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Øyvind Almelid 2010-09-10 21:54:45 +00:00
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commit b9804b39ee
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python/PyZ3950/CQLParser.py Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,987 @@
# Author: Rob Sanderson (azaroth@liv.ac.uk)
# Distributed and Usable under the GPL
# Version: 1.7
# Most Recent Changes: contexts, new modifier style for 1.1
# With thanks to Adam from IndexData and Mike Taylor for their valuable input
from shlex import shlex
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
from xml.dom.minidom import Node, parseString
from PyZ3950.SRWDiagnostics import *
# Don't use cStringIO as it borks Unicode (apparently)
from StringIO import StringIO
import types
# Parsing strictness flags
errorOnEmptyTerm = 0 # index = "" (often meaningless)
errorOnQuotedIdentifier = 0 # "/foo/bar" = "" (unnecessary BNF restriction)
errorOnDuplicatePrefix = 0 # >a=b >a=c "" (impossible due to BNF)
fullResultSetNameCheck = 1 # srw.rsn=foo and srw.rsn=foo (mutant!!)
# Base values for CQL
serverChoiceRelation = "scr"
serverChoiceIndex = "cql.serverchoice"
order = ['=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', '<>']
modifierSeparator = "/"
booleans = ['and', 'or', 'not', 'prox']
reservedPrefixes = {"srw" : "http://www.loc.gov/zing/cql/srw-indexes/v1.0/",
"cql" : "info:srw/cql-context-set/1/cql-v1.1"}
XCQLNamespace = "http://www.loc.gov/zing/cql/xcql/"
# End of 'configurable' stuff
class PrefixableObject:
"Root object for triple and searchClause"
prefixes = {}
parent = None
config = None
def __init__(self):
self.prefixes = {}
self.parent = None
self.config = None
def toXCQL(self, depth=0):
# Just generate our prefixes
space = " " * depth
xml = ['%s<prefixes>\n' % (space)]
for p in self.prefixes.keys():
xml.append("%s <prefix>\n%s <name>%s</name>\n%s <identifier>%s</identifier>\n%s </prefix>\n" % (space, space, escape(p), space, escape(self.prefixes[p]), space))
xml.append("%s</prefixes>\n" % (space))
return ''.join(xml)
def addPrefix(self, name, identifier):
if (errorOnDuplicatePrefix and (self.prefixes.has_key(name) or reservedPrefixes.has_key(name))):
# Maybe error
diag = Diagnostic45()
diag.details = name
raise diag;
self.prefixes[name] = identifier
def resolvePrefix(self, name):
# Climb tree
if (reservedPrefixes.has_key(name)):
return reservedPrefixes[name]
elif (self.prefixes.has_key(name)):
return self.prefixes[name]
elif (self.parent <> None):
return self.parent.resolvePrefix(name)
elif (self.config <> None):
# Config is some sort of server config which specifies defaults
return self.config.resolvePrefix(name)
# Top of tree, no config, no resolution->Unknown indexset
# For client we need to allow no prefix?
#diag = Diagnostic15()
#diag.details = name
#raise diag
return None
class PrefixedObject:
"Root object for relation, relationModifier and index"
prefix = ""
prefixURI = ""
value = ""
parent = None
def __init__(self, val):
# All prefixed things are case insensitive
val = val.lower()
if val and val[0] == '"' and val[-1] == '"':
if errorOnQuotedIdentifier:
diag = Diagnostic14()
diag.details = val
raise diag
val = val[1:-1]
self.value = val
def __str__(self):
if (self.prefix):
return "%s.%s" % (self.prefix, self.value)
return self.value
def splitValue(self):
f = self.value.find(".")
if (self.value.count('.') > 1):
diag = Diagnostic15()
diag.details = "Multiple '.' characters: %s" % (self.value)
elif (f == 0):
diag = Diagnostic15()
diag.details = "Null indexset: %s" % (irt.index)
elif f >= 0:
self.prefix = self.value[:f].lower()
self.value = self.value[f+1:].lower()
def resolvePrefix(self):
if (not self.prefixURI):
self.prefixURI = self.parent.resolvePrefix(self.prefix)
return self.prefixURI
class ModifiableObject:
# Treat modifiers as keys on boolean/relation?
modifiers = []
def __getitem__(self, k):
if (type(k) == types.IntType):
return self.modifiers[k]
return None
for m in self.modifiers:
if (str(m.type) == k or m.type.value == k):
return m
return None
class Triple (PrefixableObject):
"Object to represent a CQL triple"
leftOperand = None
boolean = None
rightOperand = None
def toXCQL(self, depth=0):
"Create the XCQL representation of the object"
space = " " * depth
if (depth == 0):
xml = ['<triple xmlns="%s">\n' % (XCQLNamespace)]
xml = ['%s<triple>\n' % (space)]
if self.prefixes:
xml.append(PrefixableObject.toXCQL(self, depth+1))
xml.append("%s <leftOperand>\n" % (space))
xml.append("%s </leftOperand>\n" % (space))
xml.append("%s <rightOperand>\n" % (space))
xml.append("%s </rightOperand>\n" % (space))
xml.append("%s</triple>\n" % (space))
return ''.join(xml)
def toCQL(self):
txt = []
if (self.prefixes):
for p in self.prefixes.keys():
if (p <> ''):
txt.append('>%s="%s"' % (p, self.prefixes[p]))
txt.append('>"%s"' % (self.prefixes[p]))
prefs = ' '.join(txt)
return "(%s %s %s %s)" % (prefs, self.leftOperand.toCQL(), self.boolean.toCQL(), self.rightOperand.toCQL())
return "(%s %s %s)" % (self.leftOperand.toCQL(), self.boolean.toCQL(), self.rightOperand.toCQL())
def getResultSetId(self, top=None):
if fullResultSetNameCheck == 0 or self.boolean.value in ['not', 'prox']:
return ""
if top == None:
topLevel = 1
top = self;
topLevel = 0
# Iterate over operands and build a list
rsList = []
if isinstance(self.leftOperand, Triple):
if isinstance(self.rightOperand, Triple):
if topLevel == 1:
# Check all elements are the same, if so we're a fubar form of present
if (len(rsList) == rsList.count(rsList[0])):
return rsList[0]
return ""
return rsList
class SearchClause (PrefixableObject):
"Object to represent a CQL searchClause"
index = None
relation = None
term = None
def __init__(self, ind, rel, t):
self.index = ind
self.relation = rel
self.term = t
ind.parent = self
rel.parent = self
t.parent = self
def toXCQL(self, depth=0):
"Produce XCQL version of the object"
space = " " * depth
if (depth == 0):
xml = ['<searchClause xmlns="%s">\n' % (XCQLNamespace)]
xml = ['%s<searchClause>\n' % (space)]
if self.prefixes:
xml.append(PrefixableObject.toXCQL(self, depth+1))
xml.append("%s</searchClause>\n" % (space))
return ''.join(xml)
def toCQL(self):
text = []
for p in self.prefixes.keys():
if (p <> ''):
text.append('>%s="%s"' % (p, self.prefixes[p]))
text.append('>"%s"' % (self.prefixes[p]))
text.append('%s %s "%s"' % (self.index, self.relation.toCQL(), self.term))
return ' '.join(text)
def getResultSetId(self, top=None):
idx = self.index
if (idx.prefixURI == reservedPrefixes['cql'] and idx.value.lower() == 'resultsetid'):
return self.term.value
return ""
class Index(PrefixedObject):
"Object to represent a CQL index"
def toXCQL(self, depth=0):
if (depth == 0):
ns = ' xmlns="%s"' % (XCQLNamespace)
ns = ""
return "%s<index%s>%s</index>\n" % (" "*depth, ns, escape(str(self)))
def toCQL(self):
return str(self)
class Relation(PrefixedObject, ModifiableObject):
"Object to represent a CQL relation"
def __init__(self, rel, mods=[]):
self.prefix = "cql"
PrefixedObject.__init__(self, rel)
self.modifiers = mods
for m in mods:
m.parent = self
def toXCQL(self, depth=0):
"Create XCQL representation of object"
if (depth == 0):
ns = ' xmlns="%s"' % (XCQLNamespace)
ns = ""
space = " " * depth
xml = ["%s<relation%s>\n" % (space, ns)]
xml.append("%s <value>%s</value>\n" % (space, escape(self.value)))
if self.modifiers:
xml.append("%s <modifiers>\n" % (space))
for m in self.modifiers:
xml.append("%s </modifiers>\n" % (space))
xml.append("%s</relation>\n" % (space))
return ''.join(xml)
def toCQL(self):
txt = [self.value]
txt.extend(map(str, self.modifiers))
return '/'.join(txt)
class Term:
value = ""
def __init__(self, v):
if (v <> ""):
# Unquoted literal
if v in ['>=', '<=', '>', '<', '<>', "/", '=']:
diag = Diagnostic25()
diag.details = self.value
raise diag
# Check existence of meaningful term
nonanchor = 0
for c in v:
if c != "^":
nonanchor = 1
if not nonanchor:
diag = Diagnostic32()
diag.details = "Only anchoring charater(s) in term: " + v
raise diag
# Unescape quotes
if (v[0] == '"' and v[-1] == '"'):
v = v[1:-1]
v = v.replace('\\"', '"')
if (not v and errorOnEmptyTerm):
diag = Diagnostic27()
raise diag
# Check for badly placed \s
startidx = 0
idx = v.find("\\", startidx)
while (idx > -1):
startidx = idx+1
if not irt.term[idx+1] in ['?', '\\', '*', '^']:
diag = Diagnostic26()
diag.details = irt.term
raise diag
v = v.find("\\", startidx)
elif (errorOnEmptyTerm):
diag = Diagnostic27()
raise diag
self.value = v
def __str__(self):
return self.value
def toXCQL(self, depth=0):
if (depth == 0):
ns = ' xmlns="%s"' % (XCQLNamespace)
ns = ""
return "%s<term%s>%s</term>\n" % (" "*depth, ns, escape(self.value))
class Boolean(ModifiableObject):
"Object to represent a CQL boolean"
value = ""
parent = None
def __init__(self, bool, mods=[]):
self.value = bool
self.modifiers = mods
self.parent = None
def toXCQL(self, depth=0):
"Create XCQL representation of object"
space = " " * depth
xml = ["%s<boolean>\n" % (space)]
xml.append("%s <value>%s</value>\n" % (space, escape(self.value)))
if self.modifiers:
xml.append("%s <modifiers>\n" % (space))
for m in self.modifiers:
xml.append("%s </modifiers>\n" % (space))
xml.append("%s</boolean>\n" % (space))
return ''.join(xml)
def toCQL(self):
txt = [self.value]
for m in self.modifiers:
return '/'.join(txt)
def resolvePrefix(self, name):
return self.parent.resolvePrefix(name)
class ModifierType(PrefixedObject):
# Same as index, but we'll XCQLify in ModifierClause
parent = None
prefix = "cql"
class ModifierClause:
"Object to represent a relation modifier"
parent = None
type = None
comparison = ""
value = ""
def __init__(self, type, comp="", val=""):
self.type = ModifierType(type)
self.type.parent = self
self.comparison = comp
self.value = val
def __str__(self):
if (self.value):
return "%s%s%s" % (str(self.type), self.comparison, self.value)
return "%s" % (str(self.type))
def toXCQL(self, depth=0):
if (self.value):
return "%s<modifier>\n%s<type>%s</type>\n%s<comparison>%s</comparison>\n%s<value>%s</value>\n%s</modifier>\n" % (" " * depth, " " * (depth+1), escape(str(self.type)), " " * (depth+1), escape(self.comparison), " " * (depth+1), escape(self.value), " " * depth)
return "%s<modifier><type>%s</type></modifier>\n" % (" " * depth, escape(str(self.type)))
def toCQL(self):
return str(self)
def resolvePrefix(self, name):
# Need to skip parent, which has its own resolvePrefix
# eg boolean or relation, neither of which is prefixable
return self.parent.parent.resolvePrefix(name)
# Requires changes for: <= >= <>, and escaped \" in "
# From shlex.py (std library for 2.2+)
class CQLshlex(shlex):
"shlex with additions for CQL parsing"
quotes = '"'
commenters = ""
nextToken = ""
def __init__(self, thing):
shlex.__init__(self, thing)
self.wordchars += "!@#$%^&*-+{}[];,.?|~`:\\"
self.wordchars += ''.join(map(chr, range(128,254)))
def read_token(self):
"Read a token from the input stream (no pushback or inclusions)"
while 1:
if (self.nextToken != ""):
self.token = self.nextToken
self.nextToken = ""
# Bah. SUPER ugly non portable
if self.token == "/":
self.state = ' '
nextchar = self.instream.read(1)
if nextchar == '\n':
self.lineno = self.lineno + 1
if self.debug >= 3:
print "shlex: in state ", repr(self.state), " I see character:", repr(nextchar)
if self.state is None:
self.token = '' # past end of file
elif self.state == ' ':
if not nextchar:
self.state = None # end of file
elif nextchar in self.whitespace:
if self.debug >= 2:
print "shlex: I see whitespace in whitespace state"
if self.token:
break # emit current token
elif nextchar in self.commenters:
self.lineno = self.lineno + 1
elif nextchar in self.wordchars:
self.token = nextchar
self.state = 'a'
elif nextchar in self.quotes:
self.token = nextchar
self.state = nextchar
elif nextchar in ['<', '>']:
self.token = nextchar
self.state = '<'
self.token = nextchar
if self.token:
break # emit current token
elif self.state == '<':
# Only accumulate <=, >= or <>
if self.token == ">" and nextchar == "=":
self.token = self.token + nextchar
self.state = ' '
elif self.token == "<" and nextchar in ['>', '=']:
self.token = self.token + nextchar
self.state = ' '
elif not nextchar:
self.state = None
elif nextchar == "/":
self.state = "/"
self.nextToken = "/"
elif nextchar in self.wordchars:
self.nextToken = nextchar
elif nextchar in self.quotes:
self.nextToken = nextchar
self.state = ' '
elif self.state in self.quotes:
self.token = self.token + nextchar
# Allow escaped quotes
if nextchar == self.state and self.token[-2] != '\\':
self.state = ' '
elif not nextchar: # end of file
if self.debug >= 2:
print "shlex: I see EOF in quotes state"
# Override SHLEX's ValueError to throw diagnostic
diag = Diagnostic14()
diag.details = self.token[:-1]
raise diag
elif self.state == 'a':
if not nextchar:
self.state = None # end of file
elif nextchar in self.whitespace:
if self.debug >= 2:
print "shlex: I see whitespace in word state"
self.state = ' '
if self.token:
break # emit current token
elif nextchar in self.commenters:
self.lineno = self.lineno + 1
elif nextchar in self.wordchars or nextchar in self.quotes:
self.token = self.token + nextchar
elif nextchar in ['>', '<']:
self.nextToken = nextchar
self.state = '<'
self.pushback = [nextchar] + self.pushback
if self.debug >= 2:
print "shlex: I see punctuation in word state"
self.state = ' '
if self.token:
break # emit current token
result = self.token
self.token = ''
if self.debug > 1:
if result:
print "shlex: raw token=" + `result`
print "shlex: raw token=EOF"
return result
class CQLParser:
"Token parser to create object structure for CQL"
parser = ""
currentToken = ""
nextToken = ""
def __init__(self, p):
""" Initialise with shlex parser """
self.parser = p
self.fetch_token() # Fetches to next
self.fetch_token() # Fetches to curr
def is_boolean(self, token):
"Is the token a boolean"
token = token.lower()
return token in booleans
def fetch_token(self):
""" Read ahead one token """
tok = self.parser.get_token()
self.currentToken = self.nextToken
self.nextToken = tok
def prefixes(self):
"Create prefixes dictionary"
prefs = {}
while (self.currentToken == ">"):
# Strip off maps
if self.nextToken == "=":
# Named map
name = self.currentToken
self.fetch_token() # = is current
self.fetch_token() # id is current
identifier = self.currentToken
name = ""
identifier = self.currentToken
if (errorOnDuplicatePrefix and prefs.has_key(name)):
# Error condition
diag = Diagnostic45()
diag.details = name
raise diag;
if len(identifier) > 1 and identifier[0] == '"' and identifier[-1] == '"':
identifier = identifier[1:-1]
prefs[name.lower()] = identifier
return prefs
def query(self):
""" Parse query """
prefs = self.prefixes()
left = self.subQuery()
while 1:
if not self.currentToken:
bool = self.is_boolean(self.currentToken)
if bool:
boolobject = self.boolean()
right = self.subQuery()
# Setup Left Object
trip = tripleType()
trip.leftOperand = left
trip.boolean = boolobject
trip.rightOperand = right
left.parent = trip
right.parent = trip
boolobject.parent = trip
left = trip
for p in prefs.keys():
left.addPrefix(p, prefs[p])
return left
def subQuery(self):
""" Find either query or clause """
if self.currentToken == "(":
self.fetch_token() # Skip (
object = self.query()
if self.currentToken == ")":
self.fetch_token() # Skip )
diag = Diagnostic13()
diag.details = self.currentToken
raise diag
prefs = self.prefixes()
if (prefs):
object = self.query()
for p in prefs.keys():
object.addPrefix(p, prefs[p])
object = self.clause()
return object
def clause(self):
""" Find searchClause """
bool = self.is_boolean(self.nextToken)
if not bool and not (self.nextToken in [')', '(', '']):
index = indexType(self.currentToken)
self.fetch_token() # Skip Index
rel = self.relation()
if (self.currentToken == ''):
diag = Diagnostic10()
diag.details = "Expected Term, got end of query."
term = termType(self.currentToken)
self.fetch_token() # Skip Term
irt = searchClauseType(index, rel, term)
elif self.currentToken and (bool or self.nextToken in [')', '']):
irt = searchClauseType(indexType(serverChoiceIndex), relationType(serverChoiceRelation), termType(self.currentToken))
elif self.currentToken == ">":
prefs = self.prefixes()
# iterate to get object
object = self.clause()
for p in prefs.keys():
object.addPrefix(p, prefs[p]);
return object
diag = Diagnostic10()
diag.details = "Expected Boolean or Relation but got: " + self.currentToken
raise diag
return irt
def modifiers(self):
mods = []
while (self.currentToken == modifierSeparator):
mod = self.currentToken
mod = mod.lower()
if (mod == modifierSeparator):
diag = Diagnostic20()
diag.details = "Null modifier"
raise diag
comp = self.currentToken
if (comp in order):
value = self.currentToken
comp = ""
value = ""
mods.append(ModifierClause(mod, comp, value))
return mods
def boolean(self):
""" Find boolean """
self.currentToken = self.currentToken.lower()
if self.currentToken in booleans:
bool = booleanType(self.currentToken)
bool.modifiers = self.modifiers()
for b in bool.modifiers:
b.parent = bool
diag = Diagnostic37()
diag.details = self.currentToken
raise diag
return bool
def relation(self):
""" Find relation """
self.currentToken = self.currentToken.lower()
rel = relationType(self.currentToken)
rel.modifiers = self.modifiers()
for r in rel.modifiers:
r.parent = rel
return rel
class XCQLParser:
""" Parser for XCQL using some very simple DOM """
def firstChildElement(self, elem):
""" Find first child which is an Element """
for c in elem.childNodes:
if c.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
return c
return None
def firstChildData(self,elem):
""" Find first child which is Data """
for c in elem.childNodes:
if c.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE:
return c
return None
def searchClause(self, elem):
""" Process a <searchClause> """
sc = searchClauseType()
for c in elem.childNodes:
if c.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if c.localName == "index":
sc.index = indexType(self.firstChildData(c).data.lower())
elif c.localName == "term":
sc.term = termType(self.firstChildData(c).data)
elif c.localName == "relation":
sc.relation = self.relation(c)
elif c.localName == "prefixes":
sc.prefixes = self.prefixes(c)
raise(ValueError, c.localName)
return sc
def triple(self, elem):
""" Process a <triple> """
trip = tripleType()
for c in elem.childNodes:
if c.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if c.localName == "boolean":
trip.boolean = self.boolean(c)
elif c.localName == "prefixes":
trip.prefixes = self.prefixes(c)
elif c.localName == "leftOperand":
c2 = self.firstChildElement(c)
if c2.localName == "searchClause":
trip.leftOperand = self.searchClause(c2)
trip.leftOperand = self.triple(c2)
c2 = self.firstChildElement(c)
if c2.localName == "searchClause":
trip.rightOperand = self.searchClause(c2)
trip.rightOperand = self.triple(c2)
return trip
def relation(self, elem):
""" Process a <relation> """
rel = relationType()
for c in elem.childNodes:
if c.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if c.localName == "value":
rel.value = c.firstChild.data.lower()
elif c.localName == "modifiers":
mods = []
for c2 in c.childNodes:
if c2.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if c2.localName == "modifier":
for c3 in c2.childNodes:
if c3.localName == "value":
val = self.firstChildData(c2).data.lower()
rel.modifiers = mods
return rel
def boolean(self, elem):
"Process a <boolean>"
bool = booleanType()
for c in elem.childNodes:
if c.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if c.localName == "value":
bool.value = self.firstChildData(c).data.lower()
# Can be in any order, so we need to extract, then order
mods = {}
for c2 in c.childNodes:
if c2.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if c2.localName == "modifier":
type = ""
value = ""
for c3 in c2.childNodes:
if c3.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if c3.localName == "value":
value = self.firstChildData(c3).data.lower()
elif c3.localName == "type":
type = self.firstChildData(c3).data
mods[type] = value
modlist = []
for t in booleanModifierTypes[1:]:
if mods.has_key(t):
bool.modifiers = modlist
return bool
def prefixes(self, elem):
"Process <prefixes>"
prefs = {}
for c in elem.childNodes:
if c.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
# prefix
name = ""
identifier = ""
for c2 in c.childNodes:
if c2.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if c2.localName == "name":
name = self.firstChildData(c2).data.lower()
elif c2.localName == "identifier":
identifier = self.firstChildData(c2).data
prefs[name] = identifier
return prefs
def xmlparse(s):
""" API. Return a seachClause/triple object from XML string """
doc = parseString(s)
q = xcqlparse(doc.firstChild)
return q
def xcqlparse(query):
""" API. Return a searchClause/triple object from XML DOM objects"""
# Requires only properties of objects so we don't care how they're generated
p = XCQLParser()
if query.localName == "searchClause":
return p.searchClause(query)
return p.triple(query)
def parse(query):
""" API. Return a searchClause/triple object from CQL string"""
query = query.encode("utf-8")
diag = Diagnostic10()
diag.details = "Cannot parse non utf-8 characters"
raise diag
q = StringIO(query)
lexer = CQLshlex(q)
parser = CQLParser(lexer)
object = parser.query()
if parser.currentToken != '':
diag = Diagnostic10()
diag.details = "Unprocessed tokens remain: " + repr(parser.currentToken)
raise diag
del lexer
del parser
del q
return object
# Assign our objects to generate
tripleType = Triple
booleanType = Boolean
relationType = Relation
searchClauseType = SearchClause
modifierClauseType = ModifierClause
modifierTypeType = ModifierType
indexType = Index
termType = Term
from CQLUtils import *
tripleType = CTriple
booleanType = CBoolean
relationType = CRelation
searchClauseType = CSearchClause
modifierClauseType = CModifierClause
modifierTypeType = CModifierType
indexType = CIndex
termType = CTerm
# Nested scopes. Utils needs our classes to parent
# We need its classes to build (maybe)
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
import sys;
s = sys.stdin.readline()
q = parse(s);
except SRWDiagnostic, diag:
# Print a full version, not just str()
print "Diagnostic Generated."
print " Code: " + str(diag.code)
print " Details: " + str(diag.details)
print " Message: " + str(diag.message)
print q.toXCQL()[:-1];

