- Split up UI into several files - Handle connection state better - Add images - Granular rebuilding of state dependent widgets - Fix usage of alert dialogs - Add some basic theming - Add dialog for adding multiple links at once
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206 lines
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import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:gergle/state/player_state.dart';
// NOTE: see DEFAULT_PROPERTY_SUBSCRIPTIONS in the websocket API source for greg-ng.
sealed class Event {
const Event();
class ClearPlayerState extends Event {
const ClearPlayerState() : super();
class InitialPlayerState extends Event {
final PlayerState playerState;
const InitialPlayerState(this.playerState) : super();
factory InitialPlayerState.fromJson(dynamic json) {
return InitialPlayerState(PlayerState.fromJson(json));
sealed class PropertyChangedEvent extends Event {
final bool local;
const PropertyChangedEvent({this.local = false}) : super();
class PlaylistChange extends PropertyChangedEvent {
final Playlist playlist;
const PlaylistChange(this.playlist, { super.local }) : super();
factory PlaylistChange.fromJson(dynamic json) {
return PlaylistChange(
(json as List).map((e) => PlaylistItem.fromJson(e)).toList(),
class LoopPlaylistChange extends PropertyChangedEvent {
final bool isLooping;
const LoopPlaylistChange(this.isLooping, { super.local }) : super();
factory LoopPlaylistChange.fromJson(dynamic json) {
return LoopPlaylistChange(json == "inf");
class PercentPositionChange extends PropertyChangedEvent {
final double currentPercentPosition;
const PercentPositionChange(this.currentPercentPosition, { super.local }) : super();
factory PercentPositionChange.fromJson(dynamic json) {
return PercentPositionChange(json ?? 0.0);
class VolumeChange extends PropertyChangedEvent {
final double volume;
const VolumeChange(this.volume, { super.local }) : super();
factory VolumeChange.fromJson(dynamic json) {
return VolumeChange(json);
class DurationChange extends PropertyChangedEvent {
final Duration duration;
const DurationChange(this.duration, { super.local }) : super();
factory DurationChange.fromJson(dynamic json) {
return DurationChange(Duration(milliseconds: ((json ?? 0.0) * 1000).round()));
class PauseChange extends PropertyChangedEvent {
final bool isPaused;
const PauseChange(this.isPaused, { super.local }) : super();
factory PauseChange.fromJson(dynamic json) {
return PauseChange(json as bool);
class MuteChange extends PropertyChangedEvent {
final bool isMuted;
const MuteChange(this.isMuted, { super.local }) : super();
factory MuteChange.fromJson(dynamic json) {
return MuteChange(json as bool);
class TrackListChange extends PropertyChangedEvent {
final List<SubtitleTrack> tracks;
const TrackListChange(this.tracks, { super.local }) : super();
factory TrackListChange.fromJson(dynamic json) {
final trackList = json as List;
trackList.retainWhere((e) => e is Map && e['type'] == 'sub');
return TrackListChange(
trackList.map((e) => SubtitleTrack.fromJson(e)).toList(),
class DemuxerCacheStateChange extends PropertyChangedEvent {
final double cachedTimestamp;
const DemuxerCacheStateChange(this.cachedTimestamp, { super.local }) : super();
factory DemuxerCacheStateChange.fromJson(dynamic json) {
final demuxerCacheState = json as Map?;
final cachedTimestamp =
demuxerCacheState != null ? demuxerCacheState['cache-end'] ?? 0.0 : 0.0;
return DemuxerCacheStateChange(cachedTimestamp);
class PausedForCacheChange extends PropertyChangedEvent {
final bool isPausedForCache;
const PausedForCacheChange(this.isPausedForCache, { super.local }) : super();
factory PausedForCacheChange.fromJson(dynamic json) {
return PausedForCacheChange(json as bool? ?? false);
// @immutable
// class ChapterListChange extends PropertyChangedEvent {
// final List<Chapter> chapters;
// ChapterListChange(this.chapters);
// factory ChapterListChange.fromJson(dynamic json) {
// return ChapterListChange(
// (json as List).map((e) => Chapter.fromJson(e)).toList(),
// );
// }
// }
Event? parseEvent(dynamic value) {
if (value is String) {
return null;
if (value is Map && value.containsKey('property-change')) {
final propertyChange = value['property-change'];
switch (propertyChange['name']) {
case 'playlist':
return PlaylistChange.fromJson(propertyChange['data']);
case 'loop-playlist':
return LoopPlaylistChange.fromJson(propertyChange['data']);
case 'percent-pos':
return PercentPositionChange.fromJson(propertyChange['data']);
case 'volume':
return VolumeChange.fromJson(propertyChange['data']);
case 'duration':
return DurationChange.fromJson(propertyChange['data']);
case 'pause':
return PauseChange.fromJson(propertyChange['data']);
case 'mute':
return MuteChange.fromJson(propertyChange['data']);
case 'track-list':
return TrackListChange.fromJson(propertyChange['data']);
case 'demuxer-cache-state':
return DemuxerCacheStateChange.fromJson(propertyChange['data']);
case 'paused-for-cache':
return PausedForCacheChange.fromJson(propertyChange['data']);
// "chapter-list",
// "paused-for-cache",
return null;
return null;