
Signed-off-by: Adrian Gunnar Lauterer <>
This commit is contained in:
Adrian Gunnar Lauterer 2024-04-06 22:13:22 +02:00
parent 81c5c93bc6
commit 1f11ca9009

299 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
from time import sleep
import requests
import numpy as np
import random
import argparse
ozai_url = 'http://localhost:8000/api/'
# ozai classes (some are just storing json data because i am )
class Player:
def __init__(self, name, gamedata_player_json): = name
self.ready = gamedata_player_json['ready']
self.points = gamedata_player_json['points']
self.pattern_lines = gamedata_player_json['pattern_lines'] #'pattern_lines': [{'color': None, 'number': 0}, {'color': None, 'number': 0}, {'color': None, 'number': 0}, {'color': None, 'number': 0}, {'color': None, 'number': 0}],
self.wall = gamedata_player_json['wall'] # 'wall': [[False, False, False, False, False], [False, False, False, False, False], [False, False, False, False, False], [False, False, False, False, False], [False, False, False, False, False]]
self.floor = gamedata_player_json['floor']
def __str__(self):
return f"Player(name={}, ready={self.ready}, points={self.points}, pattern_lines={self.pattern_lines}, wall={self.wall}, floor={self.floor})"
class Bag:
def __init__(self, bag_json): = bag_json['blue']
self.yellow = bag_json['yellow'] = bag_json['red'] = bag_json['black']
self.white = bag_json['white']
def __str__(self):
return f"Bag(blue={}, yellow={self.yellow}, red={}, black={}, white={self.white})"
class Factory:
def __init__(self, factory_json): = factory_json['blue']
self.yellow = factory_json['yellow'] = factory_json['red'] = factory_json['black']
self.white = factory_json['white']
def __str__(self):
return f"Factory(blue={}, yellow={self.yellow}, red={}, black={}, white={self.white})"
class Market:
def __init__(self, market_json):
self.start = market_json['start'] = market_json['blue']
self.yellow = market_json['yellow'] = market_json['red'] = market_json['black']
self.white = market_json['white']
def __str__(self):
return f"Market(start={self.start}, blue={}, yellow={self.yellow}, red={}, black={}, white={self.white})"
class PatternLine:
def __init__(self, pattern_line_json):
self.color = pattern_line_json['color']
self.number = pattern_line_json['number']
def __str__(self):
return f"PatternLine(color={self.color}, number={self.number})"
class Wall:
def __init__(self, wall_json):
self.wall = wall_json
def __str__(self):
return f"Wall(wall={self.wall})"
class Floor:
def __init__(self, floor_json):
self.start = floor_json['start'] = floor_json['blue']
self.yellow = floor_json['yellow'] = floor_json['red'] = floor_json['black']
self.white = floor_json['white']
def __str__(self):
return f"Floor(start={self.start}, blue={}, yellow={self.yellow}, red={}, black={}, white={self.white})"
class GameState:
def __init__(self, gamedata_json):
json = gamedata_json
self.n_players = json['n_players']
self.current_player = json['current_player']
self.starting_player = json['starting_player']
self.player_names = json['player_names']
self.game_end = json['game_end']
self.rounds = json['rounds']
self.days = json['days']
self.bag = Bag(json['bag'])
self.lid = Bag(json['lid']) # Assuming lid has the same structure as bag
self.factories = [Factory(factory_json) for factory_json in json['factories']] = Market(json['market'])
self.players = [Player(name, player_json) for name, player_json in json['players'].items()]
def __str__(self):
return f"GameState(n_players={self.n_players}, current_player={self.current_player}, starting_player={self.starting_player}, player_names={self.player_names}, game_end={self.game_end}, rounds={self.rounds}, days={self.days}, bag={self.bag}, lid={self.lid}, factories={self.factories}, market={}, players={self.players})"
def init_game(names=["a", "b"]):
#initialize a game with the given names and return the game_id
player_names = {"player_names": names}
response = + 'game', json=player_names)
if response.status_code == 200:
game_id = response.json()
print("Game ID:", game_id)
return game_id
return None
def join_game(game_id, player_name):
#gets a initialized game and joins the game with the given player name
response = requests.get(ozai_url + 'game/' + game_id + '?player=' + player_name)
if response.status_code != 200:
return None
players = response.json().get('players')
return players
def create_game(names=["a", "b"]):
# Create a game with the players given in names, by initializing it and joining the players
game_id = init_game(names)
for name in names:
join_game(game_id, name)
return game_id
def submit_action(game_id, player_name, source=0, destination=0, color="start", policy="strict"):
# Submit an action to the game. The action is a dictionary with the keys being the action type and the values being the arguments.
