Misc 2 #40
@ -28,29 +28,29 @@ pub enum DatabaseCommand {
/// List user permissions for one or more databases
/// List user privileges for one or more databases
/// If no database names are provided, it will show permissions for all databases you have access to.
/// If no database names are provided, it will show privileges for all databases you have access to.
/// Change user permissions for one or more databases. See `edit-db-perm --help` for details.
/// Change user privileges for one or more databases. See `edit-db-privs --help` for details.
/// This command has two modes of operation:
/// 1. Interactive mode: If nothing else is specified, the user will be prompted to edit the permissions using a text editor.
/// 1. Interactive mode: If nothing else is specified, the user will be prompted to edit the privileges using a text editor.
/// You can configure your preferred text editor by setting the `VISUAL` or `EDITOR` environment variables.
/// Follow the instructions inside the editor for more information.
/// 2. Non-interactive mode: If the `-p` flag is specified, the user can write permissions using arguments.
/// 2. Non-interactive mode: If the `-p` flag is specified, the user can write privileges using arguments.
/// The permission arguments should be formatted as `<db>:<user>:<privileges>`
/// where the privileges are a string of characters, each representing a single permissions.
/// The character `A` is an exception, because it represents all permissions.
/// The privilege arguments should be formatted as `<db>:<user>:<privileges>`
/// where the privileges are a string of characters, each representing a single privilege.
/// The character `A` is an exception - it represents all privileges.
/// The character to permission mapping is declared as follows:
/// The character-to-privilege mapping is defined as follows:
/// - `s` - SELECT
/// - `i` - INSERT
@ -65,24 +65,27 @@ pub enum DatabaseCommand {
/// - `r` - REFERENCES
/// If you provide a database name, you can omit it from the permission arguments.
/// If you provide a database name, you can omit it from the privilege string,
/// e.g. `edit-db-privs my_db -p my_user:siu` is equivalent to `edit-db-privs -p my_db:my_user:siu`.
/// While it doesn't make much of a difference for a single edit, it can be useful for editing multiple users
/// on the same database at once.
/// Example usage of non-interactive mode:
/// Set permissions `SELECT`, `INSERT`, and `UPDATE` for user `my_user` on database `my_db`:
/// Enable privileges `SELECT`, `INSERT`, and `UPDATE` for user `my_user` on database `my_db`:
/// mysqladm edit-db-perm -p my_db:my_user:siu
/// `mysqladm edit-db-privs -p my_db:my_user:siu`
/// Set all permissions for user `my_other_user` on database `my_other_db`:
/// Enable all privileges for user `my_other_user` on database `my_other_db`:
/// mysqladm edit-db-perm -p my_other_db:my_other_user:A
/// `mysqladm edit-db-privs -p my_other_db:my_other_user:A`
/// Set miscellaneous permissions for multiple users on database `my_db`:
/// Set miscellaneous privileges for multiple users on database `my_db`:
/// mysqladm edit-db-perm my_db -p my_user:siu my_other_user:ct
/// `mysqladm edit-db-privs my_db -p my_user:siu my_other_user:ct``
@ -107,7 +110,7 @@ pub struct DatabaseListArgs {
pub struct DatabaseShowPermArgs {
pub struct DatabaseShowPrivsArgs {
/// The name of the database(s) to show.
#[arg(num_args = 0..)]
name: Vec<String>,
@ -118,18 +121,18 @@ pub struct DatabaseShowPermArgs {
pub struct DatabaseEditPermArgs {
/// The name of the database to edit permissions for.
pub struct DatabaseEditPrivsArgs {
/// The name of the database to edit privileges for.
pub name: Option<String>,
#[arg(short, long, value_name = "[DATABASE:]USER:PERMISSIONS", num_args = 0..)]
pub perm: Vec<String>,
#[arg(short, long, value_name = "[DATABASE:]USER:PRIVILEGES", num_args = 0..)]
pub privs: Vec<String>,
/// Whether to output the information in JSON format.
