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Gregorz webUI

A simple webui to interface with the Grzegorz API

How to run this

First of we need to install any needed dependencies. If you want to, you may do so in a virtual environment.

To install the needed dependencies, run this with sufficient rights (as root?):

pip install -r requirements.txt

Now, make a copy of named, and make any changes you see fit. Here is a description of each field:

  • host - The interace you want to listen to
  • port - The port to listen to
  • start_browser - Whether to open a window in the defualt browser of the interface when starting
  • multiple_instance - Whether to handle each client induvidually or with a single instance

When finished, start the server with:



Licensed under BSD 3 clause, see the file LICENSE for more details

This uses the library REMI by dddomodossola, which is licensed under apache2. This license may be read over here