2023-02-27 18:05:06 +01:00
2023-02-27 17:31:51 +01:00
#takes a language and a a option for file or string. If needed it creates temporary files before it (if needed compiles and) runs the file.
#IMPORTANT! do add a new language to all three arrays at the same time.
#array of supported languages, aliases and runner to each language, python c and c++
languages = ( "python" "py" "py3" "python3" "c" "gcc" "c++" "cpp" "g++" )
#array of supported file types
filetypes = ( "py" "py" "py" "py" "c" "c" "cpp" "cpp" "cpp" )
#array of runners (claunch is a custom script to take c/cpp files, compile and run, other compiled languages would eigther need to be added to claunch or have their own runners written)
runners = ( "python3" "python3" "python3" "python3" "./claunch.sh -f --gcc" "./claunch.sh -f --gcc" "./claunch.sh -f " "./claunch.sh -f " "./claunch.sh -f " )
language = ""
filetype = ""
runner = ""
file = ""
#help message
if [ " $1 " = "help" ] || [ " $1 " = "-h" ] || [ " $1 " = "--help" ] ; then
echo "strun uses takes a language and file or string as argument and runs the program using eigther an interpreter or a runner from a list"
echo "Usage: strun.sh [language] [file/string] [option]"
echo "language: language in which the file/string is written"
echo "file/string: either the path to the file or the string to execute"
echo "ls lists supported languages"
echo "option: -f for file, -s for string"
echo "example: strun.sh python3 -f helloworld.py"
echo "example: strun.sh python3 file helloworld.py"
echo "example: strun.sh python3 string \"print('hello world!')\""
exit 0
if [ " $1 " = "ls" ] || [ " $1 " = "-l" ] || [ " $1 " = "--list" ] ; then
echo "Supported languages:"
#print languages file extentions and runners /interpreters
for i in " ${ languages [@] } "
#like this but with the : aligned in the print echo "$i : file .${filetypes[$c]} : cmd ${runners[$c]}"
echo -e " $i \t: file . ${ filetypes [ $c ] } \t: runner ${ runners [ $c ] } "
c = $(( c+1))
exit 0
#check if option is valid
if [ " $2 " != "-f" ] && [ " $2 " != "-s" ] && [ " $2 " != "file" ] && [ " $2 " != "string" ] ; then
echo " $2 is not a valid option. Use strun.sh help for help. "
exit 1
#check if language is supported and set runner and filetype
c = 0
for i in " ${ languages [@] } "
if [ " $1 " = " $i " ] ; then
language = " $i "
filetype = " ${ filetypes [ $c ] } "
runner = " ${ runners [ $c ] } "
c = $(( c+1))
#check if language is supported
if [ " $language " = "" ] ; then
echo " $1 is not a supported language. Use strun.sh ls to list supported languages. "
exit 1
#if string create file else set file variable to file
if [ " $2 " = "-s" ] || [ " $2 " = "string" ] ; then
file = " .strun-temp. $filetype "
echo " $3 " > $file
file = " $3 "
#check if file is of correct filetype
if [ " ${ file ##*. } " != " $filetype " ] ; then
echo " $file is not a $filetype file. Use strun.sh ls to list supported languages. "
exit 1
#check if file exists
if [ ! -f " $file " ] ; then
echo " $file does not exist. "
exit 1
2023-02-27 17:38:37 +01:00
##if print status
#echo "language: $language"
#echo "filetype: $filetype"
#echo "runner: $runner"
#echo "file: $file"
#echo "file content:"
#cat $file
#echo ""
2023-02-27 17:31:51 +01:00
#run file
eval $runner $file
#remove temp file if created
if [ " $2 " = "-s" ] || [ " $2 " = "string" ] ; then
rm $file