diff --git a/egon_en.py b/egon_en.py
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-#coding: utf-8
-# Copyright 2008, Tiril Anette Langfeldt Rødland
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
Copyright © 2008 Tiril Anette Langfeldt Rødland. No rights reserved. -
You may modify and redistribute the program under the terms of the GPL. The license can be found here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html -
This application is mainly for use by students, and can be used to keep track of assignments, planned readings and the schedule. -
Python %s - Qt %s - PyQt %s on %s -
Developer: Tiril Anette Langfeldt Rødland, tirilane@pvv.ntnu.no - """ % (self.title, __version__, platform.python_version(), QT_VERSION_STR, PYQT_VERSION_STR, platform.system()))) - - ## Updates the File menu - def updateFileMenu(self): - self.fileMenu.clear() - self.addActions(self.fileMenu, self.fileMenuActions[:-1]) - current = QString(self.filename) if self.filename is not None else None - - ## Create and return the action specified by the input - def createAction(self, text, slot=None, shortcut=None, icon=None, tip=None, checkable=False, signal="triggered()"): - action = QAction(text, self) - if icon is not None: - iconfile = ":/%s.png" % icon - action.setIcon(QIcon(iconfile)) - if shortcut is not None: - action.setShortcut(shortcut) - if tip is not None: - action.setToolTip(tip) - action.setStatusTip(tip) - if slot is not None: - self.connect(action, SIGNAL(signal), slot) - if checkable: - action.setCheckable(True) - return action - - ## Add action to the target - def addActions(self, target, actions): - for action in actions: - if action is None: - target.addSeparator() - else: - target.addAction(action) - - ## Set the title on the main window, depending on the chosen semester - def setMainWindowTitle(self): - global semester - if semester: - self.setWindowTitle("%s : %s %i" % (self.title, semester.getTerm(), semester.getYear())) - else: - self.setWindowTitle(self.title) - - ## Load the assignments, readings and schedule from the specified semester - def load(self, semester): - self.assignment.updateTable(semester) - self.reading.updateTable(semester) - self.schedule.updateTable(semester) - - -### The New Semester dialog -class NewSemesterDlg(QDialog): - - ## Initialize the New Semester dialog - def __init__(self, parent=None): - super(NewSemesterDlg, self).__init__(parent) - - # Labels - self.termLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("Term")) - self.yearLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("Year")) - - # Widgets - self.termEdit = QComboBox() - self.yearEdit = QSpinBox() - self.termEdit.addItems(getMain().getTermList()) - self.yearEdit.setRange(2000, 2050) - self.yearEdit.setSingleStep(1) - self.buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok|QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) - - # Layout - layout = QGridLayout() - layout.addWidget(self.termLabel, 0, 0) - layout.addWidget(self.termEdit, 0, 1) - layout.addWidget(self.yearLabel, 1, 0) - layout.addWidget(self.yearEdit, 1, 1) - layout.addWidget(self.buttonBox, 2, 1) - self.setLayout(layout) - - # Connect statements - self.connect(self.buttonBox, SIGNAL("accepted()"), self, SLOT("accept()")) - self.connect(self.buttonBox, SIGNAL("rejected()"), self, SLOT("reject()")) - - # Set the title - self.setWindowTitle(self.trUtf8("New semester")) - - ## Accept the dialog and add the specified semester - def accept(self): - term = unicode(self.termEdit.currentText()) - year = self.yearEdit.value() - global semester - semester = SemesterModel(term, year) - addNewSemesterToDB(term, year) - getMain().load(semester) - getMain().setMainWindowTitle() - self.close() - - -### The Open Semester dialog -class OpenSemesterDlg(QDialog): - - ## Initialize the Open Semester dialog - def __init__(self, parent=None): - super(OpenSemesterDlg, self).