Add lots of new nix config

This commit is contained in:
Oystein Kristoffer Tveit 2021-12-11 15:29:12 +01:00
parent aab1d4ff96
commit 13871c1ff9
29 changed files with 796 additions and 372 deletions

View File

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ in
_module.args.colorTheme = colorTheme;
imports = [
@ -17,11 +19,20 @@ in
xsession = {
@ -33,14 +44,11 @@ in
programs = {
home-manager.enable = true;
home-manager.enable = true;
bat.enable = true;
# bottom.enable = true;
bottom.enable = true;
exa.enable = true;
feh.enable = true;
fzf = {
@ -52,6 +60,7 @@ in
irssi.enable = true;
lazygit.enable = true;
mpv.enable = true;
ssh.enable = true;
man = {
enable = true;
@ -60,19 +69,9 @@ in
obs-studio.enable = true;
qutebrowser = {
enable = true;
aliases = {};
searchEngines = {};
settings = {};
keyBindings = {};
# quickmarks = {};
extraConfig = '''';
skim = {
enable = true;
defaultCommand ="fd --type f";
defaultCommand ="fd --type f";
texlive = {
@ -85,12 +84,6 @@ in
zoxide.enable = true;
services.mpd = import ./services/mpd.nix args;
services.picom = import ./services/picom.nix;
services.stalonetray = import ./services/stalonetray.nix (args // { inherit colorTheme; });
services.sxhkd = import ./services/sxhkd.nix args;
home = {
stateVersion = "21.05";
username = "h7x4";
@ -101,11 +94,14 @@ in
@ -116,8 +112,10 @@ in
# gpgtui
# hck
@ -132,6 +130,7 @@ in
@ -197,34 +196,12 @@ in
services.gnome-keyring.enable = true;
services.dropbox.enable = true;
services.dunst = {
enable = true;
iconTheme = {
package = pkgs.gnome.adwaita-icon-theme;
name = "Adwaita";
size = "32x32";
settings = {
global = {
geometry = "300x5-30+50";
transparency = 10;
frame_color = "#eceff1";
font = "Droid Sans 9";
urgency_normal = {
background = "#37474f";
foreground = "#eceff1";
timeout = 10;
services = {
gnome-keyring.enable = true;
dropbox.enable = true;
network-manager-applet.enable = true;
# redshift.enable = true;
}; = true;
# services.redshift.enable = true;

nixpkgs/misc/mimetypes.nix Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
{ lib, ... }:
# Applications
google-chrome = "google-chrome.desktop";
gimp = "gimp.desktop";
inkscape = "org.inkscape.Inkscape.desktop";
vscode = "code.desktop";
mpv = "mpv.desktop";
zathura = "org.pwmt.zathura.desktop";
sxiv = "sxiv.desktop";
font-viewer = "org.gnome.font-viewer.desktop";
# Formats
"3g2-audio" = "audio/3gpp";
"3g2-video" = "video/3gpp";
"3gp-audio" = "audio/3gpp";
"3gp-video" = "video/3gpp";
aac = "audio/aac";
avi = "video/x-msvideo";
bmp = "image/bmp";
cbr = "application/vnd.comicbook+rar";
cbrx = "application/x-cbr";
cbz = "application/vnd.comicbook+zip";
cbzx = "application/x-cbz";
djvu = "image/vnd.djvu";
epub = "application/epub+zip";
flv = "video/x-flv";
gif = "image/gif";
html = "text/html";
http = "x-scheme-handler/http";
https = "x-scheme-handler/https";
ico = "image/";
icox = "image/x-icon";
ini = "application/x-wine-extension-ini";
jpg = "image/jpeg";
m4v = "video/x-m4v";
mkv = "video/x-matroska";
mov = "video/quicktime";
mp3 = "audio/mpeg";
mp4 = "video/mp4";
mpeg = "video/mpeg";
ogg = "audio/ogg";
ogv = "video/ogg";
opus = "audio/opus";
otf = "font/otf";
pdf = "application/pdf";
pic = "image/x-pict";
png = "image/png";
psd = "image/vnd.adobe.photoshop";
svg = "image/svg+xml";
tiff = "image/tiff";
ttf = "font/ttf";
txt = "text/plain";
url = "application/x-mswinurl";
wav = "audio/wav";
wavx = "audio/x-wav";
webm-audio = "audio/webm";
webm-video = "video/webm";
webp = "image/webp";
wmv = "video/x-ms-wmv";
woff = "font/woff";
woff2 = "font/woff2";
xbm = "image/x-xbitmap";
xcf = "image/x-xcf";
xhtml = "application/xhtml+xml";
xml = "text/xml";
xpm = "image/x-xpixmap";
# Generalizations
audio-player = mpv;
gui-text-editor = vscode;
image-viewer = sxiv;
pdf-viewer = zathura;
video-player = mpv;
web-browser = google-chrome;
in {
xdg.mimeApps = {
enable = true;
# associations.added = {};
# associations.removed = {};
defaultApplications = {
${"3g2-audio"} = audio-player;
${"3g2-video"} = video-player;
${"3gp-audio"} = audio-player;
${"3gp-video"} = video-player;
${aac} = audio-player;
${avi} = video-player;
${bmp} = image-viewer;
${cbrx} = zathura;
${cbr} = zathura;
${cbzx} = zathura;
${cbz} = zathura;
${djvu} = pdf-viewer;
${epub} = zathura;
${flv} = video-player;
${gif} = image-viewer;
${html} = web-browser;
${https} = web-browser;
${http} = web-browser;
${icox} = image-viewer;
${ico} = image-viewer;
${jpg} = image-viewer;
${m4v} = video-player;
${mkv} = video-player;
${mov} = video-player;
${mp3} = audio-player;
${mp4} = video-player;
${mpeg} = video-player;
${ogg} = audio-player;
${ogv} = video-player;
${opus} = audio-player;
${otf} = font-viewer;
${pdf} = pdf-viewer;
${pic} = image-viewer;
${png} = image-viewer;
${psd} = gimp;
${svg} = image-viewer;
${tiff} = image-viewer;
${ttf} = font-viewer;
${txt} = gui-text-editor;
${url} = web-browser;
${wav} = audio-player;
${webm-audio} = audio-player;
${webm-video} = video-player;
${webp} = image-viewer;
${wmv} = video-player;
${woff2} = font-viewer;
${woff} = font-viewer;
${xbm} = image-viewer;
${xcf} = gimp;
${xhtml} = web-browser;
${xml} = gui-text-editor;
${xpm} = image-viewer;

