- Switch from `cabal2nix` and haskell overlay to `developPackage` - Restructure directories to have more descriptive names - Fix `nix run`
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Util.Hakyll.Routes where
import Hakyll
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Slugger as Slugger
import Debug.Trace
import Util.Hash (FileHashes)
prefixRoute :: FilePath -> Routes
prefixRoute p = customRoute $ \id' -> p ++ toFilePath id'
titleRouteWithDefault :: String -> Metadata -> Routes
titleRouteWithDefault defaultValue = constRoute . fileNameFromTitle
getTitleFromMeta :: Metadata -> String
getTitleFromMeta =
fromMaybe defaultValue . lookupString "title"
fileNameFromTitle :: Metadata -> FilePath
fileNameFromTitle =
T.unpack . (`T.append` ".html") . Slugger.toSlug . T.pack . getTitleFromMeta
titleRoute :: Metadata -> Maybe Routes
titleRoute metadata = constRoute <$> fileNameFromTitle metadata
slug :: String -> String
slug = T.unpack . (`T.append` ".html") . Slugger.toSlug . T.pack
ignore :: Eq a => a -> a -> Maybe a
ignore shouldBeIgnored value
| shouldBeIgnored == value = Nothing
| otherwise = Just value
fileNameFromTitle :: Metadata -> Maybe FilePath
fileNameFromTitle metadata = slug <$> (ignore "" =<< lookupString "title" metadata)
hashRoute :: FileHashes -> Routes
hashRoute hashes = customRoute hash
hash :: Identifier -> String
hash = flip (++) ".html" . fromMaybe "error" . flip Map.lookup hashes