__init__(parent) - - # Widgets - self.semesterList = QListWidget() - semesters = getSemestersFromDB() - semesterlist = QStringList() - for semester in semesters: - semesterlist.append("%s %i" % (semester.getTerm(), semester.getYear())) - self.semesterList.addItems(semesterlist) - self.buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok|QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) - - # Layout - layout = QVBoxLayout() - layout.addWidget(self.semesterList) - layout.addStretch() - layout.addWidget(self.buttonBox) - self.setLayout(layout) - - # Connect statements - self.connect(self.buttonBox, SIGNAL("accepted()"), self, SLOT("accept()")) - self.connect(self.buttonBox, SIGNAL("rejected()"), self, SLOT("reject()")) - - # Set the title - self.setWindowTitle(self.trUtf8("Open semester")) - - ## Accept the dialog and open the specified semester - def accept(self): - text = self.semesterList.currentItem().text() - textlist = text.split(' ') - term = textlist[0] - year = textlist[1].toInt()[0] - global semester - semester = SemesterModel(term, year) - semester.setAssignments(getAssignmentsFromDB(semester)) - semester.setReadings(getReadingsFromDB(semester)) - semester.setLessons(getLessonsFromDB(semester)) - getMain().load(semester) - getMain().setMainWindowTitle() - self.close() - - -### The semester model -class SemesterModel(): - - term = "" - year = 0 - assignments = [] - readings = [] - lessons = [] - - ## Initialize the semester model - def __init__(self, term, year): - self.term = term - self.year = year - - ## Return the term of the semester - def getTerm(self): - return self.term - - ## Return the year of the semester - def getYear(self): - return self.year - - ## Add an assignment to the semester's list of assignments - def addAssignment(self, assignment): - self.assignments.append(assignment) - - ## Set the list of assignments - def setAssignments(self, assignments): - self.assignments = assignments - - ## Return the list of assignments - def getAssignments(self): - return self.assignments - - ## Add a reading to the semester's list of readings - def addReading(self, reading): - self.readings.append(reading) - - ## Set the list of readings - def setReadings(self, readings): - self.readings = readings - - ## Return the list of readings - def getReadings(self): - return self.readings - - ## Add a lesson to the semester's list of lessons - def addLesson(self, lesson): - self.lessons.append(lesson) - - ## Set the list of lessons - def setLessons(self, lessons): - self.lessons = lessons - - ## Return the list of lessons - def getLessons(self): - return self.lessons - - -### The contents of the Assignment tab -class AssignmentTab(QWidget): - - ## Initialize the Assignment tab - def __init__(self, parent=None): - super(AssignmentTab, self).__init__(parent) - - # Widgets - self.addAssignmentButton = QPushButton("Add assignment") - self.completeAssignmentBox = QComboBox() - self.deleteAssignmentButton = QPushButton("Delete assignment") - completeTypes = [self.trUtf8("Not available"), self.trUtf8("Available"), self.trUtf8("Begun"), self.trUtf8("Finished"), self.trUtf8("Delivered"), self.trUtf8("Approved"), self.trUtf8("Not approved")] - self.completeAssignmentBox.addItems(completeTypes) - - # Make the table - self.makeTable() - - # Layout - self.vlayout = QVBoxLayout() - self.hlayout = QHBoxLayout() - self.hlayout.addWidget(self.addAssignmentButton) - self.hlayout.addWidget(self.deleteAssignmentButton) - self.hlayout.addWidget(self.completeAssignmentBox) - self.hlayout.addStretch() - self.vlayout.addWidget(self.assignmentTable) - self.vlayout.addLayout(self.hlayout) - self.setLayout(self.vlayout) - - ## Make an empty assignment table - def makeTable(self, current=None): - self.assignmentTable = QTableWidget(0, 5, self) - self.assignmentTable.clear() - - self.assignmentHeaderList = QStringList() - self.assignmentHeaderList.append(self.trUtf8("Date")) - self.assignmentHeaderList.append(self.trUtf8("Course")) - self.assignmentHeaderList.append(self.trUtf8("Number")) - self.assignmentHeaderList.append(self.trUtf8("Description")) - self.assignmentHeaderList.append(self.trUtf8("Complete")) - - self.assignmentTable.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(self.assignmentHeaderList) - self.assignmentTable.setAlternatingRowColors(True) - self.assignmentTable.