View File

@ -1,25 +1,49 @@
{ lib, pkgs, colorTheme, ... }:
programs.alacritty = { enable = true; settings = { window.padding = { x = 15; y = 15; }; font = { normal = { family = "Fira Code"; style = "Retina"; }; = "Fira Code"; = "Fira Code"; size = 12.0; };
programs.alacritty = {
enable = true;
settings = {
window.padding = { x = 15; y = 15; };
font = {
normal = {
family = "Fira Code";
style = "Retina";
}; = "Fira Code"; = "Fira Code";
size = 12.0;
colors =
pColors = [ "foreground" "background" ];
inherit (lib.attrsets) getAttrs filterAttrs;
inherit (lib.lists) any;
primaryColors = [ "foreground" "background" ];
primary = lib.attrsets.getAttrs pColors colorTheme.default;
normal = lib.attrsets.filterAttrs (n: v: pColors ? n) colorTheme.default;
primary = getAttrs primaryColors colorTheme.default;
normal = let
removePrimaryColorAttrs = n: v: !(any (pc: n ? pc) primaryColors);
in filterAttrs removePrimaryColorAttrs colorTheme.default;
background_opacity = 1.0;
cursor = {
style = "Block";
blinking = "On";
unfocused_hollow = true;
bell = {
animation = "EaseOutExpo";
color = "0xffffff";
duration = 20;
live_config_reload = true;
shell = {
program = "${pkgs.zsh}/bin/zsh";
args = [ "--login" ];

View File

@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
{ = {
enable = true;
gitProtocol = "ssh";
aliases = {
co = "pr checkout";
pv = "pr view";
settings = {
gitProtocol = "ssh";
aliases = {
co = "pr checkout";
pv = "pr view";

View File

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
programs.git = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.gitFull;
userName = "h7x4";
userEmail = "";
aliases = {
aliases = "!git config --get-regexp alias | sed -re 's/alias\\.(\\S*)\\s(.*)$/\\1 = \\2/g'";
uncommit = "reset --soft HEAD^";
@ -15,62 +15,62 @@
# unstage = "rm --cached ";
unstage = "restore --staged ";
delete-merged = "!git branch --merged | grep -v '\\*' | xargs -n 1 git branch -d";
mkbr = "checkout -b";
mvbr = "branch -m";
rmbr = "branch -d";
rrmbr = "push origin --delete";
graph = "log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset) %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)' --all";
graphv = "log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold cyan)%aD%C(reset) %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)%n'' %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)' --all";
g = "!git graph";
extraConfig = {
core = {
whitespace = "space-before-tab,-indent-with-non-tab,trailing-space";
precomposeunicode = false;
untrackedCache = true;
editor = "nvim";
pager = "less";
"color \"branch\"".upstream = "cyan";
color.ui = "auto";
init.defaultBranch = "main";
fetch.prune = true;
pull.rebase = true;
push.default = "current";
merge = {
tool = "nvimdiff";
conflictstyle = "diff3";
colorMoved = "zebra";
mergetool.keepBackup = false;
"mergetool \"nvimdiff\"".cmd = "nvim -d $BASE $LOCAL $REMOTE $MERGED -c '$wincmd w' -c 'wincmd J'";
diff = {
mnemonicPrefix = true;
renames = true;
tool = "nvimdiff";
grep = {
break = true;
heading= true;
lineNumber = true;
extendedRegexp = true;
github.user = "h7x4abk3g";
web.browser = "google-chrome-stable";
"filter \"lfs\"" = {
required = true;
smudge = "git-lfs smudge -- %f";

