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Common Lisp
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(in-package #:z3950)
(defun marc-ascii (record start end)
(babel:octets-to-string record :start start :end end))
(defun marc-number (record start end)
(values (parse-integer (marc-ascii record start end))))
(defun marc21-base-address (record)
(marc-number record 12 17))
(defun decode-subfield-code (octets)
(intern (string-upcase (babel:octets-to-string octets :encoding :marc-8))
(defun decode-marc21-subfields (field)
(assert (equal #x1e (aref field (1- (length field)))))
with start = 0
while (< start (1- (length field)))
for end = (or (position #x1f field :start start)
(1- (length field)))
collect (list (decode-subfield-code (subseq field start (1+ start)))
(babel:octets-to-string (subseq field (1+ start) end)
:encoding :marc-8))
do (setq start (1+ end))))
(defun decode-marc21-directory (record)
"List of (TAG LENGTH START) lists. TAG is a string, the other two
are integers. START is relative to the base address."
(assert (equal "4500" (marc-ascii record 20 24)))
for s from 24 below (position #x1e record :start 24) by 12
collect (list (marc-ascii record s (+ s 3))
(marc-number record (+ s 3) (+ s 7))
(marc-number record (+ s 7) (+ s 12)))))
(defun control-tag-p (tag)
(equal "00" (subseq tag 0 2)))
(defun decode-marc21-field (record tag start end)
(if (control-tag-p tag)
(list tag
(babel:octets-to-string (subseq record start end)
:encoding :marc-8))
(list tag
(babel:octets-to-string (subseq record start
(+ start 2))
:encoding :marc-8)
(decode-marc21-subfields (subseq record (+ start 3) end)))))
(defun decode-marc21 (record)
(assert (equal "22" (marc-ascii record 10 12)))
(let ((base (marc21-base-address record)))
for (tag length relative-start) in (decode-marc21-directory record)
for start = (+ base relative-start)
for end = (+ start length)
collect (decode-marc21-field record tag start end))))
(defun fields (marc tag &rest more-tags)
(let ((tags (cons tag more-tags)))
(remove-if-not (lambda (x) (member x tags :test #'equal)) marc
:key #'car)))
(defun subfield (contents subfield-code)
(cadr (assoc subfield-code contents)))
(defmacro with-subfields ((&rest subfields) contents &body body)
(alexandria:once-only (contents)
`(let ,(loop for symbol in subfields
collect `(,symbol
(cadr (assoc ,(intern (string symbol)
;;; Mappings to Dublin Core, loosely based on
(defun personal-name (contents)
(with-subfields (a b) contents
(if b
(format nil "~A ~A" a b)
(defun marc21-contributor (marc)
for (tag indicators contents) in (fields marc "100" "110" "111"
"700" "710" "711")
collect (string-trim ".," (if (equal (char tag 2) #\1)
(subfield contents :a)
(personal-name contents)))))
(defun marc21-title (marc)
for (tag indicators contents) in (fields marc "245" "246")
for title = (with-subfields (a b n p) contents
(format nil "~{~A~^ ~}" (remove nil (list a b n p))))
collect (let ((length (length title)))
(if (and (>= length 2)
(equal (subseq title (- length 2) length)
" /"))
(subseq title 0 (- (length title) 2))
(defun marc21-isbn (marc)
for (tag indicators contents) in (fields marc "020")
collect (subfield contents :a)))
(defun loc (isbn)
(z3950:with-open-connection (c "")
(let ((rs (z3950:search-pqf c (format nil "@1=7 ~A" isbn))))
(when (> (z3950:result-set-size rs) 0)
(multiple-value-bind (octets syntax)
(z3950:result-set-record rs 0)
(assert (equal syntax "USmarc"))
(let ((marc (decode-marc21 octets)))
(values `((:contributor ,(marc21-contributor marc))
(:title ,(marc21-title marc))
(:identifier ,(marc21-isbn marc)))
marc octets)))))))
(loc "9780201914658")