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The seqmented pane with the cobble texture and normal map and lighting applied to it.

The plane from @fig:img-base with a perlin noise displacement map applied to it

First rendering of the downloaded grass texture and normal map

Rendering of the downloaded grass texture with flipped normal map handedness

The field with grass texture, normal map and displacement map

How a mirrored-on-repeat texture behaves

if (isDisplacementMapped) {
    float o = texture(displaceTex, UV).r * 2 - 1;
    float u = (texture(displaceTex, UV + vec2(0.0001, 0)).r*2-1 - o) / 0.0004; // magic numbers!
    float v = (texture(displaceTex, UV + vec2(0, 0.0001)).r*2-1 - o) / 0.0004; // magic numbers!
    TBN = mat3(
        normalize(tangent   + normal*u),
        normalize(bitangent + normal*v),
        normalize(cross(tangent + normal*u, bitangent + normal*v))

The displaced field with the TBN matrix rotated along the slope of the displacement.{#fig:img-displacement-normals}

Car mesh loaded from car model, without transformations

Car mesh loaded from car model with transformations applied.

Car mesh loaded from car model with transformations applied, rotated to make z point skyward.

Diffuse colors loaded from car model

Diffuse, emissive and specular colors loaded from car model

Car model with all colors, with reflection mapping applied.

The reflection map texture applied to the car

Tree model loaded from model file, no texture support yet.

Tree model loaded from model file, textures applied.

Tree model with textures, transparent meshes rendered last in sorted order.

Tree model with textures, transparent meshes rendered last in sorted order, with depthbuffer in read-only mode.

Grass model loaded, cloned and placed randomly throughout the scene

glUniformMatrix4fv(s->location("MVP")     , 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(node->MVP));
glUniformMatrix4fv(s->location("MV")      , 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(node->MV));
glUniformMatrix4fv(s->location("MVnormal"), 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(node->MVnormal));
glUniform2fv(s->location("uvOffset")      , 1,           glm::value_ptr(node->uvOffset));
glUniform3fv(s->location("diffuse_color") , 1,           glm::value_ptr(node->diffuse_color));
glUniform3fv(s->location("emissive_color"), 1,           glm::value_ptr(node->emissive_color));
glUniform3fv(s->location("specular_color"), 1,           glm::value_ptr(node->specular_color));
glUniform1f( s->location("opacity"),                 node->opacity);
glUniform1f( s->location("shininess"),               node->shininess);
glUniform1f( s->location("reflexiveness"),           node->reflexiveness);
glUniform1f( s->location("displacementCoefficient"), node->displacementCoefficient);
glUniform1ui(s->location("isTextured"),              node->isTextured);
glUniform1ui(s->location("isVertexColored"),         node->isVertexColored);
glUniform1ui(s->location("isNormalMapped"),          node->isNormalMapped);
glUniform1ui(s->location("isDisplacementMapped"),    node->isDisplacementMapped);
glUniform1ui(s->location("isReflectionMapped"),      node->isReflectionMapped);
glUniform1ui(s->location("isIlluminated"),           node->isIlluminated);
glUniform1ui(s->location("isInverted"),              node->isInverted);
GLint inline Shader::location(std::string const& name) {
    //return  glGetUniformLocation(mProgram, name.c_str());
    auto it = this->cache.find(name);
    if (it == this->cache.end()) 
        return this->cache[name] = glGetUniformLocation(mProgram, name.c_str());
    return it->second;
bool shader_changed = s != prev_s;
#define cache(x) static decltype(node->x) cached_ ## x; \
    if (shader_changed || cached_ ## x != node->x) { cached_ ## x = node->x;
#define um4fv(x) cache(x) glUniformMatrix4fv(s->location(#x), 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(node->x)); }
#define u2fv(x)  cache(x) glUniform2fv( s->location(#x), 1, glm::value_ptr(node->x)); }
#define u3fv(x)  cache(x) glUniform3fv( s->location(#x), 1, glm::value_ptr(node->x)); }
#define u1f(x)   cache(x) glUniform1f(  s->location(#x), node->x); }
#define u1ui(x)  cache(x) glUniform1ui( s->location(#x), node->x); }

Car, trees and grass combined into a night driving scene. Two yellow spot lights attached to the head lights, two yelllow point lights attached to the head lights, two red point lights attached to the read lights.

A pink rim backlight applied to the car with strength of 0.3.

Visualisation of the transformed depth buffer, transformed into a 'point of focus' buffer. z=0 at the depth of the car, tends toward 1 otherwise.

Depth of field applied to the scene

The vignette effect, applied to a white frame buffer

The chromatic aberration effect. F is the point of focus. The transformed depthbuffer is centered around the vertical line crossing F.

Chromatic aberration applied to the scene, where the aberration coefficients have been multiplied by 3.

Noise/grain applied to the frame buffer.

Noise/grain, multiplied by the depthbuffer/point of focus, applied to the frame buffer.

The same scene, during the day. Spotlights have been turned off.

The early-morning scene with some strong fog applied. The code was later changed to have the fog affect the background color as well.