View File

@ -3,59 +3,59 @@
programs.ncmpcpp = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.ncmpcpp.override { visualizerSupport = true; };
bindings = [
# { key = "j"; command = "scroll_down"; }
{ key = "mouse"; command = "mouse_event"; }
{ key = "up"; command = "scroll_up"; }
{ key = "shift-up"; command = ["select_item" "scroll_up"]; }
{ key = "down"; command = "scroll_down"; }
{ key = "shift-down"; command = ["select_item" "scroll_down"]; }
{ key = "["; command = "scroll_up_album"; }
{ key = "]"; command = "scroll_down_album"; }
{ key = "{"; command = "scroll_up_artist"; }
{ key = "}"; command = "scroll_down_artist"; }
{ key = "page_up"; command = "page_up"; }
{ key = "page_down"; command = "page_down"; }
{ key = "home"; command = "move_home"; }
{ key = "end"; command = "move_end"; }
{ key = "insert"; command = "select_item"; }
{ key = "enter"; command = "enter_directory"; }
{ key = "enter"; command = "toggle_output"; }
{ key = "enter"; command = "run_action"; }
{ key = "enter"; command = "play_item"; }
{ key = "space"; command = "add_item_to_playlist"; }
{ key = "space"; command = "toggle_lyrics_update_on_song_change"; }
{ key = "space"; command = "toggle_visualization_type"; }
{ key = "d"; command = "delete_playlist_items"; }
{ key = "delete"; command = "delete_browser_items"; }
{ key = "delete"; command = "delete_stored_playlist"; }
{ key = "right"; command = "next_column"; }
{ key = "right"; command = "slave_screen"; }
{ key = "right"; command = "volume_up"; }
{ key = "+"; command = "volume_up"; }
{ key = "left"; command = "previous_column"; }
{ key = "left"; command = "master_screen"; }
{ key = "left"; command = "volume_down"; }
{ key = "-"; command = "volume_down"; }
{ key = ":"; command = "execute_command"; }
{ key = "tab"; command = "next_screen"; }
{ key = "shift-tab"; command = "previous_screen"; }
{ key = "f1"; command = "show_help"; }
{ key = "1"; command = "show_playlist"; }
{ key = "2"; command = "show_browser"; }
{ key = "2"; command = "change_browse_mode"; }
@ -69,20 +69,20 @@
{ key = "8"; command = "show_visualizer"; }
{ key = "="; command = "show_clock"; }
{ key = "@"; command = "show_server_info"; }
{ key = "s"; command = "stop"; }
{ key = "p"; command = "pause"; }
{ key = ">"; command = "next"; }
{ key = "<"; command = "previous"; }
{ key = "ctrl-h"; command = "jump_to_parent_directory"; }
{ key = "ctrl-h"; command = "replay_song"; }
{ key = "backspace"; command = "jump_to_parent_directory"; }
{ key = "backspace"; command = "replay_song"; }
{ key = "f"; command = "seek_forward"; }
{ key = "b"; command = "seek_backward"; }
{ key = "r"; command = "toggle_repeat"; }
{ key = "z"; command = "toggle_random"; }
{ key = "y"; command = "save_tag_changes"; }
@ -154,41 +154,41 @@
{ key = "`"; command = "add_random_items"; }
{ key = "ctrl-p"; command = "set_selected_items_priority"; }
{ key = "q"; command = "quit"; }
# the t key isn't used and it's easier to press than /, so lets use it
{ key = "t"; command = "find"; }
{ key = "t"; command = "find"; }
{ key = "t"; command = "find_item_forward"; }
{ key = "+"; command = "show_clock"; }
{ key = "+"; command = "show_clock"; }
{ key = "="; command = "volume_up"; }
{ key = "j"; command = "scroll_down"; }
{ key = "j"; command = "scroll_down"; }
{ key = "k"; command = "scroll_up"; }
{ key = "ctrl-u"; command = "page_up"; }
{ key = "ctrl-u"; command = "page_up"; }
#push_characters "kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk"
{ key = "ctrl-d"; command = "page_down"; }
{ key = "ctrl-d"; command = "page_down"; }
#push_characters "jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj"
{ key = "h"; command = "previous_column"; }
{ key = "h"; command = "previous_column"; }
{ key = "l"; command = "next_column"; }
{ key = "."; command = "show_lyrics"; }
{ key = "n"; command = "next_found_item"; }
{ key = "n"; command = "next_found_item"; }
{ key = "N"; command = "previous_found_item"; }
# not used but bound
{ key = "J"; command = "move_sort_order_down"; }
{ key = "J"; command = "move_sort_order_down"; }
{ key = "K"; command = "move_sort_order_up"; }
settings = {
lyrics_directory = "~/music/.lyrics";
playlist_disable_highlight_delay = 0;
message_delay_time = 5;
# - 0 - default window color (discards all other colors)
# - 1 - black
# - 2 - red
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
# - u - underline text
# - r - reverse colors
# - a - use alternative character set
song_list_format = "{%a - }{%t}|{$8%f$9}$R{$3(%l)$9}";
song_status_format = "{{%a{ \"%b\"{ (%y)}} - }{%t}}|{%f}";
song_library_format = "{%n - }{%t}|{%f}";
@ -219,23 +219,23 @@
selected_item_prefix = "$6";
selected_item_suffix = "$9";
modified_item_prefix = "$3> $9";
song_window_title_format = "{%a - }{%t}|{%f}";
browser_sort_mode = "name";
browser_sort_format = "{%a - }{%t}|{%f} {(%l)}";
song_columns_list_format = "(10)[green]{a} (50)[white]{t|f:Title} (20)[cyan]{b} (7f)[magenta]{l}";
# song_columns_list_format = "(10)[green]{a} (50)[black]{t|f:Title} (20)[cyan]{b} (7f)[magenta]{l}";
execute_on_song_change = "";
execute_on_player_state_change = "";
playlist_show_mpd_host = "no";
playlist_show_remaining_time = "no";
playlist_shorten_total_times = "no";
playlist_separate_albums = "no";
playlist_display_mode = "columns";
browser_display_mode = "classic";
search_engine_display_mode = "classic";
@ -247,11 +247,11 @@
volume_change_step = 2;
autocenter_mode = "no";
centered_cursor = "no";
progressbar_look = "";
# progressbar_look = "◾◾◽";
# progressbar_look = "=> ";
default_place_to_search_in = "database";
user_interface = "classic";
data_fetching_delay = "yes";
@ -265,23 +265,23 @@
header_text_scrolling = "yes";
cyclic_scrolling = "no";
lines_scrolled = 2;
# lyrics_fetchers = "azlyrics, genius, sing365, lyricsmania, metrolyrics, justsomelyrics, jahlyrics, plyrics, tekstowo, internet";
follow_now_playing_lyrics = "no";
fetch_lyrics_for_current_song_in_background = "no";
store_lyrics_in_song_dir = "no";
generate_win32_compatible_filenames = "yes";
allow_for_physical_item_deletion = "no";
lastfm_preferred_language = "en";
space_add_mode = "add_remove";
show_hidden_files_in_local_browser = "no";
screen_switcher_mode = "playlist, browser";
startup_screen = "playlist";
startup_slave_screen = "";
startup_slave_screen_focus = "no";
locked_screen_width_part = "50";
ask_for_locked_screen_width_part = "yes";
jump_to_now_playing_song_at_start = "yes";
@ -290,9 +290,9 @@
display_volume_level = "yes";
display_bitrate = "yes";
display_remaining_time = "no";
ignore_leading_the = "no";
ignore_diacritics = "no";
block_search_constraints_change_if_items_found = "yes";
mouse_support = "yes";
@ -302,11 +302,11 @@
tag_editor_extended_numeration = "no";
media_library_sort_by_mtime = "no";
enable_window_title = "no";
search_engine_default_search_mode = 1;
external_editor = "vim";
use_console_editor = "yes";
colors_enabled = "yes";
empty_tag_color = "cyan";
header_window_color = "cyan";
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@
alternative_ui_separator_color = "black:b";
window_border_color = "green";
active_window_border = "red";
# visualizer_fifo_path = "/tmp/mpd.fifo";
# visualizer_output_name = "my_fifo";
# visualizer_sync_interval = "30";

