mirror of https://github.com/h7x4/nix-attr-search.git synced 2025-03-06 20:23:29 +01:00
h7x4 51ab2cf393
docbook2txt: halfway finish <informaltable>
This required a lot of restructuring, which is why I won't
put this on another branch.

A part of the library which is updated in github but not yet at hackage,
is needed to continue. Specifically, the `Monoid` instance in
`Text.Layout.Table.Cell.Formatted` is needed to put together multiple
colored text in a table.

Among other things introduced, there is now our own `Formatted` type
which is used to await formatting until things like tables come up.
Compared to the earlier `IO ()` approach, this is probably a lot better.
2022-11-30 20:26:36 +01:00

307 lines
11 KiB

-- This is a program that converts docbook xml to optionally ANSI colored
-- raw text.
-- See https://tdg.docbook.org/ for more information about the docbook format.
-- This conversion could also be achieved by using pandoc.
-- However because of the custom color formatting, we would probably
-- end up having to write custom conversion logic for every tag to be
-- consumed by pandoc anyway. So instead, I am just planning on keeping
-- my own module parsing raw xml tags (for now).
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (find, intersperse)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.String (IsString, fromString)
import qualified System.Console.ANSI.Codes as AN
import qualified System.Console.ANSI.Types as AN
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import qualified Text.HTML.TagSoup as TS
import qualified Text.HTML.TagSoup.Tree as TS
-- import qualified Text.Layout.Table as T
-- import qualified Text.Layout.Table.Cell as T
-- import qualified Text.Layout.Table.Cell.Formatted as T
-- Datatypes with relevant methods
-- TODO: Mark reflowable text, and do a reflow fold before print.
-- data ShouldReflow a = SRReflow a
-- | SRConstant a
-- deriving (Show, Eq)
data Formatted
= FSeveral [Formatted]
| FWrapped String Formatted String
| FPlain String
deriving (Eq)
instance IsString Formatted where
fromString = FPlain
instance Show Formatted where
show (FSeveral fs) = concatMap show fs
show (FWrapped w1 s w2) = concat [w1, show s, w2]
show (FPlain s) = s
instance Semigroup Formatted where
FSeveral x <> FSeveral y = FSeveral $ x ++ y
f1 <> FSeveral x = FSeveral $ f1 : x
FSeveral x <> f1 = FSeveral $ x ++ [f1]
f1 <> f2 = FSeveral [f1, f2]
instance Monoid Formatted where
mempty = FPlain mempty
realString :: Formatted -> String
realString (FSeveral fs) = concatMap realString fs
realString (FWrapped w1 s w2) = realString s
realString (FPlain s) = s
realLength :: Formatted -> Int
realLength = length . realString
-- TODO: Revisit when table-layout gets a new release
-- https://github.com/muesli4/table-layout/issues/43
-- toTableFormattedType :: Formatted -> T.Formatted String
-- toTableFormattedType f = case f of
-- FSeveral fs -> mconcatMap toTableFormattedType fs
-- FWrapped w1 (FPlain s) w2 -> T.formatted w1 s w2
-- FWrapped _ f1 _ -> toTableFormattedType f1
-- FPlain s -> T.plain s
data PotentiallyColorizedString = PCS
{ colorized :: Formatted,
nonColorized :: String
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup PotentiallyColorizedString where
pcs1 <> pcs2 =
{ colorized = colorized pcs1 <> colorized pcs2,
nonColorized = nonColorized pcs1 <> nonColorized pcs2
instance Monoid PotentiallyColorizedString where
mempty =
{ colorized = mempty,
nonColorized = mempty
main :: IO ()
main = do
stdin <- getContents
args <- getArgs
let colorizedMode = "-C" `elem` args
printTags colorizedMode $ map replaceTagColor $ removeParagraphTags $ TS.parseTree stdin
-- Print a list of PCSs.
