Felix Albrigtsen 79bf307ef2
Some checks failed
Eval nix flake / evals (push) Failing after 1m46s
Eval nix flake / evals (pull_request) Failing after 1m52s
bekkalokk: Reconfigure www ingress
2024-04-11 00:48:07 +02:00

32 lines
973 B

{ config, lib, values, ... }:
mkRunner = name: {
# This is unfortunately state, and has to be generated one at a time :(
# To do that, comment out all except one of the runners, fill in its token
# inside the sops file, rebuild the system, and only after this runner has
# successfully registered will gitea give you the next token.
# - oysteikt Sep 2023
sops.secrets."gitea/runners/${name}".restartUnits = [
services.gitea-actions-runner.instances = {
${name} = {
enable = true;
name = "git-runner-${name}"; url = "https://git.pvv.ntnu.no";
labels = [
tokenFile = config.sops.secrets."gitea/runners/${name}".path;
lib.mkMerge [
(mkRunner "alpha")
(mkRunner "beta")
(mkRunner "epsilon")
{ virtualisation.podman.enable = true; }