MA0301 - Spring 2021 - Diskret Matematikk
Using styling files from oysteikt/texmf
VSCode snippets
Chrome plugin
Chapter 1. 2. 3. Boolean calculator
Automates calculating boolean expression step by step by running the input through
Outputs the resulting set of expressions to either propositional logic, boolean algebra or set operations.
Converts output to LaTeX
- Finished
NOTE: there are some bugs when converting boolean algebra AND operations to PL/S
Chapter 4. Induction
Automates proof by induction by running the input through
Converts output to LaTeX
- Finished
Chapter 7. Combinatorics
Permutations / Combinations Calculator
Computes permutations and combinations
Outputs to LaTeX
- Finished
Python framework
See examples of what the engine for the exam template can do here: exam_template_graphics.pdf
Chapter 1. Truthtables (propositional logic)
- Calculate and render truthtable for propositional logic expressions
Chapter 3. Sets
- Calculate and output powersets
Chapter 5. Relations
- Check whether relation is reflexive
- Check whether relation is symmetric
- Check whether relation is antisymmetric
- Check whether relation is transitive
- Check whether relation is an equivalence relation
- Check whether relation is a partial order
- Draw a hasse diagram from a partial order
- Draw an graph from any relation
Note: Checking whether a relation has a property in this context means that it goes over every pair of related elements and looks for contradictions. This program can not prove relation properties algebraically
Chapter 7. Graph theory
- Input a graph from a matrix
- Input a graph from a node/edge list
- Input a complete graph from a node number
- Output a graph to a matrix
- Draw an undirected graph
- Draw a directed graph
- Find a minimal spanning tree with Kruskals algorithm
Chapter 8. Finite state automata
- Draw a finite state machine
- Output a finite state machine table
- Calculate input based on a finite state machine