# Example: {"player": 0, "market": true, "factory": 0, "color": "blue", "patternLine": 0}
if source != "market":
if source < 0 or source > 4:
return False
if destination != "floor":
if destination < 0 or destination > 4:
return False
action = {
'player': str(player_name),
'policy': policy,
'color': str(color).lower(),
'source': source,
'destination': destination
response = requests.put(ozai_url + 'game/' + game_id, json=action)
if response.status_code == 200:
return True
return False
def get_gamestate(game_id) -> GameState:
response = requests.get(ozai_url + 'game/' + game_id)
if response.status_code == 200:
game_state = response.json()
game_state = GameState(game_state)
return game_state
return None
def get_score(game_id, player_name):
GameState = get_gamestate(game_id)
for player in GameState.players:
if player_name ==
return player.points
def game_over(game_id):
GameState = get_gamestate(game_id)
return GameState.game_end
return False
def get_all_valid_moves(game_id, player_name):
# Get the game state
GameState = get_gamestate(game_id)
# Generate a list of all possible moves
sources = ["market"] + [i for i, factory in enumerate(GameState.factories) if any([, factory.yellow,,, factory.white])]
colors = ["blue", "yellow", "red", "black", "white"]
destinations = ["floor"] + list(range(len(GameState.factories)))
valid_moves = []
for source in sources:
for color in colors:
for destination in destinations:
# Check if the source has the color we want to move
if source == "market":
amount = getattr(, color)
if amount > 0:
valid_moves.append((source, destination, color, amount))
amount = getattr(GameState.factories[source], color)
if amount > 0:
valid_moves.append((source, destination, color, amount))
# Filter out invalid destinations if the destinaiton is a pattern line, and the wall contains the color
wall_colors = [
['blue', 'yellow', 'red', 'black', 'white'],
['white', 'blue', 'yellow', 'red', 'black'],
['black', 'white', 'blue', 'yellow', 'red'],
['red', 'black', 'white', 'blue', 'yellow'],
['yellow', 'red', 'black', 'white', 'blue'],
moves = []
player = [player for player in GameState.players if == player_name][0]
for move in valid_moves:
if move[1] == "floor":
# print(player.pattern_lines[move[1]])
#if element in wall is tru convert it to the correct color
player.wall = [[wall_colors[i][j] if player.wall[i][j] else False for j in range(5)] for i in range(5)]
#check that the wall does not contain the color on the same row as the pattern line, and that the pattern line does not contain another color
if not move[2] in player.wall[move[1]]:
if player.pattern_lines[move[1]]['color'] == move[2] or player.pattern_lines[move[1]]['color'] == None:
valid_moves = moves
return valid_moves
# strategies for filtering in the do_move solution.
def strategy_1(move, GameState,player):
#strategy 1 most fit always 530points 27-3
if move[1] == 'floor':
return True
remaining_space = move[1] + 1 - player.pattern_lines[move[1]]['number']
if move[3] >= remaining_space-1 and move[3] <= remaining_space +1:
return True
return False
def strategy_2(move,GameState,player):
#strategy 2 tierdoff fitting. 983 30-0
if move[1] == 'floor':
return True
remaining_space = move[1] + 1 - player.pattern_lines[move[1]]['number']
if move[1] == 4:
if move[3] <= remaining_space and move[3] >= remaining_space -2:
return True
if move[1] == 3:
if move[3] <= remaining_space and move[3] >= remaining_space -1:
return True
if move[1] < 3:
if move[3] <= remaining_space and move[3] >= remaining_space:
return True
return False
def strategy_random(move, GameState,player):
return True #do not filter any moves
def do_move(game_id, player_name, filter_strategy=strategy_random):
moves = get_all_valid_moves(game_id, player_name)
GameState = get_gamestate(game_id)
player = [player for player in GameState.players if == player_name][0]
filtered_moves = []
for move in moves:
if filter_strategy(move,GameState,player):
# Submit a random move, of the filtered ones.
move = random.choice(filtered_moves)
submit_action(game_id, player_name, move[0], move[1], move[2])
return move
#if filtered all moves, just submit a random move from the moves
result = random.choice(moves)
return result
def play_game(gameid, players, strategy):
print(f"Playing game {gameid} with players {players} and strategy {strategy.__name__}")
while not game_over(gameid):
for player in players:
mov = do_move(gameid, player, filter_strategy=strategy)
if game_over(game_id):
print(f"Game Over {player} won")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Play a game with specified strategies.')
parser.add_argument('--game_id', type=int, default=0, help='The id of the game to play.')
parser.add_argument('--players', nargs='+', default=["a", "b"], help='The names of the players.')
parser.add_argument('--strategy', type=str, default="", help='The strategy to use. Can be "1", "2", or "" for random.')
parser.add_argument('--ozai_url', type=str, default='http://localhost:8000/api/', help='The url to the ozai server.')
args = parser.parse_args()
game_id = args.game_id
players = args.players
strategy = args.strategy
#use global ozai url and update it
ozai_url = args.ozai_url
if game_id == 0:
game_id = create_game(names=players)
if strategy == "1":
play_game(game_id, players, strategy_1)
elif strategy == "2":
play_game(game_id, players, strategy_2)
play_game(game_id, players, strategy_random)