python/PyZ3950/CQLUtils.py Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
"""CQL utility functions and subclasses"""
from CQLParser import *
from types import ListType, IntType
from SRWDiagnostics import *
from PyZ3950 import z3950, asn1, oids
from PyZ3950.zdefs import make_attr
asn1.register_oid (oids.Z3950_QUERY_CQL, asn1.GeneralString)
class ZCQLConfig:
contextSets = {'dc' : 'info:srw/cql-context-set/1/dc-v1.1',
'cql' : 'info:srw/cql-context-set/1/cql-v1.1',
'bath' : 'http://zing.z3950.org/cql/bath/2.0/',
'zthes' : 'http://zthes.z3950.org/cql/1.0/',
'ccg' : 'http://srw.cheshire3.org/contextSets/ccg/1.1/ ',
'rec' : 'info:srw/cql-context-set/2/rec-1.0',
'net' : 'info:srw/cql-context-set/2/net-1.0'}
dc = {'title' : 4,
'subject' : 21,
'creator' : 1003,
'author' : 1003,
'editor' : 1020,
'contributor' : 1018,
'publisher' : 1018,
'description' : 62,
'date' : 30,
'resourceType' : 1031,
'type' : 1031,
'format' : 1034,
'identifier' : 12,
'source' : 1019,
'language' : 54,
'relation' : 1016,
'coverage' : 1016,
'rights' : 1016
cql = {'anywhere' : 1016,
'serverChoice' : 1016}
# The common bib1 points
bib1 = {"personal_name" : 1,
"corporate_name" : 2,
"conference_name" : 3,
"title" : 4,
"title_series" : 5,
"title_uniform" : 6,
"isbn" : 7,
"issn" : 8,
"lccn" : 9,
"local_number" : 12,
"dewey_number" : 13,
"lccn" : 16,
"local_classification" : 20,
"subject" : 21,
"subject_lc" : 27,
"subject_local" : 29,
"date" : 30,
"date_publication" : 31,
"date_acquisition" : 32,
"local_call_number" : 53,
"abstract" : 62,
"note" : 63,
"record_type" : 1001,
"name" : 1002,
"author" : 1003,
"author_personal" : 1004,
"identifier" : 1007,
"text_body" : 1010,
"date_modified" : 1012,
"date_added" : 1011,
"concept_text" : 1014,
"any" : 1016,
"default" : 1017,
"publisher" : 1018,
"record_source" : 1019,
"editor" : 1020,
"docid" : 1032,
"anywhere" : 1035,
"sici" : 1037
exp1 = {"explainCategory" :1,
"humanStringLanguage" : 2,
"databaseName" : 3,
"serverName" : 4,
"attributeSetOID" : 5,
"recordSyntaxOID" : 6,
"tagSetOID" : 7,
"extendedServiceOID" : 8,
"dateAdded" : 9,
"dateChanged" : 10,
"dateExpires" : 11,
"elementSetName" : 12,
"processingContext" : 13,
"processingName" : 14,
"termListName" : 15,
"schemaOID" : 16,
"producer" : 17,
"supplier" : 18,
"availability" : 19,
"proprietary" : 20,
"userFee" : 21,
"variantSetOID" : 22,
"unitSystem" : 23,
"keyword" : 24,
"explainDatabase" : 25,
"processingOID" : 26
xd1 = {"title" : 1,
"subject" : 2,
"name" : 3,
"description" : 4,
"date" : 5,
"type" : 6,
"format" : 7,
"identifier" : 8,
"source" : 9,
"langauge" : 10,
"relation" : 11,
"coverage" : 12,
"rights" : 13}
util = {"record_date" : 1,
"record_agent" : 2,
"record_language" : 3,
"control_number" : 4,
"cost" : 5,
"record_syntax" : 6,
"database_schema" : 7,
"score" : 8,
"rank" : 9,
"result_set_position" : 10,
"all" : 11,
"anywhere" : 12,
"server_choice" : 13,
"wildcard" : 14,
"wildpath" : 15}
defaultAttrSet = z3950.Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1_ov
def __init__(self):
self.util1 = self.util
self.xd = self.xd1
def attrsToCql(self, attrs):
hash = {}
for c in attrs:
if (not c[0]):
c[0] = self.defaultAttrSet
hash[(c[0], c[1])] = c[2]
bib1 = z3950.Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1_ov
use = hash.get((bib1, 1), 4)
rel = hash.get((bib1, 2), 3)
posn = hash.get((bib1, 3), None)
struct = hash.get((bib1, 4), None)
trunc = hash.get((bib1, 5), None)
comp = hash.get((bib1, 6), None)
index = None
if (not isinstance(use, int)):
index = indexType(use)
for v in self.dc.items():
if use == v[1]:
index = indexType("dc.%s" % (v[0]))
if not index:
for v in self.bib1.items():
if (use == v[1]):
index = indexType("bib1.%s" % (v[0]))
if not index:
index = indexType("bib1.%i" % (use))
relations = ['', '<', '<=', '=', '>=', '>', '<>']
if (comp == 3):
relation = relationType("exact")
elif (rel > 6):
if struct in [2, 6]:
relation = relationType('any')
relation = relationType('=')
relation = relationType(relations[rel])
if (rel == 100):
elif (rel == 101):
elif (rel == 102):
if (struct in [2, 6]):
elif (struct in [4, 5, 100]):
elif (struct == 109):
elif (struct in [1, 108]):
elif (struct == 104):
return (index, relation)
zConfig = ZCQLConfig()
def rpn2cql(rpn, config=zConfig, attrSet=None):
if rpn[0] == 'op':
# single search clause
op = rpn[1]
type = op[0]
if type == 'attrTerm':
attrs = op[1].attributes
term = op[1].term
combs = []
for comb in attrs:
if hasattr(comb, 'attributeSet'):
attrSet = comb.attributeSet
if hasattr(comb, 'attributeType'):
aType = comb.attributeType
# Broken!
aType = 1
vstruct = comb.attributeValue
if (vstruct[0] == 'numeric'):
aValue = vstruct[1]
# Complex attr value
vstruct = vstruct[1]
if (hasattr(vstruct, 'list')):
aValue = vstruct.list[0][1]
# semanticAction?
aValue = vstruct.semanticAction[0][1]
combs.append([attrSet, aType, aValue])
# Now let config do its thing
(index, relation) = config.attrsToCql(combs)
return searchClauseType(index, relation, termType(term[1]))
elif type == 'resultSet':
return searchClauseType(indexType('cql.resultSetId'), relationType('='), termType(op[0]))
elif rpn[0] == 'rpnRpnOp':
triple = rpn[1]
bool = triple.op
lhs = triple.rpn1
rhs = triple.rpn2
ctrip = tripleType()
ctrip.leftOperation = rpn2cql(lhs, config)
ctrip.rightOperand = rpn2cql(rhs, config)
ctrip.boolean = booleanType(bool[0])
if bool[0] == 'prox':
distance = bool[1].distance
order = bool[1].ordered
if order:
order = "ordered"
order = "unordered"
relation = bool[1].relationType
rels = ["", "<", "<=", "=", ">=", ">", "<>"]
relation = rels[relation]
unit = bool[1].proximityUnitCode
units = ["", "character", "word", "sentence", "paragraph", "section", "chapter", "document", "element", "subelement", "elementType", "byte"]
if unit[0] == "known":
unit = units[unit[1]]
mods = [cql.modifierClauseType('distance', relation, str(distance)), cql.modifierClauseType('word', '=', unit), cql.modifierClauseType(order)]
ctrip.boolean.modifiers = mods
return ctrip
elif rpn[0] == 'type_1':
q = rpn[1]
return rpn2cql(q.rpn, config, q.attributeSet)
class CSearchClause(SearchClause):
def convertMetachars(self, t):
"Convert SRW meta characters in to Cheshire's meta characters"
# Fail on ?, ^ or * not at the end.
if (count(t, "?") != count(t, "\\?")):
diag = Diagnostic28()
diag.details = "? Unsupported"
raise diag
elif (count(t, "^") != count(t, "\\^")):
diag = Diagnostic31()
diag.details = "^ Unsupported"
raise diag
elif (count(t, "*") != count(t, "\\*")):
if t[-1] != "*" or t[-2] == "\\":
diag = Diagnostic28()
diag.details = "Non trailing * unsupported"
raise diag
t[-1] = "#"
t = replace(t, "\\^", "^")
t = replace(t, "\\?", "?")
t = replace(t, "\\*", "*")
return t
def toRPN(self, top=None):
if not top:
top = self
if (self.relation.value in ['any', 'all']):
# Need to split this into and/or tree
if (self.relation.value == 'any'):
bool = " or "
bool = " and "
words = self.term.value.split()
self.relation.value = '='
# Add 'word' relationModifier
# Create CQL, parse it, walk new tree
idxrel = "%s %s" % (self.index.toCQL(), self.relation.toCQL())
text = []
for w in words:
text.append('%s "%s"' % (idxrel, w))
cql = bool.join(text)
tree = parse(cql)
tree.prefixes = self.prefixes
tree.parent = self.parent
tree.config = self.config
return tree.toRPN(top)
# attributes, term
# AttributeElement: attributeType, attributeValue
# attributeValue ('numeric', n) or ('complex', struct)
if (self.index.value == 'resultsetid'):
return ('op', ('resultSet', self.term.value))
clause = z3950.AttributesPlusTerm()
attrs = self.index.toRPN(top)
if (self.term.value.isdigit()):
relattrs = self.relation.toRPN(top)
butes =[]
for e in attrs.iteritems():
butes.append((e[0][0], e[0][1], e[1]))
clause.attributes = [make_attr(*e) for e in butes]
clause.term = self.term.toRPN(top)
return ('op', ('attrTerm', clause))
class CBoolean(Boolean):
def toRPN(self, top):
op = self.value
if (self.value == 'not'):
op = 'and-not'
elif (self.value == 'prox'):
# Create ProximityOperator
prox = z3950.ProximityOperator()
# distance, ordered, proximityUnitCode, relationType
u = self['unit']
units = ["", "character", "word", "sentence", "paragraph", "section", "chapter", "document", "element", "subelement", "elementType", "byte"]
if (u.value in units):
prox.unit = ('known', units.index(u.value))
# Uhhhh.....
prox.unit = ('private', int(u.value))
prox.unit = ('known', 2)
d = self['distance']
prox.distance = int(d.value)
if (prox.unit == ('known', 2)):
prox.distance = 1
prox.distance = 0
rels = ["", "<", "<=", "=", ">=", ">", "<>"]
prox.relationType = rels.index(d.comparison)
prox.relationType = 2
prox.ordered = bool(self['ordered'])
return ('op', ('prox', prox))
return (op, None)
class CTriple(Triple):
def toRPN(self, top=None):
if not top:
top = self
op = z3950.RpnRpnOp()
op.rpn1 = self.leftOperand.toRPN(top)
op.rpn2 = self.rightOperand.toRPN(top)
op.op = self.boolean.toRPN(top)
return ('rpnRpnOp', op)
class CIndex(Index):
def toRPN(self, top):
pf = self.prefix
if (not pf and self.prefixURI):
# We have a default
for k in zConfig.contextSets:
if zConfig.contextSets[k] == self.prefixURI:
pf = k
# Default BIB1
set = oids.oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['BIB1']['oid']
if (hasattr(top, 'config') and top.config):
config = top.config
# Check SRW Configuration
cql = config.contextSetNamespaces['cql']
index = self.value
if self.prefixURI == cql and self.value == "serverchoice":
# Have to resolve our prefixes etc, so create an index object to do it
index = config.defaultIndex
cidx = CIndex(index)
cidx.config = config
cidx.parent = config
pf = cidx.prefix
index = cidx.value
if config.indexHash.has_key(pf):
if config.indexHash[pf].has_key(index):
idx = config.indexHash[pf][index]
# Need to map from this list to RPN list
attrs = {}
for i in idx:
set = asn1.OidVal(map(int, i[0].split('.')))
type = int(i[1])
if (i[2].isdigit()):
val = int(i[2])
val = i[2]
attrs[(set, type)] = val
return attrs
diag = Diagnostic16()
diag.details = index
diag.message = "Unknown index"
raise diag
diag = Diagnostic15()
diag.details = pf
diag.message = "Unknown context set"
raise diag
elif (hasattr(zConfig, pf)):
mp = getattr(zConfig, pf)
if (mp.has_key(self.value)):
val = mp[self.value]
val = self.value
elif (oids.oids['Z3950']['ATTRS'].has_key(pf.upper())):
set = oids.oids['Z3950']['ATTRS'][pf.upper()]['oid']
if (self.value.isdigit()):
# bib1.1018
val = int(self.value)
# complex attribute for bib1
val = self.value
print "Can't resolve %s" % pf
return {(set, 1) : val}
class CRelation(Relation):
def toRPN(self, top):
rels = ['', '<', '<=', '=', '>=', '>', '<>']
set = z3950.Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1_ov
vals = [None, None, None, None, None, None, None]
if self.value in rels:
vals[2] = rels.index(self.value)
elif self.value in ['exact', 'scr']:
vals[2] = 3
elif (self.value == 'within'):
vals[2] = 104
if self['relevant']:
vals[2] = 102
elif self['stem']:
vals[2] = 101
elif self['phonetic']:
vals[2] = 100
if self['number']:
vals[4] = 109
vals[5] = 100
elif self['date']:
vals[4] = 5
elif self['word']:
vals[4] = 2
if self.value == 'exact':
vals[3] = 1
vals[5] = 100
# vals[6] = 3
vals[3] = 3
# vals[6] = 1
attrs = {}
for x in range(1,7):
if vals[x]:
attrs[(z3950.Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1_ov, x)] = vals[x]
return attrs
class CTerm(Term):
def toRPN(self, top):
return ('general', self.value)
class CModifierClause(ModifierClause):
class CModifierType(ModifierType):

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# PyZ3950_parsetab.py
# This file is automatically generated. Do not edit.
_lr_method = 'SLR'
_lr_signature = '\xfc\xb2\xa8\xb7\xd9\xe7\xad\xba"\xb2Ss\'\xcd\x08\x16'
_lr_action_items = {'QUOTEDVALUE':([5,26,0,19,16,],[1,1,1,1,1,]),'LOGOP':([3,25,4,14,9,6,27,23,13,20,22,1,],[-5,-9,-14,-13,16,-8,16,-7,16,-6,-4,-12,]),'SET':([0,16,5,26,],[11,11,11,11,]),'RPAREN':([27,23,3,22,1,25,13,4,20,6,14,],[28,-7,-5,-4,-12,-9,20,-14,-6,-8,-13,]),'$':([8,14,2,23,3,20,28,25,9,1,4,6,22,],[0,-13,-1,-7,-5,-6,-3,-9,-2,-12,-14,-8,-4,]),'SLASH':([21,],[26,]),'ATTRSET':([0,],[7,]),'QUAL':([0,26,16,18,5,],[10,10,10,24,10,]),'COMMA':([10,12,24,],[-10,18,-11,]),'LPAREN':([26,0,16,7,5,],[5,5,5,15,5,]),'WORD':([19,17,14,0,5,26,6,16,15,1,4,25,],[4,23,-13,4,4,4,14,4,21,-12,-14,14,]),'RELOP':([11,24,10,12,],[17,-11,-10,19,]),}
_lr_action = { }
for _k, _v in _lr_action_items.items():
for _x,_y in zip(_v[0],_v[1]):
_lr_action[(_x,_k)] = _y
del _lr_action_items
_lr_goto_items = {'cclfind_or_attrset':([0,],[2,]),'elements':([5,26,16,0,],[3,3,22,3,]),'quallist':([5,26,0,16,],[12,12,12,12,]),'val':([5,16,26,19,0,],[6,6,6,25,6,]),'top':([0,],[8,]),'cclfind':([5,0,26,],[13,9,27,]),}
_lr_goto = { }
for _k, _v in _lr_goto_items.items():
for _x,_y in zip(_v[0],_v[1]):
_lr_goto[(_x,_k)] = _y
del _lr_goto_items
_lr_productions = [

@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
# Base Class
class SRWDiagnostic (Exception):
""" Base Diagnostic Class"""
code = 0
uri = "info:srw/diagnostic/1/"
details = ""
message = ""
surrogate = 0
fatal = 1
def __str__(self):
return "%s [%s]: %s" % (self.uri, self.message, self.details)
# NB 'Need' name for serialization in SRW
def __init__(self, name=None):
if (self.code):
self.uri = "%s%d" % (self.uri, self.code)
# Diagnostic Types
class GeneralDiagnostic (SRWDiagnostic):
class CQLDiagnostic (SRWDiagnostic):
class RecordDiagnostic (SRWDiagnostic):
class ResultSetDiagnostic (SRWDiagnostic):
class SortDiagnostic (SRWDiagnostic):
class StyleDiagnostic (SRWDiagnostic):
class ScanDiagnostic (SRWDiagnostic):
class DeprecatedDiagnostic(SRWDiagnostic):
def __init__(self, name=None):
print "WARNING: Use of deprecated diagnostic %s" % (self)
class ExplainDiagnostic (DeprecatedDiagnostic):
# Rob's (empty) diagnostic set
class RobDiagnostic (SRWDiagnostic):
uri = "info:srw/diagnostic/2/"
# Individual Diagnostics
class Diagnostic1 (GeneralDiagnostic):
code = 1
message = "General system error"
class Diagnostic2 (GeneralDiagnostic):
code = 2
message = "System temporarily unavailable"
class Diagnostic3 (GeneralDiagnostic):
code = 3
message = "Authentication error"
class Diagnostic4 (GeneralDiagnostic):
code = 4
message = "Unsupported operation"
class Diagnostic5 (GeneralDiagnostic):
code = 5
message = "Unsupported version"
class Diagnostic6 (GeneralDiagnostic):
code = 6
message = "Unsupported parameter value"
class Diagnostic7 (GeneralDiagnostic):
code = 7
message = "Mandatory parameter not supplied"
class Diagnostic8 (GeneralDiagnostic):
code = 8
message = "Unknown parameter"
class Diagnostic10 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 10
message = "Malformed query"
class Diagnostic13 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 13
message = "Unsupported use of parentheses"
class Diagnostic14 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 14
message = "Unsupported use of quotes"
class Diagnostic15 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 15
message = "Unsupported context set"
class Diagnostic16 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 16
message = "Unsupported index"
class Diagnostic18 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 18
message = "Unsupported combination of indexes"
class Diagnostic19 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 19
message = "Unsupported relation"
class Diagnostic20 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 20
message = "Unsupported relation modifier"
class Diagnostic21 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 21
message = "Unsupported combination of relation modifiers"
class Diagnostic22 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 22
message = "Unsupported combination of relation and index"
class Diagnostic23 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 23
message = "Too many characters in term"
class Diagnostic24 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 24
message = "Unsupported combination of relation and term"
class Diagnostic26 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 26
message = "Non special character escaped in term"
class Diagnostic27 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 27
message = "Empty term unsupported"
class Diagnostic28 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 28
message = "Masking character not supported"
class Diagnostic29 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 29
message = "Masked words too short"
class Diagnostic30 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 30
message = "Too many masking characters in term"
class Diagnostic31 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 31
message = "Anchoring character not supported"
class Diagnostic32 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 32
message = "Anchoring character in unsupported position."
class Diagnostic33 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 33
message = "Combination of proximity/adjacency and masking characters not supported"
class Diagnostic34 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 34
message = "Combination of proximity/adjacency and anchoring characters not supported"
class Diagnostic35 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 35
message = "Term only stopwords"
class Diagnostic36 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 36
message = "Term in invalid format for index or relation"
class Diagnostic37 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 37
message = "Unsupported boolean operator"
class Diagnostic38 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 38
message = "Too many boolean operators"
class Diagnostic39 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 39
message = "Proximity not supported"
class Diagnostic40 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 40
message = "Unsupported proximity relation"
class Diagnostic41 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 41
message = "Unsupported proximity distance"
class Diagnostic42 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 42
message = "Unsupported proximity unit"
class Diagnostic43 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 43
message = "Unsupported proximity ordering"
class Diagnostic44 (CQLDiagnostic):
code = 44
message = "Unsupported combination of proximity modifiers"
class Diagnostic50 (ResultSetDiagnostic):
code = 50
message = "Result sets not supported"
class Diagnostic51 (ResultSetDiagnostic):
code = 51
message = "Result set does not exist"
class Diagnostic52 (ResultSetDiagnostic):
code = 52
message = "Result set temporarily unavailable"
class Diagnostic53 (ResultSetDiagnostic):
code = 53
message = "Result sets only supported for retrieval"
class Diagnostic55 (ResultSetDiagnostic):
code = 55
message = "Combination of result sets with search terms not supported"
class Diagnostic58 (ResultSetDiagnostic):
code = 58
message = "Result set created with unpredictable partial results available"
class Diagnostic59 (ResultSetDiagnostic):
code = 59
message = "Result set created with valid partial results available"
class Diagnostic60 (RecordDiagnostic):
code = 60
message = "Too many records retrieved"
class Diagnostic61 (RecordDiagnostic):
code = 61
message = "First record position out of range"
class Diagnostic64 (RecordDiagnostic):
code = 64
message = "Record temporarily unavailable"
surrogate = 1
class Diagnostic65 (RecordDiagnostic):
code = 65
message = "Record does not exist"
surrogate = 1
class Diagnostic66 (RecordDiagnostic):
code = 66
message = "Unknown schema for retrieval"
class Diagnostic67 (RecordDiagnostic):
code = 67
message = "Record not available in this schema"
surrogate = 1
class Diagnostic68 (RecordDiagnostic):
code = 68
message = "Not authorised to send record"
surrogate = 1
class Diagnostic69 (RecordDiagnostic):
code = 69
message = "Not authorised to send record in this schema"
surrogate = 1
class Diagnostic70 (RecordDiagnostic):
code = 70
message = "Record too large to send"
surrogate = 1
class Diagnostic71 (RecordDiagnostic):
code = 71
message = "Unsupported record packing"
class Diagnostic72 (RecordDiagnostic):
code = 72
message = "XPath retrieval unsupported"
class Diagnostic73 (RecordDiagnostic):
code = 73
message = "XPath expression contains unsupported feature"
class Diagnostic74 (RecordDiagnostic):
code = 74
message = "Unable to evaluate XPath expression"
class Diagnostic80 (SortDiagnostic):
code = 80
message = "Sort not supported"
class Diagnostic82 (SortDiagnostic):
code = 82
message = "Unsupported sort sequence"
class Diagnostic83 (SortDiagnostic):
code = 83
message = "Too many records to sort"
class Diagnostic84 (SortDiagnostic):
code = 84
message = "Too many sort keys"
class Diagnostic86 (SortDiagnostic):
code = 86
message = "Incompatible record formats"
class Diagnostic87 (SortDiagnostic):
code = 87
message = "Unsupported schema for sort"
class Diagnostic88 (SortDiagnostic):
code = 88
message = "Unsupported tag path for sort"
class Diagnostic89 (SortDiagnostic):
code = 89
message = "Tag path unsupported for schema"
class Diagnostic90 (SortDiagnostic):
code = 90
message = "Unsupported direction value"
class Diagnostic91 (SortDiagnostic):
code = 91
message = "Unsupported case value"
class Diagnostic92 (SortDiagnostic):
code = 92
message = "Unsupported missing value action"
class Diagnostic110 (StyleDiagnostic):
code = 110
message = "Stylesheets not supported"
class Diagnostic111 (StyleDiagnostic):
code = 111
message = "Unsupported stylesheet"
class Diagnostic120 (ScanDiagnostic):
code = 120
message = "Response position out of range"
class Diagnostic121 (ScanDiagnostic):
code = 121
message = "Too many terms requested"
# Deprecated diagnostics
class Diagnostic11 (DeprecatedDiagnostic):
code = 11
message = "Unsupported query type"
class Diagnostic12 (DeprecatedDiagnostic):
code = 12
message = "Too many characters in query"
class Diagnostic17 (DeprecatedDiagnostic):
code = 17
message = "Illegal or unsupported combination of index and index set."
class Diagnostic25 (DeprecatedDiagnostic):
code = 25
message = "Special characters not quoted in term"
class Diagnostic45 (DeprecatedDiagnostic):
code = 45
message = "Index set name (prefix) assigned to multiple identifiers"
class Diagnostic54 (DeprecatedDiagnostic):
code = 54
message = "Retrieval may only occur from an existing result set"
class Diagnostic56 (DeprecatedDiagnostic):
code = 56
message = "Only combination of single result set with search terms supported"
class Diagnostic57 (DeprecatedDiagnostic):
code = 57
message = "Result set created but no records available"
class Diagnostic62 (DeprecatedDiagnostic):
code = 62
message = "Negative number of records requested"
class Diagnostic63 (DeprecatedDiagnostic):
code = 63
message = "System error in retrieving records"
class Diagnostic81 (DeprecatedDiagnostic):
code = 81
message = "Unsupported sort type"
class Diagnostic85 (DeprecatedDiagnostic):
code = 85
message = "Duplicate sort keys"
class Diagnostic100 (ExplainDiagnostic):
code = 100
message = "Explain not supported"
class Diagnostic101 (ExplainDiagnostic):
code = 101
message = "Explain request type not supported"
class Diagnostic102 (ExplainDiagnostic):
code = 102
message = "Explain record temporarily unavailable"

