This commit is contained in:
Oystein Kristoffer Tveit 2021-08-29 19:57:57 +02:00
parent dcdd3e78e5
commit b06a6e58f9
36 changed files with 1962 additions and 0 deletions

exam/.vscode/latex.code-snippets vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
"Exc": {
"scope": "latex",
"prefix": ["\\exc"],
" \\subexc{}",
" $0",
"description": "Adds new exc with subexcs",
"Subexc": {
"scope": "latex",
"prefix": ["\\subexc"],
" \\ssubexc{}",
" $0",
"description": "Adds new subexc with ssubexcs",
"Diagram": {
"scope": "latex",
"prefix": ["dia"],
"body": "\\includeDiagram[caption={}, width=1\\linewidth]{graphics/$0.tex}",
"description": "Include a diagram",
"Graph Table": {
"scope": "latex",
"prefix": ["graph-table"],
" \\center",
" \\begin{tabular}{c|cc}",
" $A$ & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{$v$} \\\\",
" \\hline",
" & $a$ & $b$ \\\\",
" \\hline",
" $s_0$ & $s_$ & $s_$ \\\\",
" $s_1$ & $s_$ & $s_$ \\\\",
" $s_2$ & $s_$ & $s_$ \\\\",
" \\end{tabular}",
"description": "Adds graph-table",
"Graph Table Double": {
"scope": "latex",
"prefix": ["graph-dtable"],
" \\center",
" \\begin{tabular}{c|cc}",
" $A$ & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{$v$} \\\\",
" \\hline",
" & $a$ & $b$ \\\\",
" \\hline",
" $s_0$ & $s_$ & $s_$ \\\\",
" $s_1$ & $s_$ & $s_$ \\\\",
" $s_2$ & $s_$ & $s_$ \\\\",
" \\end{tabular}",
"description": "Adds graph-table",
"Graph Table Line": {
"scope": "latex",
"prefix": ["gtl"],
"body": " $s_$ & $s_$ & $s_$ \\\\",
"description": "Adds line inside graph-table",
"Graph Table Double Line": {
"scope": "latex",
"prefix": ["gtdl"],
"body": " $s_$ & $s_$ & $s_$ & $s_$ & $s_$ \\\\",
"description": "Adds line inside a double graph-table",
"Induction Proof": {
"scope": "latex",
"prefix": ["prove-induction"],
"body": [
"Base case:",
"Assume that",
"\\[ $1 \\]",
" &= $1 + \\\\",
" &=",
"description": "Template for induction proof",
"Injective Proof": {
"scope": "latex",
"prefix": ["prove-injective"],
"body": [
"In order for $f(x)$ to be injective, it has to hold that",
"\\[ f(a) = f(b) \\Rightarrow a = b \\]",
" f(a) &= f(b) \\\\",
" $0",
"Hence $f(x)$ is injective."
"description": "Template for injective proof",
"Surjective Proof": {
"scope": "latex",
"prefix": ["prove-surjective"],
"body": [
"In order for $f(x)$ to be surjective, it has to hold that",
"\\[ \\forall x \\in SET \\exists y \\in SET [f(x) = y] \\]",
" y &= $1 \\\\",
" x &= \\\\" ,
"$ $ makes up all the elements in SET",
" f(y) &= \\\\",
"Hence $f(x)$ is surjective"
"description": "Template for surjective proof",
"Bijective Function Proof": {
"scope": "latex",
"prefix": ["prove-bijective"],
"body": [
"In order for $f(x)$ to be injective, it has to hold that",
"\\[ f(a) = f(b) \\Rightarrow a = b \\]",
" f(a) &= f(b) \\\\",
" $0",
"Hence $f(x)$ is injective.",
"In order for $f(x)$ to be surjective, it has to hold that",
"\\[ \\forall x \\in SET \\exists y \\in SET [f(x) = y] \\]",
" y &= $1 \\\\",
" x &= \\\\" ,
"$ $ makes up all the elements in SET",
" f(y) &= \\\\",
"Hence $f(x)$ is surjective",
"The inverse is the same as the expression which makes up $x$ which we used to prove that $f(x)$ is surjective. Hence",
"\\[ f^{-1}(x) = \\]",
"description": "Template for bijective proof",
"Equivalence Relation Proof": {
"scope": "latex",
"prefix": ["prove-eq-rel"],
"body": [
"In order for this relation to be an equivalence equation, it has to be reflexive, symmetric and transitive.",
"\\[ \\]",
"\\[ \\]",
"\\[ \\]",
"Hence the relation is an equivalence relation",
"description": "Template for equivalence relation proof",
"Partial Order Proof": {
"scope": "latex",
"prefix": ["prove-poset"],
"body": [
"In order for this relation to be a partial order, it has to be reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive.",
"\\[ \\]",
"\\[ \\]",
"\\[ \\]",
"Hence the relation is a partial order",
"description": "Template for poset proof",
"Poset MinMax": {
"scope": "latex",
"prefix": ["minmax-poset"],
"body": [
"Minimal elements:",
" \\[ \\{ $0 \\} \\]",
"Maximal elements:",
" \\[ \\{ \\} \\]"
"description": "Minimal maximal elements for poset",
"Binomial Coefficient": {
"scope": "latex",
"prefix": ["binom-co"],
"body": "\\[ \nCr{$0}{$1}x^{$2}y^{$1} = $3 x^{$2}y^{$1}\\]",
"description": "Formula for a binomial coefficient",

exam/.vscode/makefile.code-snippets vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
"hasse": {
"scope": "makefile",
"prefix": ["hasse"],
"body": "python ../../python/ graphics/src/$1.txt graphics/$1.tex",
"description": "Add hasse diagram",
"FSA": {
"scope": "makefile",
"prefix": ["fsa"],
"body": "python ../../python/ graphics/src/$1.txt graphics/$1.tex",
"description": "Add FSA diagram",

exam/Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
.DEFAULT_GOAL := default
.PHONY: default python
default: python
pdflatex main.tex
SRC_DIR := $(shell find graphics/src -type f -printf "%f\n" -name *.txt | cut -d '.' -f1)
@for f in $(SRC_DIR); \
do \
echo -e "\033[33mCOMPILING $$f.tex\033[0m"; \
python ../exam_template/python/ graphics/src/$$f.txt graphics/$$f.tex; \
echo ""; \

