^>]*)</varname>" = "`$1`";
"</para><para>" = "\\n";
"<link${s}xlink:href=\"([^>]*)\"${s}/>" = "`$1`";
"<link${s}xlink:href=\"([^>]*)\"${s}>([^<]*)</link>" = "`$2 ($1)`";
"<xref${s}linkend=\"opt-([^>]*)\"${s}/>" = "`$1`";
perlArgsColor = with lib;
pipe substitutionsColor [
(mapAttrsToList (name: value: "s|${name}|${value}|gm"))
(concatStringsSep ";")
(x: "-pe '${x}'")
perlArgs = with lib;
pipe substitutions [
(mapAttrsToList (name: value: "s|${name}|${value}|gm"))
(concatStringsSep ";")
(x: "-pe '${x}'")
optionTemplateColor =
pkgs.callPackage ../templates/option-preview-template-color.nix { };
@ -87,9 +44,9 @@ let
previewGomplate = isColorized:
# TODO: Color management here needs a refactoring badly...
pArgs = if isColorized then perlArgsColor else perlArgs;
colorSuffix = if isColorized then "-color" else "";
batColorArg = if isColorized then "--color=always " else "";
xmldoc2textColorArg = if isColorized then "-C " else "";
template = if isColorized then optionTemplateColor else optionTemplate;
in pkgs.writers.writeBash
"preview-home-manager-attrs-gomplate${colorSuffix}" ''
@ -97,7 +54,7 @@ let
export DESCRIPTION=$(echo $JSON_DATA | ${jq} -r ".description" | ${perl} ${pArgs})
export DESCRIPTION=$(echo $JSON_DATA | ${jq} -r ".description" | ${xmldoc2txt}/bin/xmldoc2txt ${xmldoc2textColorArg})
EXAMPLE_DATA=$(echo $JSON_DATA | ${jq} -r ".example.text" 2>/dev/null | ${nixfmt})
if [ $? != 0 ]; then

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{ pkgs, lib, nixpkgs, defaultManualPath, system, json2nix, ... }:
{ pkgs, lib, nixpkgs, defaultManualPath, system, json2nix, xmldoc2txt, ... }:
usage = pkgs.writeText "nix-option-search-usage" ''
@ -27,50 +27,6 @@ let
jq fzf gomplate nixfmt bat perl blinkred bold red green yellow blue magenta
clear flatten;
# TODO: Preprocess all XML tags in description.
substitutionsColor = let s = "\\s*";
in {
"<code>([^>]*)</code>" = "${bold}`$1`${clear}";
"<command>([^>]*)</command>" = "${bold}`$1`${clear}";
"<filename>([^>]*)</filename>" = "${yellow}$1${clear}";
"<emphasis>([^>]*)</emphasis>" = "${bold}$1${clear}";
"<literal>([^>]*)</literal>" = "${red}$1${clear}";
"<varname>([^>]*)</varname>" = "${red}$1${clear}";
"</para><para>" = "\\n";
"<link${s}xlink:href=\"([^>]*)\"${s}/>" = "${blue}$1${clear}";
"<link${s}xlink:href=\"([^>]*)\"${s}>([^<]*)</link>" =
"${bold}$2 ${clear}(${blue}$1${clear})";
"<xref${s}linkend=\"opt-([^>]*)\"${s}/>" = "${blue}$1${clear}";
substitutions = let s = "\\s*";
in {
"<code>([^>]*)</code>" = "`$1`";
"<command>([^>]*)</command>" = "`$1`";
"<filename>([^>]*)</filename>" = "`$1`";
"<emphasis>([^>]*)</emphasis>" = "`$1`";
"<literal>([^>]*)</literal>" = "`$1`";
"<varname>([^>]*)</varname>" = "`$1`";
"</para><para>" = "\\n";
"<link${s}xlink:href=\"([^>]*)\"${s}/>" = "`$1`";
"<link${s}xlink:href=\"([^>]*)\"${s}>([^<]*)</link>" = "`$2 ($1)`";
"<xref${s}linkend=\"opt-([^>]*)\"${s}/>" = "`$1`";
perlArgsColor = with lib;
pipe substitutionsColor [
(mapAttrsToList (name: value: "s|${name}|${value}|gm"))
(concatStringsSep ";")
(x: "-pe '${x}'")
perlArgs = with lib;
pipe substitutions [
(mapAttrsToList (name: value: "s|${name}|${value}|gm"))
(concatStringsSep ";")
(x: "-pe '${x}'")
optionTemplateColor =
pkgs.callPackage ../templates/option-preview-template-color.nix { };
@ -88,9 +44,9 @@ let
previewGomplate = isColorized:
# TODO: Color management here needs a refactoring badly...
pArgs = if isColorized then perlArgsColor else perlArgs;
colorSuffix = if isColorized then "-color" else "";
batColorArg = if isColorized then "--color=always " else "";
xmldoc2textColorArg = if isColorized then "-C " else "";
template = if isColorized then optionTemplateColor else optionTemplate;
in pkgs.writers.writeBash
"preview-nix-option-attrs-gomplate${colorSuffix}" ''
@ -98,7 +54,7 @@ let
export DESCRIPTION=$(echo $JSON_DATA | ${jq} -r ".description" | ${perl} ${pArgs})
export DESCRIPTION=$(echo $JSON_DATA | ${jq} -r ".description" | ${xmldoc2txt}/bin/xmldoc2txt ${xmldoc2textColorArg})
EXAMPLE_DATA=$(echo $JSON_DATA | ${jq} -r ".example.text" 2>/dev/null)
if [ $? != 0 ]; then