Peder Bergebakken Sundt 22c363a788 Add PlaylistDataCache
PlaylistDataCache stores arbitrary data supplied by the client while issuing a loadfile command
The contents of this cache matches with filenames and returns its matched content when any user fetches the playlist
This is mainly used to store metadata.
Could be expanded to having the api automatically fetch the metadata using youtube-dl or something
2018-03-04 03:54:29 +01:00

181 lines
5.6 KiB

import asyncio
from sanic import Blueprint, response
from sanic_openapi import doc
from functools import wraps
from . import mpv
from .playlist_data import PlaylistDataCache
bp = Blueprint("grzegorz-api", strict_slashes=True)
# this blueprint assumes a mpv.MPVControl instance is available
# at["mpv_control"]
#route decorators:
def response_json(func):
async def newfunc(*args, **kwargs):
request = args[0]
mpv_control =["mpv_control"]
out = await func(*args, mpv_control, **kwargs)
if "error" not in out:
out["error"] = False
if "request" in out:
del out["request"]
if "mpv_control" in out:
del out["mpv_control"]
return response.json(out)
except Exception as e:
return response.json({
"error": e.__class__.__name__,
"errortext": str(e)
return newfunc
def response_text(func):
async def newfunc(*args, **kwargs):
body = await func(*args, **kwargs)
return response.text(body)
return newfunc
class APIError(Exception): pass
PLAYLIST_DATA_CACHE = PlaylistDataCache()
async def root(request):
return "Hello friend, I hope you're having a lovely day""/load")
@doc.summary("Add item to playlist")
@doc.consumes({"path": doc.String("Link to the resource to enqueue")}, required=True)
@doc.consumes({"body":doc.Dictionary(description="Any data you want stored with the queued item")}, location="body")
async def loadfile(request, mpv_control):
if "path" not in request.args:
raise APIError("No query parameter \"path\" provided")
if request.json:
PLAYLIST_DATA_CACHE.add_data(request.args["path"][0], request.json)
success = await mpv_control.loadfile(request.args["path"][0])
return locals()
@doc.summary("Check whether the player is paused or playing")
async def play_get(request, mpv_control):
value = await mpv_control.pause_get() == False
return locals()"/play")
@doc.summary("Set whether the player is paused or playing")
@doc.consumes({"play": doc.Boolean("Whether to be playing or not")})
async def play_set(request, mpv_control):
if "play" not in request.args:
raise APIError("No query parameter \"play\" provided")
success = await mpv_control \
.pause_set(str(request.args["play"][0]).lower() not in ["true", "1"])
return locals()
@doc.summary("Get the current player volume")
async def volume_get(request, mpv_control):
value = await mpv_control.volume_get()
return locals()"/volume")
@doc.summary("Set the player volume")
@doc.consumes({"volume": doc.Integer("A number between 0 and 100")})
async def volume_set(request, mpv_control):
if "volume" not in request.args:
raise APIError("No query parameter \"volume\" provided")
success = await mpv_control \
return locals()
@doc.summary("Get current playback position")
async def time_get(request, mpv_control):
value = {
"current": await mpv_control.time_pos_get(),
"left": await mpv_control.time_remaining_get(),
value["total"] = value["current"] + value["left"]
return locals()"/time")
@doc.summary("Set playback position")
@doc.consumes({"pos": doc.Float("Seconds to seek to"), "pos": doc.Integer("Percent to seek to")})
async def time_set(request, mpv_control):
if "pos" in request.args:
success = await mpv_control.seek_absolute(float(request.args["pos"][0]))
elif "percent" in request.args:
success = await mpv_control.seek_percent(int(request.args["percent"][0]))
raise APIError("No query parameter \"pos\" or \"percent\"provided")
return locals()
async def noe(request, mpv_control):
value = await mpv_control.seek_percent(percent)
return locals()
@doc.summary("Get the current playlist")
async def playlist_get(request, mpv_control):
value = await mpv_control.playlist_get()
value = list(PLAYLIST_DATA_CACHE.add_data_to_playlist(value))
for i, v in enumerate(value):
v["index"] = i
if "current" in v and v["current"] == True:
v["playing"] = await mpv_control.pause_get() == False
del i, v
return locals()"/playlist/next")
@doc.summary("Skip to the next item in the playlist")
async def playlist_next(request, mpv_control):
success = await mpv_control.playlist_next()
return locals()"/playlist/previous")
@doc.summary("Go back to the previous item in the playlist")
async def playlist_previous(request, mpv_control):
success = await mpv_control.playlist_prev()
return locals()
async def noe(request, mpv_control):
value = await mpv_control.playlist_clear()
return locals()
async def noe(request, mpv_control):
value = await mpv_control.playlist_remove(index=None)
return locals()
async def noe(request, mpv_control):
value = await mpv_control.playlist_move(index1, index2)
return locals()
async def noe(request, mpv_control):
value = await mpv_control.playlist_shuffle()
return locals()