-- Depending on the first argument, the color can be optionally
-- colored.
printTags :: Bool -> [PotentiallyColorizedString] -> IO ()
printTags False = putStrLn . unwords . map nonColorized
printTags True = putStrLn . mconcatMap (show . colorized)
-- ANSI helpers
wrapSGR :: AN.SGR -> String -> Formatted
wrapSGR sgr str = FWrapped (AN.setSGRCode [sgr]) (fromString str) (AN.setSGRCode [AN.Reset])
wrapColor :: AN.Color -> String -> Formatted
wrapColor = wrapSGR . AN.SetColor AN.Foreground AN.Vivid
wrapTxt :: String -> String -> String
wrapTxt delimiter string = concat [delimiter, string, delimiter]
wrapTxt' :: String -> Formatted -> Formatted
wrapTxt' delimiter string = FSeveral [fromString delimiter, string, fromString delimiter]
bold :: AN.SGR
bold = AN.SetConsoleIntensity AN.BoldIntensity
mconcatMap :: Monoid b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> b
mconcatMap f = mconcat . map f
-- Remove `</para><para>` tags.
-- If there are more in one doc comment, the middle ones
-- will be parsed as a `TagBranch`, which means this
-- at most has to remove one closing and one opening tag.
removeParagraphTags :: [TS.TagTree String] -> [TS.TagTree String]
removeParagraphTags (TS.TagLeaf (TS.TagClose "para") : TS.TagLeaf (TS.TagOpen "para" []) : rest) =
TS.TagLeaf (TS.TagText "\n") : removeParagraphTags rest
-- In this case, it will be directly followed by a <para> branch
removeParagraphTags (TS.TagLeaf (TS.TagClose "para") : rest) = removeParagraphTags rest
-- In this case, it is directly behind by a <para> branch
removeParagraphTags (TS.TagLeaf (TS.TagOpen "para" _) : rest) = removeParagraphTags rest
removeParagraphTags (x : y : rest) = x : removeParagraphTags (y : rest)
removeParagraphTags x = x
pattern TextLeaf a = TS.TagLeaf (TS.TagText a)
-- Replace tags with their PCS string equivalent.
replaceTagColor :: TS.TagTree String -> PotentiallyColorizedString
replaceTagColor tagtree = case tagtree of
TS.TagLeaf (TS.TagText s) ->
{ colorized = fromString s,
nonColorized = s
TS.TagBranch "para" _ inner ->
{ colorized = mconcatMap (colorized . replaceTagColor) inner,
nonColorized = concatMap (nonColorized . replaceTagColor) inner
TS.TagBranch "code" _ [TextLeaf content] ->
{ colorized = wrapSGR bold $ wrapTxt "`" content,
nonColorized = wrapTxt "`" content
TS.TagBranch "command" _ [TextLeaf content] ->
{ colorized = wrapSGR bold $ wrapTxt "`" content,
nonColorized = wrapTxt "`" content
TS.TagBranch "filename" _ [TextLeaf content] ->
{ colorized = wrapColor AN.Yellow content,
nonColorized = wrapTxt "`" content
TS.TagBranch "emphasis" _ [TextLeaf content] ->
{ colorized = wrapSGR bold content,
nonColorized = wrapTxt "`" content
TS.TagBranch "literal" _ [TextLeaf content] ->
{ colorized = wrapColor AN.Red content,
nonColorized = wrapTxt "`" content
TS.TagBranch "varname" _ [TextLeaf content] ->
{ colorized = wrapColor AN.Red content,
nonColorized = wrapTxt "`" content
TS.TagBranch "link" [("xlink:href", link)] [] ->
{ colorized = wrapColor AN.Blue link,
nonColorized = concat ["`", link, "`"]
TS.TagBranch "link" [("xlink:href", link)] [TextLeaf content] ->
{ colorized = wrapColor AN.Blue $ concat [content, " (", link, ")"],
nonColorized = concat ["`", content, " (", link, ")`"]
TS.TagBranch "option" _ [TextLeaf content] ->
{ colorized = wrapSGR bold $ wrapTxt "`" content,
nonColorized = wrapTxt "`" content
TS.TagBranch "envar" _ [TextLeaf content] ->
{ colorized = wrapSGR bold $ concat ["`$", content, "`"],
