
385 lines
22 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>SVG Layout Generator</title>
body {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
/* background-color: #334173; */
color: white;
margin: 0;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
height: 100vh;
<div id="svgContainer"></div>
const screenWidth = screen.width || window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth;
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width = 297 * screenPpi / 25.4;
height = 420 * screenPpi / 25.4;
function createSVG() {
const svgNS = "";
// Create the SVG element
const svg = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "svg");
svg.setAttribute("width", width);
svg.setAttribute("height", height);
svg.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 " + width + " " + height);
const backgroundRect = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "rect");
backgroundRect.setAttribute("x", "0");
backgroundRect.setAttribute("y", "0");
backgroundRect.setAttribute("width", width);
backgroundRect.setAttribute("height", height);
backgroundRect.setAttribute("fill", "#334173");
// Header
const headerHeight = height * 0.07;
const path_width = width * 0.5;
const headerGroup = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
const headerPath = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "path");
const pathData = `
M 0 0
H ${path_width}
C ${path_width * 0.75} 0 ${path_width * 0.75} ${headerHeight} ${path_width * 0.6} ${headerHeight * 0.95}
H 0
headerPath.setAttribute("d", pathData);
headerPath.setAttribute("fill", "#ffffff");
// Header text inside the path
const headerTextInside = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "text");
headerTextInside.setAttribute("x", `${path_width * 0.07}`);
headerTextInside.setAttribute("y", `${headerHeight * 0.6}`);
headerTextInside.setAttribute("fill", "#000");
headerTextInside.setAttribute("font-size", `${headerHeight * 0.38}`);
headerTextInside.textContent = "PVV fadderuke";
// Header text outside the path, tilted
const headerTextOutside = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "text");
headerTextOutside.setAttribute("x", `${path_width * 0.9}`);
headerTextOutside.setAttribute("y", `${headerHeight * 0.7}`);
headerTextOutside.setAttribute("fill", "#fff");
headerTextOutside.setAttribute("font-size", `${headerHeight * 0.3}`);
headerTextOutside.textContent = "Åpent for alle!";
const textCenterX = path_width * 0.8;
const textCenterY = headerHeight * 1.1;
headerTextOutside.setAttribute("transform", `rotate(-7 ${textCenterX},${textCenterY})`);
// Year text
const yearText = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "text");
yearText.setAttribute("x", `${width - headerHeight * 3}`);
yearText.setAttribute("y", `${headerHeight * 0.7}`);
yearText.setAttribute("fill", "#fff");
yearText.setAttribute("font-size", `${headerHeight * 0.56}`);
yearText.textContent = "2024";
// Invert the colors of the logo filter
const filter = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "filter");
filter.setAttribute("id", "invert");
const feColorMatrix = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "feColorMatrix");
feColorMatrix.setAttribute("type", "matrix");
feColorMatrix.setAttribute("values", "-1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0");
const headerLogo = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "image");
headerLogo.setAttributeNS("", "xlink:href", "logo_black_thicc.svg");
headerLogo.setAttribute("x", `${width - headerHeight * 1.2}`);
headerLogo.setAttribute("y", "0");
headerLogo.setAttribute("width", `${headerHeight}`);
headerLogo.setAttribute("height", `${headerHeight}`);
headerLogo.setAttribute("filter", "url(#invert)");
// Append elements to the header group
//Start of middle Event part.
