JLPT Nx 単語帳
List of words for making japanese flashcards
The data is licensed as CC-BY by Jonathan Waller.
You can find the words and a lot of other cool stuff at his website:
To set up, install the requirements (you might want to set up a venv first)
$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Ensure that you have a proper installation of TeXlive installed, including XeLaTeX, and the Noto Sans CJK fonts
Then generate all the cards by running
$ make all
The resulting pdfs can be found in the pdf
These booklets are meant to be printed as greyscale double sided A4 papers. As standalone pdfs, they tend to be somewhat useless (for the time being at least)
Intended use case
First of all, get some kind of flashcard solution. This might be a mobile app, it might be a bunch of paper slices. Personally, I would recommend getting a pack of premade paper cards (image)
Secondly, get one of these bad bois:
Although not strictly required, keeping track of which of the words you've put into your memorization cards will help you avoid duplicates.