View File

@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
{pkgs, ...}:
{ pkgs, home, colorTheme, ... }:
programs.neovim = {
enable = true;
# defaultEditor = true;
viAlias = true;
vimAlias = true;
vimdiffAlias = true;
extraConfig = ''
set clipboard+=unnamedplus
plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [
@ -23,12 +21,33 @@
plugin = rainbow;
config = ''
let g:rainbow_active = 1
plugin = vim-monokai;
config = ''
colorscheme monokai
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight Normal ctermbg=0
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight LineNr ctermbg=0
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight CursorLineNR ctermbg=0 ctermfg=208
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight SignColumn ctermbg=0
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight GitGutterAdd ctermbg=0
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight GitGutterChange ctermbg=0
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight GitGutterDelete ctermbg=0
extraConfig = ''
set clipboard+=unnamedplus
set number relativenumber
home.sessionVariables = { EDITOR = "nvim"; };

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ ... }:
{ lib, ... }:
defaultBrowser = "google-chrome-stable %u";
videoViewer = "mpv %u";
@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ in {
autoReload = true;
maxItems = 50;
browser = defaultBrowser;
extraConfig = builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" [
extraConfig = lib.strings.concatStringsSep "\n" [
macro m set browser "${videoViewer}"; open-in-browser ; set browser "${defaultBrowser}"
macro l set browser "${defaultBrowser}"; open-in-browser ; set browser "${defaultBrowser}"
# Unbind keys
unbind-key ENTER
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ in {
unbind-key J
unbind-key K
# Bind keys - vim style
bind-key j down
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ in {
bind-key l open
bind-key h quit
# Theme
color background default default
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ in {
color info default black
color article default default
# Highlights
highlight all "---.*---" yellow

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
{ ... }:
programs.qutebrowser = {
enable = true;
aliases = {};
searchEngines = {};
settings = {};
keyBindings = {};
# quickmarks = {};
extraConfig = '''';

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
programs.rofi = {
enable = true;
# plugins = with pkgs; [
# rofi-emoji
# rofi-mpd
@ -12,15 +12,15 @@
# rofi-power-menu
# rofi-file-browser
# ];
font = "Droid Sans 12";
theme = ../../rofi/themes/blank.rasi;
theme = ../../general/.config/rofi/themes/blank.rasi;
extraConfig = {
modi = "window,run,drun,ssh,windowcd,file-browser";
modi = "window,run,drun,ssh,windowcd";
show-icons = true;
drun-display-format = "{name}";
fullscreen = false;
# fullscreen = false;
threads = 0;
matching = "fuzzy";
scroll-method = 0;

View File

@ -5,15 +5,21 @@
baseIndex = 1;
clock24 = true;
escapeTime = 0;
# keyMode = "vi";
keyMode = "vi";
prefix = "C-a";
plugins = with pkgs.tmuxPlugins; [
extraConfig = ''
# Don't rename windows automatically after rename with ','
set-option -g allow-rename off
set -g mouse on
set -q -g status-utf8 on
setw -q -g utf8 on
@ -21,50 +27,50 @@
set -g base-index 1 # windows starts at 1
setw -g monitor-activity on
set -g visual-activity on
# Length of tmux status line
set -g status-left-length 30
set -g status-right-length 150
set -g base-index 1
set -g pane-base-index 0
######## KEYS ########
# Split panes using $P-[gh]
bind h split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}"
bind g split-window -v -c "#{pane_current_path}"
unbind '"' # Unbind default vertical split
unbind % # Unbind default horizontal split
# Reload config using $P-r
unbind r
bind r \
source-file $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmux/tmux.conf\;\
display-message 'Reloaded tmux.conf'
# Switch panes using Alt-[hjkl]
bind -n C-h select-pane -L
bind -n C-j select-pane -D
bind -n C-k select-pane -U
bind -n C-l select-pane -R
# Resize pane using Alt-Shift-[hjkl]
bind -n M-H resize-pane -L 5
bind -n M-J resize-pane -D 5
bind -n M-K resize-pane -U 5
bind -n M-L resize-pane -R 5
bind -n M-H resize-pane -L 5
bind -n M-J resize-pane -D 5
bind -n M-K resize-pane -U 5
bind -n M-L resize-pane -R 5
# Fullscreen current pane using $P-Alt-z
unbind z
bind M-z resize-pane -Z
bind M-z resize-pane -Z
# Kill pane using $P-Backspace
unbind &
bind BSpace killp
# Swap clock-mode and new-window
# New tab: $P-t
# Clock mode: $P-c
@ -72,26 +78,26 @@
unbind t
bind c clock-mode
bind t new-window
# Setup 'y' to yank (copy)
# Setup 'y' to yank (copy)
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'y' send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "pbcopy"
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'V' send -X select-line
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'r' send -X rectangle-toggle
set-option -g status-left '#[bg=blue]#[fg=black,bold] ###S #[bg=default] #[fg=green]#(~/.scripts/tmux/fcitx) #[fg=red]%H:%M '
set-option -g status-left '#{prefix_highlight} #[bg=blue]#[fg=black,bold] ###S #[bg=default] #[fg=green]#(~/.scripts/tmux/fcitx) #[fg=red]%H:%M '
set-option -g status-right '#[fg=red]#(~/.scripts/tmux/mpd)'
set-window-option -g window-status-current-style fg=magenta
set-option -g status-style 'bg=black fg=default'
set-option -g default-shell '${pkgs.zsh}/bin/zsh'
set -g status-position bottom
set -g status-interval 4
set -g status-justify centre # center align window list
setw -g status-bg default
setw -g window-status-format '#[bg=#888888]#[fg=black,bold] #I #[bg=default] #[fg=#888888]#W '
setw -g window-status-current-format '#[fg=black,bold]#[bg=cyan] #I #[fg=cyan]#[bg=default] #W '