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) - self.assignmentTable.setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) - self.assignmentTable.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection) - - selected = None - - ## Add the assignments of the semester to the table - def updateTable(self, semester, current=None): - self.assignments = getAssignmentsFromDB(semester) - rows = len(self.assignments) - self.assignmentTable.setRowCount(rows) - - for row in range(rows): - self.addAssignmentToTable(row) - - self.assignmentTable.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) - self.assignmentTable.sortItems(0, Qt.AscendingOrder) - - ## Add new assignment to Table - def addAssignmentToTable(self, row, assignment=None): - if assignment == None: - assignment = self.assignments[row] - - complete = QString(assignment.getComplete()) - brush = self.makeBrush(complete) - - self.assignmentTable.setItem(row, 0, QTableWidgetItem(QString(assignment.getDate().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm, ddd")))) - self.assignmentTable.setItem(row, 1, QTableWidgetItem(QString(assignment.getCourse().getFull()))) - self.assignmentTable.setItem(row, 2, QTableWidgetItem(QString("%i" % assignment.getNumber()))) - self.assignmentTable.setItem(row, 3, QTableWidgetItem(QString("%s" % assignment.getDescription()))) - - completeItem = QTableWidgetItem(complete) - completeItem.setBackground(brush) - self.assignmentTable.setItem(row, 4, completeItem) - - ## Set the right brush and color for the assignment, depending on level of completion - def makeBrush(self, complete): - brush = QBrush(Qt.NoBrush) - if complete.compare(QString(self.trUtf8("Available"))) == 0: - brush.setStyle(Qt.Dense7Pattern) - brush.setColor(QColor(Qt.cyan)) - elif complete.compare(QString(self.trUtf8("Begun"))) == 0: - brush.setStyle(Qt.Dense5Pattern) - brush.setColor(QColor(Qt.cyan)) - elif complete.compare(QString(self.trUtf8("Finished"))) == 0: - brush.setStyle(Qt.Dense3Pattern) - brush.setColor(QColor(Qt.cyan)) - elif complete.compare(QString(self.trUtf8("Delivered"))) == 0: - brush.setStyle(Qt.Dense1Pattern) - brush.setColor(QColor(Qt.cyan)) - elif complete.compare(QString(self.trUtf8("Approved"))) == 0: - brush.setStyle(Qt.SolidPattern) - brush.setColor(QColor(Qt.green)) - elif complete.compare(QString(self.trUtf8("Not approved"))) == 0: - brush.setStyle(Qt.SolidPattern) - brush.setColor(QColor(Qt.red)) - else: - brush.setStyle(Qt.NoBrush) - return brush - - -### The Add Assignment dialog -class AssignmentDlg(QDialog): - - ## Initialize the Add Assignment dialog - def __init__(self, parent=None): - super(AssignmentDlg, self).__init__(parent) - - # Labels - self.dateLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&Date")) - self.courseLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&Course")) - self.numberLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&Number")) - self.descriptionLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("De&scription")) - self.completeLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&Complete")) - - # Widgets - self.dateEdit = QLineEdit("DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM") - self.dateEdit.setSelection(0, 16) - self.courseEdit = QComboBox() - self.courseEdit.addItems(makeCoursesString()) - self.numberEdit = QSpinBox() - self.numberEdit.setRange(1, 20) - self.descriptionEdit = QLineEdit() - self.completeEdit = QComboBox() - completeTypes = [self.trUtf8("Not available"), self.trUtf8("Available"), self.trUtf8("Begun"), self.trUtf8("Finished"), self.trUtf8("Delivered"), self.trUtf8("Approved"), self.trUtf8("Not approved")] - self.completeEdit.addItems(completeTypes) - self.buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok|QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) - - # Buddies - self.dateLabel.setBuddy(self.dateEdit) - self.courseLabel.setBuddy(self.courseEdit) - self.numberLabel.setBuddy(self.numberEdit) - self.descriptionLabel.setBuddy(self.descriptionEdit) - self.completeLabel.setBuddy(self.completeEdit) - - # Layout - self.layout = QGridLayout() - self.layout.addWidget(self.dateLabel, 0, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.courseLabel, 1, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.numberLabel, 2, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.descriptionLabel, 3, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.completeLabel, 4, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.dateEdit, 0, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.courseEdit, 1, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.numberEdit, 2, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.descriptionEdit, 3, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.completeEdit, 4, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.buttonBox, 5, 0, 1, 2) - self.setLayout(self.layout) - - # Connect statements - self.connect(self.buttonBox, SIGNAL("accepted()"), self, SLOT("accept()")) - self.connect(self.buttonBox, SIGNAL("rejected()"), self, SLOT("reject()")) - - # Set the title - self.setWindowTitle(self.trUtf8("Add new assignment")) - - ## Return an array with the values of the widgets - def getValues(self): - assignment = [] - assignment.append(unicode(self.dateEdit.text())) - assignment.append(unicode(self.courseEdit.currentText())) - assignment.append(self.numberEdit.value()) - assignment.append(unicode(self.descriptionEdit.text())) - assignment.append(unicode(self.completeEdit.currentText())) - return assignment - - ## Accept the dialog and add the specified assignment - def accept(self): - assignmentList = self.getValues() - dateString = assignmentList[0] - courseFull = assignmentList[1] - number = assignmentList[2] - description = assignmentList[3] - complete = assignmentList[4] - - regex = QRegExp(r"[01-31].[01-12].[2000-2050] [00-23]:[00-60]") - validator = QRegExpValidator(regex, self) - valid = validator.validate(dateString, 16) - if valid == QValidator.Invalid: - regexMessage = QErrorMessage() - regexMessage.showMessage(QString(self.trUtf8("The date is not in a correct format."))) - - if len(dateString) <= 11: - dateList = dateString.split('.') - timeList = ['00', '00'] - else: - dateTime = dateString.split() - dateList = dateTime[0].split('.') - timeList = dateTime[1].split(':') - - if dateList[1] > '13': - dateMessage = QErrorMessage() - elif dateList[0] > '31': - dateMessage = QErrorMessage() - dateMessage.showMessage(QString(self.trUtf8("The day is not valid. Please enter a valid date."))) - elif timeList[0] > '23': - dateMessage = QErrorMessage() - dateMessage.showMessage(QString(self.trUtf8("The hour is not valid. Please enter a valid time."))) - elif timeList[1] > '59': - dateMessage = QErrorMessage() - dateMessage.showMessage(QString(self.trUtf8("The minutes are not valid. Please enter a valid time."))) - else: - try: - date = QDate(string.atoi(dateList[2]), string.atoi(dateList[1]), string.atoi(dateList[0])) - time = QTime(string.atoi(timeList[0]), string.atoi(timeList[1])) - datetime = QDateTime(date, time) - except ValueError, e: - valueMessage = QErrorMessage() - valueMessage.showMessage(QString(self.trUtf8("The date is not valid. Please enter a date on the DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM form."))) - - course = getCourseFromDB(getCourseCode(courseFull)) - - try: - global semester - addNewAssignmentToDB(semester, datetime, course, number, description, complete) - assignment = AssignmentModel(datetime, course, number, description, complete) - except UnboundLocalError, e: - pass - - table = getMain().assignment.assignmentTable - row = table.rowCount() - table.insertRow(row) - getMain().assignment.addAssignmentToTable(row, assignment) - table.sortItems(0, Qt.AscendingOrder) - - self.close() - - -### The assignment model -class AssignmentModel(): - - date = None - course = None - number = 0 - description = "" - complete = "" - - ## Initialize the assignment model - def __init__(self, date, course, number, description, complete): - self.date = date - self.course = course - self.number = number - self.description = description - self.complete = complete - - ## Return the date