
191 lines
7.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "scene.hpp"
#include "gamelogic.hpp"
#include "sceneGraph.hpp"
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <glad/glad.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <utilities/imageLoader.hpp>
#include <utilities/modelLoader.hpp>
#include <utilities/mesh.h>
#include <utilities/shader.hpp>
#include <utilities/shapes.h>
#include <utilities/timeutils.h>
#include <utilities/glfont.h>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
typedef unsigned int uint;
vec3 cameraPosition = vec3(0, 0, 400);
vec3 cameraLookAt = vec3(500, 500, 0);
vec3 cameraUpward = vec3(0, 0, 1);
SceneNode* rootNode;
SceneNode* hudNode;
SceneNode* lightNode[N_LIGHTS];
SceneNode* plainNode;
SceneNode* carNode;
SceneNode* treeNode;
SceneNode* grassNode;
SceneNode* boxNode;
SceneNode* sphereNode;
SceneNode* textNode;
Gloom::Shader* default_shader;
Gloom::Shader* plain_shader;
Gloom::Shader* post_shader;
// todo: const the following:
// meshes
Mesh m_box = generateBox(50, 50, 50);
Mesh m_sphere = generateSphere(10, 100, 100);
Mesh m_plain = generateSegmentedPlane(1000, 1000, 100, 100, 3);
Mesh m_hello_world = generateTextGeometryBuffer("Skjer'a bagera?", 1.3, 2);
// textures
PNGImage t_charmap = loadPNGFile("../res/textures/charmap.png");
PNGImage t_cobble_diff = loadPNGFile("../res/textures/cobble_diff.png");
PNGImage t_cobble_normal = loadPNGFile("../res/textures/cobble_normal.png");
PNGImage t_plain_diff = loadPNGFile("../res/textures/plain_diff.png");
PNGImage t_plain_normal = loadPNGFile("../res/textures/plain_normal.png", true);
PNGImage t_reflection = loadPNGFile("../res/textures/reflection_field.png");
PNGImage t_reflection2 = loadPNGFile("../res/textures/reflection_blurry.png");
PNGImage t_perlin = makePerlinNoisePNG(256, 256, 0.05/16);
void init_scene(CommandLineOptions options) {
default_shader = new Gloom::Shader();
default_shader->makeBasicShader("../res/shaders/simple.vert", "../res/shaders/simple.frag");
rootNode = createSceneNode();
hudNode = createSceneNode();
rootNode->shader = default_shader;
hudNode->shader = default_shader;
t_perlin.repeat_mirrored = true; // no const for me ;(
// create and add lights to graph
for (uint i = 0; i<N_LIGHTS; i++) {
lightNode[i] = createSceneNode(POINT_LIGHT);
lightNode[i]->lightID = i;
//treeNode = loadModelScene("../res/models/fur_tree/scene.gltf");
//treeNode->position = {300, 800, 10};
carNode = loadModelScene("../res/models/beetle/scene.gltf", {
{ 0, Material().diffuse({0.0, 0.0, 1.0}).diffuse_only().reflection_mapped(&t_reflection, 0.15)},// Blue_Metal
{ 1, Material().diffuse(vec3(0.85)).emissive(vec3(0.1)).reflection_mapped(&t_reflection, -1.0)},// Metal (decals)
//{ 2, Material().diffuse({1.0, 1.0, 1.0})},// Front_Light_Glass
// { 3, Material().diffuse({0.2, 0.2, 0.2})},// Black_Rubber
{ 4, Material().no_colors().reflection_mapped(&t_reflection, 1.0)},// Mirror
//{ 5, Material().diffuse({1.0, 1.0, 1.0})},// Black_Metal
//{ 6, Material().diffuse({1.0, 1.0, 1.0})},// Plastic
// { 7, Material().diffuse(vec3(0.2)).emissive(vec3(0.25)).specular(vec3(1.0), 70).reflection_mapped(&t_reflection, -0.8)},// Window_Glass