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"""Python Z3950/MARC/ASN.1 package, supporting ZOOM API.
__all__ = ['zoom', 'zmarc']
# only pieces most users need: if you need asn1, import it explicitly

python/PyZ3950/asn1.py Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

python/PyZ3950/bib1msg.py Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
"""Translate bib-1 error numbers to messages."""
from PyZ3950 import asn1
from PyZ3950 import z3950
from PyZ3950 import oids
msg_dict = {
1: 'permanent system error', # (unspecified),
2: 'temporary system error', # (unspecified),
3: 'unsupported search', # (unspecified),
4: 'Terms only exclusion (stop) words', # (unspecified),
5: 'Too many argument words', # (unspecified),
6: 'Too many boolean operators', # (unspecified),
7: 'Too many truncated words', # (unspecified),
8: 'Too many incomplete subfields', # (unspecified),
9: 'Truncated words too short', # (unspecified),
10: 'Invalid format for record number (search term)', # (unspecified),
11: 'Too many characters in search statement', # (unspecified),
12: 'Too many records retrieved', # (unspecified),
13: 'Present request out-of-range', # (unspecified),
14: 'System error in presenting records', # (unspecified),
15: 'Record not authorized to be sent intersystem', # (unspecified),
16: 'Record exceeds Preferred-message-size', # (unspecified),
17: 'Record exceeds Exceptional-record-size', # (unspecified),
18: 'Result set not supported as a search term', # (unspecified),
19: 'Only single result set as search term supported', # (unspecified),
20: 'Only ANDing of a single result set as search term', # (unspecified),
21: 'Result set exists and replace indicator off', # (unspecified),
22: 'Result set naming not supported', # (unspecified),
23: 'Specified combination of databases not supported', # (unspecified),
24: 'Element set names not supported', # (unspecified),
25: 'Specified element set name not valid for specified database', # (unspecified),
26: 'Only generic form of element set name supported', # (unspecified),
27: 'Result set no longer exists - unilaterally deleted by target', # (unspecified),
28: 'Result set is in use', # (unspecified),
29: 'One of the specified databases is locked', # (unspecified),
30: 'Specified result set does not exist', # (unspecified),
31: 'Resources exhausted - no results available', # (unspecified),
32: 'Resources exhausted - unpredictable partial results available', # (unspecified),
33: 'Resources exhausted - valid subset of results available', # (unspecified),
100: '(unspecified) error', # (unspecified),
101: 'Access-control failure', # (unspecified),
102: 'Challenge required, could not be issued - operation terminated', # (unspecified),
103: 'Challenge required, could not be issued - record not included', # (unspecified),
104: 'Challenge failed - record not included', # (unspecified),
105: 'Terminated at origin request', # (unspecified),
106: 'No abstract syntaxes agreed to for this record', # (unspecified),
107: 'Query type not supported', # (unspecified),
108: 'Malformed query', # (unspecified),
109: 'Database unavailable', # database name,
110: 'Operator unsupported', # operator,
111: 'Too many databases specified', # maximum,
112: 'Too many result sets created', # maximum,
113: 'Unsupported attribute type', # type,
114: 'Unsupported Use attribute', # value,
115: 'Unsupported term value for Use attribute', # term,
116: 'Use attribute required but not supplied', # (unspecified),
117: 'Unsupported Relation attribute', # value,
118: 'Unsupported Structure attribute', # value,
119: 'Unsupported Position attribute', # value,
120: 'Unsupported Truncation attribute', # value,
121: 'Unsupported Attribute Set', # oid,
122: 'Unsupported Completeness attribute', # value,
123: 'Unsupported attribute combination', # (unspecified),
124: 'Unsupported coded value for term', # value,
125: 'Malformed search term', # (unspecified),
126: 'Illegal term value for attribute', # term,
127: 'Unparsable format for un-normalized value', # value,
128: 'Illegal result set name', # name,
129: 'Proximity search of sets not supported', # (unspecified),
130: 'Illegal result set in proximity search', # result set name,
131: 'Unsupported proximity relation', # value,
132: 'Unsupported proximity unit code', # value,
201: 'Proximity not supported with this attribute combination attribute', # list,
202: 'Unsupported distance for proximity', # distance,
203: 'Ordered flag not supported for proximity', # (unspecified),
205: 'Only zero step size supported for Scan', # (unspecified),
206: 'Specified step size not supported for Scan step', # size,
207: 'Cannot sort according to sequence', # sequence,
208: 'No result set name supplied on Sort', # (unspecified),
209: 'Generic sort not supported (database-specific sort only supported)', # (unspecified),
210: 'Database specific sort not supported', # (unspecified),
211: 'Too many sort keys', # number,
212: 'Duplicate sort keys', # key,
213: 'Unsupported missing data action', # value,
214: 'Illegal sort relation', # relation,
215: 'Illegal case value', # value,
216: 'Illegal missing data action', # value,
217: 'Segmentation: Cannot guarantee records will fit in specified segments', # (unspecified),
218: 'ES: Package name already in use', # name,
219: 'ES: no such package, on modify/delete', # name,
220: 'ES: quota exceeded', # (unspecified),
221: 'ES: extended service type not supported', # type,
222: 'ES: permission denied on ES - id not authorized', # (unspecified),
223: 'ES: permission denied on ES - cannot modify or delete', # (unspecified),
224: 'ES: immediate execution failed', # (unspecified),
225: 'ES: immediate execution not supported for this service', # (unspecified),
226: 'ES: immediate execution not supported for these parameters', # (unspecified),
227: 'No data available in requested record syntax', # (unspecified),
228: 'Scan: malformed scan', # (unspecified),
229: 'Term type not supported', # type,
230: 'Sort: too many input results', # max,
231: 'Sort: incompatible record formats', # (unspecified),
232: 'Scan: term list not supported', # alternative term list,
233: 'Scan: unsupported value of position-in-response', # value,
234: 'Too many index terms processed', # number of terms,
235: 'Database does not exist', # database name,
236: 'Access to specified database denied', # database name,
237: 'Sort: illegal sort', # (unspecified),
238: 'Record not available in requested syntax', # alternative suggested syntax(es),
239: 'Record syntax not supported', # syntax,
240: 'Scan: Resources exhausted looking for satisfying terms', # (unspecified),
241: 'Scan: Beginning or end of term list', # (unspecified),
242: 'Segmentation: max-segment-size too small to segment record', # smallest acceptable size,
243: 'Present: additional-ranges parameter not supported', # (unspecified),
244: 'Present: comp-spec parameter not supported', # (unspecified),
245: "Type-1 query: restriction ('resultAttr') operand not supported:", # (unspecified),
246: "Type-1 query: 'complex' attributeValue not supported", # (unspecified),
247: "Type-1 query: 'attributeSet' as part of AttributeElement not supported", # (unspecified),
1001: 'Malformed APDU',
1002: 'ES: EXTERNAL form of Item Order request not supported.', # ,
1003: 'ES: Result set item form of Item Order request not supported.', # ,
1004: 'ES: Extended services not supported unless access control is in effect.', # ,
1005: 'Response records in Search response not supported.', # ,
1006: 'Response records in Search response not possible for specified database (or database combination). See note 1.', # ,
1007: 'No Explain server. See note 2.', # pointers to servers that have a surrogate Explain database for this server.,
1008: 'ES: missing mandatory parameter for specified function', # parameter,
1009: 'ES: Item Order, unsupported OID in itemRequest.', # OID,
1010: 'Init/AC: Bad Userid', # ,
1011: 'Init/AC: Bad Userid and/or Password', # ,
1012: 'Init/AC: No searches remaining (pre-purchased searches exhausted)', # ,
1013: 'Init/AC: Incorrect interface type (specified id valid only when used with a particular access method or client)', # ,
1014: 'Init/AC: Authentication System error', # ,
1015: 'Init/AC: Maximum number of simultaneous sessions for Userid', # ,
1016: 'Init/AC: Blocked network address', # ,
1017: 'Init/AC: No databases available for specified userId', # ,
1018: 'Init/AC: System temporarily out of resources', # ,
1019: 'Init/AC: System not available due to maintenance', # when it's expected back up,
1020: 'Init/AC: System temporarily unavailable', # when it's expected back up,
1021: 'Init/AC: Account has expired', # ,
1022: 'Init/AC: Password has expired so a new one must be supplied', # ,
1023: 'Init/AC: Password has been changed by an administrator so a new one must be supplied', # ,
1024: 'Unsupported Attribute. See note 3.', # an unstructured string indicating the object identifier of the attribute set id, the numeric value of the attribute type, and the numeric value of the attribute.,
1025: 'Service not supported for this database', # ,
1026: 'Record cannot be opened because it is locked', # ,
1027: 'SQL error', # ,
1028: 'Record deleted', # ,
1029: 'Scan: too many terms requested.', # Addinfo: max terms supported,
1040: 'ES: Invalid function', # function,
1041: 'ES: Error in retention time', # (unspecified),
1042: 'ES: Permissions data not understood', # permissions,
1043: 'ES: Invalid OID for task specific parameters', # oid,
1044: 'ES: Invalid action', # action,
1045: 'ES: Unknown schema', # schema,
1046: 'ES: Too many records in package', # maximum number allowed,
1047: 'ES: Invalid wait action', # wait action,
1048: 'ES: Cannot create task package -- exceeds maximum permissable size (see note 4)', # maximum task package size,
1049: 'ES: Cannot return task package -- exceeds maximum permissable size for ES response (see note 5)', # maximum task package size for ES response,
1050: 'ES: Extended services request too large (see note 6)', # maximum size of extended services request,
1051: 'Scan: Attribute set id required -- not supplied', # ,
1052: 'ES: Cannot process task package record -- exceeds maximum permissible record size for ES (see note 7)', # maximum record size for ES,
1053: 'ES: Cannot return task package record -- exceeds maximum permissible record size for ES response (see note 8)', # maximum record size for ES response,
1054: 'Init: Required negotiation record not included', # oid(s) of required negotiation record(s),
1055: 'Init: negotiation option required', # ,
1056: 'Attribute not supported for database', # attribute (oid, type, and value), and database name,
1057: 'ES: Unsupported value of task package parameter (See Note 9)', # parameter and value,
1058: 'Duplicate Detection: Cannot dedup on requested record portion', # ,
1059: 'Duplicate Detection: Requested detection criterion not supported', # detection criterion,
1060: 'Duplicate Detection: Requested level of match not supported', # ,
1061: 'Duplicate Detection: Requested regular expression not supported', # ,
1062: 'Duplicate Detection: Cannot do clustering', # ,
1063: 'Duplicate Detection: Retention criterion not supported', # retention criterion,
1064: 'Duplicate Detection: Requested number (or percentage) of entries for retention too large', # ,
1065: 'Duplicate Detection: Requested sort criterion not supported', # sort criterion,
1066: 'CompSpec: Unknown schema, or schema not supported.', # ,
1067: 'Encapsulation: Encapsulated sequence of PDUs not supported.', # specific unsupported sequence,
1068: 'Encapsulation: Base operation (and encapsulated PDUs) not executed based on pre-screening analysis.', # ,
1069: 'No syntaxes available for this request. See note 10.', # ,
1070: 'user not authorized to receive record(s) in requested syntax', # ,
1071: 'preferredRecordSyntax not supplied', # ,
1072: 'Query term includes characters that do not translate into the target character set.', # Characters that do not translate
def lookup_errmsg (condition, oid):
if oid <> oids.Z3950_DIAG_BIB1_ov:
return "Unknown oid: %s condition %d" % (str (oid), condition)
if msg_dict.has_key (condition):
return msg_dict[condition]
return "Unknown BIB-1 error condition %d" % (condition,)

python/PyZ3950/c2query.py Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
from cStringIO import StringIO
from StringIO import StringIO
from PyZ3950 import z3950, oids
from types import IntType, StringType, ListType
# We need "\"\"" to be one token
from PyZ3950.CQLParser import CQLshlex
from PyZ3950.CQLUtils import ZCQLConfig
from PyZ3950.zdefs import make_attr
zconfig = ZCQLConfig()
top ::= query ['resultsetid' name]
query ::= query boolean clause | clause
clause ::= '(' query ')'
| attributes [relation] term
| resultset
attributes ::= '[' { [set] type '=' value } ']' | name
boolean ::= 'and' | 'or' | 'not' | (synonyms)
prox ::= ('!PROX' | (synonyms)) {'/' name}
relation ::= '>' | '<' | ...
[bib1 1=5, bib1 3=6] > term and title @ fish
booleans = {'AND' : 'and',
'.AND.' : 'and',
'&&' : 'and',
'OR' : 'or',
'.OR.' : 'or',
'||' : 'or',
'NOT' : 'and-not',
'.NOT.' : 'and-not',
'ANDNOT' : 'and-not',
'.ANDNOT.' : 'and-not',
'!!' : 'and-not'
relations = {'<' : 1,
'LT' : 1,
'.LT.' : 1,
'<=' : 2,
'LE' : 2,
'.LE.' : 2,
'=' : 3,
'>=' : 4,
'GE' : 4,
'.GE.' : 4,
'>' : 5,
'GT' : 5,
'.GT.' : 5,
'<>' : 6,
'!=' : 6,
'NE' : 6,
'.NE.' : 6,
'?' : 100,
'PHON' : 100,
'.PHON.' : 100,
'%' : 101,
'STEM' : 101,
'.STEM.' : 101,
'@' : 102,
'REL' : 102,
'.REL.' : 102,
'<=>' : 104,
'WITHIN' : 104,
'.WITHIN.' : 104}
geoRelations = {'>=<' : 7,
'.OVERLAPS.' : 7,
'>#<' : 8,
'<#>' : 9,
'.ENCLOSES.' : 9,
'<>#' : 10,
'.OUTSIDE_OF.' : 10,
'+-+' : 11,
'.NEAR.' : 11,
'.#.' : 12,
'!.#.' : 13,
':<:' : 14,
'.BEFORE.' : 14,
':<=:' : 15,
':=:' : 16,
'.DURING.' : 16,
':>=:' : 17,
':>:' : 18,
'.AFTER.' : 18}
proxBooleans = {'!PROX' : (2, 0, 2),
'!ADJ' : (2, 0, 2),
'!NEAR' : (20, 0, 2),
'!FAR' : (20, 0, 4),
'!OPROX' : (2, 1, 2),
'!OADJ' : (2, 1, 2),
'!ONEAR' : (20, 1, 2),
'!OFAR' : (20, 1, 4)}
proxUnits = {'C' : 1,
'CHAR' : 1,
'W' : 2,
'WORD' : 2,
'S' : 3,
'SENT' : 3,
'P' : 4,
'PARA' : 4,
'SECTION' : 5,
'CHAPTER' : 6,
'ELEMENT' : 8,
'BYTE' : 11}
privateBooleans = {'!FUZZY_AND' : 1,
'!FUZZY_OR' : 2,
'!FUZZY_NOT' : 3,
'!MERGE_SUM' : 6,
'!MERGE_MEAN' : 7,
'!MERGE_NORM' : 8}
xzconfig = ZCQLConfig()
class C2Parser:
lexer = None
currentToken = None
nextToken = None
def __init__(self, l):
self.lexer = l
def fetch_token(self):
tok = self.lexer.get_token()
self.currentToken = self.nextToken
self.nextToken = tok
def is_boolean(self, tok=None):
if (tok == None):
tok = self.currentToken
if (privateBooleans.has_key(tok.upper())):
return 1
elif (booleans.has_key(tok.upper())):
return 2
elif (proxBooleans.has_key(tok.upper())):
return 3
return 0
def top(self):
rpn = self.query()
# Check for resultsetid
if (self.currentToken.lower() == 'resultsetid'):
resultset = self.currentToken
resultset = None
rpnq = z3950.RPNQuery()
rpnq.attributeSet = oids.Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1_ov
rpnq.rpn = rpn
q = ('type_1', rpnq)
return (q, resultset)
def query(self):
left = self.subquery()
while 1:
if not self.currentToken:
bool = self.is_boolean()
if bool:
bool = self.boolean()
right = self.subquery()
# Put left into triple, make triple new left
op = z3950.RpnRpnOp()
op.rpn1 = left
op.rpn2 = right
op.op = bool
wrap = ('rpnRpnOp', op)
left = wrap
return left
def subquery(self):
if self.currentToken == "(":
object = self.query()
if (self.currentToken <> ")"):
raise ValueError
object = self.clause()
return object
def boolean(self):
tok = self.currentToken.upper()
if (booleans.has_key(tok)):
return (booleans[tok], None)
elif (privateBooleans.has_key(tok)):
# Generate cutesie prox trick
type = privateBooleans[tok]
prox = z3950.ProximityOperator()
prox.proximityUnitCode = ('private', type)
prox.distance = 0
prox.ordered = 0
prox.relationType = 3
return ('op', ('prox', prox))
elif (proxBooleans.has_key(tok)):
# Generate prox
prox = z3950.ProximityOperator()
stuff = proxBooleans[tok]
prox.distance = stuff[0]
prox.ordered = stuff[1]
prox.relationType = stuff[2]
prox.proximityUnitCode = ('known', 2)
# Now look for /
while (self.currentToken == "/"):
if (self.currentToken.isdigit()):
prox.distance = int(self.currentToken)
elif (proxUnits.has_key(self.currentToken.upper())):
prox.proximityUnitCode = ('known', proxUnits[self.currentToken.upper()])
raise ValueError
return ('op', ('prox', prox))
# Argh!
raise ValueError
def clause(self):
if (self.is_boolean(self.nextToken) or not self.nextToken or self.nextToken.lower() == 'resultsetid' or self.nextToken == ")"):
# Must be a resultset
tok = self.currentToken
return ('op', ('resultSet', tok))
elif (self.currentToken == '['):
# List of attributes
attrs = []
oidHash = oids.oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']
while (1):
if (self.currentToken == ']'):
if (oidHash.has_key(self.currentToken)):
attrSet = oidHash[self.currentToken]['ov']
elif (self.currentToken[:8] == '1.2.840.'):
attrSet = asn1.OidVal(map(int, self.currentToken.split('.')))
attrSet = None
if (self.currentToken[-1] == ','):
tok = self.currentToken[:-1]
tok = self.currentToken
if (tok.isdigit()):
# 1 = foo
atype = int(tok)
if (self.currentToken == '='):
# = foo
if (self.currentToken[0] == '='):
# =foo
tok = self.currentToken[1:]
tok = self.currentToken
if (tok[-1] == ','):
tok = tok[:-1]
if (tok.isdigit()):
val = int(tok)
val = tok
if (val[0] == "'" and val[-1] == "'"):
val = val[1:-1]
elif (tok[-1] == '='):
#1= foo
tok = tok[:-1]
if (tok.isdigit()):
atype = int(tok)
if (self.currentToken[-1] == ","):
tok = self.currentToken[:-1]
tok = self.currentToken
if (tok.isdigit()):
val = int(self.currentToken)
val = tok
if (val[0] == "'" and val[-1] == "'"):
val = val[1:-1]
elif (tok.find('=') > -1):
# 1=foo
(atype, val) = self.currentToken.split('=')
atype = int(atype)
if (val[-1] == ","):
val = val[:-1]
if (val.isdigit()):
val = int(val)
elif (val[0] == "'" and val[-1] == "'"):
val = val[1:-1]
# ???
raise ValueError
attrs.append([attrSet, atype, val])
# Check for named index
if (zconfig.BIB1.has_key(self.currentToken.lower())):
attrs = [[oids.Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1_ov, 1, zconfig.BIB1[self.currentToken.lower()]]]
# Just pass through the name
attrs = [[oids.Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1_ov, 1, self.currentToken]]
# Check for relation
tok = self.currentToken.upper()
if (relations.has_key(tok)):
val = relations[tok]
found = 0
for a in attrs:
if (a[0] in [oids.Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1, None] and a[1] == 2):
found =1
a[2] = val
if (not found):
attrs.append([None, 2, val])
elif (geoRelations.has_key(tok)):
val = geoRelations[tok]
found = 0
for a in attrs:
if (a[0] in [oids.Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1, oids.Z3950_ATTRS_GEO, None] and a[1] == 2):
found = 1
a[2] = val
if (not found):
attrs.append([oids.Z3950_ATTRS_GEO, 2, val])
if (self.currentToken.find(' ')):
# Already quoted
term = self.currentToken
# Accumulate
term = []
while (self.currentToken and not self.is_boolean(self.currentToken) and self.currentToken.lower() != 'resultsetid'):
term = ' '.join(term)
# Phew. Now build AttributesPlusTerm
clause = z3950.AttributesPlusTerm()
clause.attributes = [make_attr(*e) for e in attrs]
clause.term = ('general', term)
return ('op', ('attrTerm', clause))
def parse(q):
query = StringIO(q)
lexer = CQLshlex(query)
# Override CQL's wordchars list to include /=><
lexer.wordchars += "!@#$%^&*-+;,.?|~`:\\><='"
lexer.wordchars = lexer.wordchars.replace('[', '')
lexer.wordchars = lexer.wordchars.replace(']', '')
parser = C2Parser(lexer)
return parser.top()