// Constants for layout and styling
const eventBoxPadding = width * 0.03;
const eventBoxWidth = width * (1-(2*0.03));
const eventBoxHeight = height * 0.36;
const logoMargin = 10; // Margin between the border and the logo
const eventSpacing = eventBoxHeight * 0.015;
const lineColor = "#334173"; // Background color for the lines
const logoSize = eventBoxHeight / 10;
// Event descriptions with additional attributes
const eventsStartDate = 12;
const weekdays = ["Mandag", "Tirsdag", "Onsdag", "Torsdag", "Fredag", "Lørdag", "Søndag"];
const eventDescriptions = [
{ date: "Mandag 12.08", name: "Åpen dag", description: "Kom og møt oss! Utforsk lokalene våre, slå av en prat, og bli kjent med flotte folk!", time: "Hele dagen", location: "", icon: "åpendag.svg", signup: false },
{ date: "Tirsdag 13.08", name: "Åpen dag / Brettspill", description: "Kom og møt oss, slå av en prat, og spill brettspill fra vår store kollekjon!", time: "Hele dagen", location: "", icon: "brettspill.svg", signup: false },
{ date: "Onsdag 16.08", name: "Filmkveld", description: "Vi ser film som gjerne relaterer til PVVs interesseområder.", time: "kl. 17-22", location: "", icon: "movie.svg", signup: true },
{ date: "Torsdag 17.08", name: "Hackekveld", description: "Vi jobber med artige proggeprosjekter sammen!", time: "kl. 17-22", location: "", icon: "hackekveld.svg", signup: true },
{ date: "Fredag 18.08", name: "AbeLAN", description: "Vi samarbeider med AbelLAN om å holde det feteste LANet i hele fadderperioden!", time: "kl. 17-24", location: "Realfagsbygget, R2", icon: "abellan.svg", signup: true },
{ date: "Lørdag 19.08", name: "Anime", description: "Bli med på PVVs faste animekveld, der vi viser sesongens nyeste anime!", time: "kl. 19-23", location: "", icon: "anime.svg", signup: false },
{ date: "Søndag 20.08", name: "Guide & Grilling", description: "Omvisning rundt Gløshaugen, etterfulgt av grilling i Høgskoleparken!", time: "kl. 14-20", location: "", icon: "grill3.svg", signup: false },
{ date: "Mandag 21.08", name: "Quiz", description: "Konkurrér med og mot andre studenter, og test dine trivia-kunnskaper!", time: "kl. 18-21", location: "", icon: "quiz.svg", signup: false },
{ date: "Tirsdag 22.08", name: "Brettspill", description: "Vi spiller brettspill fra vår store in-house kollekjon.", time: "kl. 16-21", location: "", icon: "brettspill2.svg", signup: false },
{ date: "Onsdag 23.08", name: "Anime", description: "PVV går sammen med AnimeNTNU om å vise gamle anime-klassikere.", time: "kl. 19-22", location: "", icon: "anime2.svg", signup: false },
{ date: "Torsdag 24.08", name: "Bowling", description: "Vi drar til Centrum Bowling for å bowle!", time: "kl. 17:30-21", location: "Centrum Bowling", icon: "bowling.jpg", signup: true },
{ date: "Fredag 25.08", name: "Dungeons & Dragons", description: "Vi arrangerer en D&D oneshot for nye og gamle spillere.", time: "kl. 15:30-21", location: "", icon: "dnd.svg", signup: true },
{ date: "Lørdag 26.08", name: "Hackekveld / Skaperfest", description: "Vi jobber med proggeprosjekter og drar til Skaperfest sammen!", time: "kl. 17-22 /\n kl. 14:30-NaN", location: "Torget/PVV", icon: "hackekveld.svg", signup: true },
{ date: "Søndag 27.08", name: "Avslutning", description: "Avslutt fadderperioden med hygge, sosialt, og gratis pizza!", time: "kl. 16-21", location: "", icon: "avslutning.svg", signup: false }
// Function to create an event group
function createEventGroup(events, offsetY) {
const group = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
const groupHeight = eventBoxHeight + eventSpacing * (events.length - 1);
// Create rounded rectangle for the group
const groupRect = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "rect");
groupRect.setAttribute("x", eventBoxPadding);
groupRect.setAttribute("y", offsetY);
groupRect.setAttribute("width", eventBoxWidth);
groupRect.setAttribute("height", groupHeight);
groupRect.setAttribute("rx", 20);
groupRect.setAttribute("ry", 20);
groupRect.setAttribute("fill", "#ffffff");
groupRect.setAttribute("stroke", "#334173");
groupRect.setAttribute("stroke-width", 3);
events.forEach((event, index) => {
const boxGroup = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
const boxX = eventBoxPadding + logoMargin;