#[arg(short, long)]
pub json: bool,
/// Specify the text editor to use for editing permissions.
/// Specify the text editor to use for editing privileges
#[arg(short, long)]
pub editor: Option<String>,
@ -149,8 +152,8 @@ pub async fn handle_command(
DatabaseCommand::CreateDb(args) => create_databases(args, txn).await,
DatabaseCommand::DropDb(args) => drop_databases(args, txn).await,
DatabaseCommand::ListDb(args) => list_databases(args, txn).await,
DatabaseCommand::ShowDbPerm(args) => show_databases(args, txn).await,
DatabaseCommand::EditDbPerm(args) => edit_permissions(args, txn).await,
DatabaseCommand::ShowDbPrivs(args) => show_database_privileges(args, txn).await,
DatabaseCommand::EditDbPrivs(args) => edit_privileges(args, txn).await,
@ -215,8 +218,8 @@ async fn list_databases(args: DatabaseListArgs, conn: &mut MySqlConnection) -> a
async fn show_databases(
args: DatabaseShowPermArgs,
async fn show_database_privileges(
args: DatabaseShowPrivsArgs,
conn: &mut MySqlConnection,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let database_users_to_show = if args.name.is_empty() {
@ -276,11 +279,11 @@ async fn show_databases(
/// See documentation for `DatabaseCommand::EditPerm`.
fn parse_permission_table_cli_arg(arg: &str) -> anyhow::Result<DatabasePrivilegeRow> {
/// See documentation for `DatabaseCommand::EditDbPrivs`.
fn parse_privilege_table_cli_arg(arg: &str) -> anyhow::Result<DatabasePrivilegeRow> {
let parts: Vec<&str> = arg.split(':').collect();
if parts.len() != 3 {
anyhow::bail!("Invalid argument format. See `edit-perm --help` for more information.");
anyhow::bail!("Invalid argument format. See `edit-db-privs --help` for more information.");
let db = parts[0].to_string();
@ -329,14 +332,14 @@ fn parse_permission_table_cli_arg(arg: &str) -> anyhow::Result<DatabasePrivilege
result.lock_tables_priv = true;
result.references_priv = true;
_ => anyhow::bail!("Invalid permission character: {}", char),
_ => anyhow::bail!("Invalid privilege character: {}", char),
fn parse_permission(yn: &str) -> anyhow::Result<bool> {
fn parse_privilege(yn: &str) -> anyhow::Result<bool> {
match yn.to_ascii_lowercase().as_str() {
"y" => Ok(true),
"n" => Ok(false),
@ -344,7 +347,7 @@ fn parse_permission(yn: &str) -> anyhow::Result<bool> {
fn parse_permission_data_from_editor(content: String) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<DatabasePrivilegeRow>> {
fn parse_privilege_data_from_editor(content: String) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<DatabasePrivilegeRow>> {
@ -360,27 +363,27 @@ fn parse_permission_data_from_editor(content: String) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<Data
Ok(DatabasePrivilegeRow {
db: (*line_parts.first().unwrap()).to_owned(),
user: (*line_parts.get(1).unwrap()).to_owned(),
select_priv: parse_permission(line_parts.get(2).unwrap())
select_priv: parse_privilege(line_parts.get(2).unwrap())
.context("Could not parse SELECT privilege")?,
insert_priv: parse_permission(line_parts.get(3).unwrap())
insert_priv: parse_privilege(line_parts.get(3).unwrap())
.context("Could not parse INSERT privilege")?,
update_priv: parse_permission(line_parts.get(4).unwrap())
update_priv: parse_privilege(line_parts.get(4).unwrap())
.context("Could not parse UPDATE privilege")?,
delete_priv: parse_permission(line_parts.get(5).unwrap())
delete_priv: parse_privilege(line_parts.get(5).unwrap())
.context("Could not parse DELETE privilege")?,
create_priv: parse_permission(line_parts.get(6).unwrap())
create_priv: parse_privilege(line_parts.get(6).unwrap())
.context("Could not parse CREATE privilege")?,
drop_priv: parse_permission(line_parts.get(7).unwrap())
drop_priv: parse_privilege(line_parts.get(7).unwrap())