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{ pkgs, lib, ... }:
let mapPrefixToSet = prefix: set:
let mapPrefixToSet = prefix: set:
with lib; attrsets.mapAttrs' (k: v: attrsets.nameValuePair ("${prefix}.${k}") v) set;
vs-liveshare = pkgs.callPackage ./vscode-extensions/vsliveshare.nix {};
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ in
# package = pkgs.vscodium;
# package = pkgs.vscode-fhsWithPackages (ps: with ps; [rustup zlib]);
# package = pkgs.vscode-fhs;
userSettings = let
editor = mapPrefixToSet "editor" {
fontFamily = "Fira Code";
@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ in
wordWrap = "off";
# "bracketPairColorization.enabled" = true;
zen = mapPrefixToSet "zenMode" {
centerLayout = true;
hideStatusBar = false;
hideLineNumbers = false;
hideTabs = false;
vim = mapPrefixToSet "vim" {
useSystemClipboard = true;
"statusBarColorControl" = true;
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ in
"<A-o>" = true;
workbench = mapPrefixToSet "workbench" {
"settings.enableNaturalLanguageSearch" = false;
enableExperiments = false;
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ in
"*.ipynb" = "jupyter.notebook.ipynb";
python = mapPrefixToSet "python" {
"analysis.completeFunctionParens" = true;
"formatting.provider" = "yapf";
@ -90,28 +90,28 @@ in
"autoComplete.addBrackets" = true;
languageServer = "Pylance";
java = mapPrefixToSet "java" {
"configuration.checkProjectSettingsExclusions" = false;
"" = "always";
"" = "currentView";
"refactor.renameFromFileExplorer" = "preview";
sync = mapPrefixToSet "sync" {
autoUpload = true;
autoDownload = true;
quietSync = true;
gist = "86e19852a95d31a278ad1a516b40556b";
svg = mapPrefixToSet "svgviewer" {
transparencygrid = true;
enableautopreview = true;
previewcolumn = "Beside";
showzoominout = true;
indentRainbow = mapPrefixToSet "indentRainbow" {
errorColor = "rgb(255, 0, 0)";
colors = [ #
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ in
editor //
indentRainbow //
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ in
"terminal.integrated.fontSize" = 14;
"vsintellicode.modify.editor.suggestSelection" = "automaticallyOverrodeDefaultValue";
"window.zoomLevel" = 2;
# This setting does not support language overrides
"files.exclude" = {
# Java
@ -168,9 +168,9 @@ in
"**/.settings" = true;
"**/.factorypath" = true;
# Extensions
"bracket-pair-colorizer-2.colorMode" = "Consecutive";
"bracket-pair-colorizer-2.forceIterationColorCycle" = true;
"bracket-pair-colorizer-2.colors" = [
@ -182,119 +182,119 @@ in
"docker.showStartPage" = false;
"errorLens.errorColor" = "rgba(240,0,0,0.1)";
"errorLens.warningColor" = "rgba(180,180,0,0.1)";
"jupyter.askForKernelRestart" = false;
"keyboard-quickfix.showActionNotification" = false;
"" = "onFileChange";
"latex-workshop.view.pdf.viewer" = "tab";
"liveshare.presence" = true;
"liveshare.showInStatusBar" = "whileCollaborating";
"liveServer.settings.port" = 5500;
"material-icon-theme.folders.associations" = {
ui = "layout";
bloc = "controller";
"redhat.telemetry.enabled" = false;
"sonarlint.rules" = {
"java:S3358" = {
"level" = "off";
# Language overrides
"dart.previewFlutterUiGuides" = true;
"dart.previewFlutterUiGuidesCustomTracking" = true;
"dart.previewLsp" = true;
"[dart]" = {
"editor.defaultFormatter" = "Dart-Code.dart-code";
"[html]" = {
"editor.formatOnSave" = false;
"editor.defaultFormatter" = "lonefy.vscode-JS-CSS-HTML-formatter";
"[javascript]" = {
"editor.formatOnSave" = false;
"editor.defaultFormatter" = "vscode.typescript-language-features";
"[json]" = {
"editor.formatOnSave" = true;
"[jsonc]" = {
"editor.defaultFormatter" = "vscode.json-language-features";
keybindings = [
key = "ctrl+[Period]";
command = "keyboard-quickfix.openQuickFix";
when = "editorHasCodeActionsProvider && editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly";
key = "alt+k";
command = "selectPrevSuggestion";
when = "suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions && suggestWidgetVisible && textInputFocus";
key = "alt+j";
command = "selectNextSuggestion";
when = "suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions && suggestWidgetVisible && textInputFocus";
key = "alt+k";
command = "editor.action.moveLinesUpAction";
when = "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly && !suggestWidgetVisible";
key = "alt+j";
command = "editor.action.moveLinesDownAction";
when = "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly && !suggestWidgetVisible";
key = "alt+j";
command = "workbench.action.quickOpenNavigateNext";
when = "inQuickOpen";
key = "alt+k";
command = "workbench.action.quickOpenNavigatePrevious";
when = "inQuickOpen";
key = "alt+f";
command = "editor.action.formatDocument";
when = "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly";
key = "alt+o";
command = "editor.action.insertLineAfter";
when = "textInputFocus && !editorReadonly";
key = "alt+shift+o";
command = "editor.action.insertLineBefore";
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ in
# ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare
# jock.svg

