@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal, TypedDict
from functool import lru_cache
import dataset
import httpx
import json
import os
import rich
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import typer
HERE = Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
#CACHE = dataset.connect(f"sqlite:///{HERE}")
CACHE = dataset.connect("sqlite:///ppm-cache.db")
CACHE.create_table("packages", primary_id="name")
def run(cmd: list[str] | str, **kw) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:
if isinstance(cmd, str):
cmd = shlex.split(cmd)
if __debug__:
print("+", *(shlex.quote(str(i)) for i in cmd), file=sys.stderr)
kw = dict(check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) | kw
return subprocess.run(list(map(str, cmd)), **kw)
def run_nix(nix: str, *a):
return run(["nix", "eval", *a, "--expr", nix, "--raw"]).stdout
def run_nixpkgs(nix: str):
return run_nix(f"with (import <nixpkgs> {{}}); ({nix})", "--impure")
# === API ===
# https://api.pulsar-edit.dev/swagger-ui/
API = "https://api.pulsar-edit.dev/api"
class PackageMeta(TypedDict):
name : str
main : str
description : str | None
repository : str
keywords : list[str]
license : None | str
version : str
#engines : dict[str, str]
#theme : None | Literal["syntax", "ui"]
class PackageRepository(TypedDict):
type : Literal["git"]
url : str
class Package(TypedDict):
name : str
readme : str
metadata : PackageMeta
repository : PackageRepository
downloads : None | int # in reality, often str. Thanks node!
stargazers_count : None | int # in reality, often str. Thanks node!
releases : None | dict[str, str] # commonly {"latest": "1.2.3"}
class PackageDetailed(Package):
versions : dict[str, PackageMeta]
def api_get(path, kw={}, check=True, **params) -> httpx.Response:
resp = httpx.get(f"{API}/{path}", params=params, timeout=30, **kw)
if check: resp.raise_for_status()
return resp
Sorting = Literal["downloads", "created_at", "updated_at", "stars"]
Direction = Literal["desc", "asc"]
def get_featured_packages() -> list[Package]:
return api_get("packages/featured").json()
def get_featured_themes() -> list[Package]:
return api_get("themes/featured").json()
def search_packages(query: str="", page: int = 1, sort: Sorting = "updated_at", direction: Direction = "desc") -> list[Package]:
return api_get("packages/search", q=query, page=page, sort=sort).json()
def search_themes(query: str="", page: int = 1, sort: Sorting = "updated_at", direction: Direction = "desc") -> list[Package]:
return api_get("themes/search", q=query, page=page, sort=sort).json()
def get_package(name: str) -> PackageDetailed:
return api_get(f"packages/{name}").json()
def get_tarball(name: str, version: str = None, url_only=False) -> httpx.Response | httpx.URL:
if version is None:
version = get(name)["metadata"]["version"]
if url_only:
return api_get(f"packages/{name}/versions/{version}/tarball", check=False).next_request.url
return api_get(f"packages/{name}/versions/{version}/tarball", kw=dict(follow_redirects=True))
# === NIX ===
def spdx2nixpkgs_license(spdx: str) -> str:
# TODO: instead of shelling out each time, perhaps dump the map to json once?
license = run_nixpkgs(f"""
(key: val: {{
name = val.spdxId or "unknown";
value = key;
if license is None:
return f'license.spdxId = "{spdx}";'
return f"license = lib.licenses.{license};"
def mk_derivation(
package : Package,
version : None | str = None,
format : bool = True,
dir : Path = HERE / "pkgs",
call_package : bool = True,
) -> str:
#url = get_tarball(package.name, package["metadata"]["version"], url_only=True)
#m = re.search(r'^https://api.github.com/repos/(.*)/tarball/refs/tags/(.*)$', str(url))
#url, version = f"https://github.com/{m.group(1)}", m.group(2)
assert package["repository"]["type"] == "git", package["repository"]
name = package["name"]
desc = package["metadata"].get("description", "").split(". ", 1)[0].strip().removesuffix(".")
url = package["repository"]["url"]
license = package["metadata"].get("license", "") # https://spdx.org/licenses/
if version is None:
version = package["releases"]["latest"]
if not version in package["versions"]:
raise ValueError("Version not found!")
