Initial Commit

This commit is contained in:
MarcusTL12 2019-09-12 16:32:16 +02:00
parent 3eff6439e4
commit 4adc9cd975
20 changed files with 1151 additions and 0 deletions

Code/1.HelloWorld.jl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
println("Hello Julia!")
x = 3
y = 2
z = x + y

Code/10.structs1.jl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
# User defined types are made with the struct keyword. Member variables are
# listed in the struct body as follows.
# Keep in mind that julia does not support redefining of types by default,
# so whenever you change anything in the struct (field names/types, etc.)
# you have to restart the REPL.
# Alternatively you could look into the package Revise.jl which solves
# some of these problems.
struct TestType
# Every struct gets a default constructor that is the typename taking
# in all the member variables in order.
t = TestType(1, 2, 3)
# Every struct also gets a default print function that shows the variable
# in style of the constructor.
@show t
# Accessing the member variables of the struct is done simply by just
# writing variable_name.field_name
# every field is always public as julia does not implement any heavy
# object oriented design.
@show t.x
# This line is illegal since struct are immutable by default.
# t.y = 5
# Field mutability can be achieved by adding the keyword "mutable" in front.
# However for simple structs, like this xyz-point like structure, it is
# much more efficient if you can avoid making it mutable. This has to do
# with how mutable struct are allocated differently then immutable ones.
# Read more in the "Types" section of the julia documentation.
mutable struct TestType2
# Also as illustrated above, the fields in a struct can be strictly typed.
# This is usually a good idea since it makes the struct take a constant
# amount of space, and removes a lot of type bookkeping.
t2 = TestType2(1.68, 3.14, 2.71)
# With this mutable struct, the variable now behaves more like a general
# container (Array/vector) so you can change the fields.
t2.y = 1.23
@show t2
# You can also make parametric types, kind of like templates in C++.
# This essentially creates a new type for each new T, so it alleviates the
# problem of keeping track of the types of the individual fields.
struct TestType3{T}
# This now constructs a TestType3{Int64}
t3 = TestType3(1, 2, 3)
@show t3
# This will be the example struct throughout the rest of the file.
struct Polar{T<:Real}
# You might want to make your own constructors for a type.
# These are typically made inside the struct body since this overrides
# the creation of the default constructor described above.
function Polar(r::T, θ::T) where T <: Real
# Doing some constructy stuff
println("Creating Polar number (r = $r, θ = )")
# The actual variable is created by calling the "new()" function
# which acts as the default constructor. This however is just
# accessible to functions defined inside the struct body.
new{T}(r, θ)
# You might want to implement multiple different constructors.
# This one is short and simple so it can be created with the inline syntax.
# The zero(T) function finds the apropriate "zero" value
# for the given type T. That way no implicit conversions have to be done.
Polar{T}() where T <: Real = new{T}(zero(T), zero(T))
# Not all constructors have to be defined inside the struct body, but here
# outside the body we no longer have access to the "new()" function since
# the compiler doesn't have any way to infer which type "new" would refer
# to out here. So instead we have to use one of the constructors we defined
# inside the struct.
# This constructor is very similar to the Polar{T}() function but instead
# of writing p = Polar{Int}() to take the type in as a template argument
# you would pass the type in as an actual argument; p = Polar(Int)
Polar(::Type{T}) where T <: Real = Polar{T}()
# Constructing with the first constructor
p = Polar(3.14, 2.71)
@show p
# Constructing with the empty constructor
p = Polar{Int}()
@show p
# Constructing with the constructor taking the type as an argument
p = Polar(Float16)
@show p
# You might want to overload som basic operators and functions on your
# type. One common thing to want to override is how your variables are printed.
# Since there are so many different ways of converting a variable to text
# (print, println, @printf, string, @show, display, etc.)
# it can be difficult to find out which function is actually responsible
# for converting to text.
# This function turns out to be the function.
# It takes in an IO stream object and and the variable you want to show.
# Since the funtion is from the Base module
# we have to override specifically
# Also it is very important to actually specify the type of the variable here
# so that we are actually specifying the show function for our type only
# and not for any general type.
function, p::Polar)
# Say we want to print our polar number as r * e^(i θ) style string
show(io, p.r) # non strings we want to recursively show
write(io, "^(i ⋅ ") # strings we want to write directly with write
show(io, p.θ)
write(io, ")")
# Now our polar numbers are printed as we specified
p = Polar(3.14, 2.71)
@show p
# Even converting to a string is now done with our show functon
s = string(p)
@show s
# Overloading operators is even simpler as every infix operator is just a
# function; a + b is equivalent to +(a, b) (for all you lisp lovers)
# For some reason we cannot write the Base.* inline for infix operators
import Base.*
*(p1::Polar{T}, p2::Polar{T}) where T = Polar(p1.r * p2.r, p1.θ + p2.θ)
# Multiplication between different types might also be useful
*(x::T, p::Polar{T}) where T = Polar(x * p.r, p.θ)
# Implementing the reverse mulitplication such that it becomes commutative
*(p::Polar{T}, x::T) where T = x * p
p1 = Polar(2.0, 15.0)
p2 = Polar(3.0, 30.0)
p3 = p1 * p2
@show p3
# The in-place arithmetic operators (+=, -=, *=, /=, etc.) are not actual
# operators but rather just an alias for a = a * b so they need not be
# implemented seperately. If the memory copying is a problem and you
# really have to do it in-place the way to do that would be to make some
# sort of mult!(p, x) function.
p3 *= 0.5
@show p3