View File

@ -4,18 +4,18 @@
enable = true;
options = {
selection-clipboard = "clipboard";
default-bg = "#f2e3bd";
completion-bg = "#f2e3bd";
completion-fg = "#5fd7a7";
statusbar-bg = "#f2e3bd";
statusbar-fg = "#008ec4";
inputbar-bg = "#f2e3bd";
inputbar-fg = "#c30771";
recolor = true;
recolor-lightcolor = "#f2e3bd";
# recolor-darkcolor = "#000000";

View File

@ -5,8 +5,16 @@
dotDir = ".config/zsh";
# enableSyntaxHighlighting = true;
defaultKeymap = "viins";
plugins = [
# {
# name = "nix-zsh-shell-integration";
# src = pkgs.nix-zsh-shell-integration;
# }
name = "zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting";
src = pkgs.zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting;
name = "zsh-completions";
src = pkgs.zsh-completions;
@ -30,12 +38,12 @@
# file = "p10k.zsh";
# }
localVariables = {
# NIX_PATH = ''$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels$\{NIX_PATH:+:}$NIX_PATH'';
shellAliases = with pkgs; let
sedColor =
@ -50,27 +58,28 @@
join = lib.strings.concatStringsSep " ";
in {
# This for some reason uses an outdated version of hm
# hs = "${pkgs.home-manager}/bin/home-manager switch";
hms = "home-manager switch";
nos = "sudo ${nixos-rebuild}/bin/nixos-rebuild switch";
nxr = "sudo ${nixos-rebuild}/bin/nixos-rebuild switch";
nxc = "sudoedit /etc/nixos/configuration.nix";
ns = "nix-shell";
# Having 'watch' with a space after as an alias, enables it to expand other aliases
watch = "${procps}/bin/watch ";
m = "${ncmpcpp}/bin/ncmpcpp";
p = "${python39Packages.ipython}/bin/ipython";
lls = "${coreutils}/bin/ls";
ls = "${exa}/bin/exa";
la = "${exa}/bin/exa -lah --changed --time-style long-iso --git --group";
lsa = "la";
killall = "echo \"killall is dangerous on non-gnu platforms. Using 'pkill -x'\"; pkill -x";
youtube-dl-list = join [
"-f \"bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[e=m4a]/bestvideo+bestaudio\""
@ -84,39 +93,41 @@
"-f \"bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best\""
"-o \"%(playlist_index)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s\""
skusho = "${maim}/bin/maim --hidecursor --nokeyboard $(echo $SCREENSHOT_DIR)/$(date_%s).png";
skushoclip = shellPipe [
"${maim}/bin/maim --hidecursor --nokeyboard --select"
"${xclip}/bin/xclip -selection clipboard -target image/png -in"
view-latex = "${texlive.combined.scheme-full}/bin/latexmk -pdf -pvc main.tex";
reload-tmux = "${tmux}/bin/tmux source $HOME/.config/tmux/tmux.conf";
dp = "${dropbox-cli}/bin/dropbox";
cd = "z";
ccp = "${coreutils}/bin/cp";
cp = "${rsync}/bin/rsync --progress --human-readable";
cpr = "${rsync}/bin/rsync --progress --human-readable --recursive";
ccat = "${coreutils}/bin/cat";
cat = "${bat}/bin/bat";
htop = "${bottom}/bin/bottom";
ps = "${procs}/bin/procs";
fin = "${fd}/bin/fd";
ip = "ip -c";
regex-escapechars = "echo \"[\\^$.|?*+()\"";
connectedIps = shellPipe [
"netstat -tn 2>/dev/null"
"grep :$1"
@ -145,9 +156,9 @@
"sed ${colorAliasNames} ${removeNixLinks}"
"column -ts $'\\t'"
ports = let
ports = let
colorSlashes = colorRed "/" {middle = "/";};
colorFirstColumn = colorRed "(^[^ ]+)" {middle = "\\1";};
@ -159,7 +170,7 @@
"column -t"
"sed -r ${colorFirstColumn} ${colorSlashes}"
@ -182,9 +193,9 @@
nthCdsAsNameValuePairs = n: map (cmd: nameValuePair cmd (realCommand n)) (nthCds n);
allCdNameValuePairs = (flatten (map nthCdsAsNameValuePairs (range 1 9)));
builtins.listToAttrs allCdNameValuePairs);
lib.attrsets.listToAttrs allCdNameValuePairs);
initExtra = ''
source ${config.home.homeDirectory}/${dotDir}/p10k.zsh

nixpkgs/secret/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# Ignore everything
# Sincde it's not possible to re-include a file if a
# parent directory of that file is excluded, we need to
# reinclude all directories.
# Root level exceptions
# Other exceptions

nixpkgs/secret/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Secrets
## Structure
<!-- tree-output -->
├── common
│ ├── browser-bookmarks.nix
│ └── browser-engines.nix
├── programs
│ ├── chromium
│ │ ├── bookmarks.nix
│ │ ├── default.nix
│ │ └── engines.nix
│ ├── newsboat
│ │ ├── default.nix
│ │ └── sources.nix
│ ├── qutebrowser
│ │ ├── bookmarks.nix
│ │ ├── default.nix
│ │ └── engines.nix
│ └── default.nix
├── ssh
│ └── hosts
│ ├── default.nix
│ ├── home.nix
│ ├── ntnu.nix
│ ├── pvv.nix
│ └── users.nix
├── default.nix