const boxY = offsetY + index * (eventBoxHeight / 7 + eventSpacing);
// Logo image (actual icon)
const logoImage = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "image");
logoImage.setAttribute("href", `ikoner/${event.icon}`);
logoImage.setAttribute("x", boxX);
logoImage.setAttribute("y", boxY + logoMargin);
logoImage.setAttribute("width", logoSize);
logoImage.setAttribute("height", logoSize);
// Event header (title, location, date, time)
const headerX = boxX + logoSize + logoMargin * 2;
const headerY = boxY + logoMargin + logoSize / 2;
const eventHeaderText = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "text");
eventHeaderText.setAttribute("x", headerX);
eventHeaderText.setAttribute("y", headerY);
eventHeaderText.setAttribute("fill", "#000");
eventHeaderText.setAttribute("font-size", (eventBoxHeight / 14) * 0.8);
eventHeaderText.setAttribute("font-weight", "bold");
eventHeaderText.textContent =;
const eventDateText = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "text");
if (event.location.length > 2) {
eventDateText.textContent = `${event.location} ${weekdays[(eventsStartDate + index +2) % 7]} ${eventsStartDate + index} ${event.time}`;
} else {
eventDateText.textContent = `${weekdays[(eventsStartDate + index +2) % 7]} ${eventsStartDate + index} ${event.time}`;
eventDateTextWidth = eventDateText.getComputedTextLength();
eventDateText.setAttribute("x", width - eventDateTextWidth - eventBoxPadding - logoMargin * 6);
eventDateText.setAttribute("y", headerY);
eventDateText.setAttribute("fill", "#545454");
eventDateText.setAttribute("text-anchor", "end"); // Right-align the text
eventDateText.setAttribute("font-size", (eventBoxHeight / 16) * 0.8);
const eventDateLines = eventDateText.textContent.split('\n');
eventDateText.textContent = ''; // Clear the textContent to append tspans
eventDateLines.forEach((line, index) => {
const tspan = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "tspan");
tspan.setAttribute("x", width - eventDateTextWidth - eventBoxPadding - logoMargin * 6);
tspan.setAttribute("dy", index === 0 ? 0 : "1.2em"); // Adjust dy for subsequent lines
tspan.textContent = line;
// Event description as body
const eventDescriptionText = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "text");
eventDescriptionText.setAttribute("x", headerX);
eventDescriptionText.setAttribute("y", headerY + logoSize/2);
eventDescriptionText.setAttribute("fill", "#000");
eventDescriptionText.setAttribute("font-size", (eventBoxHeight / 11.5) * 0.5);
eventDescriptionText.textContent = event.description;
// Padlock icon if signup is required
if (event.signup) {
const padlockImage = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "image");
padlockImage.setAttribute("href", "ikoner/lock.svg");
padlockImage.setAttribute("x", boxX + eventBoxWidth - logoSize / 1.5 - logoMargin * 2);
padlockImage.setAttribute("y", boxY + eventBoxHeight / 7 - logoSize / 1.5 - logoMargin);
padlockImage.setAttribute("width", logoSize / 1.5);
padlockImage.setAttribute("height", logoSize / 1.5);
// Line separator
if (index < events.length - 1) {
const line = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "line");
line.setAttribute("x1", boxX);
line.setAttribute("y1", boxY + eventBoxHeight / 7 + eventSpacing / 2);
line.setAttribute("x2", boxX + eventBoxWidth - logoMargin * 2);
line.setAttribute("y2", boxY + eventBoxHeight / 7 + eventSpacing / 2);
line.setAttribute("stroke", lineColor);
line.setAttribute("stroke-width", 2);
return group;
// Adding the two event groups
const firstGroup = createEventGroup(eventDescriptions.slice(0, 7), headerHeight + eventBoxPadding/3);
const secondGroup = createEventGroup(eventDescriptions.slice(7), headerHeight + eventBoxPadding/3 + eventBoxHeight + eventSpacing * 7);
// Add a small information textbox on the bottom of the event boxes right aligned, describing what the padlock icon means
const infoEventPadlockText = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "text");
infoEventPadlockText.setAttribute("x", width - eventBoxPadding);
infoEventPadlockText.setAttribute("y", headerHeight + eventBoxPadding + eventBoxHeight + eventSpacing * 14 + eventBoxHeight + eventSpacing);
infoEventPadlockText.setAttribute("fill", "#fff");