# TODO: cache this
src = run([
url, f"v{version}", # we assume apm/ppm enforces a "v" version prefix
src_path = run(["nix-build", "--expr", "with import <nixpkgs> {}; " + src, "--no-out-link"]).stdout.strip()
src_path = Path(src_path)
extra = []
with (src_path / "package.json").open() as f:
if "build" not in json.load(f).get("scripts", {}):
extra.append("dontNpmBuild = true;")
is_yarn = False
if (src_path / "package-lock.json").is_file():
lock_path = src_path / "package-lock.json"
elif (src_path / "yarn.lock").is_file():
lock_path = src_path / "yarn.lock"
is_yarn = True
(dir / "lockfiles").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
lock_path = dir / "lockfiles" / f"{name}.json"
# TODO: somehow sandbox this
if not lock_path.is_file():
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
#run(["npm", "install", "--package-lock-only", src_path], cwd=tmp, stdout=None) # doesn't work
(Path(tmp) / "package.json").symlink_to(src_path / "package.json")
run(["npm", "install", "--package-lock-only"], cwd=tmp, stdout=None)
shutil.move(f"{tmp}/package-lock.json", lock_path)
extra.append(f'postPatch = "ln -s ${{./lockfiles/{name}.json}} ./package-lock.json";')
#assert not is_yarn
if is_yarn:
builder = 'buildYarnPackage'
deps_hash = run(["prefetch-yarn-deps", lock_path]).stdout.strip()
deps_hash = run(["nix", "hash", "to-sri", "--type", "sha256", deps_hash]).stdout.strip()
extra.append(f'yarnDepsHash = "{deps_hash}";')
builder = 'buildNpmPackage'
deps_hash = run(["prefetch-npm-deps", lock_path]).stdout.strip()
extra.append(f'npmDepsHash = "{deps_hash}";')
expr = f"""
{builder} rec {{
pname = "pulsar-{name}";
version = "{version}";
src = {src.replace(version, "${version}")};
{' '.join(extra)}
nativeBuildInputs = [ python3 ]; # node-gyp
npmFlags = [ "--legacy-peer-deps" ];
NODE_OPTIONS = "--no-experimental-fetch"; # https://github.com/parcel-bundler/parcel/issues/8005
meta = {{
homepage = "https://web.pulsar-edit.dev/packages/{name}";
description = "{desc}";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ pbsds ];
if call_package:
expr = f"{{ lib, {builder}, fetchFromGitHub, python3 }}: {expr}"
if format:
#return run(["alejandra", "-"], input=expr).stdout
return run(["nixfmt"], input=expr).stdout
return expr
# === CLI ===
app = typer.Typer(no_args_is_help=True)
def show(name: str):
def featured(
packages: bool = False,
themes: bool = False,
if not (themes or packages):
rich.print("ERROR: neither --themes or --packages was chosen.")
raise typer.Exit(1)
if packages:
rich.print_json(json.dumps( get_featured_packages() ))
if themes:
rich.print_json(json.dumps( get_featured_themes() ))
def search(
query: str,
page: int = 1,
sort: Enum("Sorting", dict(zip(*(Sorting.__args__,)*2))) = "downloads",
dir: Enum("Direction", dict(zip(*(Direction.__args__,)*2))) = "desc",
packages: bool = False,
themes: bool = False,
if not (themes or packages):
rich.print("ERROR: neither --themes or --packages was chosen.")
raise typer.Exit(1)
if packages:
search_packages(query, page=page, sort=sort, direction=dir)
if themes:
search_themes(query, page=page, sort=sort, direction=dir)
def crawl(pages: int = 10, j: int = 1):
# TODO: have it populate a cache
# TODO: make the getters use the cache
raise NotImplementedError
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=j or None) as e:
futures = [e.submit(search_packages, page=page) for page in range(pages)]
#futures += [e.submit(search_themes, page=page) for page in range(pages)]
for future in as_completed(futures):
for package in future.result():
def drv(name: str, version: str | None = None, dir: Path = HERE / "pkgs"):
package = get_package(name)
expr = mk_derivation(package, dir=dir)
out_path = run([
"nix-build", "--expr",
f"(import <nixpkgs> {{}}).callPackage (\n{expr.strip()}\n) {{}}",
], cwd=dir).stdout.strip()
except Exception:
raise typer.Exit(1)
dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
with (dir / f"{name}.nix").open("w") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# TODOs:
# * GitHub rate limit
# * fix lots of common build errors
# * [x] electron download
# * [ ] only if required
# * [x] node-gyp requires python3
# * [ ] only if required
# * [x] generate missing package-lock.json
# * [x] yarn.lock
# * [x] meta.license
# * [ ] determine if tag has v prefix
# * [ ] OSError: file not found
# * use npm vendored in ppm
# * test in pulsar with nixos vm?