.context("Could not parse DROP privilege")?,
alter_priv: parse_permission(line_parts.get(8).unwrap())
alter_priv: parse_privilege(line_parts.get(8).unwrap())
.context("Could not parse ALTER privilege")?,
index_priv: parse_permission(line_parts.get(9).unwrap())
index_priv: parse_privilege(line_parts.get(9).unwrap())
.context("Could not parse INDEX privilege")?,
create_tmp_table_priv: parse_permission(line_parts.get(10).unwrap())
create_tmp_table_priv: parse_privilege(line_parts.get(10).unwrap())
.context("Could not parse CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE privilege")?,
lock_tables_priv: parse_permission(line_parts.get(11).unwrap())
lock_tables_priv: parse_privilege(line_parts.get(11).unwrap())
.context("Could not parse LOCK TABLES privilege")?,
references_priv: parse_permission(line_parts.get(12).unwrap())
references_priv: parse_privilege(line_parts.get(12).unwrap())
.context("Could not parse REFERENCES privilege")?,
@ -412,40 +415,40 @@ fn format_privileges_line(
pub async fn edit_permissions(
args: DatabaseEditPermArgs,
pub async fn edit_privileges(
args: DatabaseEditPrivsArgs,
conn: &mut MySqlConnection,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let permission_data = if let Some(name) = &args.name {
let privilege_data = if let Some(name) = &args.name {
get_database_privileges(name, conn).await?
} else {
let permissions_to_change = if !args.perm.is_empty() {
let privileges_to_change = if !args.privs.is_empty() {
if let Some(name) = args.name {
.map(|perm| {
parse_permission_table_cli_arg(&format!("{}:{}", name, &perm))
.context(format!("Failed parsing database permissions: `{}`", &perm))
.map(|p| {
parse_privilege_table_cli_arg(&format!("{}:{}", name, &p))
.context(format!("Failed parsing database privileges: `{}`", &p))
} else {
.map(|perm| {
.context(format!("Failed parsing database permissions: `{}`", &perm))
.map(|p| {
.context(format!("Failed parsing database privileges: `{}`", &p))
} else {
let comment = indoc! {r#"
# Welcome to the permission editor.
# Each line defines what permissions a single user has on a single database.
# The first two columns respectively represent the database name and the user, and the remaining columns are the permissions.
# If the user should have a permission, write 'Y', otherwise write 'N'.
# Welcome to the privilege editor.
# Each line defines what privileges a single user has on a single database.
# The first two columns respectively represent the database name and the user, and the remaining columns are the privileges.
# If the user should have a certain privilege, write 'Y', otherwise write 'N'.
# Lines starting with '#' are comments and will be ignored.
@ -454,13 +457,13 @@ pub async fn edit_permissions(
let example_user = format!("{}_user", unix_user.name);
let example_db = format!("{}_db", unix_user.name);
let longest_username = permission_data
let longest_username = privilege_data
.map(|p| p.user.len())
let longest_database_name = permission_data
let longest_database_name = privilege_data
.map(|p| p.db.len())
@ -471,7 +474,7 @@ pub async fn edit_permissions(
// Pad the first two columns with spaces to align the permissions.
// Pad the first two columns with spaces to align the privileges.
header[0] = format!("{:width$}", header[0], width = longest_database_name);
header[1] = format!("{:width$}", header[1], width = longest_username);
@ -503,14 +506,14 @@ pub async fn edit_permissions(
header.join(" "),
if permission_data.is_empty() {
if privilege_data.is_empty() {
format!("# {}", example_line)
} else {
.map(|perm| {
.map(|privs| {
@ -522,18 +525,18 @@ pub async fn edit_permissions(
.context("Could not parse permission data from editor")?