exam/graphics/14.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
->, % makes the edges directed
>=Stealth, % makes the arrow heads bold
node distance=5cm, % specifies the minimum distance between two nodes. Change if necessary.
every state/.style={thick, fill=white}, % sets the properties for each state node
initial text=$ $, % sets the text that appears on the start arrow
\node[state, ] (s0) {$s_0$};
\node[state, right of=s0] (s1) {$s_1$};
\node[state, right of=s1] (s2) {$s_2$};
\draw (s0) edge[bend right, below] node{$a,0$} (s1);
\draw (s0) edge[above] node{$c,1$} (s1);
\draw (s0) edge[loop,above] node{b,1} (s0);
\draw (s1) edge[above] node{$a,1$} (s2);
\draw (s1) edge[bend right, above] node{$b,0$} (s0);
\draw (s1) edge[bend right, above] node{$c,0$} (s0);
\draw (s2) edge[bend right, above] node{$a,0$} (s1);
\draw (s2) edge[bend left, below] node{$b,1$} (s0);
\draw (s2) edge[loop,above] node{c,0} (s2);

exam/graphics/14mod.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
->, % makes the edges directed
>=Stealth, % makes the arrow heads bold
node distance=5cm, % specifies the minimum distance between two nodes. Change if necessary.
every state/.style={thick, fill=white}, % sets the properties for each state node
initial text=$ $, % sets the text that appears on the start arrow
\node[state, ] (s0) {$s_0$};
\node[state, right of=s0] (s1) {$s_1$};
\node[state, right of=s1] (s2) {$s_2$};
\draw (s0) edge[bend right, above] node{$a,0$} (s1);
\draw (s0) edge[above] node{$c,1$} (s1);
\draw (s0) edge[loop,above] node{b,1} (s0);
\draw (s1) edge[above] node{$a,1$} (s2);
\draw (s1) edge[bend right=60, above] node{$b,0$} (s0);
\draw (s1) edge[bend right, above] node{$c,0$} (s0);
\draw (s2) edge[bend right, above] node{$a,0$} (s1);
\draw (s2) edge[bend left, below] node{$b,1$} (s0);
\draw (s2) edge[loop,above] node{c,0} (s2);

exam/graphics/16.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
\newcommand{\arrow}[2]{\path [-{Latex[scale=1]}] (#1) edge (#2);}
\begin{scope}[every node/.style={shape=circle, fill=white, draw, inner sep=2pt}]
\node (A) at (0,2.5) {$A$};
\node (B) at (-2.37764,0.77254) {$B$};
\node (C) at (-1.46946,-2.02254) {$C$};
\node (D) at (1.46946,-2.02254) {$D$};
\node (E) at (2.37764,0.77254) {$E$};
\begin{scope}[every draw/.style={}]
\draw (A) -- (B);
\draw (A) -- (C);
\draw (A) -- (E);
\draw (B) -- (D);
\draw (B) -- (E);
\draw (D) -- (E);

exam/graphics/17.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
\node [label=#3:#4] (#1) at #2 {};
\draw (#1) -- (#2) node [midway, above, sloped] (Tx#1#2) {{\tiny $#3$}};
\begin{scope}[every node/.style={fill=black, shape=circle, inner sep=1pt}]
\point{4}{(3,2)}{above left}{$v_4$}
\point{5}{(3,0)}{below right}{$v_5$}
\point{6}{(5,2)}{above left}{$v_6$}
\point{7}{(5,0)}{above left}{$v_7$}
\point{8}{(6,1)}{above right}{$v_8$}

exam/graphics/17_2.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
\node [label=#3:#4] (#1) at #2 {};
\draw (#1) -- (#2) node [midway, above, sloped] (Tx#1#2) {{\tiny $#3$}};
\begin{scope}[every node/.style={fill=black, shape=circle, inner sep=1pt}]
\point{4}{(3,2)}{above left}{$v_4$}
\point{5}{(3,0)}{below right}{$v_5$}
\point{6}{(5,2)}{above left}{$v_6$}
\point{7}{(5,0)}{above left}{$v_7$}
\point{8}{(6,1)}{above right}{$v_8$}

exam/graphics/3.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
{$p$ & $q$ & $ \neg p$ & $p \wedge q$ & $ \neg (p \wedge q)$}
\T & \T & \F & \T & \F \\
\T & \F & \F & \F & \T \\
\F & \T & \T & \F & \T \\
\F & \F & \T & \F & \T \\

exam/graphics/5.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
In order for this relation to be an equivalence equation, it has to be reflexive, symmetric and transitive.
All elements are related to themself
\[ DD, AA, CC, BB \]
All relations has its symmetric counterpart
CD\text{ and }DC
All pair of relations where $xRy$ and $yRz$ has its transitive counterpart
DC\text{ and }CD\text{ with }DD \\
CD\text{ and }DC\text{ with }CC
Hence the relation is an equivalence relation

exam/graphics/6.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
\tikzset{every node/.style={shape=circle,draw,fill=white,inner sep=2pt}}
\node (3) at (0, 0) {$3$};
\node (4) at (1, 0) {$4$};
\node (6) at (0, 1) {$6$};
\node (12) at (0, 2) {$12$};
\node (20) at (1, 1) {$20$};
\draw (3) -- (6);
\draw (4) -- (12);
\draw (4) -- (20);
\draw (6) -- (12);

exam/graphics/src/14.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1 r0
2 r1
0 a,0 )d 1
0 c,1 u 1
o b,1 u 0
1 a,1 u 2
1 b,0 )u 0
1 c,0 )u 0
2 a,0 )u 1
2 b,1 (d 0
o c,0 u 2

exam/graphics/src/16.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Graph

exam/graphics/src/3.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# Truthtable
p, q, E not p, p and q, E not (p and q)

exam/graphics/src/5.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Relations