{ 7, Material().diffuse(vec3(0.2)).emissive(vec3(0.25)).specular(vec3(1.0), 70).reflection_mapped(&t_reflection, -0.8)},// Window_Glass
//{ 8, Material().diffuse({1.0, 1.0, 1.0})},// Material
{ 9, Material().diffuse(vec3(1.0)).emissive(vec3(0.2)).specular(vec3(0.4), 70).reflection_mapped(&t_reflection, -1.0)},// Glossy_metal
//{10, Material().diffuse({1.0, 1.0, 1.0})},// Rogh_Metal
// {11, Material().no_colors().reflection_mapped(&t_reflection, 1.0)},// License_Plate_Metal
{11, Material().no_colors().reflection_mapped(&t_reflection, 1.0)},// License_Plate_Metal
//{12, Material().diffuse({1.0, 1.0, 1.0})},// License_Plate_Frame
//{13, Material().diffuse({1.0, 1.0, 1.0})},//
//carNode->setMaterial(Material().reflection_mapped(&t_reflection, 0.0).no_colors().no_texture_reset(), true);
carNode->position = {500, 500, 100};
carNode->scale *= 100;
//create the scene:
plainNode = createSceneNode();
plainNode->setTexture(&t_plain_diff, &t_plain_normal, &t_perlin);
plainNode->position = {0, 0, 0};
plainNode->shininess = 20;
plainNode->displacementCoefficient = 40;
boxNode = createSceneNode();
boxNode->setTexture(&t_cobble_diff, &t_cobble_normal);
boxNode->position = {500, 500, 40};
boxNode->referencePoint = {25, 25, 25};
boxNode->scale *= 2;
boxNode->shininess = 20;
boxNode->displacementCoefficient = 40;
sphereNode = createSceneNode();
//sphereNode->setTexture(&t_cobble_diff, &t_cobble_normal);
sphereNode->position = {500, 500, 100};
sphereNode->scale *= 15;
sphereNode->setMaterial(Material().reflection_mapped(&t_reflection, 0.5).no_colors().no_texture_reset(), true);
lightNode[0]->position = {-600, 1400, 800};
lightNode[0]->attenuation = vec3(1.8, 0.0, 0.0);
lightNode[1]->position = {500, 0, 80};
lightNode[1]->referencePoint = {0, 500, 0};
lightNode[1]->scale *= 0.8;
lightNode[1]->light_color = vec3(0.0);
lightNode[1]->attenuation = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.000005);
lightNode[2]->position = {400, -200, 300};
lightNode[2]->nodeType = SPOT_LIGHT;
lightNode[2]->attenuation = vec3(1, 0, 0);
lightNode[2]->spot_target = lightNode[1];
textNode = createSceneNode();
textNode->position = vec3(-1.0, -1.0, 0.0);
textNode->isIlluminated = false;
textNode->isInverted = true;
void mouse_position_cb(double x, double y, int winw, int winh) {
float mousePositionX = x / double(winw); // like the hudNode space
float mousePositionY = y / double(winh);
void step_scene(double timeDelta) {
static double timeAcc = 0; // shrug
timeAcc += timeDelta;
plainNode->uvOffset.x += timeDelta*0.5;
plainNode->uvOffset.y -= timeDelta*0.5;
if (boxNode) boxNode->rotation.z += timeDelta;
lightNode[1]->rotation.z -= timeDelta;
//lightNode[1]->position.z = 80 + 40*glm::sin(5 * lightNode[1]->rotation.z);
if(carNode) carNode->rotation.z += timeDelta;
if (glfwGetMouseButton(window, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_1)) {
if (options.enableMusic) {
sound = new sf::Sound();
sf::Time startTime = sf::seconds(debug_startTime);
// I really should calculate this using the std::chrono timestamp for this
// You definitely end up with a cumulative error when doing lots of small additions like this
// However, for a game that lasts only a few minutes this is fine.
totalElapsedTime += timeDelta;