.context("Could not parse privilege data from editor")?
for row in permissions_to_change.iter() {
for row in privileges_to_change.iter() {
if !user_exists(&row.user, conn).await? {
// TODO: allow user to return and correct their mistake
anyhow::bail!("User {} does not exist", row.user);
let diffs = diff_permissions(permission_data, &permissions_to_change).await;
let diffs = diff_privileges(privilege_data, &privileges_to_change).await;
if diffs.is_empty() {
println!("No changes to make.");
@ -542,7 +545,7 @@ pub async fn edit_permissions(
// TODO: Add confirmation prompt.
apply_permission_diffs(diffs, conn).await?;
apply_privilege_diffs(diffs, conn).await?;
@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ pub struct Args {
pub help_editperm: bool,
// NOTE: mysql-dbadm explicitly calls privileges "permissions".
// This is something we're trying to move away from.
// See https://git.pvv.ntnu.no/Projects/mysqladm-rs/issues/29
/// Create, drop or edit permissions for the DATABASE(s),
/// as determined by the COMMAND.
@ -158,15 +162,15 @@ pub async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// Hopefully, not many people rely on this in an automated fashion, as it
// is made to be interactive in nature. However, we should still try to
// replicate the old behavior as closely as possible.
let edit_permissions_args = database_command::DatabaseEditPermArgs {
let edit_privileges_args = database_command::DatabaseEditPrivsArgs {
name: Some(args.database),
perm: vec![],
privs: vec![],
json: false,
editor: None,
yes: false,
database_command::edit_permissions(edit_permissions_args, &mut connection).await?;
database_command::edit_privileges(edit_privileges_args, &mut connection).await?;
@ -178,7 +182,7 @@ async fn show_db(name: &str, conn: &mut MySqlConnection) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// for non-existent databases will report with no users.
// This function should *not* check for db existence, only
// validate the names.
let permissions = database_privilege_operations::get_database_privileges(name, conn)
let privileges = database_privilege_operations::get_database_privileges(name, conn)
@ -190,24 +194,24 @@ async fn show_db(name: &str, conn: &mut MySqlConnection) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
if permissions.is_empty() {
if privileges.is_empty() {
println!("# (no permissions currently granted to any users)");
} else {
for permission in permissions {
for privilege in privileges {
" {:<16} {:<7} {:<7} {:<7} {:<7} {:<7} {:<7} {:<7} {:<7} {:<7} {:<7} {}",
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
//! A lot of the complexity comes from two core components:
//! - The permission editor that needs to be able to print
//! - The privilege editor that needs to be able to print
//! an editable table of privileges and reparse the content
//! after the user has made manual changes.
@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ use crate::core::{
/// This is the list of fields that are used to fetch the db + user + privileges
/// from the `db` table in the database. If you need to add or remove privilege
/// fields, this is a good place to start.
pub const DATABASE_PRIVILEGE_FIELDS: [&str; 13] = [
@ -227,7 +230,7 @@ pub enum DatabasePrivilegesDiff {
pub async fn diff_permissions(
pub async fn diff_privileges(
from: Vec<DatabasePrivilegeRow>,
to: &[DatabasePrivilegeRow],
) -> Vec<DatabasePrivilegesDiff> {
@ -265,7 +268,7 @@ pub async fn diff_permissions(
pub async fn apply_permission_diffs(
pub async fn apply_privilege_diffs(
diffs: Vec<DatabasePrivilegesDiff>,
conn: &mut MySqlConnection,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
@ -349,7 +352,7 @@ mod tests {
async fn test_diff_permissions() {
async fn test_diff_privileges() {
let from = vec![DatabasePrivilegeRow {
db: "db".to_owned(),
user: "user".to_owned(),
@ -382,7 +385,7 @@ mod tests {
references_priv: true,
let diffs = diff_permissions(from, &to).await;
let diffs = diff_privileges(from, &to).await;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user