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
def genDivPosetFrom(s):
return set((s1,s2) for s1 in s for s2 in s if s2 % s1 == 0 and s1 != s2)
s = set([3,4,6,12,20])
poset = genDivPosetFrom(s)
print('\n'.join(str(x) for x in poset))

exam/main.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
\title{MA0301 Spring 2021}
\usetikzlibrary{automata, positioning, arrows.meta}
Find next edge with the minimum weight. \\
The edge between #1 and #2 has weight #3. \\
Does adding it connect two separate subgraphs? \\
\newcommand{\yes}{\textbf{Yes. Add edge} \\[2ex]}
\newcommand{\no}{\textbf{No. Discard edge} \\[2ex]}
%%%%%%%% 2
\neg (\exists x \forall y (\neg P(x,y) \wedge Q(x,y))) \\
\forall x \exists y \neg(\neg P(x,y) \wedge Q(x,y)) \\
\forall x \exists y (\neg \neg P(x,y) \vee \neg Q(x,y)) \\
\forall x \exists y (P(x,y) \vee \neg Q(x,y)) \\
%%%%%%%% 3
By looking at the truthtable, we can see that $\neg p \not\equiv \neg(p \wedge q)$ \\
(p \downarrow q) \downarrow (p \downarrow q) \\
\neg ( \neg (p \wedge q) \wedge \neg (p \wedge q)) \\
\neg ( (\neg p \vee \neg q) \wedge (\neg p \vee \neg q)) \\
\neg (\neg p \vee \neg q) \vee \neg (\neg p \vee \neg q)) \\
\neg \neg p \vee \neg \neg q \vee \neg \neg p \vee \neg \neg q \\
p \vee q \vee p \vee q \\
p \vee q \\
\[ (p \downarrow q) \downarrow (p \downarrow q) \equiv p \vee q \]
%%%%%%%% 5
\[ R := \{ (0,0), (1,1), (2,2), (2,3) \} \]
$R$ is not an equivalence relation. \\
For reflexivity, it's missing one relation
\[ (3,3) \]
For symmetry, it's missing one relation
\[ (3,2) \]
For transitivity, it will by now have all missing elements \\
\[ (2,3) \text{ and } (3,2) \rightarrow (2,2) \]
\[ (3,2) \text{ and } (2,3) \rightarrow (3,3) \]
\[ R := \{ (0,0),(1,1),(2,2),(2,3), (3,2), (3,3) \} \]
%%%%%%%% 6
\[ A := \{3, 4, 6, 12, 20 \} \]
\includeDiagram[scale=2, width=5cm]{graphics/6.tex}
By looking at the hasse diagram, we can see that
\[ \text{Minimal elements: } \{ 3, 4 \} \]
\[ \text{Maximal elements: } \{ 12, 20 \} \]
%%%%%%%% 7
Base case:
\sum^3_{i=3} 3^i = \frac{3(3^3-9)}{2} \\[2ex]
3^3 = \frac{3(27-9)}{2} \\[2ex]
27 = \frac{3(18)}{2} \\[2ex]
27 = 9 \cdot 3 \\[2ex]
27 = 27 \\[2ex]
Assume that
\[ \sum^n_{i=3} 3^i = \frac{3(3^n-9)}{2} \qquad \text{for } n > 2 \]
\sum^{n+1}_{i=3} 3^i &= 3^3 + 3^4 + \ldots + 3^n + 3^{n+1} \\[2ex]
&= \frac{3(3^n-9)}{2} + 3^{n+1} \\[2ex]
&= \frac{3^{n+1} - 3 \cdot 9 + 2 \cdot 3^{n+1}}{2} \\[2ex]
&= \frac{3 \cdot 3^{n+1} - 3 \cdot 9}{2} \\[2ex]
&= \frac{3(3^{n+1} - 9)}{2} \\[2ex]
%%%%%%%% 8
\{ a_n \}_{n>0} =
a_1 = 3 \\
a_2 = 6 \\
a_n = a_n + a_{n-1} \quad \text{for } n > 2 \\
\textbf{Base case:}
For $a_3$, we have that
a_3 &= a_2 + a_1 \\
&= 6 + 3 \\
&= 3(3) \\
&\Rightarrow a_3 \bmod 3 = 0
For $a_4$, we have that
a_4 &= a_3 + a_2 \\
&= 9 + 6 \\
&= 3(5) \\
&\Rightarrow a_4 \bmod 3 = 0
\textbf{Inductive step:}
Assume that for $k_1 \in \N$, $k_2 \in \N$:
a_n &= 3(k_1) \\
a_{n-1} &= 3(k_2) \\
a_{n+1} &= a_n + a_{n-1} \\
&= 3(k_1) + 3(k_2) \\
&= 3(k_1 + k_2) \\
&\Rightarrow a_{n+1} \bmod 3 = 0
%%%%%%%% 10
\[ f : \Z \rightarrow \Z \]
\[ f(x) = x-7 \]
In order for $f(x)$ to be injective, it has to hold that
\[ f(a) = f(b) \Rightarrow a = b \]
f(a) &= f(b) \\
a - 7 &= b - 7 \\
a &= b \\
Hence $f(x)$ is injective. \\
In order for $f(x)$ to be surjective, it has to hold that
\[ \forall x \in \Z \exists y \in \Z [f(x) = y] \]
y &= x - 7 \\
x &= y + 7 \\
$ x = y + 7 $ makes up all the elements in $\Z$
f(x) &= x - 7 \\
&= (y + 7) - 7 \\
&= y
Hence $f(x)$ is surjective \\
Since $f(x)$ is both injective and surjective, it is by definition bijective
%%%%%%%% 11
There are no $x^6y^6$ in the expansion of $(3x^5 + 2y)^6$ \\
For $x^{10}y^4$, there is
\[ \binom{6}{4}(3x^5)^{6-4}(2y)^4 = 2160 x^{10}y^4 \]
%%%%%%%% 12
The number of permutations of the letters "ALLTALK" is
\[ \frac{7!}{(7-7)!2!3!} = 420 \]
If all of the Ls has to be together, we can think of this block like one letter. \\
That leaves us with 5 letters, where one of them is repeated once. \\
\[ \frac{5!}{(5-5)!2!} = 60 \]
%%%%%%%% 14
Assuming the automation is starting at $s_0$, the output for $acabacab$ would be
s_0 \xrightarrow{a,0} s_1 \\
s_1 \xrightarrow{c,0} s_0 \\
s_0 \xrightarrow{a,0} s_1 \\
s_1 \xrightarrow{b,0} s_0 \\
s_0 \xrightarrow{a,0} s_1 \\
s_1 \xrightarrow{c,0} s_0 \\
s_0 \xrightarrow{a,0} s_1 \\
s_1 \xrightarrow{b,0} s_0 \\
\[ 00000000 \]
%%%%%%%% 15
$L$ is a language that only contains words which fits the regular expresson $r$, where
\[ r = b^*ab^*ab^* \]
or described with words, \\
\center "$L$ is a language that only has words that contain exactly two of the letter $a$"
%%%%%%%% 16
& A & B & C & D & E \\
A & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 \\
B & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\
C & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
D & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\
E & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\
%%%%%%%% 17
Performed Kruskal's algorithm as follows: \\[2ex]
\textbf{Remove all edges} \\
By now, the graph is already spanning so there aren't any more disconnected subgraphs to connect, but I'll check the last ones anyway, like for-looping over the set of edges in a computer program would. \\
\textbf{Result: }

