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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2010-09-28 13:22:54 +00:00
import os
from web.library.models import *
from django.db.models import Q
from util import *
import getopt
import sys
import search
import placement
def show_book_or_person(ids, commit_format=False, tmp_file=False):
for id in ids:
object = get_book_or_person(id)
if object:
print object.to_string()
print 'No book or person with id %s.' % id
def get_book_or_person(id):
books = Book.objects.filter(Q(isbn=id)|Q(id__id=id)).all()
persons = Person.objects.filter(id=id)
if len(books) + len(persons) > 1:
print 'Warning: More than one match for id %d.' % id
print 'This should not happen.'
if len(books) > 0:
return books[0]
if len(persons) > 0:
return persons[0]
2010-09-28 13:22:54 +00:00
def remove_duplicates(list):
d = {}
for i in list:
return d.keys()
def search_person_cmd(search_strings, search_description=False):
2010-09-29 19:50:52 +00:00
people = search_person(search_strings, search_description)
#format = '%-20s %-10s %-70s'
2010-09-28 13:22:54 +00:00
for person in people:
print person.to_string()
# name = cut_str(person.first_name+' '+person.last_name, 20)
# p_id = cut_str(, 10)
# books = cut_str(', '.join(map(lambda x:, person.books.all())), 70)
# print format % (name,p_id,books)
2010-09-28 13:22:54 +00:00
def search_person(search_strings, search_description=False):
for word in search_strings:
basic_query=basic_query.filter(Q(first_name__icontains=word) |
Q(last_name__icontains=word) |
Q(id__icontains=word) |
Q(books__book__isbn__icontains=word) |
Q(books__book__title__icontains=word) |
Q(books__book__alt_titles__alt_title=word) |
return remove_duplicates(basic_query.all())
2011-03-05 18:07:16 +00:00
def commit(filename=None): # TODO
def edit_book_or_person(ids):
filename = show_book_or_person(ids, commit_format=True, tmp_file=True)
2011-03-05 18:07:16 +00:00
# run_editor(filename) # TODO: må implementeres
commands = { 'show':
{ 'args': [('ids', (1,None))],
'options': ['commit_format', 'tmp_file'],
'fun': show_book_or_person },
{ 'args': [('search_strings', (1,None))],
'options': ['search_description'],
'fun': search.search_book_cmd },
{ 'args': [('search_strings', (1,None))],
'options': [],
2010-09-29 19:50:52 +00:00
'fun': search_person_cmd },
{ 'args': [('filename', (0,1))],
'options': [],
'fun': commit },
{ 'args': [('ids', (1,None))],
'options': [],
'fun': edit_book_or_person },
{ 'args': [('shelfname', (0,1)), ('category', (0,1))],
'options': [],
'fun': placement.print_shelf_cmd }
flags = { 'commit_format':
{ 'help': 'output data in the format expected by the commit command' },
{ 'help': 'output data to a new temporary file instead of to stdout' },
{ 'help': 'include description field when searching' }
general_options = [] # options applicable to all commands
class BadCommandLine(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg):
Exception.__init__(self, 'Bad command line: ' + msg)
def check_command_args(args, command):
cmd_decl = commands[command]
min_num_args = sum(map(lambda a: a[1][0], cmd_decl['args']))
unlimited = any(map(lambda a: a[1][1] == None, cmd_decl['args']))
if not unlimited:
max_num_args = sum(map(lambda a: a[1][1], cmd_decl['args']))
if len(args) < min_num_args:
raise BadCommandLine('Too few arguments for command %s (expects at least %d, %d given).'
% (command, min_num_args, len(args)))
2011-03-05 21:53:40 +00:00
if (not unlimited) and (len(args) > max_num_args):
raise BadCommandLine('Too many arguments for command %s (expects at most %d, %d given).'
% (command, max_num_args, len(args)))
def check_command_opts(opts, command):
cmd_decl = commands[command]
for opt,val in opts:
if ((opt not in cmd_decl['options']) and
(opt not in general_options)):
raise BadCommandLine('Option %s not applicable to command %s.'
% (opt, command))
def assign_command_args(args, command):
cmd_decl = commands[command]
d = {}
i = 0
for param in cmd_decl['args']:
pname = param[0]
pmin = param[1][0]
pmax = param[1][1]
if pmax == 1:
if i < len(args):
d[pname] = args[i]
i += 1
d[pname] = None
d[pname] = []
j = 0
while i + j < len(args) and (pmax == None or j < pmax):
d[pname].append(args[i + j])
j += 1
i = i + j
return d
def assign_command_opts(opts, command):
d = {}
for option, value in opts:
if option in flags:
d[option] = True
d[option] = value
return d
def parse_cmdline(args):
def getopt_option_name(internal_name):
return internal_name.replace('_', '-')
def internal_option_name(getopt_ret_name):
return getopt_ret_name[2:].replace('-', '_')
option_names = map(getopt_option_name, flags)
options, args = getopt.getopt(args, '', option_names)
if len(args) == 0:
raise BadCommandLine('No command specified.')
cmd_name = args[0]
if cmd_name not in commands:
raise BadCommandLine('Nonexisting command %s.' % cmd_name)
cmd_decl = commands[cmd_name]
cmd_args = args[1:]
cmd_opts = map(lambda (opt,val): (internal_option_name(opt), val),
check_command_args(cmd_args, cmd_name)
check_command_opts(cmd_opts, cmd_name)
return { 'command': cmd_name,
'args': combine_dicts(assign_command_args(cmd_args, cmd_name),
assign_command_opts(cmd_opts, cmd_name)) }
def invoke_command(command, args):
cmd_decl = commands[command]
def combine_dicts(*dicts):
res = {}
for d in dicts:
return res
def open_file(filename):
if os.path.exists(filename):
os.system("%s %s || /usr/bin/env vi %s" %(os.getenv("EDITOR"), filename, filename))
exit("Error: %s: File does not exist!" % filename)
return open(filename, 'r').readlines()
cmdline_parsed = parse_cmdline(sys.argv[1:])
print 'command line parsed to:', cmdline_parsed