python/PyZ3950/ccl.py Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Implements part of CCL, the Common Command Language, ISO 8777. I'm
working from the description in the YAZ toolkit
(http://www.indexdata.dk/yaz/doc/tools.php), rather than the ISO
spec. Two extensions:
- qualifiers can be literal "(attrtyp, attrval)" pairs, so, e.g., the
following is a legitimate for ISBN: "(1,7)=0312033095"
- the optional ATTRSET (attrset/query) which must appear at the beginning
of the string.
Allowed values are:
BIB1 (default)
or an oid expressed as a dotted string. (A leading dot implies a
prefix of 1.2.840.1003.3, so, e.g., .1 is the same as BIB1.)
Eventually I will support v3-style mixing attribute sets within
a single query, but for now I don't.
from __future__ import nested_scopes
import string
in_setup = 0
from PyZ3950 import z3950
from PyZ3950 import oids
from PyZ3950 import asn1
_attrdict = {
'bib1' : oids.Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1_ov,
'zthes1': oids.Z3950_ATTRS_ZTHES_ov,
'xd1': oids.Z3950_ATTRS_XD1_ov,
'utility': oids.Z3950_ATTRS_UTIL_ov,
'exp1': oids.Z3950_ATTRS_EXP1_ov
except ImportError, err:
print "Error importing (OK during setup)", err
in_setup = 1
class QuerySyntaxError(Exception): pass
class ParseError(QuerySyntaxError): pass
class LexError(QuerySyntaxError): pass
class UnimplError(QuerySyntaxError): pass
tokens = ('LPAREN', 'RPAREN', 'COMMA',
t_LPAREN= r'\('
t_RPAREN= r'\)'
t_COMMA = r','
t_SLASH = r'/'
def t_ATTRSET(t):
return t
def t_SET (t): # need to def as function to override parsing as WORD, gr XXX
return t
relop_to_attrib = {
'<': 1,
'<=': 2,
'=': 3,
'>=': 4,
'>': 5,
'<>': 6}
t_RELOP = "|".join (["(%s)" % r for r in relop_to_attrib.keys()])
# XXX Index Data docs say 'doesn't follow ... ISO8777'?
# XXX expand to rd. addt'l defns from file?
qual_dict = { # These are bib-1 attribute values, see
# http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/defns/bib1.html and ftp://ftp.loc.gov/pub/z3950/defs/bib1.txt
'TI': (1,4),
'AU': (1,1003), # use 1003 to work w/ both NLC-BNC and LC
'ISBN': (1,7),
'LCCN': (1,9),
'ANY': (1,1016),
'FIF': (3, 1), # first-in-field
'AIF': (3,3), # any-in-field (default)
'RTRUNC': (5,1),
'NOTRUNC': (5,100) # (default)
default_quals = ['ANY'] # XXX should be per-attr-set
default_relop = '='
def t_QUAL(t):
return t
def mk_quals ():
quals = ("|".join (map (lambda x: '(' + x + ')', qual_dict.keys())))
t_QUAL.__doc__ = "(?i)" + quals + r"|(\([0-9]+,[0-9]+\))"
if t.value[0] == '"':
t.value = t.value[1:-1]
return t
word_init = "[a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|&|:"
word_non_init = ",|\.|\'"
t_WORD = "(%s)(%s|%s)*" % (word_init, word_init, word_non_init)
def t_LOGOP(t):
return t
t_ignore = " \t"
def t_error(t):
raise LexError ('t_error: ' + str (t))
from ply import lex
def relex ():
global lexer
mk_quals ()
lexer = lex.lex()
relex ()
def add_qual (qual_name, val):
"""Add a qualifier definition, and regenerate the lexer."""
qual_dict[qual_name] = val
relex ()
from ply import yacc
#if in_setup:
# import yacc
# from PyZ3950 import yacc
class Node:
def __init__(self,type,children=None,leaf=None):
self.type = type
if children:
self.children = children
self.children = [ ]
self.leaf = leaf
def str_child (self, child, depth):
if isinstance (child, Node): # ugh
return child.str_depth (depth)
indent = " " * (4 * depth)
return indent + str (child) + "\n"
def str_depth (self, depth): # ugh
indent = " " * (4 * depth)
l = ["%s%s %s" % (indent, self.type, self.leaf)]
l.append ("".join (map (lambda s: self.str_child (s, depth + 1),
return "\n".join (l)
def __str__(self):
return "\n" + self.str_depth (0)
def p_top (t):
'top : cclfind_or_attrset'
t[0] = t[1]
def p_cclfind_or_attrset_1 (t):
'cclfind_or_attrset : cclfind'
t[0] = t[1]
def p_cclfind_or_attrset_2 (t):
'cclfind_or_attrset : ATTRSET LPAREN WORD SLASH cclfind RPAREN'
t[0] = Node ('attrset', [t[5]], t[3])
def p_ccl_find_1(t):
'cclfind : cclfind LOGOP elements'
t[0] = Node ('op', [t[1],t[3]], t[2])
def p_ccl_find_2(t):
'cclfind : elements'
t[0] = t[1]
def p_elements_1(t):
'elements : LPAREN cclfind RPAREN'
t[0] = t[2]
class QuallistVal:
def __init__ (self, quallist, val):
self.quallist = quallist
self.val = val
def __str__ (self):
return "QV: %s %s" % (str(self.quallist),str (self.val))
def __getitem__ (self, i):
if i == 0: return self.quallist
if i == 1: return self.val
raise IndexError ('QuallistVal err ' + str (i))
def xlate_qualifier (x):
if x[0] == '(' and x[-1] == ')':
t = x[1:-1].split (',') # t must be of len 2 b/c of lexer
return (string.atoi (t[0]), string.atoi (t[1]))
return qual_dict[(x.upper ())]
def p_elements_2 (t):
'elements : SET RELOP WORD'
if t[2] <> '=':
raise QuerySyntaxError (str (t[1], str (t[2]), str (t[3])))
t[0] = Node ('set', leaf = t[3])
def p_elements_3(t):
'elements : val'
t[0] = Node ('relop', QuallistVal (map (xlate_qualifier, default_quals), t[1]), default_relop)
def p_elements_4(t):
'elements : quallist RELOP val'
t[0] = Node ('relop', QuallistVal(map (xlate_qualifier, t[1]),t[3]), t[2])
# XXX p_elements_5 would be quals followed by recursive def'n, not yet implemented
# XXX p_elements_6 would be quals followed by range, not yet implemented.
def p_quallist_1 (t):
'quallist : QUAL'
t[0] = [t[1]]
def p_quallist_2 (t):
'quallist : quallist COMMA QUAL'
t[0] = t[1] + [t[3]]
def p_val_1(t):
t[0] = t[1]
def p_val_2(t):
'val : val WORD'
t[0] = t[1] + " " + t[2]
def p_val_3(t):
'val : WORD'
t[0] = t[1]
# XXX also don't yet handle proximity operator
def p_error(t):
raise ParseError ('Parse p_error ' + str (t))
precedence = (
('left', 'LOGOP'),
yacc.yacc (debug=0, tabmodule = 'PyZ3950_parsetab')
#yacc.yacc (debug=0, tabpackage = 'PyZ3950', tabmodule='PyZ3950_parsetab')
def attrset_to_oid (attrset):
l = attrset.lower ()
if _attrdict.has_key (l):
return _attrdict [l]
split_l = l.split ('.')
if split_l[0] == '':
split_l = oids.Z3950_ATTRS + split_l[1:]
intlist = map (string.atoi, split_l)
except ValueError:
raise ParseError ('Bad OID: ' + l)
return asn1.OidVal (intlist)
def tree_to_q (ast):
if ast.type == 'op':
myrpnRpnOp = z3950.RpnRpnOp ()
myrpnRpnOp.rpn1 = tree_to_q(ast.children[0])
myrpnRpnOp.rpn2 = tree_to_q(ast.children[1])
op = ast.leaf.lower ()
if op == 'not': op = 'and-not' # CCL spec of 'not' vs. Z39.50 spec of 'and-not'
myrpnRpnOp.op = (op, None)
return ('rpnRpnOp', myrpnRpnOp)
elif ast.type == 'relop':
# XXX but e.g. LC (http://lcweb.loc.gov/z3950/lcserver.html)
# doesn't support other relation attributes, either.
relattr = relop_to_attrib [ast.leaf]
except KeyError: # should never happen, how could we have lexed it?
raise UnimplError (ast.leaf)
def make_aelt (qual):
val = ('numeric', qual [1])
return z3950.AttributeElement (attributeType = qual[0],
attributeValue = val)
apt = z3950.AttributesPlusTerm ()
quallist = ast.children.quallist
if ast.leaf <> '=':
quallist.append ((2,relattr)) # 2 is relation attribute
# see http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/markup/13.html ATR.1.1
apt.attributes = map (make_aelt, quallist)
apt.term = ('general', ast.children.val) # XXX update for V3?
return ('op', ('attrTerm', apt))
elif ast.type == 'set':
return ('op', ('resultSet', ast.leaf))
raise UnimplError("Bad ast type " + str(ast.type))
def mk_rpn_query (query):
"""Transform a CCL query into an RPN query."""
# need to copy or create a new lexer because it contains globals
# PLY 1.0 lacks __copy__
# PLY 1.3.1-1.5 have __copy__, but it's broken and returns None
# I sent David Beazley a patch, so future PLY releases will
# presumably work correctly.
# Recreating the lexer each time is noticeably slower, so this solution
# is suboptimal for PLY <= 1.5, but better than being thread-unsafe.
# Perhaps I should have per-thread lexer instead XXX
# with example/twisted/test.py set to parse_only, I get 277 parses/sec
# with fixed PLY, vs. 63 parses/sec with broken PLY, on my 500 MHz PIII
# laptop.
copiedlexer = None
if hasattr (lexer, '__copy__'):
copiedlexer = lexer.__copy__ ()
if copiedlexer == None:
copiedlexer = lex.lex ()
ast = yacc.parse (query, copiedlexer)
return ast_to_rpn (ast)
def ast_to_rpn (ast):
if ast.type == 'attrset':
attrset = attrset_to_oid (ast.leaf)
ast = ast.children [0]
attrset = oids.Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1_ov
rpnq = z3950.RPNQuery (attributeSet = attrset)
rpnq.rpn = tree_to_q (ast)
return ('type_1', rpnq)
def testlex (s):
lexer.input (s)
while 1:
token = lexer.token ()
if not token:
print token
def testyacc (s):
copylex = lexer.__copy__ ()
ast = yacc.parse (s, lexer = copylex)
print "AST:", ast
print "RPN Query:", ast_to_rpn (ast)
if __name__ == '__main__':
testfn = testyacc
# testfn = testlex
testfn ('attrset (BIB1/ au="Gaiman, Neil" or ti=Sandman)')
while 1:
s = raw_input ('Query: ')
if len (s) == 0:
testfn (s)
# testyacc ()
# testlex ()

python/PyZ3950/charneg.py Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
assert (0)
# XXX shouldn't use, absorbed into z3950_2001.py
#from PyZ3950 import asn1
import asn1
InitialSet=asn1.SEQUENCE ([('g0',None,asn1.TYPE(asn1.IMPLICIT(0,cls=asn1.CONTEXT_FLAG),asn1.INTEGER),1),
PrivateCharacterSet=asn1.CHOICE ([('viaOid',None,asn1.TYPE(asn1.IMPLICIT(1,cls=asn1.CONTEXT_FLAG), asn1.SEQUENCE_OF (asn1.OBJECT_IDENTIFIER))),
LeftAndRight=asn1.SEQUENCE ([('gLeft',None,asn1.TYPE(asn1.IMPLICIT(3,cls=asn1.CONTEXT_FLAG),asn1.INTEGER),0),
Iso10646=asn1.SEQUENCE ([('collections',None,asn1.TYPE(asn1.IMPLICIT(1,cls=asn1.CONTEXT_FLAG),asn1.OBJECT_IDENTIFIER),1),
Environment=asn1.CHOICE ([('sevenBit',None,asn1.TYPE(asn1.IMPLICIT(1,cls=asn1.CONTEXT_FLAG),asn1.NULL)),
Iso2022=asn1.CHOICE ([('originProposal',None,asn1.TYPE(asn1.IMPLICIT(1,cls=asn1.CONTEXT_FLAG), asn1.SEQUENCE ([('proposedEnvironment',None,asn1.TYPE(asn1.EXPLICIT(0,cls=asn1.CONTEXT_FLAG),Environment),1),
('proposedSets',None,asn1.TYPE(asn1.IMPLICIT(1,cls=asn1.CONTEXT_FLAG), asn1.SEQUENCE_OF (asn1.INTEGER)),0),
('proposedInitialSets',None,asn1.TYPE(asn1.IMPLICIT(2,cls=asn1.CONTEXT_FLAG), asn1.SEQUENCE_OF (InitialSet)),0),
('targetResponse',None,asn1.TYPE(asn1.IMPLICIT(2,cls=asn1.CONTEXT_FLAG), asn1.SEQUENCE ([('selectedEnvironment',None,asn1.TYPE(asn1.EXPLICIT(0,cls=asn1.CONTEXT_FLAG),Environment),0),
('selectedSets',None,asn1.TYPE(asn1.IMPLICIT(1,cls=asn1.CONTEXT_FLAG), asn1.SEQUENCE_OF (asn1.INTEGER)),0),
TargetResponse=asn1.SEQUENCE ([('selectedCharSets',None,asn1.TYPE(asn1.EXPLICIT(1,cls=asn1.CONTEXT_FLAG), asn1.CHOICE ([('iso2022',None,asn1.TYPE(asn1.EXPLICIT(1,cls=asn1.CONTEXT_FLAG),Iso2022)),
OriginProposal=asn1.SEQUENCE ([('proposedCharSets',None,asn1.TYPE(asn1.IMPLICIT(1,cls=asn1.CONTEXT_FLAG), asn1.SEQUENCE_OF ( asn1.CHOICE ([('iso2022',None,asn1.TYPE(asn1.EXPLICIT(1,cls=asn1.CONTEXT_FLAG),Iso2022)),
('proposedlanguages',None,asn1.TYPE(asn1.IMPLICIT(2,cls=asn1.CONTEXT_FLAG), asn1.SEQUENCE_OF (LanguageCode)),1),
CharSetandLanguageNegotiation=asn1.CHOICE ([('proposal',None,asn1.TYPE(asn1.IMPLICIT(1,cls=asn1.CONTEXT_FLAG),OriginProposal)),

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Original by Robert Sanderson, modifications by Aaron Lav
import sys
from PyZ3950 import asn1
inh = file("oids.txt")
outh = file("oids.py", "w")
outh.write('from PyZ3950 import asn1\n')
# from ... to get same globals as others importing asn1
outh.write('oids = {}\n')
oids = {}
vars = {}
for line in inh:
if (not line.isspace()):
flds = line.split(None)
name = flds[0]
number = flds[1]
if (len(flds) > 2):
aliasList = flds[2:]
aliasList = []
if (number[0] == "."):
# add to previous
splitname = name.split("_")
cur = oids
for n in splitname[:-1]:
cur = cur[n]
val = cur['val'] + [int(number[1:])]
oid = asn1.OidVal(val)
cur [splitname[-1]] = {'oid': oid, 'val' : val}
vars[name] = val
tree = "oids['%s']" % "']['".join (splitname)
outh.write(tree + " = " + "{'oid': asn1.OidVal(" + str(val) + "), 'val': " + str(val) + "}\n")
# base
splitnums = number.split('.')
numlist = map(int, splitnums)
oids[name] = {}
oids[name]['oid'] = asn1.OidVal(numlist)
oids[name]['val'] = numlist
vars[name] = numlist
outh.write("oids['" + name + "'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal(" + str(numlist) + "), 'val': " + str(numlist) + "}\n")
items = vars.items()
for k,v in items:
outh.write(k + " = " + str(v) + "\n")
outh.write(k + "_ov = asn1.OidVal(" + str (v) + ")\n")

python/PyZ3950/grs1.py Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Utility functions for GRS-1 data"""
from __future__ import nested_scopes
# XXX still need to tag non-leaf nodes w/ (tagType, tagValue)
# XXX tagType can be omitted. If so, default either supplied
# dynamically by tagSet-M or statically spec'd by schema
# from TAG (Z39.50-1995 App 12): tagType 1 is tagSet-M, 2 tagSet-G,
# 3 locally defined.
class Node:
"""Defined members are:
tag - tag (always present, except for top node)
metadata - metadata (opt, seriesOrder only for nonleaf - v. RET.3.2.3 )
children - list of Node
leaf - leaf data (children and leaf are mutually exclusive)
def __init__ (self, **kw):
self.__dict__.update (kw)
self.tab_size = 3 # controls str() indentation width
def str_depth (self, depth):
l = []
children = getattr (self, 'children', [])
leaf = getattr (self, 'leaf', None)
tag = getattr (self, 'tag', None)
indent = " " * (self.tab_size * depth)
if leaf <> None:
l.append ("%s%s %s" % (
indent, str (tag), leaf.content))
if tag <> None:
l.append (indent + str (tag))
meta = getattr (self, 'metadata', None)
if meta <> None:
l.append (indent + 'metadata: ' + str (meta))
l.append ("".join (map (
lambda n: n.str_depth (depth + 1), children)))
return "\n".join (l)
def __str__ (self):
return "\n" + self.str_depth (-1)
def preproc (raw):
"""Transform the raw output of the asn.1 decoder into something
a bit more programmer-friendly. (This is automatically called
by the ZOOM API, so you don't need to worry about it unless you're
using the raw z3950 API.)
if isinstance (raw, type ([])):
return Node (children = map (preproc, raw))
else: # TaggedElement
kw = {}
tag = (raw.tagType, raw.tagValue [1])
# Value [0] is str vs. num indicator
kw ['tag'] = tag
meta = getattr (raw, 'metaData', None)
if meta <> None:
kw ['metadata'] = meta
if raw.content[0] == 'subtree':
return Node (children = map (preproc, raw.content [1]), **kw)
# tag and metadata are here redundantly encoded as
# both attributes of leaf and of Node. Use the Node
# attribs, I'll try to clean this up sometime.
return Node (leaf = raw, **kw)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