exam/python/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
from sys import argv
from pathlib import Path
import re
from common import replaceContent
placementChart = {
'a': 'above',
'b': 'below',
'l': 'left',
'r': 'right'
def generateEdge(inputLine):
s_src, msg, opts, s_dest = inputLine.split(' ')
out_options = []
if '(' in opts or ')' in opts:
out_options.append('bend left' if '(' in opts else 'bend right')
if any(x in opts for x in 'udlr'):
'above' if 'u' in opts else \
'below' if 'd' in opts else \
'left' if 'l' in opts else \
'right' if 'r' in opts else ''
if s_src == 'o':
return f'\draw (s{s_dest}) edge[loop,{",".join(out_options)}] node{{{msg}}} (s{s_dest});'
return f'\draw (s{s_src}) edge[{", ".join(out_options)}] node{{${msg}$}} (s{s_dest});'
def generateNode(inputLine):
s_src, opts = inputLine.split(' ')
out_opts = []
if 's' in opts:
if 'f' in opts:
if place :='[udlr]\d+', opts):
out_opts.append(placementChart[[0]] + ' of=s' +[1])
return f'\\node[state, {", ".join(out_opts)}] (s{s_src}) {{$s_{s_src}$}};'
def generate_latex(inputLines):
nodes, edges = inputLines.split('\n\n')
for node in nodes.split('\n'):
for edge in edges.split('\n'):
return '\n'.join(output)
def processFileContent(raw):
content = generate_latex(raw)
return replaceContent(content, 'FSA')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# filename = argv[1]
# with open(filename) as file:
# content = generate_latex(
# with open(str(Path(__file__).parent.absolute()) + '/tex_templates/FSA.tex') as template:
# with open(argv[2], 'w') as destination_file:
# destination_file.write('%CONTENT', content))

