210 lines
7.5 KiB
210 lines
7.5 KiB
"""Pure-Python RSA implementation."""
from cryptomath import *
import xmltools
from ASN1Parser import ASN1Parser
from RSAKey import *
class Python_RSAKey(RSAKey):
def __init__(self, n=0, e=0, d=0, p=0, q=0, dP=0, dQ=0, qInv=0):
if (n and not e) or (e and not n):
raise AssertionError()
self.n = n
self.e = e
self.d = d
self.p = p
self.q = q
self.dP = dP
self.dQ = dQ
self.qInv = qInv
self.blinder = 0
self.unblinder = 0
def hasPrivateKey(self):
return self.d != 0
def hash(self):
s = self.writeXMLPublicKey('\t\t')
return hashAndBase64(s.strip())
def _rawPrivateKeyOp(self, m):
#Create blinding values, on the first pass:
if not self.blinder:
self.unblinder = getRandomNumber(2, self.n)
self.blinder = powMod(invMod(self.unblinder, self.n), self.e,
#Blind the input
m = (m * self.blinder) % self.n
#Perform the RSA operation
c = self._rawPrivateKeyOpHelper(m)
#Unblind the output
c = (c * self.unblinder) % self.n
#Update blinding values
self.blinder = (self.blinder * self.blinder) % self.n
self.unblinder = (self.unblinder * self.unblinder) % self.n
#Return the output
return c
def _rawPrivateKeyOpHelper(self, m):
#Non-CRT version
#c = powMod(m, self.d, self.n)
#CRT version (~3x faster)
s1 = powMod(m, self.dP, self.p)
s2 = powMod(m, self.dQ, self.q)
h = ((s1 - s2) * self.qInv) % self.p
c = s2 + self.q * h
return c
def _rawPublicKeyOp(self, c):
m = powMod(c, self.e, self.n)
return m
def acceptsPassword(self): return False
def write(self, indent=''):
if self.d:
s = indent+'<privateKey xmlns="http://trevp.net/rsa">\n'
s = indent+'<publicKey xmlns="http://trevp.net/rsa">\n'
s += indent+'\t<n>%s</n>\n' % numberToBase64(self.n)
s += indent+'\t<e>%s</e>\n' % numberToBase64(self.e)
if self.d:
s += indent+'\t<d>%s</d>\n' % numberToBase64(self.d)
s += indent+'\t<p>%s</p>\n' % numberToBase64(self.p)
s += indent+'\t<q>%s</q>\n' % numberToBase64(self.q)
s += indent+'\t<dP>%s</dP>\n' % numberToBase64(self.dP)
s += indent+'\t<dQ>%s</dQ>\n' % numberToBase64(self.dQ)
s += indent+'\t<qInv>%s</qInv>\n' % numberToBase64(self.qInv)
s += indent+'</privateKey>'
s += indent+'</publicKey>'
#Only add \n if part of a larger structure
if indent != '':
s += '\n'
return s
def writeXMLPublicKey(self, indent=''):
return Python_RSAKey(self.n, self.e).write(indent)
def generate(bits):
key = Python_RSAKey()
p = getRandomPrime(bits/2, False)
q = getRandomPrime(bits/2, False)
t = lcm(p-1, q-1)
key.n = p * q
key.e = 3L #Needed to be long, for Java
key.d = invMod(key.e, t)
key.p = p
key.q = q
key.dP = key.d % (p-1)
key.dQ = key.d % (q-1)
key.qInv = invMod(q, p)
return key
generate = staticmethod(generate)
def parsePEM(s, passwordCallback=None):
"""Parse a string containing a <privateKey> or <publicKey>, or
PEM-encoded key."""
