243 lines
7.6 KiB
243 lines
7.6 KiB
import os
from gdata.books.service import BookService
import xml.parsers.expat
import readline
import re
import random
import pgdb
import sys
from fileformat import *
from util import *
exit_commands = ['exit', 'abort', 'quit', 'bye', 'eat flaming death', 'q']
encoding = 'utf8'
def google_suggest_book_data(dbconnection, tmp_file=False):
service = BookService(source='Programvareverkstedet - Worblehat - 0.1a ')
action_list = []
authors_added = {}
file_prefix = "suggestion"
filler = ' -------------------------------- '
print("# Enter ISBN number(s), end with eof <CTRL+D>")
for ISBN in sys.stdin:
ISBN = ISBN.strip()
if ISBN in exit_commands:
elif book_in_db(dbconnection, ISBN):
comment = "Book with ISBN: " + str(ISBN) + " is already in DB, skipped"
# First print a long comment line to separate books
new_book = filler + "Book: " + ISBN.strip() + filler
feed = service.search_by_keyword('isbn='+ISBN)
if feed.entry:
authors = parse_authors(dbconnection, feed.entry[0])
# For each author, check if author is already added as a new entry
# or already in DB, otherwise make an entry for a new author
for author in authors:
if author['id'] in authors_added:
comment = "Author already added when book: " + str(authors_added[author['id']]) + " was added"
elif not author_in_db(dbconnection, author):
comment = "Author: \"" + str(author) + "\" was not already in database"
d = build_author(author)
authors_added[author['id']] = ISBN
d = {}
if len(authors) == 0:
# TODO: test this
comment = "Didn't find any authors for book. !!IMPORTANT!! Add correct author and id in new-book section"
authors.append({'id':'NO_AUTHOR', 'firstname':'John', 'lastname':'Doe'})
d.update(build_book(feed.entry[0], authors, ISBN))
print("No items found")
if tmp_file:
return write_tmpfile(file_prefix, write_actionlist(action_list))
def book_in_db(dbconnection, isbn):
cursor = dbconnection.cursor()
query = "SELECT * FROM book WHERE isbn=%(num)s"
cursor.execute(query, {'num':isbn})
if cursor.rowcount > 0:
return True
return False
def author_in_db(dbconnection, author):
cursor = dbconnection.cursor()
query = "SELECT * FROM person WHERE firstname=%(fname)s OR lastname=%(lname)s"
cursor.execute(query, {'fname':author['firstname'], 'lname':author['lastname']})
if cursor.rowcount > 0:
return True
return False
def person_id_in_db(dbconnection, id):
cursor = dbconnection.cursor()
query = "SELECT * FROM person WHERE id=%(i)s"
cursor.execute(query, {'i':id})
if cursor.rowcount > 0:
return True
return False
def found_item(entry, indata):
print "Found: "+entry.dc_title[0].text
build_book(entry, indata)
def build_book(entry, authors, indata=False):
dic = entry.to_dict()
book = {}
book['action'] = 'new-book'
isbn = find_isbn(unicode(dic['identifiers']))
if isbn:
book['isbn'] = unicode(isbn)
elif indata:
if len(indata) == 13:
book['isbn'] = unicode(indata)
print("!!!isbn length not 13")
#comment("No ISBN found.")
print("No ISBN found.")
return False
book['title'] = unicode(entry.dc_title[0].text, encoding)
set_value(book, dic, 'category')
if len(entry.dc_title) > 0:
book['subtitle'] = unicode(''.join(map(lambda x: x.text, entry.dc_title[1:])), encoding)
book['persons'] = {}
book['persons']['author'] = [author['id'] for author in authors]
if 'publishers' in dic:
book['publisher'] = unicode(','.join(dic['publishers']), encoding)
if 'date' in dic:
book['published_year'] = int(dic['date'][:4])
set_value(book, dic, 'edition')
book['num_pages'] = find_page_number(dic)
set_value(book, dic, 'series')
book['description'] = unicode(find_description(dic), encoding)
book['references'] = {}
book['references']['google-books'] = [unicode(dic['preview'], encoding)]
return book
def set_value(book, dic, key):
if key in dic:
book[key] = unicode(dic[key], encoding)
book[key] = None
def find_description(dic):
if 'description' in dic:
return unescape(dic['description'])
return ""
def find_page_number(dic):
if 'format' in dic:
for item in dic['format']:
if 'pages' in item:
return int(re.findall(r'[0-9]+',item)[0])
return None
return None
def find_isbn(identifiers):
for pair in identifiers:
if pair[0] =='ISBN' and len(pair[1])==13:
return pair[1]
return False
def parse_authors(dbconnection, feed_entry):
dict = feed_entry.to_dict()
cursor = dbconnection.cursor()
author_list = []
if 'authors' in dict:
for author in dict['authors']:
# First look in db for matches
auth_q = "SELECT * FROM person WHERE firstname LIKE %(fname)s OR lastname=%(lname)s"
names = author.split()
first_name_wildcard = names[0] + '%'
last_name = names[len(names)-1]
cursor.execute(auth_q, {'fname':first_name_wildcard, 'lname':last_name})
match = fetchone_dict(cursor)
if match != None and 'id' in match:
# Otherwise make new id
newid = ''.join([i[0] for i in author.split()]).lower()
if person_id_in_db(dbconnection, newid):
i = "1"
while person_id_in_db(dbconnection, newid+i):
i = str(int(i) + 1)
newid = newid + i
first_name = names[0] + " ".join(names[1:len(names)-1])
new_author = {'id':newid, 'firstname':first_name, 'lastname':last_name}
return author_list
def build_author(new_author):
author = new_author
author['action'] = 'new-person'
return author
#Cargo-cult coded function to unescape special XML characters
def select_from_list(list, attributes=False, item_name=""):
if len(list) == 0:
return None
elif len(list) == 1:
return list[0]
return None
def unescape(s):
want_unicode = False
if isinstance(s, unicode):
s = s.encode("utf-8")
want_unicode = True
# the rest of this assumes that `s` is UTF-8
list = []
# create and initialize a parser object
p = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate("utf-8")
p.buffer_text = True
p.returns_unicode = want_unicode
p.CharacterDataHandler = list.append
# parse the data wrapped in a dummy element
# (needed so the "document" is well-formed)
p.Parse("<e>", 0)
p.Parse(s, 0)
p.Parse("</e>", 1)
# join the extracted strings and return
es = ""
if want_unicode:
es = u""
return es.join(list)