
1.7 KiB

How to deploy

Build locally, deploy on local, with nom:

sudo true && sudo nixos-rebuild test --flake . --recreate-lock-file --no-write-lock-file |& nom

Via git, build on remote:

ssh -t HOST sudo nixos-rebuild test --flake git+ssh:// --recreate-lock-file --no-write-lock-file


ssh -t HOST sudo nixos-rebuild test --flake git+ssh:// --recreate-lock-file --no-write-lock-file

Via remote-exec, build on remote:

nix shell .#remote-exec remote-set FOOBAR remote sudo nixos-rebuild test --flake . --recreate-lock-file --no-write-lock-file

From local checkout to remote where you're not a trusted user, via tar build on remote:

tar cf - --directory="$(nix eval --raw .#inputs.self.outPath)" . | ssh -tt HOST -- bash -c '"set -x; cd $(mktemp -d); tar xf - && nixos-rebuild test --flake . "$@""' -- --print-build-logs --recreate-lock-file --no-write-lock-file

TODO: ^ doesn't work, as tar consumes the stdin leaving sudo without one...

.. wait doesn't that litter /tmp or /run/user/.../tmp?


From local checkout to remote if local nix daemon has ssh keys, then build on remote:

nix copy --from "$(nix eval .#inputs.self.outPath)" --to TODO

Build locally, copy to remote


How to evaluate the nixos flake/configuration.nix, checking if the drv hash is equal


nix eval


nix-instantiate '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A system -I nixos-config=./configuration.nix