start = s.find("-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----")
if start != -1:
end = s.find("-----END PRIVATE KEY-----")
if end == -1:
raise SyntaxError("Missing PEM Postfix")
s = s[start+len("-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY -----") : end]
bytes = base64ToBytes(s)
return Python_RSAKey._parsePKCS8(bytes)
start = s.find("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----")
if start != -1:
end = s.find("-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----")
if end == -1:
raise SyntaxError("Missing PEM Postfix")
s = s[start+len("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY -----") : end]
bytes = base64ToBytes(s)
return Python_RSAKey._parseSSLeay(bytes)
raise SyntaxError("Missing PEM Prefix")
parsePEM = staticmethod(parsePEM)
def parseXML(s):
element = xmltools.parseAndStripWhitespace(s)
return Python_RSAKey._parseXML(element)
parseXML = staticmethod(parseXML)
def _parsePKCS8(bytes):
p = ASN1Parser(bytes)
version = p.getChild(0).value[0]
if version != 0:
raise SyntaxError("Unrecognized PKCS8 version")
rsaOID = p.getChild(1).value
if list(rsaOID) != [6, 9, 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 1, 5, 0]:
raise SyntaxError("Unrecognized AlgorithmIdentifier")
#Get the privateKey
privateKeyP = p.getChild(2)
#Adjust for OCTET STRING encapsulation
privateKeyP = ASN1Parser(privateKeyP.value)
return Python_RSAKey._parseASN1PrivateKey(privateKeyP)
_parsePKCS8 = staticmethod(_parsePKCS8)
def _parseSSLeay(bytes):
privateKeyP = ASN1Parser(bytes)
return Python_RSAKey._parseASN1PrivateKey(privateKeyP)
_parseSSLeay = staticmethod(_parseSSLeay)
def _parseASN1PrivateKey(privateKeyP):
version = privateKeyP.getChild(0).value[0]
if version != 0:
raise SyntaxError("Unrecognized RSAPrivateKey version")
n = bytesToNumber(privateKeyP.getChild(1).value)
e = bytesToNumber(privateKeyP.getChild(2).value)
d = bytesToNumber(privateKeyP.getChild(3).value)
p = bytesToNumber(privateKeyP.getChild(4).value)
q = bytesToNumber(privateKeyP.getChild(5).value)
dP = bytesToNumber(privateKeyP.getChild(6).value)
dQ = bytesToNumber(privateKeyP.getChild(7).value)
qInv = bytesToNumber(privateKeyP.getChild(8).value)
return Python_RSAKey(n, e, d, p, q, dP, dQ, qInv)
_parseASN1PrivateKey = staticmethod(_parseASN1PrivateKey)
def _parseXML(element):
xmltools.checkName(element, "privateKey")
except SyntaxError:
xmltools.checkName(element, "publicKey")
#Parse attributes
xmltools.getReqAttribute(element, "xmlns", "http://trevp.net/rsa\Z")
#Parse public values (<n> and <e>)
n = base64ToNumber(xmltools.getText(xmltools.getChild(element, 0, "n"), xmltools.base64RegEx))
e = base64ToNumber(xmltools.getText(xmltools.getChild(element, 1, "e"), xmltools.base64RegEx))
d = 0
p = 0
q = 0
dP = 0
dQ = 0
qInv = 0
#Parse private values, if present
if element.childNodes.length>=3:
d = base64ToNumber(xmltools.getText(xmltools.getChild(element, 2, "d"), xmltools.base64RegEx))
p = base64ToNumber(xmltools.getText(xmltools.getChild(element, 3, "p"), xmltools.base64RegEx))
q = base64ToNumber(xmltools.getText(xmltools.getChild(element, 4, "q"), xmltools.base64RegEx))
dP = base64ToNumber(xmltools.getText(xmltools.getChild(element, 5, "dP"), xmltools.base64RegEx))
dQ = base64ToNumber(xmltools.getText(xmltools.getChild(element, 6, "dQ"), xmltools.base64RegEx))
qInv = base64ToNumber(xmltools.getText(xmltools.getLastChild(element, 7, "qInv"), xmltools.base64RegEx))
return Python_RSAKey(n, e, d, p, q, dP, dQ, qInv)
_parseXML = staticmethod(_parseXML)