nonColorized = concat ["`$", content, "`"]
TS.TagBranch "quote" _ inner ->
{ colorized = wrapTxt' "\"" $ mconcatMap (colorized . replaceTagColor) inner,
nonColorized = wrapTxt "\"" $ concatMap (nonColorized . replaceTagColor) inner
TS.TagBranch "warning" _ inner ->
{ colorized = mconcat [wrapColor AN.Red "WARNING: ", mconcatMap (colorized . replaceTagColor) inner],
nonColorized = "WARNING: " ++ concatMap (nonColorized . replaceTagColor) inner
TS.TagBranch "xref" [("linkend", link)] [] ->
let removeOptPrefix :: String -> String
removeOptPrefix ('o' : 'p' : 't' : '-' : rest) = rest
removeOptPrefix x = x
replaceName :: String -> Formatted
replaceName "_name_" = wrapColor AN.Red "<name>"
replaceName x = wrapSGR bold x
formattedLink :: Formatted
formattedLink = mconcat $ intersperse (wrapSGR bold ".") $ map replaceName $ splitOn "." $ removeOptPrefix link
in PCS
{ colorized = wrapTxt' "`" formattedLink,
nonColorized = wrapTxt "`" link
-- TS.TagBranch "informaltable" _ [inner] ->
-- let
-- extractRows :: TS.TagTree String -> Maybe [TS.TagTree String]
-- extractRows (TS.TagBranch "tgroup" _ [TS.TagBranch "tbody" _ rows]) = Just rows
-- extractRows _ = Nothing
-- -- TODO: This filters too much
-- isWhiteSpace :: TS.TagTree String -> Bool
-- isWhiteSpace (TextLeaf s) = False
-- isWhiteSpace _ = True
-- parseRow :: TS.TagTree String -> Maybe [PotentiallyColorizedString]
-- parseRow (TS.TagBranch "row" _ entries) = sequence $ map parseEntry $ filter isWhiteSpace entries
-- parseRow _ = Nothing
-- parseEntry :: TS.TagTree String -> Maybe PotentiallyColorizedString
-- parseEntry (TS.TagBranch "entry" _ content) = Just $ mconcatMap replaceTagColor content
-- parseEntry _ = Nothing
-- rawRows :: Maybe [[PotentiallyColorizedString]]
-- rawRows = do
-- rows <- extractRows inner
-- sequence $ map parseRow $ filter isWhiteSpace rows
-- generateColSpec :: [[a]] -> [T.ColSpec]
-- generateColSpec rs = flip replicate T.def $ length $ rs !! 0
-- generateTableConfig :: T.Cell a => [[b]] -> [T.RowGroup a] -> String
-- generateTableConfig rs = (++) "\n" . T.tableString (generateColSpec rs) T.unicodeRoundS T.def
-- table :: T.Cell a => (PotentiallyColorizedString -> a) -> Maybe String
-- table f = case rawRows of
-- Nothing -> Nothing
-- Just rrs -> Just $ generateTableConfig rrs $ map (T.rowG . map f) $ rrs
-- errorMessage :: String
-- errorMessage = "ERROR: Could not parse <informaltable>";
-- in PCS {
-- colorized = fromMaybe (wrapColor AN.Red errorMessage) (FPlain <$> table (toTableFormattedType . colorized)),
-- nonColorized = fromMaybe errorMessage $ table nonColorized
-- }
TS.TagBranch "citerefentry" _ content ->
let tagBranchTagMatches :: String -> TS.TagTree String -> Bool
tagBranchTagMatches x (TS.TagBranch tag _ _) = tag == x
tagBranchTagMatches _ _ = False
title :: Maybe String
title = case find (tagBranchTagMatches "refentrytitle") content of
Just (TS.TagBranch _ _ [TextLeaf str]) -> Just str
_ -> Nothing
volumNum :: Maybe String
volumNum = case find (tagBranchTagMatches "manvolnum") content of
Just (TS.TagBranch _ _ [TextLeaf str]) -> Just str
_ -> Nothing
combinedLink :: String
combinedLink = case (title, volumNum) of
(Just t, Just vn) -> concat [t, "(", vn, ")"]
(Just t, Nothing) -> t
_ -> "???"
in PCS
{ colorized = wrapColor AN.Blue combinedLink,
nonColorized = combinedLink
unknown ->
{ colorized = wrapColor AN.Red $ TS.renderTree [unknown],
nonColorized = TS.renderTree [unknown]