the assignment is due - def getDate(self): - return self.date - - ## Return the course the assignment is given in - def getCourse(self): - return self.course - - ## Return the number of the assignment - def getNumber(self): - return self.number - - ## Return the description of the assignment - def getDescription(self): - return self.description - - ## Return the level of completion for the assignment - def getComplete(self): - return self.complete - - -### The contents of the Reading tab -class ReadingTab(QWidget): - - ## Initialize the Reading tab - def __init__(self, parent=None): - super(ReadingTab, self).__init__(parent) - - # Widgets - self.addReadingButton = QPushButton(self.trUtf8("Add pages to read")) - self.deleteReadingButton = QPushButton(self.trUtf8("Delete pages")) - self.readingDoneButton = QPushButton(self.trUtf8("Done")) - - # Make the table - self.makeTable() - - # Layout - self.vlayout = QVBoxLayout() - self.hlayout = QHBoxLayout() - self.hlayout.addWidget(self.addReadingButton) - self.hlayout.addWidget(self.deleteReadingButton) - self.hlayout.addWidget(self.readingDoneButton) - self.hlayout.addStretch() - self.vlayout.addWidget(self.readingTable) - self.vlayout.addLayout(self.hlayout) - self.setLayout(self.vlayout) - - ## Make an empty reading table - def makeTable(self, current=None): - self.readingTable = QTableWidget(0, 7, self) - self.readingTable.clear() - self.readingHeaderList = QStringList() - self.readingHeaderList.append(self.trUtf8("Week")) - self.readingHeaderList.append(self.trUtf8("Course")) - self.readingHeaderList.append(self.trUtf8("Book")) - self.readingHeaderList.append(self.trUtf8("Chapter")) - self.readingHeaderList.append(self.trUtf8("Pages")) - self.readingHeaderList.append(self.trUtf8("Number of pages")) - self.readingHeaderList.append(self.trUtf8("Done")) - self.readingTable.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(self.readingHeaderList) - self.readingTable.setAlternatingRowColors(True) - self.readingTable.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) - self.readingTable.setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) - self.readingTable.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection) - selected = None - - ## Add the readings of the semester to the table - def updateTable(self, semester): - self.readings = getReadingsFromDB(semester) - rows = len(self.readings) - self.readingTable.setRowCount(rows) - for row in range(rows): - self.addReadingToTable(row) - self.readingTable.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) - self.readingTable.sortItems(0, Qt.AscendingOrder) - - ## Add a new reading to the table - def addReadingToTable(self, row, reading=None): - if reading == None: - reading = self.readings[row] - - brush = QBrush(Qt.NoBrush) - brush.setStyle(Qt.SolidPattern) - - if reading.getDone(): - doneString = self.trUtf8("Done") - brush.setColor(Qt.green) - else: - doneString = self.trUtf8("Not done") - brush.setColor(Qt.red) - - self.readingTable.setItem(row, 0, QTableWidgetItem(QString("%02s" % reading.getWeek()))) - self.readingTable.setItem(row, 1, QTableWidgetItem(QString(reading.getCourse().getFull()))) - self.readingTable.setItem(row, 2, QTableWidgetItem(QString(reading.getBook().getTitle()))) - self.readingTable.setItem(row, 3, QTableWidgetItem(QString(reading.getChapter()))) - self.readingTable.setItem(row, 4, QTableWidgetItem(QString(reading.getPages()))) - self.readingTable.setItem(row, 5, QTableWidgetItem(QString("%i" % reading.getNumberOfPages()))) - - item = QTableWidgetItem(QString(doneString)) - item.setBackground(brush) - self.readingTable.setItem(row, 6, item) - - -### The Add Reading dialog -class ReadingDlg(QDialog): - - ## Initialize the Add Reading dialog - def __init__(self, parent=None): - super(ReadingDlg, self).