infoEventPadlockText.setAttribute("font-size", `${eventBoxHeight * 0.05}`);
infoEventPadlockText.setAttribute("text-anchor", "end");
infoEventPadlockText.textContent = " = krever påmelding\n på";
// Calculate the approximate width of the text using character count and font size
const textLength = infoEventPadlockText.textContent.length;
const fontSize = eventBoxHeight * 0.05;
const approxTextWidth = textLength * (fontSize * 0.45); // Approximate width calculation
const padlockEventTextImage = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "image");
padlockEventTextImage.setAttribute("href", "ikoner/lock.svg");
padlockEventTextImage.setAttribute("x", width - eventBoxPadding - approxTextWidth - (logoSize / 1.5) - 5); // Adjust position to the left of the text
padlockEventTextImage.setAttribute("y", headerHeight + eventBoxPadding + eventBoxHeight + eventSpacing * 14 + eventBoxHeight + eventSpacing - (logoSize / 3)); // Adjust position to align with the text
padlockEventTextImage.setAttribute("width", logoSize / 1.5);
padlockEventTextImage.setAttribute("height", logoSize / 1.5);
padlockEventTextImage.setAttribute("filter", "url(#invert)");
// Append elements to the SVG
// Footer
const footerHeight = height * 0.1;
const footerHeightPadding = height * 0.02;
const footerHeightStart = height - footerHeight;
const footerGroup = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
const footerRect = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "rect");
footerRect.setAttribute("x", "0");
footerRect.setAttribute("y", footerHeightStart);
footerRect.setAttribute("width", width);
footerRect.setAttribute("height", footerHeight);
footerRect.setAttribute("fill", "#334173");
const qrCodeDiscord = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "image");
qrCodeDiscord.setAttributeNS("", "xlink:href", "ikoner/discord-qr-code.svg");
qrCodeDiscord.setAttribute("x", footerHeight * 0.1);
qrCodeDiscord.setAttribute("y", footerHeightStart);
qrCodeDiscord.setAttribute("width", footerHeight * 0.9);
qrCodeDiscord.setAttribute("height", footerHeight * 0.9);
const qrCodeMap = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "image");
qrCodeMap.setAttributeNS("", "xlink:href", "ikoner/mazemap-qr-code.svg");
qrCodeMap.setAttribute("x", footerHeight * 1.1);
qrCodeMap.setAttribute("y", footerHeightStart);
qrCodeMap.setAttribute("width", footerHeight * 0.9);
qrCodeMap.setAttribute("height", footerHeight * 0.9);
// Location text
const locationText = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "text");
locationText.setAttribute("x", width * 0.6);
locationText.setAttribute("y", footerHeightStart + footerHeightPadding );
locationText.setAttribute("fill", "#ffffff");
locationText.setAttribute("font-size", `${footerHeight * 0.2}`);
locationText.setAttribute("text-anchor", "start");
const locationLines = "Oppmøte:\nOppredningen\nRom 247".split('\n');
locationLines.forEach((line, index) => {
const tspan = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "tspan");
tspan.setAttribute("x", width * 0.3);
tspan.setAttribute("dy", index === 0 ? 0 : "1.2em"); // Adjust dy for subsequent lines
tspan.textContent = line;
// English/Norwegian info text
const infoText = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "text");
infoText.setAttribute("x", width * 0.6);
infoText.setAttribute("y", footerHeightStart + footerHeight * 0.5);
infoText.setAttribute("fill", "#ffffff");
infoText.setAttribute("font-size", `${footerHeight * 0.2}`);
infoText.setAttribute("text-anchor", "middle");
const infoLines = "Mer info på /\nMore info at".split('\n');
infoLines.forEach((line, index) => {
const tspan = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "tspan");
tspan.setAttribute("x", width * 0.6);
tspan.setAttribute("dy", index === 0 ? 0 : "1.2em"); // Adjust dy for subsequent lines
tspan.textContent = line;
// URL text
const urlText = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "text");
urlText.setAttribute("x", width * 0.7);
urlText.setAttribute("y", footerHeightStart + footerHeight * 0.65);
urlText.setAttribute("fill", "#ffffff");
urlText.setAttribute("font-size", `${footerHeight * 0.4}`);
urlText.textContent = "";
// footerGroup.appendChild(footerText);
// Call the function to create the SVG