364 lines
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364 lines
7.3 KiB
// SL 2020-07-13
// Wave function collapse / Model synthesis (with image output)
// MIT license, see LICENSE_MIT in Silice repo root
// https://github.com/sylefeb/Silice
// @sylefeb 2020
$$if DE10NANO or SIMULATION then
$$Nlog = 3
$$Nlog = 3
$$N = (1<<Nlog)
$$if not SIMULATION then
$$PROBLEM = 'problems/knots/'
// -------------------------
// rule-processor
// applies the neighboring rules
algorithm wfc_rule_processor(
input uint$L$ site,
input uint$L$ left, // -1, 0
input uint$L$ right, // 1, 0
input uint$L$ top, // 0,-1
input uint$L$ bottom, // 0, 1
output! uint$L$ newsite,
output! uint1 nstable
) {
always {
newsite = site & (
$$for i=1,L do
({$L${right[$i-1$,1]}} & $L$b$Rleft[i]$)
$$if i < L then
) & (
$$for i=1,L do
({$L${left[$i-1$,1]}} & $L$b$Rright[i]$)
$$if i < L then
) & (
$$for i=1,L do
({$L${bottom[$i-1$,1]}} & $L$b$Rtop[i]$)
$$if i < L then
) & (
$$for i=1,L do
({$L${top[$i-1$,1]}} & $L$b$Rbottom[i]$)
$$if i < L then
nstable = (newsite != site);
// -------------------------
// produce a vector of '1' for init with all labels
$$ones='' .. L .. 'b'
$$for i=1,L do
$$ ones = ones .. '1'
// -------------------------
// helper function to locate neighbors
$$function neighbors(i)
$$ local x = i%N
$$ local y = i//N
$$ local xm1 = x-1
$$ local xp1 = x+1
$$ local ym1 = y-1
$$ local yp1 = y+1
$$ -- make toroidal if outside of grid
$$ if xm1 < 0 then xm1 = N-1 end
$$ if xp1 > N-1 then xp1 = 0 end
$$ if ym1 < 0 then ym1 = N-1 end
$$ if yp1 > N-1 then yp1 = 0 end
$$ local l = xm1+y*N
$$ local r = xp1+y*N
$$ local t = x+ym1*N
$$ local b = x+yp1*N
$$ return l,r,t,b
// -------------------------
// algorithm to make a choice
// this is akin to a reduction
// - each bit proposes its rank
// - when two are present, one is randomly selected
algorithm makeAChoice(
input uint$L$ i,
input uint16 rand,
output! uint$L$ o)
$$tmp = L
$$while tmp > 1 do
$$ L_pow2 = L_pow2 + 1
$$ tmp = (tmp/2)
$$print('choice reducer has ' .. L_pow2 .. ' levels')
$$nr = 0
$$for lvl=L_pow2-1,0,-1 do
$$ for i=0,(1<<lvl)-1 do
uint5 keep_$lvl$_$2*i$_$2*i+1$ :=
$$ if lvl == L_pow2-1 then
$$ if 2*i < L then
$$ if 2*i+1 < L then
(i[$2*i$,1] && i[$2*i+1$,1]) ? (rand[$nr$,1] ? $2*i$ : $2*i+1$) : (i[$2*i$,1] ? $2*i$ : (i[$2*i+1$,1] ? $2*i+1$ : 0)) ;
$$ else
(i[$2*i$,1] ? $2*i$ : 0) ;
$$ end
$$ else
$$ end
$$ else
(keep_$lvl+1$_$4*i$_$4*i+1$ && keep_$lvl+1$_$4*i+2$_$4*i+3$) ? (rand[$nr$,1] ? keep_$lvl+1$_$4*i$_$4*i+1$ : keep_$lvl+1$_$4*i+2$_$4*i+3$) : (keep_$lvl+1$_$4*i$_$4*i+1$ | keep_$lvl+1$_$4*i+2$_$4*i+3$);
$$ end
$$ nr = nr + 1
$$ if nr > 15 then nr = 0 end
$$ end
o := (1<<keep_0_0_1);
// -------------------------
// main WFC algorithm
algorithm wfc(
output uint16 addr,
output uint$L$ data,
input uint16 seed
// all sites, initialized so that everything is possible
$$for i=1,N*N do
uint$L$ grid_$i-1$ = $ones$;
$$for i=1,N*N do
uint$L$ new_grid_$i-1$ = uninitialized;
uint1 nstable_$i-1$ = uninitialized;
// all rule-processors
$$for i=1,N*N do
$$ l,r,t,b = neighbors(i-1)
wfc_rule_processor proc_$i-1$(
site <:: grid_$i-1$,
left <:: grid_$l$,
right <:: grid_$r$,
top <:: grid_$t$,
bottom <:: grid_$b$,
newsite :> new_grid_$i-1$,
nstable :> nstable_$i-1$
// algorithm for choosing a label
uint$L$ site = uninitialized;
uint$L$ choice = uninitialized;
makeAChoice chooser(
i <:: site,
rand <:: rand,
o :> choice
uint$N*N$ nstable_reduce := {
$$for i=0,N*N-2 do
// next entry to be collapsed
uint16 next = 0;
// random
uint16 rand = 0;
// grid updates
$$for i=1,N*N do
grid_$i-1$ := new_grid_$i-1$;
rand = seed + 7919;
__display("wfc start");
// while not fully resolved ...