python/PyZ3950/oids.py Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
from PyZ3950 import asn1
oids = {}
oids['Z3950'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3]}
oids['Z3950']['DIAG'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 4]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 4]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5]}
oids['Z3950']['TRANSFER'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 6]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 6]}
oids['Z3950']['RRF'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 7]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 7]}
oids['Z3950']['ACCESS'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 8]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 8]}
oids['Z3950']['ES'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9]}
oids['Z3950']['USR'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10]}
oids['Z3950']['SPEC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 11]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 11]}
oids['Z3950']['VAR'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 12]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 12]}
oids['Z3950']['SCHEMA'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13]}
oids['Z3950']['TAGSET'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 14]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 14]}
oids['Z3950']['NEG'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 15]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 15]}
oids['Z3950']['QUERY'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 16]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 16]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['BIB1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['EXP1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 2]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 2]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['EXT1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 3]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 3]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['CCL1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 4]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 4]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['GILS'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 5]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 5]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['STAS'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 6]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 6]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['COLLECTIONS1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 7]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 7]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['CIMI1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 8]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 8]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['GEO'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 9]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 9]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['ZBIG'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 10]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 10]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['UTIL'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 11]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 11]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['XD1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 12]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 12]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['ZTHES'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 13]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 13]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['FIN1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 14]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 14]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['DAN1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 15]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 15]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['HOLD'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 16]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 16]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['MARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 17]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 17]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['BIB2'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 18]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 18]}
oids['Z3950']['ATTRS']['ZEEREX'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 19]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 19]}
oids['Z3950']['DIAG']['BIB1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 4, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 4, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['DIAG']['DIAG1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 4, 2]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 4, 2]}
oids['Z3950']['DIAG']['ES'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 4, 3]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 4, 3]}
oids['Z3950']['DIAG']['GENERAL'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 4, 4]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 4, 4]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['UNIMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['INTERMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 2]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 2]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['CCF'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 3]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 3]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['USMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['USMARC']['BIBLIO'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['USMARC']['AUTH'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 2]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 2]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['USMARC']['HOLD'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 3]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 3]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['USMARC']['COMMUNITY'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 4]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 4]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['USMARC']['CLASS'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 5]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 5]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['UKMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 11]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 11]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['NORMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 12]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 12]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['LIBRISMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 13]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 13]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['DANMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 14]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 14]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['FINMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 15]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 15]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['MAB'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 16]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 16]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['CANMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 17]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 17]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['SBNMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 18]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 18]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['PICAMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 19]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 19]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['AUSMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 20]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 20]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['IBERMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 21]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 21]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['CATMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 22]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 22]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['MALMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 23]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 23]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['JPMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 24]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 24]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['SWEMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 25]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 25]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['SIGLEMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 26]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 26]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['ISDSMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 27]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 27]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['RUSMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 28]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 28]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['HUNMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 29]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 29]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['NACSISCATP'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 30]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 30]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['FINMARC2000'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 31]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 31]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['MARC21FIN'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 32]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 32]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['COMARC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 33]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 33]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['EXPLAIN'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 100]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 100]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['SUTRS'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 101]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 101]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['OPAC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 102]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 102]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['SUMMARY'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 103]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 103]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['GRS0'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 104]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 104]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['GRS1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 105]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 105]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['ES'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 106]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 106]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['FRAGMENT'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 107]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 107]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['MIME'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['MIME']['PDF'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['MIME']['POSTSCRIPT'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 2]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 2]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['MIME']['HTML'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 3]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 3]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['MIME']['TIFF'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 4]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 4]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['MIME']['GIF'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 5]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 5]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['MIME']['JPEG'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 6]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 6]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['MIME']['PNG'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 7]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 7]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['MIME']['MPEG'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 8]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 8]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['MIME']['SGML'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 9]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 9]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['MIME']['XML'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 10]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 10]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['ZMIME'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 110]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 110]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['ZMIME']['TIFFB'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 110, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 110, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['ZMIME']['WAV'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 110, 2]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 110, 2]}
oids['Z3950']['RECSYN']['SQL'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 111]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 111]}
oids['Z3950']['RRF']['RESOURCE1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 7, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 7, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['RRF']['RESOURCE2'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 7, 2]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 7, 2]}
oids['Z3950']['ACCESS']['PROMPT1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 8, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 8, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['ACCESS']['DES1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 8, 2]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 8, 2]}
oids['Z3950']['ACCESS']['KRB1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 8, 3]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 8, 3]}
oids['Z3950']['ES']['PERSISTRS'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['ES']['PERSISTQRY'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 2]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 2]}
oids['Z3950']['ES']['PERIODQRY'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 3]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 3]}
oids['Z3950']['ES']['ITEMORDER'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 4]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 4]}
oids['Z3950']['ES']['DBUPDATE'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 5]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 5]}
oids['Z3950']['ES']['DBUPDATE']['REV'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 5, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 5, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['ES']['DBUPDATE']['REV']['1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 5, 1, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 5, 1, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['ES']['EXPORTSPEC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 6]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 6]}
oids['Z3950']['ES']['EXPORTINV'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 7]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 7]}
oids['Z3950']['USR']['SEARCHRES1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['USR']['CHARSETNEG'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 2]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 2]}
oids['Z3950']['USR']['INFO1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 3]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 3]}
oids['Z3950']['USR']['SEARCHTERMS1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 4]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 4]}
oids['Z3950']['USR']['SEARCHTERMS2'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 5]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 5]}
oids['Z3950']['USR']['DATETIME'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 6]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 6]}
oids['Z3950']['USR']['INSERTACTIONQUAL'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 9]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 9]}
oids['Z3950']['USR']['EDITACTIONQUAL'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 10]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 10]}
oids['Z3950']['USR']['AUTHFILE'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 11]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 11]}
oids['Z3950']['USR']['PRIVATE'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 1000]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 1000]}
oids['Z3950']['USR']['PRIVATE']['OCLC'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 1000, 17]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 1000, 17]}
oids['Z3950']['USR']['PRIVATE']['OCLC']['INFO'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 1000, 17, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 1000, 17, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['SPEC']['ESPEC1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 11, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 11, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['SPEC']['ESPEC2'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 11, 2]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 11, 2]}
oids['Z3950']['SPEC']['ESPECQ'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 11, 3]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 11, 3]}
oids['Z3950']['VAR']['VARIANT1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 12, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 12, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['SCHEMA']['WAIS'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['SCHEMA']['GILS'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 2]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 2]}
oids['Z3950']['SCHEMA']['COLLECTIONS'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 3]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 3]}
oids['Z3950']['SCHEMA']['GEO'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 4]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 4]}
oids['Z3950']['SCHEMA']['CIMI'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 5]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 5]}
oids['Z3950']['SCHEMA']['UPDATE'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 6]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 6]}
oids['Z3950']['SCHEMA']['HOLDINGS'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 7]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 7]}
oids['Z3950']['SCHEMA']['HOLDINGS']['11'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 7, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 7, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['SCHEMA']['HOLDINGS']['12'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 7, 2]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 7, 2]}
oids['Z3950']['SCHEMA']['HOLDINGS']['14'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 7, 4]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 7, 4]}
oids['Z3950']['SCHEMA']['ZTHES'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['SCHEMA']['INSERT'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['SCHEMA']['EDIT'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['TAGSET']['M'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['TAGSET']['G'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 2]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 2]}
oids['Z3950']['TAGSET']['STAS'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 3]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 3]}
oids['Z3950']['TAGSET']['GILS'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 4]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 4]}
oids['Z3950']['TAGSET']['COLLECTIONS'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 5]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 5]}
oids['Z3950']['TAGSET']['CIMI'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 6]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 6]}
oids['Z3950']['TAGSET']['UPDATE'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 7]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 7]}
oids['Z3950']['TAGSET']['ZTHES'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 8]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 8]}
oids['Z3950']['NEG']['CHARSET2'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['NEG']['ES'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 2]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 2]}
oids['Z3950']['NEG']['CHARSET3'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 3]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 3]}
oids['Z3950']['NEG']['PRIVATE'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 1000]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 1000]}
oids['Z3950']['NEG']['PRIVATE']['INDEXDATA'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 1000, 81]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 1000, 81]}
oids['Z3950']['NEG']['PRIVATE']['INDEXDATA']['CHARSETNAME'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 1000, 81, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 1000, 81, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['QUERY']['SQL'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 16, 1]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 16, 1]}
oids['Z3950']['QUERY']['CQL'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 16, 2]), 'val': [1, 2, 840, 10003, 16, 2]}
oids['UNICODE'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 0, 10646]), 'val': [1, 0, 10646]}
oids['UNICODE']['PART1'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 0, 10646, 1]), 'val': [1, 0, 10646, 1]}
oids['UNICODE']['PART1']['XFERSYN'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 0, 10646, 1, 0]), 'val': [1, 0, 10646, 1, 0]}
oids['UNICODE']['PART1']['XFERSYN']['UCS2'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 0, 10646, 1, 0, 2]), 'val': [1, 0, 10646, 1, 0, 2]}
oids['UNICODE']['PART1']['XFERSYN']['UCS4'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 0, 10646, 1, 0, 4]), 'val': [1, 0, 10646, 1, 0, 4]}
oids['UNICODE']['PART1']['XFERSYN']['UTF16'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 0, 10646, 1, 0, 5]), 'val': [1, 0, 10646, 1, 0, 5]}
oids['UNICODE']['PART1']['XFERSYN']['UTF8'] = {'oid': asn1.OidVal([1, 0, 10646, 1, 0, 8]), 'val': [1, 0, 10646, 1, 0, 8]}
UNICODE = [1, 0, 10646]
UNICODE_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 0, 10646])
UNICODE_PART1 = [1, 0, 10646, 1]
UNICODE_PART1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 0, 10646, 1])
UNICODE_PART1_XFERSYN = [1, 0, 10646, 1, 0]
UNICODE_PART1_XFERSYN_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 0, 10646, 1, 0])
UNICODE_PART1_XFERSYN_UCS2 = [1, 0, 10646, 1, 0, 2]
UNICODE_PART1_XFERSYN_UCS2_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 0, 10646, 1, 0, 2])
UNICODE_PART1_XFERSYN_UCS4 = [1, 0, 10646, 1, 0, 4]
UNICODE_PART1_XFERSYN_UCS4_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 0, 10646, 1, 0, 4])
UNICODE_PART1_XFERSYN_UTF16 = [1, 0, 10646, 1, 0, 5]
UNICODE_PART1_XFERSYN_UTF16_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 0, 10646, 1, 0, 5])
UNICODE_PART1_XFERSYN_UTF8 = [1, 0, 10646, 1, 0, 8]
UNICODE_PART1_XFERSYN_UTF8_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 0, 10646, 1, 0, 8])
Z3950 = [1, 2, 840, 10003]
Z3950_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003])
Z3950_ACCESS = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 8]
Z3950_ACCESS_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 8])
Z3950_ACCESS_DES1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 8, 2]
Z3950_ACCESS_DES1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 8, 2])
Z3950_ACCESS_KRB1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 8, 3]
Z3950_ACCESS_KRB1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 8, 3])
Z3950_ACCESS_PROMPT1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 8, 1]
Z3950_ACCESS_PROMPT1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 8, 1])
Z3950_ATTRS = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3]
Z3950_ATTRS_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3])
Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 1]
Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 1])
Z3950_ATTRS_BIB2 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 18]
Z3950_ATTRS_BIB2_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 18])
Z3950_ATTRS_CCL1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 4]
Z3950_ATTRS_CCL1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 4])
Z3950_ATTRS_CIMI1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 8]
Z3950_ATTRS_CIMI1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 8])
Z3950_ATTRS_COLLECTIONS1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 7]
Z3950_ATTRS_COLLECTIONS1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 7])
Z3950_ATTRS_DAN1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 15]
Z3950_ATTRS_DAN1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 15])
Z3950_ATTRS_EXP1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 2]
Z3950_ATTRS_EXP1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 2])
Z3950_ATTRS_EXT1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 3]
Z3950_ATTRS_EXT1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 3])
Z3950_ATTRS_FIN1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 14]
Z3950_ATTRS_FIN1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 14])
Z3950_ATTRS_GEO = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 9]
Z3950_ATTRS_GEO_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 9])
Z3950_ATTRS_GILS = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 5]
Z3950_ATTRS_GILS_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 5])
Z3950_ATTRS_HOLD = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 16]
Z3950_ATTRS_HOLD_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 16])
Z3950_ATTRS_MARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 17]
Z3950_ATTRS_MARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 17])
Z3950_ATTRS_STAS = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 6]
Z3950_ATTRS_STAS_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 6])
Z3950_ATTRS_UTIL = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 11]
Z3950_ATTRS_UTIL_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 11])
Z3950_ATTRS_XD1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 12]
Z3950_ATTRS_XD1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 12])
Z3950_ATTRS_ZBIG = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 10]
Z3950_ATTRS_ZBIG_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 10])
Z3950_ATTRS_ZEEREX = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 19]
Z3950_ATTRS_ZEEREX_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 19])
Z3950_ATTRS_ZTHES = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 13]
Z3950_ATTRS_ZTHES_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 3, 13])
Z3950_DIAG = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 4]
Z3950_DIAG_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 4])
Z3950_DIAG_BIB1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 4, 1]
Z3950_DIAG_BIB1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 4, 1])
Z3950_DIAG_DIAG1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 4, 2]
Z3950_DIAG_DIAG1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 4, 2])
Z3950_DIAG_ES = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 4, 3]
Z3950_DIAG_ES_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 4, 3])
Z3950_DIAG_GENERAL = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 4, 4]
Z3950_DIAG_GENERAL_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 4, 4])
Z3950_ES = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9]
Z3950_ES_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9])
Z3950_ES_DBUPDATE = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 5]
Z3950_ES_DBUPDATE_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 5])
Z3950_ES_DBUPDATE_REV = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 5, 1]
Z3950_ES_DBUPDATE_REV_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 5, 1])
Z3950_ES_DBUPDATE_REV_1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 5, 1, 1]
Z3950_ES_DBUPDATE_REV_1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 5, 1, 1])
Z3950_ES_EXPORTINV = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 7]
Z3950_ES_EXPORTINV_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 7])
Z3950_ES_EXPORTSPEC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 6]
Z3950_ES_EXPORTSPEC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 6])
Z3950_ES_ITEMORDER = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 4]
Z3950_ES_ITEMORDER_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 4])
Z3950_ES_PERIODQRY = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 3]
Z3950_ES_PERIODQRY_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 3])
Z3950_ES_PERSISTQRY = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 2]
Z3950_ES_PERSISTQRY_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 2])
Z3950_ES_PERSISTRS = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 1]
Z3950_ES_PERSISTRS_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 9, 1])
Z3950_NEG = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 15]
Z3950_NEG_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 15])
Z3950_NEG_CHARSET2 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 1]
Z3950_NEG_CHARSET2_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 1])
Z3950_NEG_CHARSET3 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 3]
Z3950_NEG_CHARSET3_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 3])
Z3950_NEG_ES = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 2]
Z3950_NEG_ES_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 2])
Z3950_NEG_PRIVATE = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 1000]
Z3950_NEG_PRIVATE_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 1000])
Z3950_NEG_PRIVATE_INDEXDATA = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 1000, 81]
Z3950_NEG_PRIVATE_INDEXDATA_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 1000, 81])
Z3950_NEG_PRIVATE_INDEXDATA_CHARSETNAME = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 1000, 81, 1]
Z3950_NEG_PRIVATE_INDEXDATA_CHARSETNAME_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 15, 1000, 81, 1])
Z3950_QUERY = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 16]
Z3950_QUERY_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 16])
Z3950_QUERY_CQL = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 16, 2]
Z3950_QUERY_CQL_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 16, 2])
Z3950_QUERY_SQL = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 16, 1]
Z3950_QUERY_SQL_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 16, 1])
Z3950_RECSYN = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5]
Z3950_RECSYN_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5])
Z3950_RECSYN_AUSMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 20]
Z3950_RECSYN_AUSMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 20])
Z3950_RECSYN_CANMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 17]
Z3950_RECSYN_CANMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 17])
Z3950_RECSYN_CATMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 22]
Z3950_RECSYN_CATMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 22])
Z3950_RECSYN_CCF = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 3]
Z3950_RECSYN_CCF_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 3])
Z3950_RECSYN_COMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 33]
Z3950_RECSYN_COMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 33])
Z3950_RECSYN_DANMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 14]
Z3950_RECSYN_DANMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 14])
Z3950_RECSYN_ES = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 106]
Z3950_RECSYN_ES_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 106])
Z3950_RECSYN_EXPLAIN = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 100]
Z3950_RECSYN_EXPLAIN_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 100])
Z3950_RECSYN_FINMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 15]
Z3950_RECSYN_FINMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 15])
Z3950_RECSYN_FINMARC2000 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 31]
Z3950_RECSYN_FINMARC2000_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 31])
Z3950_RECSYN_FRAGMENT = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 107]
Z3950_RECSYN_FRAGMENT_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 107])
Z3950_RECSYN_GRS0 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 104]
Z3950_RECSYN_GRS0_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 104])
Z3950_RECSYN_GRS1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 105]
Z3950_RECSYN_GRS1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 105])
Z3950_RECSYN_HUNMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 29]
Z3950_RECSYN_HUNMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 29])
Z3950_RECSYN_IBERMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 21]
Z3950_RECSYN_IBERMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 21])
Z3950_RECSYN_INTERMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 2]
Z3950_RECSYN_INTERMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 2])
Z3950_RECSYN_ISDSMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 27]
Z3950_RECSYN_ISDSMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 27])
Z3950_RECSYN_JPMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 24]
Z3950_RECSYN_JPMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 24])
Z3950_RECSYN_LIBRISMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 13]
Z3950_RECSYN_LIBRISMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 13])
Z3950_RECSYN_MAB = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 16]
Z3950_RECSYN_MAB_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 16])
Z3950_RECSYN_MALMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 23]
Z3950_RECSYN_MALMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 23])
Z3950_RECSYN_MARC21FIN = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 32]
Z3950_RECSYN_MARC21FIN_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 32])
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109]
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109])
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_GIF = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 5]
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_GIF_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 5])
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_HTML = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 3]
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_HTML_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 3])
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_JPEG = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 6]
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_JPEG_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 6])
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_MPEG = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 8]
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_MPEG_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 8])
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_PDF = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 1]
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_PDF_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 1])
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_PNG = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 7]
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_PNG_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 7])
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_POSTSCRIPT = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 2]
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_POSTSCRIPT_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 2])
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_SGML = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 9]
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_SGML_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 9])
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_TIFF = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 4]
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_TIFF_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 4])
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_XML = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 10]
Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_XML_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 109, 10])
Z3950_RECSYN_NACSISCATP = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 30]
Z3950_RECSYN_NACSISCATP_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 30])
Z3950_RECSYN_NORMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 12]
Z3950_RECSYN_NORMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 12])
Z3950_RECSYN_OPAC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 102]
Z3950_RECSYN_OPAC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 102])
Z3950_RECSYN_PICAMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 19]
Z3950_RECSYN_PICAMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 19])
Z3950_RECSYN_RUSMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 28]
Z3950_RECSYN_RUSMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 28])
Z3950_RECSYN_SBNMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 18]
Z3950_RECSYN_SBNMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 18])
Z3950_RECSYN_SIGLEMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 26]
Z3950_RECSYN_SIGLEMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 26])
Z3950_RECSYN_SQL = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 111]
Z3950_RECSYN_SQL_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 111])
Z3950_RECSYN_SUMMARY = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 103]
Z3950_RECSYN_SUMMARY_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 103])
Z3950_RECSYN_SUTRS = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 101]
Z3950_RECSYN_SUTRS_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 101])
Z3950_RECSYN_SWEMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 25]
Z3950_RECSYN_SWEMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 25])
Z3950_RECSYN_UKMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 11]
Z3950_RECSYN_UKMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 11])
Z3950_RECSYN_UNIMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 1]
Z3950_RECSYN_UNIMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 1])
Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10]
Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10])
Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC_AUTH = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 2]
Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC_AUTH_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 2])
Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC_BIBLIO = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 1]
Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC_BIBLIO_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 1])
Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC_CLASS = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 5]
Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC_CLASS_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 5])
Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC_COMMUNITY = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 4]
Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC_COMMUNITY_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 4])
Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC_HOLD = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 3]
Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC_HOLD_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 10, 3])
Z3950_RECSYN_ZMIME = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 110]
Z3950_RECSYN_ZMIME_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 110])
Z3950_RECSYN_ZMIME_TIFFB = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 110, 1]
Z3950_RECSYN_ZMIME_TIFFB_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 110, 1])
Z3950_RECSYN_ZMIME_WAV = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 110, 2]
Z3950_RECSYN_ZMIME_WAV_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 5, 110, 2])
Z3950_RRF = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 7]
Z3950_RRF_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 7])
Z3950_RRF_RESOURCE1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 7, 1]
Z3950_RRF_RESOURCE1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 7, 1])
Z3950_RRF_RESOURCE2 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 7, 2]
Z3950_RRF_RESOURCE2_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 7, 2])
Z3950_SCHEMA = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13]
Z3950_SCHEMA_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13])
Z3950_SCHEMA_CIMI = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 5]
Z3950_SCHEMA_CIMI_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 5])
Z3950_SCHEMA_COLLECTIONS = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 3]
Z3950_SCHEMA_COLLECTIONS_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 3])
Z3950_SCHEMA_EDIT = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 1]
Z3950_SCHEMA_EDIT_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 1])
Z3950_SCHEMA_GEO = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 4]
Z3950_SCHEMA_GEO_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 4])
Z3950_SCHEMA_GILS = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 2]
Z3950_SCHEMA_GILS_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 2])
Z3950_SCHEMA_HOLDINGS = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 7]
Z3950_SCHEMA_HOLDINGS_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 7])
Z3950_SCHEMA_HOLDINGS_11 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 7, 1]
Z3950_SCHEMA_HOLDINGS_11_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 7, 1])
Z3950_SCHEMA_HOLDINGS_12 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 7, 2]
Z3950_SCHEMA_HOLDINGS_12_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 7, 2])
Z3950_SCHEMA_HOLDINGS_14 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 7, 4]
Z3950_SCHEMA_HOLDINGS_14_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 7, 4])
Z3950_SCHEMA_INSERT = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 1]
Z3950_SCHEMA_INSERT_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 1])
Z3950_SCHEMA_UPDATE = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 6]
Z3950_SCHEMA_UPDATE_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 6])
Z3950_SCHEMA_WAIS = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 1]
Z3950_SCHEMA_WAIS_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 1])
Z3950_SCHEMA_ZTHES = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 1]
Z3950_SCHEMA_ZTHES_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 13, 1])
Z3950_SPEC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 11]
Z3950_SPEC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 11])
Z3950_SPEC_ESPEC1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 11, 1]
Z3950_SPEC_ESPEC1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 11, 1])
Z3950_SPEC_ESPEC2 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 11, 2]
Z3950_SPEC_ESPEC2_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 11, 2])
Z3950_SPEC_ESPECQ = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 11, 3]
Z3950_SPEC_ESPECQ_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 11, 3])
Z3950_TAGSET = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 14]
Z3950_TAGSET_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 14])
Z3950_TAGSET_CIMI = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 6]
Z3950_TAGSET_CIMI_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 6])
Z3950_TAGSET_COLLECTIONS = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 5]
Z3950_TAGSET_COLLECTIONS_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 5])
Z3950_TAGSET_G = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 2]
Z3950_TAGSET_G_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 2])
Z3950_TAGSET_GILS = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 4]
Z3950_TAGSET_GILS_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 4])
Z3950_TAGSET_M = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 1]
Z3950_TAGSET_M_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 1])
Z3950_TAGSET_STAS = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 3]
Z3950_TAGSET_STAS_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 3])
Z3950_TAGSET_UPDATE = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 7]
Z3950_TAGSET_UPDATE_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 7])
Z3950_TAGSET_ZTHES = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 8]
Z3950_TAGSET_ZTHES_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 14, 8])
Z3950_TRANSFER = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 6]
Z3950_TRANSFER_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 6])
Z3950_USR = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10]
Z3950_USR_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10])
Z3950_USR_AUTHFILE = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 11]
Z3950_USR_AUTHFILE_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 11])
Z3950_USR_CHARSETNEG = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 2]
Z3950_USR_CHARSETNEG_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 2])
Z3950_USR_DATETIME = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 6]
Z3950_USR_DATETIME_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 6])
Z3950_USR_EDITACTIONQUAL = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 10]
Z3950_USR_EDITACTIONQUAL_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 10])
Z3950_USR_INFO1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 3]
Z3950_USR_INFO1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 3])
Z3950_USR_INSERTACTIONQUAL = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 9]
Z3950_USR_INSERTACTIONQUAL_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 9])
Z3950_USR_PRIVATE = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 1000]
Z3950_USR_PRIVATE_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 1000])
Z3950_USR_PRIVATE_OCLC = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 1000, 17]
Z3950_USR_PRIVATE_OCLC_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 1000, 17])
Z3950_USR_PRIVATE_OCLC_INFO = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 1000, 17, 1]
Z3950_USR_PRIVATE_OCLC_INFO_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 1000, 17, 1])
Z3950_USR_SEARCHRES1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 1]
Z3950_USR_SEARCHRES1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 1])
Z3950_USR_SEARCHTERMS1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 4]
Z3950_USR_SEARCHTERMS1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 4])
Z3950_USR_SEARCHTERMS2 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 5]
Z3950_USR_SEARCHTERMS2_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 10, 5])
Z3950_VAR = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 12]
Z3950_VAR_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 12])
Z3950_VAR_VARIANT1 = [1, 2, 840, 10003, 12, 1]
Z3950_VAR_VARIANT1_ov = asn1.OidVal([1, 2, 840, 10003, 12, 1])

python/PyZ3950/pqf.py Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
from cStringIO import StringIO
from StringIO import StringIO
from PyZ3950 import z3950, oids,asn1
from PyZ3950.zdefs import make_attr
from types import IntType, StringType, ListType
from PyZ3950.CQLParser import CQLshlex
Parser for PQF directly into RPN structure.
PQF docs: http://www.indexdata.dk/yaz/doc/tools.html
NB: This does not implement /everything/ in PQF, in particular: @attr 2=3 @and @attr 1=4 title @attr 1=1003 author (eg that 2 should be 3 for all subsequent clauses)
class PQFParser:
lexer = None
currentToken = None
nextToken = None
def __init__(self, l):
self.lexer = l
def fetch_token(self):
""" Read ahead one token """
tok = self.lexer.get_token()
self.currentToken = self.nextToken
self.nextToken = tok
def is_boolean(self):
if (self.currentToken.lower() in ['@and', '@or', '@not', '@prox']):
return 1
return 0
def defaultClause(self, t):
# Assign a default clause: anywhere =
clause = z3950.AttributesPlusTerm()
attrs = [(oids.Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1, 1, 1016), (oids.Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1, 2, 3)]
clause.attributes = [make_attr(*e) for e in attrs]
clause.term = t
return ('op', ('attrTerm', clause))
# Grammar fns
def query(self):
set = self.top_set()
qst = self.query_struct()
# Pull in a (hopefully) null token
if (self.currentToken):
# Nope, unprocessed tokens remain
rpnq = z3950.RPNQuery()
if set:
rpnq.attributeSet = set
rpnq.attributeSet = oids.Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1_ov
rpnq.rpn = qst
return ('type_1', rpnq)
def top_set(self):
if (self.nextToken == '@attrset'):
n = self.currentToken.upper()
if (n[:14] == "1.2.840.10003."):
return asn1.OidVal(map(int, n.split('.')))
return oids.oids['Z3950']['ATTRS'][n]['oid']
return None
# This totally ignores the BNF, but does the 'right' thing
def query_struct(self):
if (self.currentToken == '@attr'):
attrs = []
while self.currentToken == '@attr':
t = self.term()
# Now we have attrs + term
clause = z3950.AttributesPlusTerm()
clause.attributes = [make_attr(*e) for e in attrs]
clause.term = t
return ('op', ('attrTerm', clause))
elif (self.is_boolean()):
# @operator query query
return self.complex()
elif (self.currentToken == '@set'):
return self.result_set()
elif (self.currentToken == "{"):
# Parens
s = self.query_struct()
if (self.nextToken <> "}"):
return s
t = self.term()
return self.defaultClause(t)
def term(self):
# Need to split to allow attrlist then @term
type = 'general'
if (self.currentToken == '@term'):
type = self.currentToken.lower()
types = {'general' : 'general', 'string' : 'characterString', 'numeric' : 'numeric', 'external' : 'external'}
type = types[type]
if (self.currentToken[0] == '"' and self.currentToken[-1] == '"'):
term = self.currentToken[1:-1]
term = self.currentToken
return (type, term)
def result_set(self):
return ('op', ('resultSet', self.currentToken))
def attr_spec(self):
# @attr is CT
if (self.currentToken.find('=') == -1):
# attrset
set = self.currentToken
if (set[:14] == "1.2.840.10003."):
set = asn1.OidVal(map(int, set.split('.')))
set = oids.oids['Z3950']['ATTRS'][set.upper()]['oid']
set = None
# May raise
(atype, val) = self.currentToken.split('=')
if (not atype.isdigit()):
raise ValueError
atype = int(atype)
if (val.isdigit()):
val = int(val)
return (set, atype, val)
def complex(self):
op = z3950.RpnRpnOp()
op.op = self.boolean()
op.rpn1 = self.query_struct()
op.rpn2 = self.query_struct()
return ('rpnRpnOp', op)
def boolean(self):
b = self.currentToken[1:]
b = b.lower()
if (b == 'prox'):
exclusion = self.currentToken
distance = self.currentToken
ordered = self.currentToken
relation = self.currentToken
which = self.currentToken
unit = self.currentToken
prox = z3950.ProximityOperator()
if (not (relation.isdigit() and exclusion.isdigit() and distance.isdigit() and unit.isdigit())):
raise ValueError
prox.relationType = int(relation)
prox.exclusion = bool(exclusion)
prox.distance = int(distance)
if (which[0] == 'k'):
prox.unit = ('known', int(unit))
elif (which[0] == 'p'):
prox.unit = ('private', int(unit))
raise ValueError
return (b, prox)
elif b == 'not':
return ('and-not', None)
return (b, None)
def parse(q):
query = StringIO(q)
lexer = CQLshlex(query)
# Override CQL's wordchars list to include /=><()
lexer.wordchars += "!@#$%^&*-+[];,.?|~`:\\><=/'()"
parser = PQFParser(lexer)
return parser.query()
def rpn2pqf(rpn):
# Turn RPN structure into PQF equivalent
q = rpn[1]
if (rpn[0] == 'type_1'):
# Top level
if (q.attributeSet):
query = '@attrset %s ' % ( '.'.join(map(str, q.attributeSet.lst)))
query = ""
rest = rpn2pqf(q.rpn)
return "%s%s" % (query, rest)
elif (rpn[0] == 'rpnRpnOp'):
# boolean
if (q.op[0] in ['and', 'or']):
query = ['@', q.op[0], ' ']
elif (q.op[0] == 'and-not'):
query = ['@not ']
query = ['@prox']
query.append(' ')
query.append(' ')
return ''.join(query)
elif (rpn[0] == 'op'):
if (q[0] == 'attrTerm'):
query = []
for a in q[1].attributes:
if (a.attributeValue[0] == 'numeric'):
val = str(a.attributeValue[1])
val = a.attributeValue[1].list[0][1]
query.append("@attr %i=%s " % (a.attributeType, val))
query.append('"%s" ' % (q[1].term[1]))
return ''.join(query)
elif (q[0] == 'resultSet'):
return "@set %s" % (q[1])