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
{ ... }:
imports = [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
{ ... }:
imports = [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
{ ... }:
imports = [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
{ ... }:
imports = [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
{ ... }:
imports = [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
{ ... }:
imports = [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
{ lib, ... }:
users = import ./users.nix;
inherit (users.pvv) normalUser adminUser;
normalMachines = [
[ "hildring" "pvv-login" "pvv" ]
[ "jokum" "pvv-nix" ]
[ "microbel" "pvv-users" "pvv-mail" ]
rootMachines = [
[ "knakelibrak" "pvv-databases" ]
[ "spikkjeposche" "pvv-web" "pvv-wiki" "pvv-webmail" ]
names = ["dvask"];
proxyJump = "monty";
[ "innovation" "pvv-minecraft" ]
normalizeValueType = let
inherit (lib.strings) isString concatStringsSep;
inherit (lib.lists) isList;
inherit (lib.attrsets) filterAttrs;
if (isString machine) then (normalizeValueType [machine])
else if (isList machine) then (normalizeValueType { names = machine; })
else ({ name = concatStringsSep " " machine.names; } // (removeAttrs machine ["names"]));
# TODO: Merge the following two functions. They have too much code in common.
convertNormalMachines = let
inherit (lib.trivial) pipe;
inherit (lib.attrsets) listToAttrs;
inherit (lib.lists) head;
inherit (lib.strings) split;
convertNormalMachine = normalizedMachine:
rec {
inherit (normalizedMachine) name;
value = ({
hostname = "${head (split " " name)}";
user = normalUser;
} // removeAttrs normalizedMachine ["name"]);
pipeline = [
(ms: map normalizeValueType ms)
(ms: map convertNormalMachine ms)
in machines: pipe machines pipeline;
convertAdminMachines = let
inherit (lib.trivial) pipe;
inherit (lib.attrsets) listToAttrs;
inherit (lib.lists) head;
inherit (lib.strings) split;
convertAdminMachine = normalizedMachine:
rec {
inherit (normalizedMachine) name;
value = ({
hostname = "${head (split " " name)}";
user = adminUser;
proxyJump = "hildring";
} // removeAttrs normalizedMachine ["name"]);
pipeline = [
(ms: map normalizeValueType ms)
(ms: map convertAdminMachine ms)
in machines: pipe machines pipeline;
programs.ssh.matchBlocks = let
concatSets = lib.lists.foldl (s1: s2: s1 // s2) {};
in concatSets [
(convertNormalMachines normalMachines)
(convertAdminMachines rootMachines)

nixpkgs/secret/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
perl -0777 -pi -e '$tree=`exa -I XX* --tree --group-directories-first`; s/<!-- tree-output -->\n```\n(?:.|\n)+```/<!-- tree-output -->\n```\n$tree```/'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
{ pkgs, ... }:
services.dunst = {
enable = true;
iconTheme = {
package = pkgs.gnome.adwaita-icon-theme;
name = "Adwaita";
size = "32x32";
settings = {
global = {
geometry = "300x5-30+50";
transparency = 10;
frame_color = "#eceff1";
font = "Droid Sans 9";
urgency_normal = {
background = "#37474f";
foreground = "#eceff1";
timeout = 10;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
{ config, ... }:
rec {
enable = true;
musicDirectory = "${}/music/music";
# musicDirectory = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/music";
playlistDirectory = "${musicDirectory}/playlists/MPD";
services.mpd = rec {
enable = true;
musicDirectory = "${}/music/music";
# musicDirectory = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/music";
playlistDirectory = "${musicDirectory}/playlists/MPD";

View File

@ -1,34 +1,37 @@
{ ... }:
enable = true;
services.picom = {
enable = true;
blur = true;
blurExclude = [
"class_g = 'slop'"
"class_g = 'XAVA'"
"class_g = 'lattedock'"
"class_g = 'latte-dock'"
"window_type = 'dock'"
"window_type = 'desktop'"
blur = true;
blurExclude = [
"class_g = 'slop'"
"class_g = 'XAVA'"
"class_g = 'lattedock'"
"class_g = 'latte-dock'"
"window_type = 'dock'"
"window_type = 'desktop'"
fade = true;
fadeSteps = [ "0.1" "0.1" ];
fadeExclude = [];
fade = true;
fadeSteps = [ "0.1" "0.1" ];
fadeExclude = [];
shadow = true;
shadowOffsets = [ (-7) (-7) ];
shadowOpacity = "0.25";
shadowExclude = [
"class_g = 'XAVA'"
"class_g = 'stalonetray'"
"class_g = 'lattedock'"
"class_g = 'latte-dock'"
noDockShadow = true;
noDNDShadow = true;
shadow = true;
shadowOffsets = [ (-7) (-7) ];
shadowOpacity = "0.25";
shadowExclude = [
"class_g = 'XAVA'"
"class_g = 'stalonetray'"
"class_g = 'lattedock'"
"class_g = 'latte-dock'"
noDockShadow = true;
noDNDShadow = true;
vSync = true;
vSync = true;
extraOptions = '''';
extraOptions = '''';

View File

@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
{ colorTheme, ... }:
enable = true;
config = {
decorations = "none";
transparent = false;
dockapp_mode = "none";
geometry = "8x1-0+0";
background = colorTheme.default.background;
kludges = "force_icons_size";
grow_gravity = "NW";
icon_gravity = "NW";
icon_size = 30;
sticky = true;
window_type = "dock";
window_layer = "bottom";
no_shrink = true;
skip_taskbar = true;
slot_size = 40;
services.stalonetray = {
enable = true;
config = {
decorations = "none";
transparent = false;
dockapp_mode = "none";
geometry = "8x1-0+0";
background = colorTheme.default.background;
kludges = "force_icons_size";
grow_gravity = "NW";
icon_gravity = "NW";
icon_size = 30;
sticky = true;
window_type = "dock";
window_layer = "bottom";
no_shrink = true;
skip_taskbar = true;
slot_size = 40;