exam/python/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
from sys import argv
from pathlib import Path
from math import sin, cos, pi
from common import printc, printerr, replaceContent
class Matrix:
""" Adjacency matrix which supports 0 and 1 """
def __init__(self, matrix):
self.matrix = matrix
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.matrix)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.matrix)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.matrix == other
def __str__(self):
return "\n".join(' '.join('\033[32m1\033[0m' if b else '\033[31m0\033[0m' for b in line) for line in self)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.matrix[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, item):
self.matrix[key] = item
def fromGraph(cls, graph):
return graph.toMatrix()
def fromString(cls, string):
matrix = []
for line in string.split('\n'):
matrix.append([True if char == '1' else False for char in line])
if len(matrix) != len(matrix[0]):
raise ValueError('Matrix not covering all points')
return cls(matrix)
def toGraph(self):
nodes = [chr(i + 65) for i in range(len(self))]
edges = []
for i, line in enumerate(self):
edges += [(nodes[i],nodes[j]) for j, b in enumerate(line) if b]
return Graph(nodes, edges)
def toLaTeX(self):
return '\\begin{pmatrix}\n' \
+ '\n'.join(' ' + ' & '.join('1' if b else '0' for b in line) + ' \\\\' for line in self.matrix) \
+ '\n\\end{pmatrix}'
class Graph:
def __init__(self, nodes, edges): # Nodes = str, Edges = (str,str)
self.nodes = nodes
self.edges = edges
def __str__(self):
printc('Is undirected: ' + str(self.isUndirected()))
return \
f'Nodes: {" ".join(self.nodes)}\n' \
+ f'Edges: {" ".join(x+y for x,y in (self.undirectedEdgeSet() if self.isUndirected() else self.edges))}'
def fromMatrix(cls, matrix):
return matrix.toGraph()
def fromString(cls, string):
splitData = string.split('\n\n')
if splitData[0] == 'complete':
data1 = 'undirected'
nodes = [chr(i + 65) for i in range(int(splitData[1]))]
data2 = ' '.join(nodes)
data3 = '\n'.join([a+b for a in nodes for b in nodes if a != b])
elif splitData[0] == 'matrix':
return Graph.fromMatrix(Matrix.fromString(splitData[1]))
data1, data2, data3 = splitData
graphType = data1
nodes = data2.split(' ')
edges = [(x,y) for x,y in data3.split('\n')]
if graphType == 'undirected':
edges = [(a,b) for a in nodes for b in nodes if (a,b) in edges or (b,a) in edges]
return cls(nodes, edges)
def toMatrix(self):
rows = []
for node in self.nodes:
rows.append([(node,node2) in self.edges for node2 in self.nodes])
return Matrix(rows)
def isUndirected(self):
matrix = self.toMatrix()
flipv = lambda matrix: list(reversed(matrix))
rot90cc = lambda matrix: list(list(x) for x in zip(*reversed(matrix)))
return matrix == rot90cc(flipv(matrix)) \
and all(matrix[i][i] == 0 for i in range(len(matrix)))
def undirectedEdgeSet(self):
edges = self.edges
if self.isUndirected():
edges = sorted(list(set((x,y) if x < y else (y,x) for x,y in edges)))
return edges
# def latexifyEulerPath(self):
# degrees = [sum(line) for line in self.toMatrix()]
# def latexifyEulerCircuit():
# pass
def getKruskalsSpanningTree(self, weigths): # weights = dict[str, int]
edges = []
connected_subgraphs = [set(v) for v in self.nodes]
if not all(n in ''.join(x+y for x,y in self.edges) for n in self.nodes):
printerr('Not all nodes are connected. There is no spanning tree to be made')
def find_subgraph_containing(v):
return [x for x in connected_subgraphs if v in x][0]
def merge_subgraphs_that_contains(u, v):
subgraph_v = find_subgraph_containing(v)
new_connected_subgraphs = [x for x in connected_subgraphs if v not in x]
new_connected_subgraphs = [subgraph_v.union(x) if u in x else x for x in new_connected_subgraphs]
return new_connected_subgraphs
sorted_edges = [ e for e in sorted(self.edges, key=lambda e: weigths[e[0] + e[1]]) ]
for u,v in sorted_edges:
if find_subgraph_containing(u) != find_subgraph_containing(v):
edges += [(u, v)]
connected_subgraphs = merge_subgraphs_that_contains(u, v)
edges += [(y,x) for x,y in edges]
return Graph(self.nodes, edges)
def toLaTeX(self):
zippedNodes = zip(self.nodes, generateNodeCoords(len(self.nodes)))
nodeString = '\n'.join(f'\\node ({name}) at ({x},{y}) {{${name}$}};' for name,(x,y) in zippedNodes)
if self.isUndirected():
edgeString = '\n'.join(f'\\draw ({x}) -- ({y});' for x,y in self.undirectedEdgeSet())
edgeString = '\n'.join(
f'\\draw [-{{Latex[scale=1]}}, bend left=8] ({x}) to ({y});' if y != x and (y,x) in self.edges
else f'\\draw [-{{Latex[scale=1]}}] ({x}) to [{generateLoopInOutAngle(x, self.nodes)},looseness=8] ({y});' if x == y
else f'\\draw [-{{Latex[scale=1]}}] ({x}) to ({y});'
for x,y in self.edges
return (nodeString, edgeString)
def toLaTeXWithWeights(self, weights):
zippedNodes = zip(self.nodes, generateNodeCoords(len(self.nodes)))
nodeString = '\n'.join(f'\\node ({name}) at ({x},{y}) {{${name}$}};' for name,(x,y) in zippedNodes)
if self.isUndirected():
edgeString = '\n'.join(f'\\draw ({x}) -- ({y}) node [midway, above, sloped] (Tx{x+y}) {{{weights[x+y]}}};' for x,y in self.undirectedEdgeSet())
return (nodeString, edgeString)
def generateLoopInOutAngle(node, nodes):
baseAngle = 360 / len(nodes)
nodeNum = [i for i,n in enumerate(nodes) if n == node][0]
angle = nodeNum * baseAngle + 90
return f'out={angle + 15},in={angle - 15}'
def generateNodeCoords(n):
vectorLength = n / 2
degreeToTurn = (2 * pi) / n
nodeCoords = [(0, vectorLength)]
for node in range(n):
prev_x = nodeCoords[-1][0]
prev_y = nodeCoords[-1][1]
round(cos(degreeToTurn) * prev_x - sin(degreeToTurn) * prev_y, 5),
round(sin(degreeToTurn) * prev_x + cos(degreeToTurn) * prev_y, 5)
return nodeCoords
def extractWeights(string):
weights = dict()
lines = string.split('\n')
for i in range(4, len(lines)):
edge, weight = lines[i].split(' ')
weights[edge] = int(weight)
weights[edge[1] + edge[0]] = int(weight)
lines[i] = edge
return ('\n'.join(lines), weights)
def processFileContent(raw):
lines = raw.split('\n')
outputType = lines.pop(0)
if lines[0] == 'kruskals':
lines[0] = 'undirected'
string, weights = extractWeights('\n'.join(lines))
graph1 = Graph.fromString(string)
graph2 = graph1.getKruskalsSpanningTree(weights)
return replaceContent(
(graph1.toLaTeXWithWeights(weights), graph2.toLaTeXWithWeights(weights)),
replaceF = lambda temp, cont:
temp.replace('%NODES1', cont[0][0])
.replace('%EDGES1', cont[0][1])
.replace('%NODES2', cont[1][0])
.replace('%EDGES2', cont[1][1])
graph = Graph.fromString('\n'.join(lines))
if outputType == 'toGraph':
content = graph.toLaTeX()
return replaceContent(
replaceF = lambda temp, cont: temp.replace('%NODES', cont[0]).replace('%EDGES', cont[1])
content = graph.toMatrix().toLaTeX()
return replaceContent(content, 'Matrix')
if __name__ == '__main__':
g = Graph.fromString('complete\n\n6')
import random
d = dict()
for e in g.edges:
d[str(e)] = random.randint(0, 10)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
from itertools import combinations
def latexifyCondition(condition):
return condition[0] if condition[1] else f'\\overline{{{condition[0]}}}'
def latexify(listOfConditions): # [(str,bool)]
lines = []
for n in range(1, len(listOfConditions) + 1):
line = []
for x in combinations(listOfConditions, n):
line.append(''.join(latexifyCondition(c) for c in x))
linestrs = []
for line in lines:
linestr = ' + '.join(f'N({x})' for x in line)
if len(line) > 1:
linestr = f'\\left[ {linestr} \\right]'
b = False
result = '\\begin{align*}\nN'
for l in linestrs:
result += ' &+ ' if b else ' &- '
result += l + ' \\\\\n'
b = not b
result += '\\end{align*}'
return result
def parseInput(string):
result = []
for x in string.split(' '):
if x.startswith('!'):
result.append((x[1:], False))
result.append((x, True))
return result
def processFileContent(raw):
listOfConditions = parseInput(raw)
content = latexify(listOfConditions)
return content
if __name__ == '__main__':

