From now on, struct Song will be used by the database only, and
DetachedSong will be used by everybody else. DetachedSong is easier
to use, but Song has lower overhead.
.. rather then append to the end of the previous one
Cuebreakpoints from the cuetools package has three modes of operation,
and the default is to append pregap (INDEX 00) to the end of the
previous track. This is the behavior most compliant to the existing
cue files.
Here is the patch which fixes the issue. I borrowed bits of
implementation from cuebreakpoints. I assumed that the whole audio
file must be covered by head-to-head going tracks, which is how
hardware CD players probably work. In cue_tag I changed rounding from
rounding up to rounding down because the thing in mpd which calculates
actual track duration (and current position) rounds it down, and I
didn't want to see in my playlist values different from whose in a
now-playing progress bar.
I've compared the resultant mpd behaviour with "mplayer -ss MM:SS.MS"
where the time was supplied by cuebreakpoints and noticed that mplayer
started each track a bit earlier then mpd, though this was the same
before the patch.
After we've been hit by Large File Support problems several times in
the past week (which only occur on 32 bit platforms, which I don't
have), this is yet another attempt to fix the issue.
With these methods a tag struct can be created
from the cdtext information in a cue sheet.
The methods depend on a cue parsing library.
Reading from strings (char*) as well as from
a file (FILE*) is supported.