Code/11.structs2.jl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# This is just a super simple example to illustrate the "call" operator.
# Simple polynomial type. The Polynomials.jl package is basically a more
# complete version of this example.
struct Poly{T}
# Could implement a whole bunch of operators (+, -, *, /, show, etc.)
# but that can be left as an exercise for the reader :3
# Also the Polynomials.jl package have implemented most of those.
# Here, the whole point of this example; This function basically makes
# the variable, p, act as a polynomial function on x.
function (p::Poly{T})(x::T) where T <: Number
ret = zero(T)
for i in 1 : length(p.coeffs)
ret += p.coeffs[i] * x^(i - 1)
# Now any variable of type Poly can be used as if it was a function
# This gives some really clean syntax :)
p = Poly([0.0, -3.0, 0.0, 1.0]) # p = 0 - 3 x + 0 x^2 + 1 x^3
@show p(3.0)

Code/12.structs3.jl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
# This is a more complete example of a linked list implementation, but exists
# mainly to illustrate how to implement indexing and iteration.
# okay, this is the dirtiest hack I have ever done in julia.
# Julia is really finicky when it comes to redefining structs.
# Usually it isn't a problem if you haven't changed anything,
# but because of the recursive inclusion in the Node_ struct it was really
# unhappy, so this basically runs this if block the first time
# and not any subsequent times.
if !isdefined(@__MODULE__, :__first__)
__first__ = true
# The node struct that actually holds the values
mutable struct Node_{T}
prev::Union{Node_{T}, Nothing}
next::Union{Node_{T}, Nothing}
# An alias for a type union such that we can set a node to the value nothing
# when we want to indicate the end of the list.
const Node{T} = Union{Node_{T}, Nothing}
# Since we made the alias for Node, we make this wrapper for the constructor
# of the actual Node_ object. There are probably better ways to do this
# but this works fine.
function make_node(data::T, prev::Node{T}, next::Node{T}) where T
Node_{T}(data, prev, next)
# The wrapper struct for the nodes. Most of the methods will be implemented
# on this type.
# It is also specified as a subtype of the abstract type AbstractArray.
# This signalises that it will mostly act like an array
# and makes it possible to pass a LinkedList into a function that is specified
# to take in objects of type AbstractArray. This gives a bunch of functions
# that needs to be implemented, and some that can be overridden. All of these
# are listed under the "Intefaces" section in the julia docs.
# Here we will implement the required methods and the methods for iteration.
mutable struct LinkedList{T} <: AbstractArray{T, 1}
items::Int # Keeping track of how many items for quick length checking
# Implementing a default constructor
LinkedList{T}() where T = new{T}(nothing, nothing, 0)
end # End of the dirty hack
# Constructor to create a list from a collection of elements
function LinkedList(elems::AbstractArray{T}) where T
l = LinkedList{T}()
for e in elems
push!(l, e)
# Not required for AbstractArray, but makes sence to implement
function Base.push!(l::LinkedList{T}, v::T) where T
n_node = make_node(v, nothing, nothing)
if l.head === nothing
l.tail = l.head = n_node
else = n_node
n_node.prev = l.tail
l.tail = n_node
# = l.head # Uncomment this one if you feel brave ;)
l.items += 1
# One of the reqired functions for AbstractArray. size returns a tuple
# of all the dimensions, but this is a 1d collection so it only contains
# one element.
Base.size(l::LinkedList) = (l.items, )
# Implements the iteration function. This makes it possible to for example
# write something like "for element in list" to iterate through the list.
# The function returns a 2-tuple where the first element is the next iteration
# item and the second element is the next state. The state is some variable
# that determines the next element and state. When the function returns
# nothing, the loop is done.
function Base.iterate(l::LinkedList, state=l.head)
if state === nothing
nothing # If the state is nothing, we return nothing
(, # Else the next item/state is returned