exam/python/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
from itertools import combinations
from common import replaceContent
class Set:
def __init__(self, elements):
self.elements = set(elements)
def __str__(self):
if len(self) == 0: return "\\emptyset"
return f"\\{{ {', '.join(sorted(self.elements))} \\}}"
def __iter__(self):
return list(sorted(self.elements))
def __len__(self):
return len(self.elements)
def __gt__(self, value):
if len(self) != len(value):
return len(self) > len(value)
return self.elements > value.elements
def __ge__(self, value):
return self > value
def __lt__(self, value):
return not self > value
def __le__(self, value):
return self < value
def fromString(cls, string):
return cls(string.split(' '))
def cardinality(self):
return len(self)
def powerset(self):
powerset = []
for i in range(len(self) + 1):
for subset in combinations(self.elements, i):
return Set(powerset)
def to_vertical_latex(self):
column = []
for e in sorted(self.elements):
column.append(str(e) + ' \\\\')
return '\\{\n' + '\n'.join(column) + '\n\\}'
def processFileContent(raw):
s = Set.fromString(raw)
content = s.powerset().to_vertical_latex()
return replaceContent(content, 'Powerset')
#TODO: make process input func
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(Set(['a', 'b', 'c']).powerset().to_vertical_latex())
# print(a for a in Set(['A', 'B', 'C']).powerset())

exam/python/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import tempfile
import subprocess
import os
import sys
from common import replaceContent
def makeTmpFile(content):
fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
while ('_' in path):
fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
with os.fdopen(fd, 'w') as tmp:
return path
def grabOutput(path):
return subprocess.check_output(['python', path]).decode(sys.stdout.encoding)
def processFileContent(content):
path = makeTmpFile(content)
output = grabOutput(path)
return replaceContent(
(path, output),
lambda temp, cont: temp.replace('%CODEFILE', cont[0]).replace('%OUTPUT', cont[1])