python/PyZ3950/z3950.py Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file should be available from
# http://www.pobox.com/~asl2/software/PyZ3950/
# and is licensed under the X Consortium license:
# Copyright (c) 2001, Aaron S. Lav, asl2@pobox.com
# All rights reserved.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
# distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons
# to whom the Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above
# copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of
# the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this
# permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
# Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder
# shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use
# or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization
# of the copyright holder.
# Change history:
# 2002/05/23
# Fix for Python2 compatibility. Thanks to Douglas Bates <bates@stat.wisc.edu>
# Fix to support SUTRS (requires asn1 updates, too)
# 2002/05/28
# Make SUTRS printing a little more useful
# Correctly close connection when done
# Handle receiving diagnostics instead of records a little better
"""<p>PyZ3950 currently is capable of sending and receiving v2 or v3 PDUs
Initialize, Search, Present, Scan, Sort, Close, and Delete. For client
work, you probably want to use ZOOM, which should be in the same
distribution as this file, in zoom.py. The Server class in this file
implements a server, but could use some work. Both interoperate with
the <a href="http://www.indexdata.dk/yaz"> Yaz toolkit</a> and the
client interoperates with a variety of libraries. <p>
Useful resources:
<li><a href="http://lcweb.loc.gov/z3950/agency/">
Library of Congress Z39.50 Maintenance Agency Page</a></li>
<li><a href="http://lcweb.loc.gov/z3950/agency/document.html">
Official Specification</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/clarify/">Clarifications</a></li>
from __future__ import nested_scopes
import getopt
import sys
import exceptions
import random
import socket
import string
import traceback
import codecs
from PyZ3950 import asn1
from PyZ3950 import zmarc
from PyZ3950.zdefs import *
out_encoding = None
trace_recv = 0
trace_init = 0
print_hex = 0
class Z3950Error(Exception):
# Note: following 3 exceptions are defaults, but can be changed by
# calling conn.set_exs
class ConnectionError(Z3950Error): # TCP or other transport error
class ProtocolError(Z3950Error): # Unexpected message or badly formatted
class UnexpectedCloseError(ProtocolError):
vers = '0.62'
default_resultSetName = 'default'
Z3950_VERS = 3 # This is a global switch: do we support V3 at all?
def extract_recs (resp):
(typ, recs) = resp.records
if (typ <> 'responseRecords'):
raise ProtocolError ("Bad records typ " + str (typ) + str (recs))
if len (recs) == 0:
raise ProtocolError ("No records")
fmtoid = None
extract = []
for r in recs:
(typ, data) = r.record
if (typ <> 'retrievalRecord'):
raise ProtocolError ("Bad typ %s data %s" % (str (typ), str(data)))
oid = data.direct_reference
if fmtoid == None:
fmtoid = oid
elif fmtoid <> oid:
raise ProtocolError (
"Differing OIDs %s %s" % (str (fmtoid), str (oid)))
# Not, strictly speaking, an error.
dat = data.encoding
(typ, dat) = dat
if (oid == Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC_ov):
if typ <> 'octet-aligned':
raise ProtocolError ("Weird record EXTERNAL MARC type: " + typ)
extract.append (dat)
return (fmtoid, extract)
def get_formatter (oid):
def printer (x):
print oid, repr (x)
def print_marc (marc):
print str (zmarc.MARC(marc))
def print_sutrs (x):
print "SUTRS:",
if isinstance (x, type ('')):
print x
elif isinstance (x, type (u'')):
if out_encoding == None:
print repr (x)
print x.encode (out_encoding)
except UnicodeError, u:
print "Cannot print %s in current encoding %s" % (
repr (x), out_encoding)
if oid == Z3950_RECSYN_SUTRS_ov:
return print_sutrs
if oid == Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC_ov:
return print_marc
return printer
def disp_resp (resp):
(fmtoid, recs) = extract_recs (resp)
except ProtocolError, val:
print "Bad records", str (val)
formatter = get_formatter (fmtoid)
for rec in recs:
formatter (rec)
class Conn:
rdsz = 65536
def __init__ (self, sock = None, ConnectionError = ConnectionError,
ProtocolError = ProtocolError, UnexpectedCloseError =
self.set_exns (ConnectionError, ProtocolError, UnexpectedCloseError)
if sock == None:
self.sock = socket.socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.sock = sock
self.decode_ctx = asn1.IncrementalDecodeCtx (APDU)
self.encode_ctx = asn1.Ctx ()
def set_exns (self, conn, protocol, unexp_close):
self.ConnectionError = conn
self.ProtocolError = protocol
self.UnexpectedCloseError = unexp_close
def set_codec (self, charset_name, charsets_in_records):
self.charset_name = charset_name
self.charsets_in_records = not not charsets_in_records # collapse None and 0
if trace_charset:
print "Setting up codec!", self.charset_name
strip_bom = self.charset_name == 'utf-16'
# XXX should create a new codec which wraps utf-16 but
# strips the Byte Order Mark, or use stream codecs
if self.charset_name <> None:
self.encode_ctx.set_codec (asn1.GeneralString,
codecs.lookup (self.charset_name),
self.decode_ctx.set_codec (asn1.GeneralString,
codecs.lookup (self.charset_name),
if not charsets_in_records: # None or 0
def readproc (self):
if self.sock == None:
raise self.ConnectionError ('disconnected')
b = self.sock.recv (self.rdsz)
except socket.error, val:
self.sock = None
raise self.ConnectionError ('socket', str (val))
if len (b) == 0: # graceful close
self.sock = None
raise self.ConnectionError ('graceful close')
if trace_recv:
print map (lambda x: hex(ord(x)), b)
return b
def read_PDU (self):
while 1:
if self.decode_ctx.val_count () > 0:
return self.decode_ctx.get_first_decoded ()
b = self.readproc ()
self.decode_ctx.feed (map (ord, b))
except asn1.BERError, val:
raise self.ProtocolError ('ASN1 BER', str(val))
class Server (Conn):
test = 0
def __init__ (self, sock):
Conn.__init__ (self, sock)
self.expecting_init = 1
self.done = 0
self.result_sets = {}
self.charset_name = None
def run (self):
while not self.done:
(typ, val) = self.read_PDU ()
fn = self.fn_dict.get (typ, None)
if fn == None:
raise self.ProtocolError ("Bad typ", typ + " " + str (val))
if typ <> 'initRequest' and self.expecting_init:
raise self.ProtocolError ("Init expected", typ)
fn (self, val)
def send (self, val):
b = self.encode_ctx.encode (APDU, val)
if self.test:
print "Internal Testing"
# a reminder not to leave this switched on by accident
self.decode_ctx.feed (b)
decoded = self.read_PDU ()
assert (val== decoded)
self.sock.send (b)
def do_close (self, reason, info):
close = Close ()
close.closeReason = reason
close.diagnosticInformation = info
self.send (('close', close))
def close (self, parm):
self.done = 1
self.do_close (0, 'Normal close')
def search_child (self, query):
return range (random.randint (2,10))
def search (self, sreq):
if sreq.replaceIndicator == 0 and self.result_sets.has_key (
raise self.ProtocolError ("replaceIndicator 0")
result = self.search_child (sreq.query)
sresp = SearchResponse ()
self.result_sets[sreq.resultSetName] = result
sresp.resultCount = len (result)
sresp.numberOfRecordsReturned = 0
sresp.nextResultSetPosition = 1
sresp.searchStatus = 1
sresp.resultSetStatus = 0
sresp.presentStatus = PresentStatus.get_num_from_name ('success')
sresp.records = ('responseRecords', [])
self.send (('searchResponse', sresp))
def format_records (self, start, count, res_set, prefsyn):
l = []
for i in range (start - 1, start + count - 1):
elt = res_set[i]
elt_external = asn1.EXTERNAL ()
elt_external.direct_reference = Z3950_RECSYN_SUTRS_ov
# Not only has this text been extensively translated, but
# it also prefigures Z39.50's separation of Search and Present,
# once rearranged a little.
strings = [
'seek, and ye shall find; ask, and it shall be given you',
u"""Car quiconque demande re\u00e7oit, qui cherche trouve, et \u00e0 quit frappe on ouvrira""", # This (next) verse has non-ASCII characters
u"\u0391\u03b9\u03c4\u03b5\u03b9\u03c4\u03b5, "
u"\u03ba\u03b1\u03b9 \u03b4\u03bf\u03b8\u03b7\u03c3\u03b5\u03c4\u03b1\u03b9 "+
u"\u03c5\u03bc\u03b9\u03bd; \u03b6\u03b7\u03c4\u03b5\u03b9\u03c4\u03b5 " +
u"\u03ba\u03b1\u03b9 \u03b5\u03c5\u03c1\u03b7\u03c3\u03b5\u03c4\u03b5",
u"\u05e8\u05d0\u05d4 \u05d6\u05d4 \u05de\u05e6\u05d0\u05ea\u05d9"]
if self.charsets_in_records:
encode_charset = self.charset_name
encode_charset = 'ascii'
def can_encode (s):
s.encode (encode_charset)
except UnicodeError:
return 0
return 1
if self.charset_name == None:
candidate_strings = [strings[0]]
candidate_strings = [s for s in strings if can_encode (s)]
# Note: this code is for debugging/testing purposes. Usually,
# language/content selection should not be made on the
# basis of the selected charset, and a surrogate diagnostic
# should be generated if the data cannot be encoded.
text = random.choice (candidate_strings)
add_str = " #%d charset %s cir %d" % (elt, encode_charset,
elt_external.encoding = ('single-ASN1-type', text + add_str)
n = NamePlusRecord ()
n.name = 'foo'
n.record = ('retrievalRecord', elt_external)
l.append (n)
return l
def present (self, preq):
presp = PresentResponse ()
res_set = self.result_sets [preq.resultSetId]
presp.numberOfRecordsReturned = preq.numberOfRecordsRequested
presp.nextResultSetPosition = preq.resultSetStartPoint + \
presp.presentStatus = 0
presp.records = ('responseRecords',
self.format_records (preq.resultSetStartPoint,
self.send (('presentResponse', presp))
def init (self, ireq):
if trace_init:
print "Init received", ireq
self.v3_flag = (ireq.protocolVersion ['version_3'] and
Z3950_VERS == 3)
ir = InitializeResponse ()
ir.protocolVersion = ProtocolVersion ()
ir.protocolVersion ['version_1'] = 1
ir.protocolVersion ['version_2'] = 1
ir.protocolVersion ['version_3'] = self.v3_flag
val = get_charset_negot (ireq)
charset_name = None
records_in_charsets = 0
if val <> None:
csreq = CharsetNegotReq ()
csreq.unpack_proposal (val)
def rand_choose (list_or_none):
if list_or_none == None or len (list_or_none) == 0:
return None
return random.choice (list_or_none)
charset_name = rand_choose (csreq.charset_list)
if charset_name <> None:
codecs.lookup (charset_name)
except LookupError, l:
charset_name = None
csresp = CharsetNegotResp (
rand_choose (csreq.lang_list),
records_in_charsets = csresp.records_in_charsets
if trace_charset:
print csreq, csresp
set_charset_negot (ir, csresp.pack_negot_resp (), self.v3_flag)
optionslist = ['search', 'present', 'delSet', 'scan','negotiation']
ir.options = Options ()
for o in optionslist:
ir.options[o] = 1
ir.preferredMessageSize = 0
ir.exceptionalRecordSize = 0
# z9350-2001, 0 means client should be prepared to accept
# arbitrarily long messages.
ir.implementationId = implementationId
ir.implementationName = 'PyZ3950 Test server'
ir.implementationVersion = impl_vers
ir.result = 1
if trace_charset or trace_init:
print ir
self.expecting_init = 0
self.send (('initResponse', ir))
self.set_codec (charset_name, records_in_charsets)
def sort (self, sreq):
sresp = SortResponse ()
sresp.sortStatus = 0
self.send (('sortResponse', sresp))
def delete (self, dreq):
dresp = DeleteResultSetResponse ()
dresp.deleteOperationStatus = 0
self.send (('deleteResultSetResponse', dresp))
def esrequest (self, esreq):
print "ES", esreq
esresp = ExtendedServicesResponse ()
esresp.operationStatus = ExtendedServicesResponse['operationStatus'].get_num_from_name ('failure')
self.send (('extendedServicesResponse', esresp))
fn_dict = {'searchRequest': search,
'presentRequest': present,
'initRequest' : init,
'close' : close,
'sortRequest' : sort,
'deleteResultSetRequest' : delete,
'extendedServicesRequest': esrequest}
def run_server (test = 0):
listen = socket.socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
listen.setsockopt (socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
listen.bind (('', DEFAULT_PORT))
listen.listen (1)
while 1:
(sock,addr) = listen.accept ()
serv = Server (sock)
serv.test = test
serv.run ()
(typ, val, tb) = sys.exc_info ()
if typ == exceptions.KeyboardInterrupt:
print "kbd interrupt, leaving"
print "error %s %s from %s" % (typ, val, addr)
sock.close ()
def extract_apt (rpnQuery):
"""Takes RPNQuery to AttributePlusTerm"""
RPNStruct = rpnQuery.rpn
assert (RPNStruct [0] == 'op')
operand = RPNStruct [1]
assert (operand [0] == 'attrTerm')
return operand [1]
class Client (Conn):
test = 0
def __init__ (self, addr, port = DEFAULT_PORT, optionslist = None,
charset = None, lang = None, user = None, password = None,
preferredMessageSize = 0x100000, group = None,
maximumRecordSize = 0x100000, implementationId = "",
implementationName = "", implementationVersion = "",
ConnectionError = ConnectionError,
ProtocolError = ProtocolError,
UnexpectedCloseError = UnexpectedCloseError):
Conn.__init__ (self, ConnectionError = ConnectionError,
ProtocolError = ProtocolError,
UnexpectedCloseError = UnexpectedCloseError)
self.sock.connect ((addr, port))
except socket.error, val:
self.sock = None
raise self.ConnectionError ('socket', str(val))
try_v3 = Z3950_VERS == 3
if (charset and not isinstance(charset, list)):
charset = [charset]
if (lang and not isinstance(lang, list)):
charset = [lang]
negotiate_charset = charset or lang
if (user or password or group):
authentication = (user, password, group)
authentication = None
InitReq = make_initreq (optionslist, authentication = authentication,
v3 = try_v3,
preferredMessageSize = preferredMessageSize,
maximumRecordSize = maximumRecordSize,
implementationId = implementationId,
implementationName = implementationName,
implementationVersion = implementationVersion,
negotiate_charset = negotiate_charset)
if negotiate_charset:
# languages = ['eng', 'fre', 'enm']
# Thanne longen folk to looken in catalogues
# and clerkes for to seken straunge bookes ...
cnr = CharsetNegotReq (charset, lang, random.choice((0,1,None)))
if trace_charset:
print cnr
set_charset_negot (InitReq, cnr.pack_proposal (), try_v3)
if trace_init:
print "Initialize request", InitReq
self.initresp = self.transact (
('initRequest', InitReq), 'initResponse')
if trace_init:
print "Initialize Response", self.initresp
self.v3_flag = self.initresp.protocolVersion ['version_3']
val = get_charset_negot (self.initresp)
if val <> None:
csr = CharsetNegotResp ()
csr.unpack_negot_resp (val)
if trace_charset:
print "Got csr", str (csr)
self.set_codec (csr.charset, csr.records_in_charsets)
self.search_results = {}
self.max_to_request = 20
self.default_recordSyntax = Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC_ov
def get_option (self, option_name):
return self.initresp.options[option_name]
def transact (self, to_send, expected):
b = self.encode_ctx.encode (APDU, to_send)
if print_hex:
print map (hex, b)
if self.test:
print "Internal Testing"
# a reminder not to leave this switched on by accident
self.decode_ctx.feed (b)
decoded = self.read_PDU ()
print "to_send", to_send, "decoded", decoded
assert (to_send == decoded)
if self.sock == None:
raise self.ConnectionError ('disconnected')
self.sock.send (b)
except socket.error, val:
self.sock = None
raise self.ConnectionError('socket', str(val))
if expected == None:
pdu = self.read_PDU ()
(arm, val) = pdu
if self.test:
print "Internal Testing 2"
b = self.encode_ctx.encode (APDU, (arm, val))
self.decode_ctx.feed (b)
redecoded = self.read_PDU ()
if redecoded <> (arm, val):
print "Redecoded", redecoded
print "old", (arm, val)
assert (redecoded == (arm, val))
if arm == expected: # may be 'close'
return val
elif arm == 'close':
raise self.UnexpectedCloseError (
"Server closed connection reason %d diag info %s" % \
(getattr (val, 'closeReason', -1),
getattr (val, 'diagnosticInformation', 'None given')))
raise self.ProtocolError (
"Unexpected response from server %s %s " % (expected,
repr ((arm, val))))
def set_dbnames (self, dbnames):
self.dbnames = dbnames
def search_2 (self, query, rsn = default_resultSetName, **kw):
# We used to check self.initresp.options['search'], but
# support for search is required by the standard, and
# www.cnshb.ru:210 doesn't set the search bit if you negotiate
# v2, but supports search anyway
sreq = make_sreq (query, self.dbnames, rsn, **kw)
recv = self.transact (('searchRequest', sreq), 'searchResponse')
self.search_results [rsn] = recv
return recv
def search (self, query, rsn = default_resultSetName, **kw):
# for backwards compat
recv = self.search_2 (('type_1', query), rsn, **kw)
return recv.searchStatus and (recv.resultCount > 0)
# If searchStatus is failure, check result-set-status -
# -subset - partial, valid results available
# -interim - partial, not necessarily valid
# -none - no result set
# If searchStatus is success, check present-status:
# - success - OK
# - partial-1 - not all, access control
# - partial-2 - not all, won't fit in msg size (but we currently don't ask for
# any records in search, shouldn't happen)
# - partial-3 - not all, resource control (origin)
# - partial-4 - not all, resource control (target)
# - failure - no records, nonsurrogate diagnostic.
def get_count (self, rsn = default_resultSetName):
return self.search_results[rsn].resultCount
def delete (self, rsn):
if not self.initresp.options['delSet']:
return None
delreq = DeleteResultSetRequest ()
delreq.deleteFunction = 0 # list
delreq.resultSetList = [rsn]
return self.transact (('deleteResultSetRequest', delreq),
def present (self, rsn= default_resultSetName, start = None,
count = None, recsyn = None, esn = None):
# don't check for support in init resp: see search for reasoning
# XXX Azaroth 2004-01-08. This does work when rs is result of sort.
sresp = self.search_results [rsn]
if start == None:
start = sresp.nextResultSetPosition
if count == None:
count = sresp.resultCount
if self.max_to_request > 0:
count = min (self.max_to_request, count)
if recsyn == None:
recsyn = self.default_recordSyntax
preq = PresentRequest ()
preq.resultSetId = rsn
preq.resultSetStartPoint = start
preq.numberOfRecordsRequested = count
preq.preferredRecordSyntax = recsyn
if esn <> None:
preq.recordComposition = ('simple', esn)
return self.transact (('presentRequest', preq), 'presentResponse')
def scan (self, query, **kw):
sreq = ScanRequest ()
sreq.databaseNames = self.dbnames
assert (query[0] == 'type_1' or query [0] == 'type_101')
sreq.attributeSet = query[1].attributeSet
sreq.termListAndStartPoint = extract_apt (query[1])
sreq.numberOfTermsRequested = 20 # default
for (key, val) in kw.items ():
setattr (sreq, key, val)
return self.transact (('scanRequest', sreq), 'scanResponse')
def close (self):
close = Close ()
close.closeReason = 0
close.diagnosticInformation = 'Normal close'
rv = self.transact (('close', close), 'close')
except self.ConnectionError:
rv = None
if self.sock <> None:
self.sock.close ()
self.sock = None
return rv
def mk_compound_query ():
aelt1 = AttributeElement (attributeType = 1,
attributeValue = ('numeric',4))
apt1 = AttributesPlusTerm ()
apt1.attributes = [aelt1]
apt1.term = ('general', '1066')
aelt2 = AttributeElement (attributeType = 1,
attributeValue = ('numeric', 1))
apt2 = AttributesPlusTerm ()
apt2.attributes = [aelt2]
apt2.term = ('general', 'Sellar')
myrpnRpnOp = RpnRpnOp ()
myrpnRpnOp.rpn1 = ('op', ('attrTerm', apt1))
myrpnRpnOp.rpn2 = ('op', ('attrTerm', apt2))
myrpnRpnOp.op = ('and', None)
rpnq = RPNQuery (attributeSet = Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1_ov)
rpnq.rpn = ('rpnRpnOp', myrpnRpnOp)
return rpnq
def mk_simple_query (title):
aelt1 = AttributeElement (attributeType = 1,
attributeValue = ('numeric', 1003))
apt1 = AttributesPlusTerm ()
apt1.attributes = [aelt1]
apt1.term = ('general', title) # XXX or should be characterString, not general, but only when V3.
rpnq = RPNQuery (attributeSet = Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1_ov)
rpnq.rpn = ('op', ('attrTerm', apt1))
return rpnq
def_host = 'LC'
host_dict = {'BIBSYS': ('z3950.bibsys.no', 2100, 'BIBSYS'),
'YAZ': ('', 9999, 'foo'),
'LCTEST' : ('ilssun2.loc.gov', 7090, 'Voyager'),
'LC' : ('z3950.loc.gov', 7090, 'Voyager'),
'NLC' : ('amicus.nlc-bnc.ca', 210, 'NL'),
'BNC' : ('amicus.nlc-bnc.ca', 210, 'NL'),
# On parle franc,ais aussi.
'LOCAL': ('', 9999, 'Default'),
'LOCAL2': ('', 2101, 'foo'),
'BL' :('blpcz.bl.uk', 21021, 'BLPC-ALL'),
'BELLLABS' : ('z3950.bell-labs.com', 210, 'books'),
'BIBHIT' : ('www.bibhit.dk', 210, 'Default'),
'YALE': ('webpac.library.yale.edu', 210, 'YALEOPAC'),
'OXFORD': ('library.ox.ac.uk', 210, 'ADVANCE'),
'OVID': ('z3950.ovid.com', 2213, 'pmed'), # scan only
'UC': ('ipac.lib.uchicago.edu', 210, 'uofc'),
'KUB' : ('dbiref.kub.nl', 1800, 'jel'),
'INDEXDATA' : ('muffin.indexdata.dk', 9004, 'thatt')}
# last two are Zthes servers.
if __name__ == '__main__':
optlist, args = getopt.getopt (sys.argv[1:], 'e:sh:tc:l:')
server = 0
host = def_host
test = 0
charset_list = None
lang_list = None
for (opt, val) in optlist:
if opt == '-s':
server = 1
elif opt == '-h':
host = val
elif opt == '-t':
test = 1
elif opt == '-e':
out_encoding = val
elif opt == '-c':
charset_list = val.split (',')
elif opt == '-l':
lang_list = val.split (',')
if server:
run_server (test)
host = host.upper ()
(name, port, dbname) = host_dict.get (host, host_dict[def_host])
cli = Client (name, port, charset = charset_list,
lang = lang_list)
cli.test = test
cli.set_dbnames ([dbname])
print "Starting search"
# rpnq = mk_simple_query ('Perec, Georges')
# rpnq = mk_simple_query ('Johnson, Kim')
rpnq = mk_compound_query ()
if cli.search (rpnq, smallSetUpperBound = 0, mediumSetPresentNumber = 0,
largeSetLowerBound = 1):
disp_resp (cli.present (recsyn = Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC_ov))
print "Not found"
print "Deleting"
cli.delete (default_resultSetName)
cli.delete ('bogus')
print "Closing"
cli.close ()
except ConnectionError:
# looks like LC, at least, sends a FIN on receipt of Close PDU
# guess we should check for gracefullness of close, and complain
# if not.