View File

@ -1,77 +1,79 @@
{ pkgs, ... }:
enable = true;
keybindings = {
# make sxhkd reload its configuration files:
"super + Escape" = "pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd && ${pkgs.libnotify}/bin/notify-send -t 3000 \"sxhkd configuration reloaded\"";
# Applications
"super + w" = "${pkgs.emacs}/bin/emacs";
"super + e" = "$FILEBROWSER";
"super + s" = "$BROWSER";
"super + r" = "${pkgs.rofi}/bin/rofi -show drun";
# Volume
"super + {@F7,@F8}" = "${pkgs.alsaUtils}/bin/amixer set Master 2%{-,+}";
"{XF86AudioLowerVolume,XF86AudioRaiseVolume}" = "${pkgs.alsaUtils}/bin/amixer set Master 2%{-,+}";
"XF86AudioMute" = "${pkgs.pulseaudio}/bin/pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle";
# Music
"super + p" = "${pkgs.mpc_cli}/bin/mpc toggle";
"XF86AudioPlay" = "${pkgs.mpc_cli}/bin/mpc toggle";
"XF86AudioPrev" = "${pkgs.mpc_cli}/bin/mpc prev";
"XF86AudioNext" = "${pkgs.mpc_cli}/bin/mpc next";
# Monitor
"XF86MonBrightnessUp" = "${pkgs.light}/bin/light -A 5";
"XF86MonBrightnessDown" = "${pkgs.light}/bin/light -U 5";
"@Print" = "${pkgs.maim}/bin/maim --hidecursor --nokeyboard --select | ${pkgs.xclip}/bin/xclip -selection clipboard -target image/png -in";
"shift + @Print" = "${pkgs.maim}/bin/maim --hidecursor --nokeyboard $SCREENSHOT_DIR/$(date +%s).png";
# TODO: Add boomer as package
# "super + @Print" = "boomer";
# Misc
"super + a" = "${pkgs.copyq}/bin/copyq toggle";
# fcitx
"super + {b,n,m}" = "${pkgs.fcitx}/bin/fcitx-remote -s {mozc,fcitx-keyboard-no,fcitx-keyboard-us}";
# fcitx5
# "super + {b,n,m}" = "${pkgs.fcitx5}/bin/fcitx5-remote -s {mozc,keyboard-no,keyboard-us}";
# TODO: fix
# "super + v" = "${pkgs.rofi}/bin/rofi -modi lpass:$HOME/.scripts/rofi/lpass/rofi-lpass -show lpass";
"super + minus" = "${pkgs.xcalib}/bin/xcalib -invert -alter";
# ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
# "super + shift + s"
# sleep 0.3; \
# ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U00AF; \
# ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U005C; \
# ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U005F; \
# ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U0028; \
# ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U30C4; \
# ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U0029; \
# ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U005F; \
# ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U002F; \
# ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U00AF
# é
"super + shift + e" = "sleep 0.3; ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U00E9";
services.sxhkd = {
enable = true;
keybindings = {
# make sxhkd reload its configuration files:
"super + Escape" = "pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd && ${pkgs.libnotify}/bin/notify-send -t 3000 \"sxhkd configuration reloaded\"";
# Applications
"super + w" = "${pkgs.emacs}/bin/emacs";
"super + e" = "$FILEBROWSER";
"super + s" = "$BROWSER";
"super + r" = "${pkgs.rofi}/bin/rofi -show drun";
# Volume
"super + {@F7,@F8}" = "${pkgs.alsaUtils}/bin/amixer set Master 2%{-,+}";
"{XF86AudioLowerVolume,XF86AudioRaiseVolume}" = "${pkgs.alsaUtils}/bin/amixer set Master 2%{-,+}";
"XF86AudioMute" = "${pkgs.pulseaudio}/bin/pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle";
# Music
"super + p" = "${pkgs.mpc_cli}/bin/mpc toggle";
"XF86AudioPlay" = "${pkgs.mpc_cli}/bin/mpc toggle";
"XF86AudioPrev" = "${pkgs.mpc_cli}/bin/mpc prev";
"XF86AudioNext" = "${pkgs.mpc_cli}/bin/mpc next";
# Monitor
"XF86MonBrightnessUp" = "${pkgs.light}/bin/light -A 5";
"XF86MonBrightnessDown" = "${pkgs.light}/bin/light -U 5";
"@Print" = "${pkgs.maim}/bin/maim --hidecursor --nokeyboard --select | ${pkgs.xclip}/bin/xclip -selection clipboard -target image/png -in";
"shift + @Print" = "${pkgs.maim}/bin/maim --hidecursor --nokeyboard $SCREENSHOT_DIR/$(date +%s).png";
# TODO: Add boomer as package
# "super + @Print" = "boomer";
# Misc
"super + a" = "${pkgs.copyq}/bin/copyq toggle";
# fcitx
"super + {b,n,m}" = "${pkgs.fcitx}/bin/fcitx-remote -s {mozc,fcitx-keyboard-no,fcitx-keyboard-us}";
# fcitx5
# "super + {b,n,m}" = "${pkgs.fcitx5}/bin/fcitx5-remote -s {mozc,keyboard-no,keyboard-us}";
# TODO: fix
# "super + v" = "${pkgs.rofi}/bin/rofi -modi lpass:$HOME/.scripts/rofi/lpass/rofi-lpass -show lpass";
"super + minus" = "${pkgs.xcalib}/bin/xcalib -invert -alter";
# ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
# "super + shift + s"
# sleep 0.3; \
# ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U00AF; \
# ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U005C; \
# ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U005F; \
# ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U0028; \
# ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U30C4; \
# ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U0029; \
# ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U005F; \
# ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U002F; \
# ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U00AF
# é
"super + shift + e" = "sleep 0.3; ${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool key U00E9";