This commit is contained in:
Arnar Flatberg 2007-08-21 10:31:09 +00:00
parent e06eeb6d17
commit 6ba8c6eb67
2 changed files with 29 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import pylab
import matplotlib
import networkx as nx
import scipy
def plot_corrloads(R, pc1=0,pc2=1,s=20, c='b', zorder=5,expvar=None,ax=None,drawback=True, labels=None):
""" Correlation loading plot."""
@ -56,3 +57,31 @@ def plot_dag(edge_dict, node_color='b', node_size=30,labels=None,nodelist=None,p
nx.draw_networkx(G,pos, with_labels=with_labels, node_size=node_size, node_color=node_color, nodelist=nodelist)
def plot_ZXcorr(gene_ids, term_ids, gene2go, X, D, scale=True):
""" Plot correlation/covariance between genes as a function of
semantic difference.
input: X (n, p) data matrix
D (p, p) gene-gene sematic similarity matrix
D = scipy.corrcoef(X)
term2ind = dict(enumerate(term_ids))
for i, gene_i in enumerate(gene_ids):
for j, gene_j in enumerate(gene_ids):
if j<i:
r2 = D[i,j]
terms_i = gene2go[gene_i]
terms_j = gene2go[gene_j]
for ti, term in enumerate(term_ids):
if term in terms_i:
def clustering_index(T, Yg):

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@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
def smdb_annot(orflist=None, input_fname='', output_fname='yeast.annot'):
"""Reads from the Stanford yeast
microarray database.
Available from:
input: orf -- list of orfs (open reading frames)
file -- (optional) file to fetch info from
registry.genames contains:
0 = Locus name
1 = Other name
2 = Description
3 = Gene product
4 = Phenotype
5 = ORF name
NB! Other name, Gene product and Phenotype may have more
than one mapping. These are separated by |
Output: writes an annotation file
outfile = open(output_fname, 'w')
header = "Orf\tLocus_id\tOther_name\tDescription\tGene_product\tPhenotype\tSGD_ID\n"
text = open(input_fname, 'r').read().splitlines()
for line in text:
els = line.split('\t')
orf_name = els.pop(5)
if orf_name!='': # we dont care about non-named orfs
if orflist and orf_name not in orflist:
for e in els:
if e !='':
outfile.write(str(e) + "\t")