python/PyZ3950/z3950_2001.py Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

python/PyZ3950/zdefs.py Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import codecs
from PyZ3950.z3950_2001 import *
from PyZ3950.oids import *
asn1.register_oid (Z3950_RECSYN_GRS1, GenericRecord)
asn1.register_oid (Z3950_RECSYN_SUTRS, asn1.GeneralString)
asn1.register_oid (Z3950_RECSYN_EXPLAIN, Explain_Record)
asn1.register_oid (Z3950_RECSYN_OPAC, OPACRecord)
asn1.register_oid (Z3950_ES_PERSISTRS, PersistentResultSet)
asn1.register_oid (Z3950_ES_PERSISTQRY, PersistentQuery)
asn1.register_oid (Z3950_ES_PERIODQRY, PeriodicQuerySchedule)
asn1.register_oid (Z3950_ES_ITEMORDER, ItemOrder)
asn1.register_oid (Z3950_ES_DBUPDATE, Update)
asn1.register_oid (Z3950_ES_DBUPDATE_REV_1, Update_updrev1)
asn1.register_oid (Z3950_ES_EXPORTSPEC, ExportSpecification)
asn1.register_oid (Z3950_ES_EXPORTINV, ExportInvocation)
asn1.register_oid (Z3950_USR_SEARCHRES1, SearchInfoReport)
asn1.register_oid (Z3950_USR_INFO1, OtherInformation)
asn1.register_oid (Z3950_NEG_CHARSET3, CharSetandLanguageNegotiation_3)
asn1.register_oid (Z3950_USR_PRIVATE_OCLC_INFO, OCLC_UserInformation)
# below here is subject to change without notice, as I try to
# figure out the appropriate balance between convenience and flexibility
trace_charset = 0
impl_vers = "1.0 beta" # XXX
implementationId = 'PyZ39.50 - contact asl2@pobox.com' # haven't been assigned an official id, apply XXX
def make_attr(set=None, atype=None, val=None, valType=None):
ae = AttributeElement()
if (set <> None):
ae.attributeSet = set
ae.attributeType = atype
if (valType == 'numeric' or (valType == None and isinstance(val, int))):
ae.attributeValue = ('numeric', val)
cattr = AttributeElement['attributeValue']['complex']()
if (valType == None):
valType = 'string'
cattr.list = [(valType, val)]
ae.attributeValue = ('complex', cattr)
return ae
# This list is needed to support recordsInSelectedCharSets == 0 when
# character set negotiation is in effect. The reason we don't
# just iterate over Z3950_RECSYN is that many of those are carried
# in OCTET STRINGs, and thus immune to negotiation; but maybe we should
# anyway.
retrievalRecord_oids = [
def register_retrieval_record_oids (ctx, new_codec_name = 'ascii'):
new_codec = codecs.lookup (new_codec_name)
def switch_codec ():
ctx.push_codec ()
ctx.set_codec (asn1.GeneralString, new_codec)
for oid in retrievalRecord_oids:
ctx.register_charset_switcher (oid, switch_codec)
iso_10646_oid_to_name = {
UNICODE_PART1_XFERSYN_UCS2_ov : 'utf-16', # XXX ucs-2 should differ from utf-16, in that ucs-2 forbids any characters not in the BMP, whereas utf-16 is a 16-bit encoding which encodes those characters into multiple 16-bit units
# UNICODE_PART1_XFERSYN_UCS4_ov : 'ucs-4', # XXX no python support for this encoding?
UNICODE_PART1_XFERSYN_UTF16_ov : 'utf-16',
def try_get_iso10646_oid (charset_name):
for k,v in iso_10646_oid_to_name.iteritems ():
if charset_name == v:
return k
# XXX note that we don't know which of {UCS2, UTF16} oids we'll
# get from this.
def asn_charset_to_name (charset_tup):
if trace_charset:
print "asn_charset_to_name", charset_tup
charset_name = None
(typ, charset) = charset_tup
if typ == 'iso10646':
charset_name = iso_10646_oid_to_name.get (charset.encodingLevel,
elif typ == 'private':
(spectyp, val) = charset
if spectyp == 'externallySpecified':
oid = getattr (val, 'direct_reference', None)
enctyp, encval = val.encoding
if enctyp == 'octet-aligned':
charset_name = encval
if trace_charset:
print "returning charset", charset_name
return charset_name
def charset_to_asn (charset_name):
oid = try_get_iso10646_oid (charset_name)
if oid <> None:
iso10646 = Iso10646_3 ()
iso10646.encodingLevel = oid
return ('iso10646', iso10646)
ext = asn1.EXTERNAL ()
ext.direct_reference = Z3950_NEG_PRIVATE_INDEXDATA_CHARSETNAME_ov
ext.encoding = ('octet-aligned', charset_name)
return ('private', ('externallySpecified', ext))
class CharsetNegotReq:
def __init__ (self, charset_list = None, lang_list = None,
records_in_charsets = None):
"""charset_list is a list of character set names, either ISO10646
(UTF-8 or UTF-16), or private. We support Index Data's semantics
for private character sets (see
http://www.indexdata.dk/pipermail/yazlist/2003-March/000504.html), so
you can pass any character set name for which Python has a codec installed
(but please don't use rot13 in production). Note that there should be
at most one of each of (ISO10646, private). (No, I don't know why, but
it says so in the ASN.1 definition comments.)
lang_list is a list of language codes, as defined in ANSI Z39.53-1994
(see, e.g., http://xml.coverpages.org/nisoLang3-1994.html).
records_in_charsets governs whether charset negotiation applies to
records, as well.)
Any of these parameters can be None, since the corresponding
elements in the ASN.1 are OPTIONAL.
self.charset_list = charset_list
self.lang_list = lang_list
self.records_in_charsets = records_in_charsets
def __str__ (self):
return "Charset negot request %s %s %s" % (
str (self.charset_list), str (self.lang_list),
str (self.records_in_charsets))
def pack_proposal (self):
origin_prop = OriginProposal_3 ()
if self.charset_list <> None:
proposedCharSets = []
for charset_name in self.charset_list:
proposedCharSets.append (charset_to_asn (charset_name))
origin_prop.proposedCharSets = proposedCharSets
if self.lang_list <> None:
origin_prop.proposedlanguages = self.lang_list
if self.records_in_charsets <> None:
origin_prop.recordsInSelectedCharSets = (
return ('proposal', origin_prop)
def unpack_proposal (self, csn):
(tag, proposal) = csn
assert (tag == 'proposal')
pcs = getattr (proposal, 'proposedCharSets', None)
if pcs <> None:
if trace_charset:
print "pcs", pcs
self.charset_list = []
for charset in pcs:
charset_name = asn_charset_to_name (charset)
if charset_name <> None:
self.charset_list.append (charset_name)
lang = getattr (proposal, 'proposedlanguages', None)
if lang <> None:
self.lang_list = lang
self.records_in_charsets = getattr (proposal,
'recordsInSelectedCharSets', None)
class CharsetNegotResp:
def __init__ (self, charset = None, lang = None,
records_in_charsets = None):
self.charset = charset
self.lang = lang
self.records_in_charsets = records_in_charsets
def __str__ (self):
return "CharsetNegotResp: %s %s %s" % (
str (self.charset), str (self.lang),
str (self.records_in_charsets))
def unpack_negot_resp (self, neg_resp):
typ, val = neg_resp
assert (typ == 'response')
self.charset = None
scs = getattr (val, 'selectedCharSets', None)
if scs <> None:
self.charset = asn_charset_to_name (scs)
self.lang = getattr (val, 'selectedLanguage', None)
self.records_in_charsets = getattr (
val, 'recordsInSelectedCharSets', None)
def pack_negot_resp (self):
resp = TargetResponse_3 ()
if self.charset <> None:
resp.selectedCharSets = charset_to_asn (self.charset)
if self.lang <> None:
resp.selectedLanguage = self.lang
if self.records_in_charsets <> None:
resp.recordsInSelectedCharSets = self.records_in_charsets
return ('response', resp)
def get_charset_negot (init): # can be passed either InitializeRequest or InitializeResponse
if trace_charset:
print init
if not init.options ['negotiation']:
return None
otherInfo = []
if hasattr (init, 'otherInfo'):
otherInfo = init.otherInfo
elif hasattr (init, 'userInformationField'):
ui = init.userInformationField
if ui.direct_reference == Z3950_USR_INFO1_ov:
(enctype, otherInfo) = ui.encoding
for oi in otherInfo:
if trace_charset:
print oi
(typ, val) = oi.information
if typ == 'externallyDefinedInfo':
if val.direct_reference == Z3950_NEG_CHARSET3_ov:
(typ, val) = val.encoding
if typ == 'single-ASN1-type':
return val
return None
def set_charset_negot (init, val, v3_flag):
# again, can be passed either InitializeRequest or Response
negot = asn1.EXTERNAL ()
negot.direct_reference = Z3950_NEG_CHARSET3_ov
negot.encoding= ('single-ASN1-type', val)
OtherInfoElt = OtherInformation[0]
oi_elt = OtherInfoElt ()
oi_elt.information = ('externallyDefinedInfo', negot)
other_info = [oi_elt]
if trace_charset:
print v3_flag, oi_elt
if v3_flag:
init.otherInfo = other_info
ui = asn1.EXTERNAL ()
ui.direct_reference = Z3950_USR_INFO1_ov
ui.encoding = ('single-ASN1-type', other_info) # XXX test this
# see http://lcweb.loc.gov/z3950/agency/defns/user-1.html
init.userInformationField = ui
def_msg_size = 0x10000
# rethink optionslist. Maybe we should just turn on all the
# bits the underlying code supports? We do need to be able to
# turn off multiple result sets for testing (see tests/test2.py),
# but that doesn't have to be the default.
def make_initreq (optionslist = None, authentication = None, v3 = 0,
negotiate_charset = 0, preferredMessageSize = 0x100000,
maximumRecordSize = 0x100000, implementationId = "",
implementationName = "", implementationVersion = ""):
# see http://lcweb.loc.gov/z3950/agency/wisdom/unicode.html
InitReq = InitializeRequest ()
InitReq.protocolVersion = ProtocolVersion ()
InitReq.protocolVersion ['version_1'] = 1
InitReq.protocolVersion ['version_2'] = 1
InitReq.protocolVersion ['version_3'] = v3
InitReq.options = Options ()
if optionslist <> None:
for o in optionslist:
InitReq.options[o] = 1
InitReq.options ['search'] = 1
InitReq.options ['present'] = 1
InitReq.options ['delSet'] = 1
InitReq.options ['scan'] = 1
InitReq.options ['sort'] = 1
InitReq.options ['extendedServices'] = 1
InitReq.options ['dedup'] = 1
InitReq.options ['negotiation'] = negotiate_charset # XXX can negotiate other stuff, too
# Preferred and Exceptional msg sizes are pretty arbitrary --
# we dynamically allocate no matter what
InitReq.preferredMessageSize = preferredMessageSize
InitReq.exceptionalRecordSize = maximumRecordSize
if (implementationId):
InitReq.implementationId = implementationId
InitReq.implementationId = impl_id
if (implementationName):
InitReq.implementationName = implementationName
InitReq.implementationName = 'PyZ3950'
if (implementationVersion):
InitReq.implementationVersion = implementationVersion
InitReq.implementationVersion = impl_vers
if authentication <> None:
class UP: pass
up = UP ()
upAttrList = ['userId', 'password', 'groupId']
for val, attr in zip (authentication, upAttrList): # silently truncate
if val <> None:
setattr (up, attr, val)
InitReq.idAuthentication = ('idPass', up)
return InitReq
def make_sreq (query, dbnames, rsn, **kw):
sreq = SearchRequest ()
sreq.smallSetUpperBound = 0
sreq.largeSetLowerBound = 1
sreq.mediumSetPresentNumber = 0
# as per http://lcweb.loc.gov/z3950/lcserver.html, Jun 07 2001,
# to work around Endeavor bugs in 1.13
sreq.replaceIndicator = 1
sreq.resultSetName = rsn
sreq.databaseNames = dbnames
sreq.query = query
for (key, val) in kw.items ():
setattr (sreq, key, val)
return sreq