# Implements a simple show function for nicer printing. The default show
# function is ridiculous when you have circular/recursive containment in
# your structs, so it is necessary to implement a nicer version.
function, l::LinkedList{T}) where T
show(io, l.items)
write(io, "-element LinkedList{")
show(io, T)
write(io, "}:\n ")
first = true
for elem in l
if !first
write(io, "")
first = false
show(io, elem)
# A utility function for both the getindex and setindex! functions
function findnode(l::LinkedList, i::Int)
if !(1 <= i <= length(l))
throw(BoundsError(l, i)) # Throwing an error if out of bounds
curnode = l.head
for j in 1 : i - 1
curnode =
# Another required function for AbstractArray.
# This function makes it possible to read the element at a certain index
# with the syntax l[i]
Base.getindex(l::LinkedList, i::Int) = findnode(l, i).data
# The complimentary function for seting elements at a given index
# with corresponding syntax l[i] = v
Base.setindex!(l::LinkedList{T}, v::T, i::Int) where T = findnode(l, i).data = v
# Practial to override the copy function. In this case it it really
# simple to set up because of the way we made the constructor.
Base.copy(l::LinkedList) = LinkedList(l)
# Implementing the append function as well. Not necessary but practical to have.
function Base.append!(l::LinkedList{T}, l2::AbstractArray{T}) where T
for elem in l2
push!(l, elem)
# Implementing insert! for a linked list is quite useful
function Base.insert!(l::LinkedList{T}, i::Int, v::T) where T
node = findnode(l, i)
n_node = make_node(v, node,
if !== nothing = n_node
end = n_node
# Same goes for deleteat!
function Base.deleteat!(l::LinkedList, i::Int)
node = findnode(l, i)
if node.prev !== nothing =
if !== nothing = node.prev
# It can be useful to reverse a list
function Base.reverse!(l::LinkedList)
cur_node = l.head
for i = 1 : length(l)
cur_node.prev, =, cur_node.prev
cur_node = cur_node.prev
l.head, l.tail = l.tail, l.head
# It can also be useful to make a reversed copy of a list
Base.reverse(l::LinkedList) = reverse!(copy(l))
# Some test code:
# Creating a linked list
l = LinkedList(1 : 5)
@show l
# showing the third element
@show l[3]
# setting the third element
l[3] = 7
@show l
# inserting the value 8 between 2nd and 3rd node
insert!(l, 2, 8)
@show l
# deleting the second node
deleteat!(l, 2)
@show l
# since all required functions for AbstractArray have been implemented
# standard functions, such as sort!, should now work. However if performance
# is important you should probably implement your own version of functions
# so that it is done more efficiently for the collection in question.
# for example the sort function here will do a lot of index operations
# and since finding a node in a linked list is O(n) complexity and
# sort! is O(n log n) list operations, the whole runtime becomes O(n^2 log n).
@show l

Code/13.fileIO.jl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# File IO is really similar to how it would be done in python and C.
io = open("test.txt", "w") # Opens test.txt for writing
write(io, "Hello World!") # writes a string to it
close(io) # closes the file
# However the more appropriate way to do it would be more similar to
# Python's "with" statement. This encloses the file handling in a code block
# and automatically closes the filestream and does cleanup if anything goes
# wrong.
open("test.txt", "w") do io
write(io, "Hello\nWorld!")
# The do-syntax here is really just syntactical sugar for giving the
# open() function a function as an argument
# The following syntax is effectively what the do-syntax above does.
# Create a function taking in a single argument with the file-handling code
function f(io)
write(io, "Hello\nWorld!")
# call the open function with this function as the first parameter
open(f, "test.txt", "w")
# This makes for some really clean and safe file handling syntax.
s = open("test.txt", "r") do io
# for simple functions as the one above it is possible to just pass
# the the function directly in without using the do-syntax
# for a really compact one line function call
# The ∘ symbol is function composition (from mathematics)
s = open(collect eachline, "test.txt", "r")

