203 lines
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203 lines
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"""Helper functions for XML.
This module has misc. helper functions for working with XML DOM nodes."""
from compat import *
import os
import re
if os.name == "java":
# Only for Jython
from javax.xml.parsers import *
import java
builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder()
def parseDocument(s):
stream = java.io.ByteArrayInputStream(java.lang.String(s).getBytes())
return builder.parse(stream)
from xml.dom import minidom
from xml.sax import saxutils
def parseDocument(s):
return minidom.parseString(s)
def parseAndStripWhitespace(s):
element = parseDocument(s).documentElement
except BaseException, e:
raise SyntaxError(str(e))
return element
#Goes through a DOM tree and removes whitespace besides child elements,
#as long as this whitespace is correctly tab-ified
def stripWhitespace(element, tab=0):
lastSpacer = "\n" + ("\t"*tab)
spacer = lastSpacer + "\t"
#Zero children aren't allowed (i.e. <empty/>)
#This makes writing output simpler, and matches Canonical XML
if element.childNodes.length==0: #DON'T DO len(element.childNodes) - doesn't work in Jython
raise SyntaxError("Empty XML elements not allowed")
#If there's a single child, it must be text context
if element.childNodes.length==1:
if element.firstChild.nodeType == element.firstChild.TEXT_NODE:
#If it's an empty element, remove
if element.firstChild.data == lastSpacer:
#If not text content, give an error
elif element.firstChild.nodeType == element.firstChild.ELEMENT_NODE:
raise SyntaxError("Bad whitespace under '%s'" % element.tagName)
raise SyntaxError("Unexpected node type in XML document")
#Otherwise there's multiple child element
child = element.firstChild
while child:
if child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE:
stripWhitespace(child, tab+1)
child = child.nextSibling
elif child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE:
if child == element.lastChild:
if child.data != lastSpacer:
raise SyntaxError("Bad whitespace under '%s'" % element.tagName)
elif child.data != spacer:
raise SyntaxError("Bad whitespace under '%s'" % element.tagName)
next = child.nextSibling
child = next
raise SyntaxError("Unexpected node type in XML document")
def checkName(element, name):
if element.nodeType != element.ELEMENT_NODE:
raise SyntaxError("Missing element: '%s'" % name)
if name == None:
if element.tagName != name:
raise SyntaxError("Wrong element name: should be '%s', is '%s'" % (name, element.tagName))
def getChild(element, index, name=None):
if element.nodeType != element.ELEMENT_NODE:
raise SyntaxError("Wrong node type in getChild()")
child = element.childNodes.item(index)
if child == None:
raise SyntaxError("Missing child: '%s'" % name)
checkName(child, name)
return child
def getChildIter(element, index):
class ChildIter:
def __init__(self, element, index):
self.element = element
self.index = index
def next(self):
if self.index < len(self.element.childNodes):
retVal = self.element.childNodes.item(self.index)
self.index += 1
retVal = None
return retVal
def checkEnd(self):
if self.index != len(self.element.childNodes):
raise SyntaxError("Too many elements under: '%s'" % self.element.tagName)
return ChildIter(element, index)
def getChildOrNone(element, index):
if element.nodeType != element.ELEMENT_NODE:
raise SyntaxError("Wrong node type in getChild()")
child = element.childNodes.item(index)
return child
def getLastChild(element, index, name=None):
if element.nodeType != element.ELEMENT_NODE:
raise SyntaxError("Wrong node type in getLastChild()")
child = element.childNodes.item(index)
if child == None:
raise SyntaxError("Missing child: '%s'" % name)
if child != element.lastChild:
raise SyntaxError("Too many elements under: '%s'" % element.tagName)
checkName(child, name)
return child
#Regular expressions for syntax-checking attribute and element content
nsRegEx = "http://trevp.net/cryptoID\Z"
cryptoIDRegEx = "([a-km-z3-9]{5}\.){3}[a-km-z3-9]{5}\Z"
urlRegEx = "http(s)?://.{1,100}\Z"
sha1Base64RegEx = "[A-Za-z0-9+/]{27}=\Z"
base64RegEx = "[A-Za-z0-9+/]+={0,4}\Z"
certsListRegEx = "(0)?(1)?(2)?(3)?(4)?(5)?(6)?(7)?(8)?(9)?\Z"
keyRegEx = "[A-Z]\Z"
keysListRegEx = "(A)?(B)?(C)?(D)?(E)?(F)?(G)?(H)?(I)?(J)?(K)?(L)?(M)?(N)?(O)?(P)?(Q)?(R)?(S)?(T)?(U)?(V)?(W)?(X)?(Y)?(Z)?\Z"
dateTimeRegEx = "\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\dZ\Z"
shortStringRegEx = ".{1,100}\Z"
exprRegEx = "[a-zA-Z0-9 ,()]{1,200}\Z"
notAfterDeltaRegEx = "0|([1-9][0-9]{0,8})\Z" #A number from 0 to (1 billion)-1
booleanRegEx = "(true)|(false)"
def getReqAttribute(element, attrName, regEx=""):
if element.nodeType != element.ELEMENT_NODE:
raise SyntaxError("Wrong node type in getReqAttribute()")
value = element.getAttribute(attrName)
if not value:
raise SyntaxError("Missing Attribute: " + attrName)
if not re.match(regEx, value):
raise SyntaxError("Bad Attribute Value for '%s': '%s' " % (attrName, value))
return str(value) #de-unicode it; this is needed for bsddb, for example
def getAttribute(element, attrName, regEx=""):
if element.nodeType != element.ELEMENT_NODE:
raise SyntaxError("Wrong node type in getAttribute()")
value = element.getAttribute(attrName)
if value:
if not re.match(regEx, value):
raise SyntaxError("Bad Attribute Value for '%s': '%s' " % (attrName, value))
return str(value) #de-unicode it; this is needed for bsddb, for example
def checkNoMoreAttributes(element):
if element.nodeType != element.ELEMENT_NODE:
raise SyntaxError("Wrong node type in checkNoMoreAttributes()")
if element.attributes.length!=0:
raise SyntaxError("Extra attributes on '%s'" % element.tagName)
def getText(element, regEx=""):
textNode = element.firstChild
if textNode == None:
raise SyntaxError("Empty element '%s'" % element.tagName)
if textNode.nodeType != textNode.TEXT_NODE:
raise SyntaxError("Non-text node: '%s'" % element.tagName)
if not re.match(regEx, textNode.data):
raise SyntaxError("Bad Text Value for '%s': '%s' " % (element.tagName, textNode.data))
return str(textNode.data) #de-unicode it; this is needed for bsddb, for example
#Function for adding tabs to a string
def indent(s, steps, ch="\t"):
tabs = ch*steps
if s[-1] != "\n":
s = tabs + s.replace("\n", "\n"+tabs)
s = tabs + s.replace("\n", "\n"+tabs)
s = s[ : -len(tabs)]
return s
def escape(s):
return saxutils.escape(s)