exam/python/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
from sys import argv
from pathlib import Path
from common import printc, printerr, replaceContent
import Graph
# Increase if hasse diagram becomes too clobbered
def pairToString(pair):
if str(pair[0]).isdigit() or str(pair[1]).isdigit():
return f'({pair[0]},{pair[1]})'
return pair[0] + pair[1]
def stringToPair(string):
if string[0] == '(':
return tuple([string.split(',')[0][1:], string.split(',')[0][:-1]])
return tuple(list(string))
def textLatex(string):
return '\\text{' + string + '}'
def mathModeListLatex(elements):
if len(elements) > 7 or len(elements) and max(len(str(e)) for e in elements) > 10:
return '\\begin{gather*}\n' \
+ ' \\\\\n'.join(elements) + '\n' \
+ '\\end{gather*}'
return f'\\[ {", ".join(elements)} \\]'
class Relation:
def __init__(self, pairs): # pair = (str,str)
self.pairs = set(pairs)
def __str__(self):
return f'\\{{ {", ".join(x + y for x,y in self.pairs)} \}}'
def fromString(cls, string):
relations = (stringToPair(x) for x in string.split(' '))
return cls(relations)
def fromDivisibilityPosetTo(cls, n):
pairs = set()
for dst in range(n):
pairs.add((dst, dst))
for src in range(1, dst):
if dst % src == 0:
pairs.add((src, dst))
return cls(pairs)
def isReflexive(self, verbose=False):
elements = set(list(sum(self.pairs, ())))
result = all((x,x) in self.pairs for x in elements)
if not result:
printc('Not reflexive, missing following pairs:', color='green')
missingPairs = [(x,x) for x in elements if (x,x) not in self.pairs]
print(f'\\[ {", ".join(pairToString(p) for p in missingPairs)} \\]')
if verbose:
return (False, missingPairs)
if verbose:
return (True, [(x,x) for x in elements if (x,x) in self.pairs])
return result
def isSymmetric(self, verbose=False):
result = all((y,x) in self.pairs for x,y in self.pairs)
if not result:
printc('Not symmetric, missing following pairs:', color='green')
missingPairs = [(x,y) for x,y in self.pairs if (y,x) not in self.pairs]
print(f'\\[ {", ".join(pairToString(p) for p in missingPairs)} \\]')
if verbose:
return (False, missingPairs)
if verbose:
return (True, [((x,y), (y,x)) for x,y in self.pairs if (y,x) in self.pairs and x < y])
return result
def isAntiSymmetric(self, verbose=False):
result = not any((y,x) in self.pairs and y != x for x,y in self.pairs)
if not result:
printc('Not antisymmetric, following pairs are symmetric:', color='green')
symmetricPairs = [((x,y), (y,x)) for x,y in self.pairs if (y,x) in self.pairs and y > x]
print(f'\\[ {", ".join(f"""{pairToString(p)}{textLatex(" and ")}{pairToString(q)}""" for p,q in symmetricPairs)} \\]')
if verbose:
return (False, symmetricPairs)
if verbose:
return (True, [])
return result
def isTransitive(self, verbose=False):
result = True
transitivePairs = []
nonTransitivePairs = []
for x,y in self.pairs:
for z,w in self.pairs:
if not (y != z or ((x,w) in self.pairs)):
nonTransitivePairs.append(((x,y), (z,w)))
result = False
elif (y == z and x != y != w and ((x,w) in self.pairs)):
transitivePairs.append(((x,y), (z,w)))
if not result:
printc('Not transitive, following pairs are missing its transitive counterpart:', color='green')
print(f'\\[ {", ".join(f"""{pairToString(p)}{textLatex(" and ")}{pairToString(q)}{textLatex(" without ")}{pairToString((p[0], q[1]))}""" for p,q in nonTransitivePairs)} \\]')
if verbose:
return (False, nonTransitivePairs)
if verbose:
return (True, transitivePairs)
return result
def isEquivalenceRelation(self, verbose=False):
if verbose:
isReflexive, reflexivePairs = self.isReflexive(verbose=True)
isSymmetric, symmetricPairs = self.isSymmetric(verbose=True)
isTransitive, transitivePairs = self.isTransitive(verbose=True)
if not isReflexive:
return 'The relation is not an equivalence relation, because it is not reflexive.'
+ ' The following elements should be related:\n\n'
+ f'\\[ {", ".join(pairToString(p) for p in reflexivePairs)} \\]'
if not isSymmetric:
return 'The relation is not an equivalence relation, because it is not symmetric.'
+ ' It is missing the following symmetric pairs of relations\n\n'
+ f'\\[ {", ".join(f"""{pairToString(p)}{textLatex(" and ")}{pairToString(q)}""" for p,q in symmetricPairs)} \\]'
if not isTransitive:
return 'The relation is not an equivalence relation, because it is not transitive.'
+ ' The following pairs of relations are missing its transitive counterpart\n\n'
+ f'\\[ {", ".join(f"""{pairToString(p)}{textLatex(" and ")}{pairToString(q)}{textLatex(" without ")}{pairToString((p[0], q[1]))}""" for p,q in transitivePairs)} \\]'
rxStr = mathModeListLatex([pairToString(p) for p in reflexivePairs])
smStr = mathModeListLatex([f"""{pairToString(p)}{textLatex(" and ")}{pairToString(q)}""" for p,q in symmetricPairs])
trStr = mathModeListLatex([f"""{pairToString(p)}{textLatex(" and ")}{pairToString(q)}{textLatex(" with ")}{pairToString((p[0], q[1]))}""" for p,q in transitivePairs])
return replaceContent(
(rxStr, smStr, trStr),
lambda temp, cont: temp.replace('%REFLEXIVE', cont[0]).replace('%SYMMETRIC', cont[1]).replace('%TRANSITIVE', cont[2])
return self.isReflexive() and self.isSymmetric() and self.isTransitive()
def isPartialOrder(self, verbose=False):
result = self.isReflexive() and self.isAntiSymmetric() and self.isTransitive()
if result:
hasse= self.getHassePairs(checkIfPartialOrder=False)
min_el = set(a for a,b in hasse if a not in list(zip(*hasse))[1])
printc(f"Minimal elements: $\{{ {', '.join(str(e) for e in min_el)} \}}$ \\\\")
max_el = set(v for k,v in hasse if v not in (x for x,_ in hasse))
printc(f"Maximal elements: $\{{ {', '.join(str(e) for e in max_el)} \}}$" )
if verbose:
isReflexive, reflexivePairs = self.isReflexive(verbose=True)
isAntiSymmetric, antiSymmetricPairs = self.isAntiSymmetric(verbose=True)
isTransitive, transitivePairs = self.isTransitive(verbose=True)
if not isReflexive:
return 'The relation is not a partial order, because it is not reflexive.'
+ ' The following elements should be related:\n\n'
+ f'\\[ {", ".join(pairToString(p) for p in reflexivePairs)} \\]'
if not isAntiSymmetric:
return 'The relation is not a partial order, because it is not antisymmetric.'
+ ' The following relations are symmetric\n\n'
+ f'\\[ {", ".join(f"""{pairToString(p)}{textLatex(" and ")}{pairToString(q)}""" for p,q in antiSymmetricPairs)} \\]'
if not isTransitive:
return 'The relation is not a partial order, because it is not transitive.'
+ ' The following pairs of relations are missing its transitive counterpart\n\n'
+ f'\\[ {", ".join(f"""{pairToString(p)}{textLatex(" and ")}{pairToString(q)}{textLatex(" without ")}{pairToString((p[0], q[1]))}""" for p,q in transitivePairs)} \\]'
rxStr = mathModeListLatex([pairToString(p) for p in reflexivePairs])
trStr = mathModeListLatex([f"""{pairToString(p)}{textLatex(" and ")}{pairToString(q)}{textLatex(" with ")}{pairToString((p[0], q[1]))}""" for p,q in transitivePairs])
return replaceContent(
(rxStr, trStr),
lambda temp, cont: temp.replace('%REFLEXIVE', cont[0]).replace('%TRANSITIVE', cont[1])
return result
def getHassePairs(self, checkIfPartialOrder=True):
if checkIfPartialOrder and not self.isPartialOrder():
printerr('This is not a partial order')
nonReflexivePairs = set((x,y) for x,y in self.pairs if x != y)
hassePairs = set()
for x1, y1 in nonReflexivePairs:
for x2, y2 in nonReflexivePairs:
if y1 == x2:
hassePairs.add((x1, y2))
return nonReflexivePairs - hassePairs
def latexifyHasseDiagram(self):
hasse = self.getHassePairs()
keys = set(item for tup in hasse for item in tup)
y_pos = dict.fromkeys(keys, 0)
i = 0
while len(next_row := [val for key,val in hasse if key in [x for x,y in y_pos.items() if y == i] ]) != 0:
for item in next_row:
y_pos[item] = i + 1
i += 1
inv_ypos = dict()
for key in set(y_pos.values()):
inv_ypos[key] = [x for x,y in y_pos.items() if y == key]
output = []
for y in inv_ypos.keys():
for i, n in enumerate(inv_ypos[y]):
output.append(f'\\node ({n}) at ({i - len(inv_ypos[y])/2}, {y * 0.5 * (len(hasse) ** 0.4)}) {{${n}$}};')
for x,y in hasse:
output.append(f'\\draw ({x}) -- ({y});')
return '\n'.join(output)
def latexifyGraph(self):
if self.isEquivalenceRelation():
graphType = 'undirected'
pairs = [(x,y) for x,y in self.pairs if x != y]
graphType = 'directed'
pairs = self.pairs
nodes = set()
for x,y in pairs:
edges = "\n".join(pairToString(p) for p in pairs)
processingString = f'toGraph\n\n{graphType}\n\n{ " ".join(nodes) }\n\n{edges}'
return Graph.processFileContent(processingString)
def processFileContent(raw):
outputType, inp = raw.split('\n\n')
if inp.startswith('divisibilityPosetTo'):
n = int(inp.split(' ')[1])
relation = Relation.fromDivisibilityPosetTo(n)
relation = Relation.fromString(inp)
if outputType == 'proveEquivalence':
content = relation.isEquivalenceRelation(verbose=True)
return content
elif outputType == 'provePoset':
content = relation.isPartialOrder(verbose=True)
return content
elif outputType == 'hasseDiagram':
content = relation.latexifyHasseDiagram()
return replaceContent(content, 'Relations/Hasse')
elif outputType == 'graph':
content = relation.latexifyGraph()
return content
if __name__ == '__main__':
relations = [(x,y) for x in range(-5, 5) for y in range(-5, 5)]
relations = [(chr(70+x), chr(70+y)) for x,y in relations if x*y >= 0]
for x in range(-5 ,5):
print(str(x) + ' - '+ chr(70 + x))
# inp = 'AA BB CC DD AB ACj
# relations = [stringToPair(p) for p in inp.split(' ')]
# # print(Relation(relations).isEquivalenceRelation())
# print(Relation(relations).isPartialOrder())
# print(Relation.fromDivisibilityPosetTo(30).isPartialOrder())