Code/14.IOBuffer.jl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# IOBuffers are like writing to a file in memory. They are really efficient
# when creating strings and work like any other IO object we've worked with.
io = IOBuffer()
a = 42
write(io, "i = ")
print(io, a)
# To retrieve the written data from the buffer we call take!(). This returns
# a Vector{UInt8} so to interpret it as a string we call String()
s = String(take!(io))

Code/15.lambdas.jl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# A lambda function is made with an arrow from the arguments
# to the function body
f = x -> 2x^2
@show f(2)
# If the function takes more then one argument, parenthesis are required
g = (x, y) -> x * y
@show g(2, 3)
# This also holds for functions taking no arguments
p = () -> Float64(π)
@show p()
# Function currying is possible, so if anyone wants to do lambda calculus
# feel free.
h = x -> y -> x / y
@show h(12)(4)
# If a function has to be written over multiple lines, this can be done
# with a "begin" block.
fib = n -> begin
a, b = 0, 1
for i in 1 : n
a, b = b, a + b
@show fib.(0:6)
# Lambdas can be useful when passing a function as an argument
# without wanting to give it a name. Here is an example using a lambda
# instead of using the do-syntax for file handling
s = open(io -> String(read(io)), "test.txt", "r")

Code/16.Macro.jl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Julia comes with a lot of useful macros. Youv'e already seen the @show macro.
x = 5
@show x
# Macros are a small part of julias huge metaprogramming system.
# There exists a bunch of useful macros, both in julia itself, and in
# different packages. A macro is basically a function that takes in a list
# of arguments and generates a code block at compiletime. It is possible
# to create your own macros, but that takes some reading up on the
# metaprogramming section in the julia docs.
# Probably one of my most used macros is the @time macro
reallyslowfunction() = sleep(2)
@time reallyslowfunction()
# If you want to time a whole code block this is done with a "begin" block
@time begin
# Slow code

Code/17.Broadcast.jl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# The broadcast operator (.) can be quite useful when dealing with arrays.
# Basically whenever an operator or function is used, you can just write
# a dot (.) before the operator/function to make it act elementwise.
# Here we elementwise add 3 to the array
a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
a .+= 3
@show a
# Here we elementwise multiply a by 2 and then elementwise add a and b.
b = a .* 2
@show b
c = a .+ b
@show c
# To elementwise use more general functions the dot symbol is placed between
# the function name and parentheses.
f(x) = 2x^2
d = f.(c)
@show d

Code/18.Unicode.jl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# Julia uses unicode characters quite heavily. Mostly it is possible to avoid
# using unicode completely, but it can make code look quite clean.
# The unicode autocompletion for vscode mostly works, but can be a bit
# unreliable, but the julia REPL (console) is also useful for writing unicode.
# There is a whole section in the Julia docs dedicated to how to input different
# unicode characters, so just search "Unicode Input" in the docs.
# We've seen a lot of different unicode symbols, here are some more useful ones.
# The infix operator for boolean xor is the ⊻ (\veebar, \xor) symbol.
b = true false
# In the LinearAlgebra package the ⋅ (\cdot) symbol is overloaded as the
# scalar product of vectors.
using LinearAlgebra
a = [1, 2] [2, 1]
@show a
# Where you would write "in" you could probably use either ∈ (\n) or ∉ (\notin)
# You can use ∈ for iteration
for i 1 : 5
# dostuff
# It can also be used for checking if an element is in a collection
3 [1, 2, 3, 4]
# And the notin symbol can be used to check if something isn't in the collection
2 [1, 2, 3, 4]
# The mathematical constants π (\pi) and (\euler) are defined as irrationals
# that can be cast to a numeric type and they will be calculated to the
# required precision.
# This calculates pi the the precision of a Float64
p = Float64(π)
@show p
# This will calculate the fraction closest to using Int16.
e = Rational{Int16}()
@show e

