TDT4109/Exercise 10/chess/

127 lines
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2020-11-10 23:56:21 +01:00
from typing import Iterable, Callable
from itertools import product
2020-11-12 00:17:02 +01:00
from copy import deepcopy
2020-11-12 19:17:16 +01:00
from sys import setrecursionlimit as setRecursionLimit
2020-11-10 23:56:21 +01:00
class Piece:
def __init__(self, type, color):
self.type = type
self.color = color
def __str__(self):
return self.type.upper() if self.color == 'white' else self.type
2020-11-12 19:17:16 +01:00
def symbol(self):
symbols = [{
'p': '',
'r': '',
'n': '',
'b': '',
'q': '',
'k': '',
}, {
'p': '♟︎',
'r': '',
'n': '',
'b': '',
'q': '',
'k': '',
return symbols[0 if self.color == 'white' else 1][self.type]
2020-11-10 23:56:21 +01:00
2020-11-12 00:17:02 +01:00
def possibleMoves(x, y, board, legalMoves=None) -> Callable[[int, int], Iterable[tuple]]:
2020-11-10 23:56:21 +01:00
piece = board.getPieceAt(x, y)
moves = []
2020-11-12 00:17:02 +01:00
# TODO: If player is in check, only validate the moves that are leading to places that can be blocked in order to save the king. Make a function that overwrites `moves`. Notice: The king is the only piece that can 'Escape' to a position that may or may not be in the list of positions to be blocked. Make an exception
2020-11-10 23:56:21 +01:00
pieceIsEnemyColor = lambda pieceToCheck: pieceToCheck != None and pieceToCheck.color != piece.color
pieceIsEmpty = lambda pieceToCheck: pieceToCheck == None
pieceIsEmptyOrEnemyColor = lambda pieceToCheck: pieceToCheck == None or pieceToCheck.color != piece.color
2020-11-12 19:17:16 +01:00
positionInsideBounds = lambda x, y: x in range(8) and y in range(8)
2020-11-10 23:56:21 +01:00
2020-11-12 00:17:02 +01:00
def addMoveIfTrue(xOffset, yOffset, condition: Callable[[Piece], bool]):
"""Tests a condition against a position away from self. Adds if condition returns true"""
2020-11-10 23:56:21 +01:00
if condition(board.getPieceAt(x + xOffset, y + yOffset)):
moves.append((x + xOffset, y + yOffset))
return True
return False
2020-11-12 19:17:16 +01:00
# TODO: fix deepcopy segfault and recursion error
2020-11-12 00:17:02 +01:00
def assertNotCheck(newX, newY) -> bool:
testBoard = deepcopy(board)
2020-11-12 19:17:16 +01:00
testBoard.movePiece((x, y), (newX, newY))
return not testBoard.checkCheck(piece.color)
2020-11-12 00:17:02 +01:00
def addWhileInsideBoard(direction: tuple):
2020-11-12 19:17:16 +01:00
localX, localY = x, y
while positionInsideBounds(localX, localY):
2020-11-10 23:56:21 +01:00
localX += direction[0]
localY += direction[1]
if board.getPieceAt(localX, localY) == None:
moves.append((localX, localY))
if board.getPieceAt(localX, localY).color != piece.color:
moves.append((localX, localY))
if piece.type == 'p':
2020-11-12 19:17:16 +01:00
localY = 1 if piece.color == 'black' else -1
startPosition = 1 if piece.color == 'black' else 6
addMoveIfTrue(1, localY, pieceIsEnemyColor)
addMoveIfTrue(-1, localY, pieceIsEnemyColor)
if addMoveIfTrue(0, localY, pieceIsEmpty):
addMoveIfTrue(0, localY * 2,
lambda pieceToCheck: pieceToCheck == None and y == startPosition)
2020-11-10 23:56:21 +01:00
elif piece.type == 'n':
2020-11-12 19:17:16 +01:00
positions = [
(-2, -1),
(-2, 1),
(-1, -2),
(-1, 2),
(1, -2),
(1, 2),
(2, -1),
(2, 1),
2020-11-10 23:56:21 +01:00
for position in positions:
addMoveIfTrue(*position, pieceIsEmptyOrEnemyColor)
elif piece.type == 'k':
positions = list(product([-1, 0, 1], repeat=2))
positions.remove((0, 0))
for position in positions:
addMoveIfTrue(*position, pieceIsEmptyOrEnemyColor)
2020-11-12 00:17:02 +01:00
2020-11-10 23:56:21 +01:00
elif piece.type == 'r':
2020-11-12 19:17:16 +01:00
for direction in [(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)]:
2020-11-10 23:56:21 +01:00
elif piece.type == 'b':
for direction in product([-1, 1], repeat=2):
elif piece.type == 'q':
directions = list(product([-1, 0, 1], repeat=2))
directions.remove((0, 0))
for direction in directions:
2020-11-12 19:17:16 +01:00
# Remove moves that will lead the piece out of the board
moves = [move for move in moves if positionInsideBounds(*move)]
2020-11-12 00:17:02 +01:00
2020-11-12 19:17:16 +01:00
# Remove moves that won't block the path for whichever piece has caused the game to check
2020-11-12 00:17:02 +01:00
if legalMoves != None and piece.type != 'k':
moves = [move for move in moves if move in legalMoves]
2020-11-12 19:17:16 +01:00
# Remove moves that will put the king in check
# moves = [position for position in moves if assertNotCheck(*position)]
2020-11-10 23:56:21 +01:00
return moves