python/PyZ3950/zmarc.py Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

python/PyZ3950/zoom.py Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,965 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Implements the ZOOM 1.4 API (http://zoom.z3950.org/api)
for Z39.50.
Some global notes on the binding (these will only make sense when read
after the API document):
Get/Set Option is implemented as member attribute access or
assignment. Implementations are encouraged to throw an AttributeError
for unsupported (or, possibly, mistyped) attributes. (Production
applications are encouraged to catch such errors.)
All errors are reported as exceptions deriving from ZoomError (or, at
least, it's a bug if they aren't). Bib1Err is defined as part of the
binding; all the rest are specific to this implementation.
ResultSet provides a sequence interface, with standard Python
iteration, indexing, and slicing. So if rs is a ResultSet, use len
(rs) for Get_Size and rs[i] for Get_Record, or iterate with for r in
rs: foo(r). Any attempt to access a record for which the server
returned a surrogate diagnostic will raise the appropriate Bib1Err
For Record, Render_Record is implemented as Python __str__. The
'syntax' member contains the string-format record syntax, and the
'data' member contains the raw data.
The following query types are supported:
- "CCL", ISO 8777, (http://www.indexdata.dk/yaz/doc/tools.tkl#CCL)
- "S-CCL", the same, but interpreted on the server side
- "CQL", the Common Query Language, (http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/zing/cql/)
- "S-CQL", the same, but interpreted on the server side
- "PQF", Index Data's Prefix Query Format, (http://www.indexdata.dk/yaz/doc/tools.tkl#PQF)
- "C2", Cheshire II query syntax, (http://cheshire.berkeley.edu/cheshire2.html#zfind)
- "ZSQL", Z-SQL, see (http://archive.dstc.edu.au/DDU/projects/Z3950/Z+SQL/)
- "CQL-TREE", a general-purpose escape allowing any object with a toRPN method to be used, e.g. the CQL tree objects
ScanSet, like ResultSet, has a sequence interface. The i-th element
is a dictionary. See the ScanSet documentation for supported keys.
Sample usage:
from PyZ3950 import zoom
conn = zoom.Connection ('z3950.loc.gov', 7090)
conn.databaseName = 'VOYAGER'
conn.preferredRecordSyntax = 'USMARC'
query = zoom.Query ('CCL', 'ti="1066 and all that"')
res = conn.search (query)
for r in res:
print str(r)
conn.close ()
I hope everything else is clear from the docstrings and the abstract
API: let me know if that's wrong, and I'll try to do better.
For some purposes (I think the only one is writing Z39.50 servers),
you may want to use the functions in the z3950 module instead. """
from __future__ import nested_scopes
__author__ = 'Aaron Lav (asl2@pobox.com)'
__version__ = '1.0' # XXX
import getopt
import sys
# finish lang/charset (requires charset normalization, confer w/ Adam)
# implement piggyback
# implement schema (Non useful)
# implement setname (Impossible?)
from PyZ3950 import z3950
from PyZ3950 import ccl
from PyZ3950 import asn1
from PyZ3950 import zmarc
from PyZ3950 import bib1msg
from PyZ3950 import grs1
from PyZ3950 import oids
# Azaroth 2003-12-04:
from PyZ3950 import CQLParser, SRWDiagnostics, pqf
from PyZ3950 import c2query as c2
asn1.register_oid (oids.Z3950_QUERY_SQL, z3950.SQLQuery)
def my_enumerate (l): # replace w/ enumerate when we go to Python 2.3
return zip (range (len (l)), l)
trace_extract = 0
"""trace extracting records from search/present reqs"""
class ZoomError (Exception):
"""Base class for all errors reported from this module"""
class ConnectionError(ZoomError):
"""Exception for TCP error"""
class ClientNotImplError (ZoomError):
"""Exception for ZOOM client-side functionality not implemented (bug
class ServerNotImplError (ZoomError):
"""Exception for function not implemented on server"""
class QuerySyntaxError (ZoomError):
"""Exception for query not parsable by client"""
class ProtocolError (ZoomError):
"""Exception for malformatted server response"""
class UnexpectedCloseError (ProtocolError):
"""Exception for unexpected (z3950, not tcp) close from server"""
class UnknownRecSyn (ZoomError):
"""Exception for unknown record syntax returned from server"""
class Bib1Err (ZoomError):
"""Exception for BIB-1 error"""
def __init__ (self, condition, message, addtlInfo):
self.condition = condition
self.message = message
self.addtlInfo = addtlInfo
ZoomError.__init__ (self)
def __str__ (self):
return "Bib1Err: %d %s %s" % (self.condition, self.message, self.addtlInfo)
class _ErrHdlr:
"""Error-handling services"""
err_attrslist = ['errCode','errMsg', 'addtlInfo']
def err (self, condition, addtlInfo, oid):
"""Translate condition + oid to message, save, and raise exception"""
self.errCode = condition
self.errMsg = bib1msg.lookup_errmsg (condition, oid)
self.addtlInfo = addtlInfo
raise Bib1Err (self.errCode, self.errMsg, self.addtlInfo)
def err_diagrec (self, diagrec):
(typ, data) = diagrec
if typ == 'externallyDefined':
raise ClientNotImplErr ("Unknown external diagnostic" + str (data))
addinfo = data.addinfo [1] # don't care about v2 vs v3
self.err (data.condition, addinfo, data.diagnosticSetId)
_record_type_dict = {}
"""Map oid to renderer, field-counter, and field-getter functions"""
def _oid_to_key (oid):
for (k,v) in _record_type_dict.items ():
if v.oid == oid:
return k
raise UnknownRecSyn (oid)
def _extract_attrs (obj, attrlist):
kw = {}
for key in attrlist:
if hasattr (obj, key):
kw[key] = getattr (obj, key)
return kw
class _AttrCheck:
"""Prevent typos"""
attrlist = []
not_implement_attrs = []
def __setattr__ (self, attr, val):
"""Ensure attr is in attrlist (list of allowed attributes), or
private (begins w/ '_'), or begins with 'X-' (reserved for users)"""
if attr[0] == '_' or attr in self.attrlist or attr[0:2] == 'X-':
self.__dict__[attr] = val
elif (attr in self.not_implement_attrs):
raise ClientNotImplError(attr)
raise AttributeError (attr, val)
class Connection(_AttrCheck, _ErrHdlr):
"""Connection object"""
not_implement_attrs = ['piggyback',
search_attrs = ['smallSetUpperBound',
init_attrs = ['user',
scan_zoom_to_z3950 = {
# translate names from ZOOM spec to Z39.50 spec names
'stepSize' : 'stepSize',
'numberOfEntries' : 'numberOfTermsRequested',
'responsePosition' : 'preferredPositionInResponse'
attrlist = search_attrs + init_attrs + scan_zoom_to_z3950.keys () + [
'preferredRecordSyntax', # these three inheritable by RecordSet
] + _ErrHdlr.err_attrslist
_queryTypes = ['S-CQL', 'S-CCL', 'RPN', 'ZSQL']
_cli = None
host = ""
port = 0
# and now, some defaults
namedResultSets = 1
elementSetName = 'F'
preferredRecordSyntax = 'USMARC'
preferredMessageSize = 0x100000
maximumRecordSize = 0x100000
stepSize = 0
numberOfEntries = 20 # for SCAN
responsePosition = 1
databaseName = 'Default'
implementationId = 'PyZ3950'
implementationName = 'PyZ3950 1.0/ZOOM v1.4'
implementationVersion = '1.0'
lang = None
charset = None
user = None
password = None
group = None
presentChunk = 20 # for result sets
def __init__(self, host, port, connect=1, **kw):
"""Establish connection to hostname:port. kw contains initial
values for options, and is useful for options which affect
the InitializeRequest. Currently supported values:
user Username for authentication
password Password for authentication
group Group for authentication
maximumRecordSize Maximum size in bytes of one record
preferredMessageSize Maximum size in bytes for response
lang 3 letter language code
charset Character set
implementationId Id for client implementation
implementationName Name for client implementation
implementationVersion Version of client implementation
self.host = host
self.port = port
self._resultSetCtr = 0
for (k,v) in kw.items ():
setattr (self, k, v)
if (connect):
def connect(self):
self._resultSetCtr += 1
self._lastConnectCtr = self._resultSetCtr
# Bump counters first, since even if we didn't reconnect
# this time, we could have, and so any use of old connections
# is an error. (Old cached-and-accessed data is OK to use:
# cached but not-yet-accessed data is probably an error, but
# a not-yet-caught error.)
if self._cli <> None and self._cli.sock <> None:
initkw = {}
for attr in self.init_attrs:
initkw[attr] = getattr(self, attr)
if (self.namedResultSets):
options = ['namedResultSets']
options = []
initkw ['ConnectionError'] = ConnectionError
initkw ['ProtocolError'] = ProtocolError
initkw ['UnexpectedCloseError'] = UnexpectedCloseError
self._cli = z3950.Client (self.host, self.port,
optionslist = options, **initkw)
self.namedResultSets = self._cli.get_option ('namedResultSets')
self.targetImplementationId = getattr (self._cli.initresp, 'implementationId', None)
self.targetImplementationName = getattr (self._cli.initresp, 'implementationName', None)
self.targetImplementationVersion = getattr (self._cli.initresp, 'implementationVersion', None)
if (hasattr (self._cli.initresp, 'userInformationField')):
# weird. U of Chicago returns an EXTERNAL with nothing
# but 'encoding', ('octet-aligned', '2545') filled in.
if (hasattr (self._cli.initresp.userInformationField,
'direct_reference') and
self._cli.initresp.userInformationField.direct_reference ==
# see http://www.oclc.org/support/documentation/firstsearch/z3950/fs_z39_config_guide/ for docs
oclc_info = self._cli.initresp.userInformationField.encoding [1]
# the docs are a little unclear, but I presume we're
# supposed to report failure whenever a failReason is given.
if hasattr (oclc_info, 'failReason'):
raise UnexpectedCloseError ('OCLC_Info ',
getattr (oclc_info, 'text',
' no text given '))
def search (self, query):
"""Search, taking Query object, returning ResultSet"""
if (not self._cli):
assert (query.typ in self._queryTypes)
dbnames = self.databaseName.split ('+')
self._cli.set_dbnames (dbnames)
cur_rsn = self._make_rsn ()
recv = self._cli.search_2 (query.query,
rsn = cur_rsn,
**_extract_attrs (self, self.search_attrs))
self._resultSetCtr += 1
rs = ResultSet (self, recv, cur_rsn, self._resultSetCtr)
return rs
# and 'Error Code', 'Error Message', and 'Addt'l Info' methods still
# eeded
def scan (self, query):
if (not self._cli):
self._cli.set_dbnames ([self.databaseName])
kw = {}
for k, xl in self.scan_zoom_to_z3950.items ():
if hasattr (self, k):
kw [xl] = getattr (self, k)
return ScanSet (self._cli.scan (query.query, **kw))
def _make_rsn (self):
"""Return result set name"""
if self.namedResultSets:
return "rs%d" % self._resultSetCtr
return z3950.default_resultSetName
def close (self):
"""Close connection"""
self._cli.close ()
def sort (self, sets, keys):
""" Sort sets by keys, return resultset interface """
if (not self._cli):
# XXX This should probably be shuffled down into z3950.py
sortrelations = ['ascending', 'descending', 'ascendingByFrequency', 'descendingByFrequency']
req = z3950.SortRequest()
req.inputResultSetNames = []
for s in sets:
s._check_stale ()
cur_rsn = self._make_rsn()
req.sortedResultSetName = cur_rsn
zkeys = []
for k in keys:
zk = z3950.SortKeySpec()
zk.sortRelation = sortrelations.index(k.relation)
zk.caseSensitivity = k.caseInsensitive
if (k.missingValueAction):
zk.missingValueAction = (k.missingValueAction, None)
if (k.missingValueData):
zk.missingValueAction = ('missingValueData', k.missingValueData)
value = k.sequence
if (k.type == 'accessPoint'):
if (value.typ <> 'RPN'):
raise ValueError # XXX
l = z3950.SortKey['sortAttributes']()
l.id = value.query[1].attributeSet
l.list = value.query[1].rpn[1][1].attributes
seq = ('sortAttributes', l)
elif (k.type == 'private'):
seq = ('privateSortKey', value)
elif (k.type == 'elementSetName'):
spec = z3950.Specification()
spec.elementSpec = ('elementSetName', value)
seq = ('elementSpec', spec)
raise ValueError # XXX
spec = ('generic', seq)
zk.sortElement = spec
req.sortSequence = zkeys
recv = self._cli.transact(('sortRequest', req), 'sortResponse')
self._resultSetCtr += 1
if (hasattr(recv, 'diagnostics')):
diag = recv.diagnostics[0][1]
self.err(diag.condition, diag.addinfo, diag.diagnosticSetId)
if (not hasattr(recv, 'resultCount')):
# First guess: sum of all input sets
recv.resultCount = 0
for set in sets:
recv.resultCount += len(set)
# Check for addInfo to override
val = recv.otherInfo[0].information[1]
if (val[:14] == 'Result-count: '):
recv.resultCount = int(val[14:])
rs = ResultSet (self, recv, cur_rsn, self._resultSetCtr)
return rs
class SortKey(_AttrCheck):
attrlist = ['relation', 'caseInsensitive', 'missingValueAction', 'missingValueData', 'type', 'sequence']
relation = "ascending"
caseInsensitive = 1
missingValueAction = ""
missingValueData = ""
type = "accessPoint"
sequence = ""
def __init__ (self, **kw):
for k in kw.keys():
setattr(self, k, kw[k])
class Query:
def __init__ (self, typ, query):
"""Creates Query object.
Supported query types: CCL, S-CCL, CQL, S-CQL, PQF, C2, ZSQL, CQL-TREE
typ = typ.upper()
# XXX maybe replace if ... elif ... with dict mapping querytype to func
if typ == 'CCL':
self.typ = 'RPN'
self.query = ccl.mk_rpn_query (query)
except ccl.QuerySyntaxError, err:
print "zoom raising", str (err), " for", query
raise QuerySyntaxError (str(err))
elif typ == 'S-CCL': # server-side ccl
self.typ = typ
self.query = ('type-2', query)
elif typ == 'S-CQL': # server-side cql
self.typ = typ
xq = asn1.EXTERNAL()
xq.direct_reference = oids.Z3950_QUERY_CQL_ov
xq.encoding = ('single-ASN1-type', query)
self.query = ('type_104', xq)
elif typ == 'CQL': # CQL to RPN transformation
self.typ = 'RPN'
q = CQLParser.parse(query)
rpnq = z3950.RPNQuery()
# XXX Allow Attribute Architecture somehow?
rpnq.attributeSet = oids.Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1_ov
rpnq.rpn = q.toRPN()
self.query = ('type_1', rpnq)
except SRWDiagnostics.SRWDiagnostic, err:
raise err
raise QuerySyntaxError
elif typ == 'PQF': # PQF to RPN transformation
self.typ = 'RPN'
self.query = pqf.parse(query)
raise QuerySyntaxError
elif typ == 'C2': # Cheshire2 Syntax
self.typ = 'RPN'
q = c2.parse(query)
self.query = q[0]
raise QuerySyntaxError
elif typ == 'ZSQL': # External SQL
self.typ = typ
xq = asn1.EXTERNAL()
xq.direct_reference = oids.Z3950_QUERY_SQL_ov
q = z3950.SQLQuery()
q.queryExpression = query
xq.encoding = ('single-ASN1-type', q)
self.query = ('type_104', xq)
elif typ == 'CQL-TREE': # Tree to RPN
self.typ = 'RPN'
rpnq = z3950.RPNQuery()
# XXX Allow Attribute Architecture
rpnq.attributeSet = oids.Z3950_ATTRS_BIB1_ov
rpnq.rpn = query.toRPN()
self.query = ('type_1', rpnq)
except SRWDiagnostics.SRWDiagnostic, err:
raise err
raise QuerySyntaxError
raise ClientNotImplError ('%s queries not supported' % typ)
class ResultSet(_AttrCheck, _ErrHdlr):
"""Cache results, presenting read-only sequence interface. If
a surrogate diagnostic is returned for the i-th record, an
appropriate exception will be raised on access to the i-th
element (either access by itself or as part of a slice)."""
inherited_elts = ['elementSetName', 'preferredRecordSyntax',
attrlist = inherited_elts + _ErrHdlr.err_attrslist
not_implement_attrs = ['piggyback',
def __init__ (self, conn, searchResult, resultSetName, ctr):
"""Only for creation by Connection object"""
self._conn = conn # needed for 'option inheritance', see ZOOM spec
self._searchResult = searchResult
self._resultSetName = resultSetName
self._records = {}
self._ctr = ctr
# _records is a dict indexed by preferredRecordSyntax of
# dicts indexed by elementSetName of lists of records
self._ensure_recs ()
# whether there are any records or not, there may be
# nonsurrogate diagnostics. _extract_recs will get them.
if hasattr (self._searchResult, 'records'):
self._extract_recs (self._searchResult.records, 0)
def __getattr__ (self, key):
"""Forward attribute access to Connection if appropriate"""
if self.__dict__.has_key (key):
return self.__dict__[key]
if key in self.inherited_elts:
return getattr (self._conn, key) # may raise AttributeError
raise AttributeError (key)
def _make_keywords (self):
"""Set up dict of parms for present request"""
kw = {}
# need for translation here from preferredRecordSyntax to recsyn
# is kinda pointless
if hasattr (self, 'preferredRecordSyntax'):
kw['recsyn'] = _record_type_dict [
except KeyError, err:
raise ClientNotImplError ('Unknown record syntax ' +
if hasattr (self, 'elementSetName'):
kw['esn'] = ('genericElementSetName', self.elementSetName)
return kw
def __len__ (self):
"""Get number of records"""
return self._searchResult.resultCount
def _pin (self, i):
"""Handle negative indices"""
if i < 0:
return i + len (self)
return i
def _ensure_recs (self):
if not self._records.has_key (self.preferredRecordSyntax):
self._records [self.preferredRecordSyntax] = {}
self._records [self.preferredRecordSyntax][
self.elementSetName] = [None] * len (self)
if not self._records[self.preferredRecordSyntax].has_key (
self._records [self.preferredRecordSyntax][
self.elementSetName] = [None] * len (self)
def _get_rec (self, i):
return self._records [self.preferredRecordSyntax][
def _check_stale (self):
if self._ctr < self._conn._lastConnectCtr:
raise ConnectionError ('Stale result set used')
# XXX is this right?
if (not self._conn.namedResultSets) and \
self._ctr <> self._conn._resultSetCtr:
raise ServerNotImplError ('Multiple Result Sets')
# XXX or this?
def _ensure_present (self, i):
self._ensure_recs ()
if self._get_rec (i) == None:
self._check_stale ()
maxreq = self.presentChunk
if maxreq == 0: # get everything at once
lbound = i
count = len (self) - lbound
lbound = (i / maxreq) * maxreq
count = min (maxreq, len (self) - lbound)
kw = self._make_keywords ()
if self._get_rec (lbound) == None:
presentResp = self._conn._cli.present (
start = lbound + 1, # + 1 b/c 1-based
count = count,
rsn = self._resultSetName,
if not hasattr (presentResp, 'records'):
raise ProtocolError (str (presentResp))
self._extract_recs (presentResp.records, lbound)
# Maybe there was too much data to fit into
# range (lbound, lbound + count). If so, try
# retrieving just one record. XXX could try
# retrieving more, up to next cache bdary.
if i <> lbound and self._get_rec (i) == None:
presentResp = self._conn._cli.present (
start = i + 1,
count = 1,
rsn = self._resultSetName,
self._extract_recs (presentResp.records, i)
rec = self._records [self.preferredRecordSyntax][
if rec <> None and rec.is_surrogate_diag ():
rec.raise_exn ()
def __getitem__ (self, i):
"""Ensure item is present, and return a Record"""
i = self._pin (i)
if i >= len (self):
raise IndexError
self._ensure_present (i)
return self._records [self.preferredRecordSyntax][
def __getslice__(self, i, j):
i = self._pin (i)
j = self._pin (j)
if j > len (self):
j = len (self)
for k in range (i, j):
self._ensure_present (k)
if len (self._records) == 0: # XXX is this right?
return []
return self._records[self.preferredRecordSyntax][
self.elementSetName] [i:j]
def _extract_recs (self, records, lbound):
(typ, recs) = records
if trace_extract:
print "Extracting", len (recs), "starting at", lbound
if typ == 'nonSurrogateDiagnostic':
self.err (recs.condition, "", recs.diagnosticSetId)
elif typ == 'multipleNonSurDiagnostics':
# see Zoom mailing list discussion of 2002/7/24 to justify
# ignoring all but first error.
diagRec = recs [0]
self.err_diagrec (diagRec)
if (typ <> 'responseRecords'):
raise ProtocolError ("Bad records typ " + str (typ) + str (recs))
for i,r in my_enumerate (recs):
r = recs [i]
dbname = getattr (r, 'name', '')
(typ, data) = r.record
if (typ == 'surrogateDiagnostic'):
rec = SurrogateDiagnostic (data)
elif typ == 'retrievalRecord':
oid = data.direct_reference
dat = data.encoding
(typ, dat) = dat
if (oid == oids.Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC_ov):
if typ <> 'octet-aligned':
raise ProtocolError (
"Weird record EXTERNAL MARC type: " + typ)
rec = Record (oid, dat, dbname)
raise ProtocolError ("Bad typ %s data %s" %
(str (typ), str(data)))
self.elementSetName][lbound + i] = rec
def delete (self): # XXX or can I handle this w/ a __del__ method?
"""Delete result set"""
res = self._conn._cli.delete (self._resultSetName)
if res == None: return # server doesn't support Delete
# XXX should I throw an exn for delete errors? Probably.
# and 'Error Code', 'Error Message', and 'Addt'l Info' methods
def sort(self, keys):
return self._conn.sort([self], keys)
class SurrogateDiagnostic(_ErrHdlr):
"""Represent surrogate diagnostic. Raise appropriate exception
on access to syntax or data, or when raise_exn method is called.
Currently, RecordSet relies on the return from is_surrogate_diag (),
and calls raise_exn based on that."""
def __init__ (self, diagrec):
self.diagrec = diagrec
def is_surrogate_diag (self):
return 1
def raise_exn (self):
self.err_diagrec (self.diagrec)
def __getattr__ (self, attr):
if attr == 'data' or attr == 'syntax':
self.raise_exn ()
return _ErrHdlr.__getattr (self, attr)
class Record:
"""Represent retrieved record. 'syntax' attribute is a string,
'data' attribute is the data, which is:
USMARC -- raw MARC data
SUTRS -- a string (possibly in the future unicode)
XML -- ditto
GRS-1 -- a tree (see grs1.py for details)
EXPLAIN -- a hard-to-describe format (contact me if you're actually \
using this)
OPAC -- ditto
Other representations are not yet defined."""
def __init__ (self, oid, data, dbname):
"""Only for use by ResultSet"""
self.syntax = _oid_to_key (oid)
self._rt = _record_type_dict [self.syntax]
self.data = self._rt.preproc (data)
self.databaseName = dbname
def is_surrogate_diag (self):
return 0
def get_fieldcount (self):
"""Get number of fields"""
return self._rt.fieldcount (self.data)
def get_field (self,spec):
"""Get field"""
return self._rt.field (self.data, spec)
def __str__ (self):
"""Render printably"""
s = self._rt.renderer (self.data)
return 'Rec: ' + str (self.syntax) + " " + s
class _RecordType:
"""Map syntax string to OID and per-syntax utility functions"""
def __init__ (self, name, oid, renderer = lambda v:v,
fieldcount = lambda v:1, field = None, preproc = lambda v:v):
"""Register syntax"""
self.oid = oid
self.renderer = renderer
self.fieldcount = fieldcount
self.field = field
self.preproc = preproc
_record_type_dict [name] = self
# XXX do I want an OPAC class? Probably, and render_OPAC should be
# a member function.
def render_OPAC (opac_data):
s_list = []
biblio_oid = opac_data.bibliographicRecord.direct_reference
if (biblio_oid == z3950.Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC_ov):
bib_marc = zmarc.MARC (opac_data.bibliographicRecord.encoding [1])
s_list.append ("Bibliographic %s\n" % (str (bib_marc),) )
s_list.append ("Unknown bibliographicRecord OID: " + str(biblio_oid))
for i, hd in my_enumerate (opac_data.holdingsData):
typ, data = hd
s_list.append ('Holdings %d:' % (i,))
if typ == 'holdingsAndCirc':
def render (item, level = 1):
s_list = []
if isinstance (item, asn1.StructBase):
for attr, val in item.__dict__.items ():
if attr [0] <> '_':
s_list.append ("%s%s: %s" % (
"\t" * level, attr, "\n".join(render (val, level + 1))))
elif (isinstance (item, type ([])) and len (item) > 0
and isinstance (item [0], asn1.StructBase)):
s_list.append ("") # generate newline
for i, v in my_enumerate (item):
s_list.append ("\t" * (level + 1) + str (i))
s_list += render (v, level + 1)
s_list.append (repr (item))
return s_list
s_list.append ("\n".join (render (data)))
elif typ == 'marcHoldingsRecord':
hold_oid = data.direct_reference
if hold_oid == z3950.Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC_ov:
holdings_marc = zmarc.MARC (data.encoding [1])
s_list.append ("Holdings %s\n" % (str (holdings_marc),))
s_list.append ("Unknown holdings OID: " + str (hold_oid))
s_list.append ("Unknown holdings type: " + typ)
# shouldn't happen unless z39.50 definition is extended
return "\n".join (s_list)
_RecordType ('USMARC', z3950.Z3950_RECSYN_USMARC_ov,
renderer = lambda v: str(zmarc.MARC(v)))
_RecordType ('UKMARC', z3950.Z3950_RECSYN_UKMARC_ov,
renderer = lambda v: str(zmarc.MARC(v)))
_RecordType ('SUTRS', z3950.Z3950_RECSYN_SUTRS_ov)
_RecordType ('XML', z3950.Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_XML_ov)
_RecordType ('SGML', z3950.Z3950_RECSYN_MIME_SGML_ov)
_RecordType ('GRS-1', z3950.Z3950_RECSYN_GRS1_ov,
renderer = lambda v: str (v),
preproc = grs1.preproc)
_RecordType ('OPAC', z3950.Z3950_RECSYN_OPAC_ov, renderer = render_OPAC)
_RecordType ('EXPLAIN', z3950.Z3950_RECSYN_EXPLAIN_ov,
renderer = lambda v: str (v))
class ScanSet (_AttrCheck, _ErrHdlr):
"""Hold result of scan.
zoom_to_z3950 = { # XXX need to provide more processing for attrs, alt
'freq' : 'globalOccurrences',
'display': 'displayTerm',
'attrs' : 'suggestedAttributes',
'alt' : 'alternativeTerm',
'other' : 'otherTermInfo'}
attrlist = _ErrHdlr.err_attrslist
def __init__ (self, scanresp):
"""For internal use only!"""
self._scanresp = scanresp
if hasattr (scanresp.entries, 'nonsurrogateDiagnostics'):
self.err_diagrec (scanresp.entries.nonsurrogateDiagnostics[0])
# Note that specification says that both entries and
# nonsurrogate diags can be present. This code will always
# raise the exn, and will need to be changed if both are needed.
def __len__ (self):
"""Return number of entries"""
return self._scanresp.numberOfEntriesReturned
def _get_rec (self, i):
if (not hasattr(self._scanresp.entries, 'entries')):
raise IndexError
t = self._scanresp.entries.entries[i]
if t[0] == 'termInfo':
return t[1]
# Only way asserts can fail here is if someone changes
# the Z39.50 ASN.1 definitions.
assert (t[0] == 'surrogateDiagnostic')
diagRec = t[1]
if diagRec [0] == 'externallyDefined':
raise ClientNotImplError (
'Scan unknown surrogate diagnostic type: ' +
str (diagRec))
assert (diagRec[0] == 'defaultFormat')
defDiagFmt = diagRec [1]
self.err (defDiagFmt.condition, defDiagFmt.addinfo,
def get_term (self, i):
"""Return term. Note that get_{term,field,fields} can throw an
exception if the i'th term is a surrogate diagnostic."""
return self._get_rec (i).term
def get_field (self, field, i):
"""Returns value of field:
term: term
freq: integer
display: string
attrs: currently z3950 structure, should be string of attributes
alt: currently z3950 structure, should be [string of attrs, term]
other: currently z3950 structure, dunno what the best Python representation would be
f = self.zoom_to_z3950 [field]
r = self._get_rec (i)
return r.__dict__[f]
def get_fields (self, i):
"""Return a dictionary mapping ZOOM's field names to values
present in the response. (Like get_field, but for all fields.)"""
r = self._get_rec (i)
d = {}
for k,v in self.zoom_to_z3950.items ():
val = getattr (r, v, None)
if val <> None:
d[k] = val
d["term"] = self.get_term (i)
return d
def _pin (self, i):
if i < 0:
return i + len (self)
return i
def __getitem__ (self, i):
return self.get_fields (self._pin (i))
def __getslice__ (self, i, j):
i = self._pin (i)
j = self._pin (j)
if j > len (self):
j = len (self)
return [self.get_fields (k) for k in range (i,j)]
if __name__ == '__main__':
optlist, args = getopt.getopt (sys.argv[1:], 'h:q:t:f:a:e:v:')
host = 'LC'
query = ''
qtype = 'CCL'
fmts = ['USMARC']
esns = ['F']
validation = None
for (opt, val) in optlist:
if opt == '-h':
host = val
elif opt == '-q':
query = val
elif opt == '-t':
qtype = val
elif opt == '-f':
fmts = val.split (',')
elif opt == '-e':
esns = val.split (',')
elif opt == '-v':
validation = val.split (',')
rv = z3950.host_dict.get (host)
if rv == None:
(name, port, dbname) = host.split (':')
port = int (port)
(name, port, dbname) = rv
conn = Connection (name, port)
conn.databaseName = dbname
conn.preferredRecordSyntax = fmts [0]
def run_one (q):
query = Query (qtype, q)
res = conn.search (query)
for esn in esns:
for syn in fmts:
print "Syntax", syn, "Esn", esn
res.preferredRecordSyntax = syn
if esn <> 'NONE':
res.elementSetName = esn
for r in res:
print str(r)
except ZoomError, err:
print "Zoom exception", err.__class__, err
# res.delete ()
# Looks as if Oxford will close the connection if a delete is sent,
# despite claiming delete support (verified with yaz client, too).
except ZoomError, err:
print "Zoom exception", err.__class__, err
if query == '':
while 1:
q_str = raw_input ('CCL query: ')
if q_str == '': break
run_one (q_str)
run_one (query)
conn.close ()

python/interface.py Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
from xml.dom import minidom
from PyZ3950 import zoom
exit_commands = ['exit', 'abort', 'quit', 'bye', 'eat flaming death', 'q']
class Bibsys():
def __init__(self):
self.conn = zoom.Connection ('z3950.bibsys.no', 2100)
self.conn.databaseName = 'BIBSYS'
self.conn.preferredRecordSyntax = 'XML'
def isbn_search(self, isbn):
query = zoom.Query('CCL', 'ISBN='+isbn)
result = self.conn.search(query)
return result
def close(self):
#class Menu():
def get_book_loop():
bib = Bibsys()
while True:
input = raw_input('Enter ISBN number> ')
if input in exit_commands:
r = bib.isbn_search(input)
if len(r) > 0:
print r[0]