Code/19.Packages.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
Therer are a lot of different useful packages for julia. All official
Packages can be found at (I think)
Here are a couple of good packages i use a lot.
This package is required for using Julia in jupyter.
This package comes with julia without any need for installation and includes
a lot of linear algebra functionality, comparable to numpy.linalg.
Distributions, mean, standard deviations, etc...
Creates nice plots. Has support for multiple backends (including pyplot).
makes it possible to import python packages into julia and write python code
in julia files. Anytime there exists a useful python package and no julia
equivalent, this package saves lives.
I do not know what magic they put into making this package, but I have never
seen a so fast funtion for checking if a number is prime ever.
The package is useful for working with prime numbers.
A useful package for automatically memoizing a function. For people taking
algorithms and datastructures, this will make more sence later in the course.
Useful to handle images. Terrible slow to load the package, but once loaded
it is quite fast and very featureful.
A wrapper for pythons sympy package which is arguably much better than
sympy itself.
Wrapper for the C- printf style functions for fast string formating.
Package for reading/writing .csv (comma seperated values) files.
Package for reading/writing .json files.

Code/2.functions.jl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Standard function definition
function f(x, y)
return x + y
# Function implicitly returns the value of the last line
# of the function so no return keyword is required
function g(x, y)
x - y
# Functions can be defined one one line like this.
# This is just a shorthand and is compiled identically to the ones above
h(x, y) = x * y
# Can enforce types on function arguments and return value
# This makes it possible to create multiple functions
# with the same name but different types; These are called methods
f(x::Float64, y::Float64)::Float64 = x / y
# Runs the generic method of the function at the top of the file
println(f(2, 3))
# Runs the specific method defined for two Float64.
println(f(2.2, 3.2))
# Also falls back the the generic method as input is (::Float64, ::Int64)
println(f(1.6, 3))

Code/3.arithmetic.jl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# Also possible to enforce types on local variables
function main()
# Int is an alias for Int32 or Int64 depending on your installation
# 32 bit vs 64 bit
a::Int = 14
b::Int = 7
# Enforces the type of c for the rest of the scope
c::Int = a + b
@show typeof(c) c # The @show macro is basically a debug print
# Normal division of integers returns Float64
# Assignment to c tries to convert result to the
# type of c as the type is enforced.
# If unable to convert to Int it throws an appropriate exception
c = a / b
@show typeof(c) c
# // is rational division. This returns a rational number
c = a // b
@show typeof(c) c
# Integer division is done by div, fld or cld (floor divide/ceil divide)
# div rounds towards zero (1.5 -> 1, -2.7 -> -2)
# floor rounds downwards (1.5 -> 1, -2.7 -> -3)
# ceil rounds upwards (1.5 -> 2, -2.7 -> -2)
c = div(a, b)
c = fld(a, b)
c = cld(a, b)
# Exponentiation is done with the ^ symbol as in most calculator programs
c = a^b
@show c

Code/4.strings.jl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# Strings are made with double quotes ""
# Single quotes '' are reserved for single characters (i.e. c/c++)
s = "Hello world"
# When converting to a string the function string (with lower case s)
# is used.
a = 3.14
s = string(a)
println(s) # Prints 3.14
# The length of a string can be found with the length function
# similar to len in python
@show length(s)
# The function String (with upper case S) is used for more direct
# interpretation of data as a string
a = UInt8[65, 66, 67] # ASCII codes for "ABC"
println(String(a)) # Prints ABC
println(string(a)) # Prints UInt8[0x41, 0x42, 0x43]
# When converting from string to some numeric value, the parse function
# is used. This function takes in the type to try to parse to as well
# as the string to parse.
s = "128"
a = parse(Int, s)
@show a
s = "3.14"
a = parse(Float64, s)
@show a
# Easy inline string formating can be done with the $ (eval) symbol
a, b = 3, 5
s = "a, b = $a, $b" # generates string "a, b = 3, 5"
s = "a + b = $(a + b)" # "a + b = 8"
# However it is usually faster (performance wise) to just pass in
# multiple arguments to f.exs. println
println("a + b = ", a + b)
# The raw string macro is very useful when copying raw text and not
# wanting to worry about special characters doing special stuff
# (i.e. \n for new line). A common use for this is filepaths
filepath = raw"C:\Users\somefolder\somefile.txt"
@show filepath
# String concatenation is, somewhat weirdly, done with the * sign
# instead of the + sign. Julia's justification for this is that
# addition (+) is reserved for commutative operations (a + b = b + a)
# and since string concatenation is not commutative it gets the multiplication
# symbol instead.
s = "foo" * "bar"
# This by extension means that if you want to repeat a string n times
# this is done with the exponentiation (^) sign
s = "foo"^5
# To get input from the console this can be done with the readline() function
# However getting console input when running in vscode with F5/shift+enter
# seems to crash for some reason, so avoid console input if thats how you
# run the program
# s = readline()
# println(s)

