33 lines
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{ config, pkgs, lib, mkDomain, ... }:
# thelunge
# The self-hosted Web IRC client
services.thelounge = {
# configure user accounts by using the 'thelounge' command, or by adding entries to /var/lib/thelounge/users
enable = true;
public = false;
port = 5876;
# theLoungePlugins.themes is view of nodePackages_latest.thelounge-theme-*
# theLoungePlugins.plugins is view of nodePackages_latest.thelounge-plugin-*
plugins = with pkgs.theLoungePlugins;
(with lib; attrValues (filterAttrs (name: _: name != "recurseForDerivations") themes))
++ [
extraConfig.theme = "One Dark";
extraConfig.fileUpload.enable = true;
extraConfig.fileUpload.baseUrl = "${mkDomain "thelounge"}";
services.nginx.virtualHosts.${mkDomain "thelounge"} = lib.mkIf config.services.thelounge.enable {
forceSSL = true; # addSSL = true;
enableACME = true; #useACMEHost = acmeDomain;
locations."/" = {
proxyPass = "${toString config.services.thelounge.port}";
proxyWebsockets = true;