while (next < $N*N$) {
// choose
switch (next) {
default: { site = 0; }
$$for i=1,N*N do
case $i-1$: { site = grid_$i-1$; }
++: // wait for choice to be made, then store
switch (next) {
default: { }
$$for i=1,N*N do
case $i-1$: { grid_$i-1$ = choice; }
// wait propagate
while (nstable_reduce) { }
// display the grid
$$for j=1,N do
__display("%x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x",
$$for i=1,N-1 do
rand = rand * 31421 + 6927;
next = next + 1;
// write to output
next = 0;
while (next < $N*N$) {
addr = next;
switch (next) {
default: { }
$$for i=1,N*N do
case $i-1$: { data = grid_$i-1$; }
next = next + 1;
__display("wfc done");
// -------------------------
algorithm frame_display(
input uint10 pix_x,
input uint10 pix_y,
input uint1 pix_active,
input uint1 pix_vblank,
$$if not SIMULATION then
input uint$NUM_BTNS$ btns,
output! uint$color_depth$ pix_r,
output! uint$color_depth$ pix_g,
output! uint$color_depth$ pix_b
) <autorun> {
brom uint18 tiles[$16*16*L$] = {
$$for i=1,L do
$$write_image_in_table(PROBLEM .. 'tile_' .. string.format('%02d',i-1) .. '.tga',6)
simple_dualport_bram uint$L$ result[$N*N$] = uninitialized;
uint16 iter = 0;
$$if not SIMULATION then
uint$NUM_BTNS$ reg_btns = 0;
wfc wfc1(
addr :> result.addr1,
data :> result.wdata1,
seed <: iter
pix_r := 0; pix_g := 0; pix_b := 0;
$$if not SIMULATION then
reg_btns ::= btns;
result.wenable1 = 1;
result.addr0 = 0;
// ---- display result
while (1) {
uint8 tile = 0;
while (pix_vblank == 0) {
if (pix_active) {
// set rgb data
pix_b = pix_x > 15 ? tiles.rdata[ 0,6] : 0;
pix_g = pix_x > 15 ? tiles.rdata[ 6,6] : 0;
pix_r = pix_x > 15 ? tiles.rdata[12,6] : 0;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^ hides a defect on first tile of each row ... yeah, well ...
// read next pixel
uint10 x = uninitialized;
uint10 y = uninitialized;
x = (pix_x == 639) ? 0 : pix_x+1;
y = (pix_x == 639) ? pix_y+1 : pix_y;
tiles .addr = (x&15) + ((y&15)<<4) + (tile<<8);
// read next tile
if ((pix_x&15) == 13) {
// read grid ahead of vga beam
result.addr0 = (((pix_x>>4)+1)&$N-1$) + (((pix_y>>4)&$N-1$)<<$Nlog$);
} else { if ((pix_x&15) == 14) {
// select next tile
switch (result.rdata0) {
default: { }
$$for i=1,L do
case $L$d$1<<(i-1)$: { tile = $i-1$; }
} }
$$if not SIMULATION then
if (reg_btns[1,1] != 0) {
if (1) {
while (1) {
() <- wfc1 <- ();
iter = iter + 1;
if (result.rdata0 != 0) {
// wait for sync
while (pix_vblank == 1) {}
// -------------------------