Code/5.arrays.jl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
# Lists/Arrays/Vectors work very similarly to python
# A list can be constructed from a set of elements with [] brackets
l = [1, 2, 3, 4]
@show typeof(l)
# Indexing the array can be done with [] also.
# Keep in mind, arrays in julia are 1-indexed by default
@show l[2]
# The type of elements in the array can be enforced by writing
# the type directly in front of the brackets
l = Int32[1, 2, 3, 4]
@show typeof(l)
# An array will try to implicitly convert data to have a single
# element data type
l = [1, 2.3, 3//2]
@show l
@show typeof(l)
# However if this is not possible, the list will get the type Any.
# Arrays with multiple types are much more inefficient because of
# type bookkeeping.
l = [1, 2.3, 3//2, "hello"]
@show l
@show typeof(l)
# Julia natively supports multidimensional arrays, such as matrices, tensors
# etc. with a lot of linear algebra built into the language.
m = [
1 2 3;
4 5 6;
7 8 9
display(m) # display() is a pretty-print function that is nice for showing
# matrices and other containers
@show typeof(m)
# Creating an "empty" array can be done in a couple different ways
# Creating an array with no elements is usually done with empty brackets []
l = []
# or with a specific type
l = Float32[]
# Creating an uninitialized array with a set amount of elements
# can be achieved by calling the Array constructor
l = Array{Int, 1}(undef, 100) # Creating a 1d array of 100 undefined elements
# when working with 1d arrays it is usually better to use the alias Vector
# for 1d array. Vector{T} is an alias for Array{T, 1}
l = Vector{Int}(undef, 100) # Does the exactly the same as line above
# however it is usually cleaner and safer to use the function zeros() or
# ones() to initialize the memory.
l = zeros(Int, 100) # creates an array of 100 zeros of type Int
l = ones(Int, 100) # same for ones
# Values can be added to the back of an array with the push! function.
l = [1, 2, 3, 4]
push!(l, 5)
@show l
# Reserving space in the buffer can be done with sizehint!
# That way pushing values to the array doesn't cause so many reallocations
sizehint!(l, 100) # reserving space for 100 elements
# Pushing to the front can be done with pushfirst!
pushfirst!(l, 0)
@show l
# Do not confuse push! with append!. Where append in python works as push!
# here, append! in julia concatenates a whole array to the back.
append!(l, [6, 7, 8, 9])
@show l
# Deleting an element at a specific index is done by deleteat!
# Keep in mind that deleting elements from an array is often slow
# as data has to be moved. In julia it is fast to delete elements near
# either end of the array as the shortest end is the one moved to fill
# the space.
deleteat!(l, 3)
@show l
# As in python, list can be created with a list comprehension
l = [i^2 for i in 1 : 5] # creates square numbers from 1 to 25
@show l
# As Julia supports multidimensional arrays, it also supports
# multidimensional list comprehensions
l = [x * y for y in 1 : 3, x in 1 : 4]
# It is possible to view an array through a wrapper, making it differently
# organized without copying data, f.exs. the transpose of a matrix or
# viewing a multidimensional array as the raw memory as a 1d array.
# There are many different types of views in multiple different packages.
# search the documentation to see more
l2 = view(l, 3:-1:1, 1 : 4) # Flipping the matrix upside down
l2 = transpose(l) # transpose is a wrapper for a PermutedDimsArray
l2 = PermutedDimsArray(l, (2, 1)) # flips x and y dimensions
# Random numbers can be created in many different ways. Here are a fiew
# easy ones.
a = rand(Int64) # Create a random Int64
a = rand(Float64) # Create random Float64 in the range 0 : 1
a = rand(1 : 10) # Create a random Int in the given range
l = rand(1 : 10, 3, 4) # Create a random 3x4 matrix with entries in 1 : 10
using Random
rand!(l, -100 : 100) # Fill l with random entries from -100 : 100