exam/python/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
from sys import argv
from pathlib import Path
from common import printerr, replaceContent
from tabulate import tabulate
printerr('Couldn\'t find tabulate. Do you have it installed?')
def parseExpressionList(inputData):
return [e.strip() for e in inputData.split(',')]
class OverloadedBool:
"""Overloads the bool in order to make Implies and Iff functions"""
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
def __bool__(self):
val = self.val
while(type(val) is OverloadedBool):
val = val.val
return val
def __str__(self):
return str(self.val)
def __add__(self, bool2):
""" Implies """
return OverloadedBool(not self.val or bool2)
def __sub__(self, bool2):
""" Iff """
return OverloadedBool((not self.val or bool2) and (not bool2 or self.val))
def flattenImpliesIff(exps):
return [exp.replace('implies', '+').replace('iff', '-').replace('E', '') for exp in exps]
def generateTruthTable(exps):
exps = flattenImpliesIff(exps)
boolvars = [e for e in exps if len(e) == 1]
truthtable = []
for x in reversed(range(2 ** len(boolvars))):
for i,digit in enumerate('{0:b}'.format(x).zfill(len(boolvars))):
exec(f'{boolvars[i]} = OverloadedBool({digit == "1"})', globals())
def calculateGridLine():
line = []
for exp in exps:
return line
return truthtable
def latexify(exps, truthtable):
latex_expressions = \
[ (
'E' in exp,
.replace('not', '\\neg')
.replace('and', '\\wedge')
.replace('or', '\\vee')
.replace('implies', '\\Rightarrow')
.replace('iff', '\\Leftrightarrow')
.replace('E', ''
for exp in exps]
return \
'|'.join('e' if e else 'c' for e,_ in latex_expressions),
' & '.join(f'${exp}$' for _,exp in latex_expressions),
'\n'.join(' ' + ' & '.join('\\T' if b else '\\F' for b in line) + ' \\\\' for line in truthtable)
def printTruthtable(exps, truthtable):
stringTable = [ ['\033[32mT\033[0m ' if b else '\033[31mF\033[0m' for b in line] for line in truthtable]
print(tabulate(stringTable, headers=exps))
def processFileContent(raw):
exps = parseExpressionList(raw)
truthtable = generateTruthTable(exps)
printTruthtable(exps, generateTruthTable(exps))
content = latexify(exps, truthtable)
return replaceContent(content, 'Truthtable')
if __name__ == '__main__':

exam/python/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
from pathlib import Path
clear = '\033[0m'
colors = {
'red': '\033[31m',
'green': '\033[32m',
'yellow': '\033[33m',
'blue': '\033[34m',
'purple': '\033[35m',
'cyan': '\033[36m',
def printc(text, color='blue'):
def printerr(text):
print(f'\033[31;5m[ERROR] {text}{clear}')
def replaceContent(content, template, replaceF = lambda temp, cont: temp.replace("%CONTENT", cont)):
with open(str(Path(__file__).parent.absolute()) + f'/tex_templates/{template}.tex') as template:
return replaceF(, content)

exam/python/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
from sys import argv
from pathlib import Path
import FSA
import Graph
import Truthtable
import Relations
import InclusionExclusion
import Python
from common import printerr
def fetchContentType(content):
new_content = content.split('\n')
contentType = new_content.pop(0)[2:]
return (contentType, '\n'.join(new_content))
def processContent(content):
contentType, content = fetchContentType(content)
if contentType == 'FSA':
result = FSA.processFileContent(content)
elif contentType == 'Graph':
result = Graph.processFileContent('toGraph\n\n' + content)
elif contentType == 'Matrix':
result = Graph.processFileContent('toMatrix\n\n' + content)
elif contentType == 'Relations':
result = Relations.processFileContent(content)
elif contentType == 'Truthtable':
result = Truthtable.processFileContent(content)
elif contentType == 'InclusionExclusion':
result = InclusionExclusion.processFileContent(content)
elif contentType == 'Python':
result = Python.processFileContent(content)
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
filename = argv[1]
with open(filename) as file:
content = processContent(
with open(argv[2], 'w') as destination_file:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
->, % makes the edges directed
>=Stealth, % makes the arrow heads bold
node distance=5cm, % specifies the minimum distance between two nodes. Change if necessary.
every state/.style={thick, fill=white}, % sets the properties for each state node
initial text=$ $, % sets the text that appears on the start arrow

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
\newcommand{\arrow}[2]{\path [-{Latex[scale=1]}] (#1) edge (#2);}
\begin{scope}[every node/.style={shape=circle, fill=white, draw, inner sep=2pt}]
\begin{scope}[every draw/.style={}]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
\begin{scope}[every node/.style={shape=circle, fill=white, draw, inner sep=2pt}]
\begin{scope}[every draw/.style={}]
Minimal spanning tree:
\begin{scope}[every node/.style={shape=circle, fill=white, draw, inner sep=2pt}]
\begin{scope}[every draw/.style={}]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\begin{lstlisting}[breaklines=true, basicstyle=\small]

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
In order for this relation to be an equivalence equation, it has to be reflexive, symmetric and transitive.
All elements are related to themself
All relations has its symmetric counterpart
All pair of relations where $xRy$ and $yRz$ has its transitive counterpart
Hence the relation is an equivalence relation

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\tikzset{every node/.style={shape=circle,draw,fill=white,inner sep=2pt}}

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In order for this relation to be a partial order, it has to be reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive.
All elements are related to themself
No relation have a symmetric counterpart \\
(Listing the ones that don't have a symmetric counterpart would just be listing the whole set) \\
All pair of relations where $xRy$ and $yRz$ has its transitive counterpart
Hence the relation is a partial order

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