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# Dicts (dictionaries/maps) are not as simple as in python, resembling
# more the way modern c++ does it
# Dicts are usually created from an array of "Pair" types (First => Last)
# The type of the dict keys and values are automatically infered.
d = Dict([
"foo" => 3,
"bar" => 7
# A dict can also be initialized as an array of two tuples. This works
# identically to the example above
d = Dict([
("foo", 2.71),
("bar", 3.14)
# Values can be pushed to the dict similarly to an array.
# Keep in mind that creating an empty dict like this gives the type
# Dict{Any, Any} which might be somewhat slower because of having
# to work for general types
d = Dict()
push!(d, "foo" => 1//2)
push!(d, "bar" => 22//7)
# The problem above can be mitigated by infering the types manually
d = Dict{String, Rational{Int}}()
push!(d, "foo" => 1//2)
push!(d, "bar" => 22//7)
# A key can be deleted from a dict with delete!()
delete!(d, "foo")
# To check if a certain key exists in the dict, the haskey function is used
println(haskey(d, "foo")) # false
println(haskey(d, "bar")) # true
# Indexing a dict is done with brackets like for any array

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# Sets are created from lists of elements and duplicates are removed
s = Set(['a', 'b', 'c', 'b'])
@show 'b' in s
# As with other collections, elements can be added with push!
push!(s, 'd')
# And elements are removed with delete!
delete!(s, 'b')
# An empty set can be made just like an empty dict, but again this forces
# it to accept elements of type Any, which can be an minor slowdown
s = Set()
# This is of course fixed by infering the type when creating the dict
s = Set{Int}()
push!(s, 2)
# Usual set operations like union, intersect, difference and checking if
# one is a subset of another, are all implemented, many with
# unicode infix operators
s1 = Set([1, 2, 4, 8, 16])
s2 = Set([2, 3, 5, 16])
@show union(s1, s2) # Takes the set union
@show s1 s2 # Equvialent to the line above (\cup for the unicode macro)
@show intersect(s1, s2) # Set intesect
@show s1 s2 # Unicode version (\cap)
@show setdiff(s1, s2) # Set difference. No unicode replacement for this one
@show symdiff(s1, s2) # symetric difference. No unicode here either
union!(s1, s2) # Equvialent to s1 = s1 s2
@show s1
intersect!(s1, s2) # Equvialent to s1 = s1 ∩ s2
@show s1
# Check if s1 is a subset of s2. (\subseteq)
@show s1 s2

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
a = 3
b = 5
# if statements are made very similarly to other languages like python
if a < b
elseif a > b
i = 10
# While loops are made similarly to if statements
while i >= 0
print(i, ' ')
global i -= 1
l = []
# A typical range based for loop is made similarly to python
# with matlab style range syntax
for i in 1 : 10
push!(l, i^2)
# A for-each style for loop is also similar to python
for i in l
print(i, ' ')
# Reverse ranges can be achieved by specifying the steplength as the
# middle argument in the range
for i in length(l) : -1 : 1
print(l[i], ' ')
# A reverse for-each loop can be achieved a couple different ways.
# Perhaps the cleanest way is to just create the reverse array and
# iterating over that. This however copies the whole array to a new
# reversed one, so it is a bit memory inefficient.
for i in reverse(l)
print(i, ' ')
# This problem can be mitigated by using an array view that views the
# array in reverse. This is fine, but it doesn't look as clean anymore.
for i in view(l, length(l) : -1 : 1)
print(i, ' ')

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# The global scope in julia behaves weirdly. This section shows how to
# cicumvent the issues that arise, but the bottom line here should be
# to avoid the global scope as much as humanly possible.
# Changing globals require ugly explicit syntax, globals cannot be
# strongly typed, and, in general, globals are significantly slower
# up to several orders of magnitude in some cases.
a = 5
# This works
if a > 2
a += 3
for i in 1 : 3
println(a) # This works
# a -= 1 # This does not work
# Declaring a to be global fixes this problem
for i in 1 : 3
global a
a -= 1
# None of this is a problem in functions, so do everything in functions
function main()
a = 7
for i in 1 : 3
a -= 1
# An inline function body can be created with a "let" block.
# This creates a nameless function that is run immediately.
let a = 10
for i in 1 : 3
a -= 1
# A "begin" block is similar to a let block, but it does not enforce
# a new scope, so this code is still in the global scope
a = 12
for i in 1 : 3
global a -= 1

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
println("Hello World!")