__init__(parent) - - # Labels - self.weekLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&Week")) - self.courseLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&Course")) - self.bookLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&Book")) - self.chapterLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("Cha&pter")) - self.pagesLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&Pages")) - - # Widgets - self.weekEdit = QSpinBox() - self.weekEdit.setRange(1, 52) - self.courseEdit = QComboBox() - coursesStringList = QStringList() - courses = makeCoursesString() - for course in courses: - coursesStringList.append(course) - self.courseEdit.addItems(coursesStringList) - self.bookEdit = QComboBox() - booksStringList = QStringList() - books = makeBooksString() - for book in books: - booksStringList.append(book) - self.bookEdit.addItems(booksStringList) - self.chapterEdit = QLineEdit() - self.pagesEdit = QLineEdit() - self.buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok|QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) - - # Buddies - self.weekLabel.setBuddy(self.weekEdit) - self.courseLabel.setBuddy(self.courseEdit) - self.bookLabel.setBuddy(self.bookEdit) - self.chapterLabel.setBuddy(self.chapterEdit) - self.pagesLabel.setBuddy(self.pagesEdit) - - # Layout - self.layout = QGridLayout() - self.layout.addWidget(self.weekLabel, 0, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.courseLabel, 1, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.bookLabel, 2, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.chapterLabel, 3, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.pagesLabel, 4, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.weekEdit, 0, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.courseEdit, 1, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.bookEdit, 2, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.chapterEdit, 3, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.pagesEdit, 4, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.buttonBox, 5, 0, 1, 2) - self.setLayout(self.layout) - - # Connect statements - self.connect(self.buttonBox, SIGNAL("accepted()"), self, SLOT("accept()")) - self.connect(self.buttonBox, SIGNAL("rejected()"), self, SLOT("reject()")) - - # Set the title - self.setWindowTitle(self.trUtf8("Add new reading")) - - ## Accept the dialog and add the specified reading - def accept(self): - week = unicode(self.weekEdit.value()) - courseFull = unicode(self.courseEdit.currentText()) - bookTitle = unicode(self.bookEdit.currentText()) - chapter = unicode(self.chapterEdit.text()) - pages = unicode(self.pagesEdit.text()) - - self.close() - - course = getCourseFromDB(getCourseCode(courseFull)) - book = getBookWithTitleFromDB(bookTitle) - - global semester - addNewReadingToDB(semester, week, course, book, chapter, pages, False) - - reading = ReadingModel(week, course, book, chapter, pages, False) - table = getMain().reading.readingTable - row = table.rowCount() - table.insertRow(row) - getMain().reading.addReadingToTable(row, reading) - table.sortItems(0, Qt.AscendingOrder) - - -### The reading model -class ReadingModel(): - - week = 0 - course = None - book = None - chapter = "" - pages = "" - numberOfPages = 0 - done = False - - ## Initialize the reading model - def __init__(self, week, course, book, chapter, pages, done=False): - self.week = week - self.course = course - self.book = book - self.chapter = chapter - self.pages = pages - self.numberOfPages = self.getNumberOfPages() - self.done = done - - ## Return the week the reading shall be done - def getWeek(self): - return self.week - - ## Return the course the reading is in - def getCourse(self): - return self.course - - ## Return the book to be read in - def getBook(self): - return self.book - - ## Return the chapter to be read - def getChapter(self): - return self.chapter - - ## Return the pages to be read - def getPages(self): - return self.pages - - ## Return the number of pages to be read - def getNumberOfPages(self): - pages = self.getPages() - pagesArray = pages.split(",") - nextArray = [] - sum = 0 - for p in pagesArray: - p.strip() - nextArray.append(p.split("-")) - for n in nextArray: - sum += int(n[1]) - int(n[0]) - return sum - - ## Return whether the reading has been done or not - def getDone(self): - return self.done - - -### The contents of the Schedule tab -class ScheduleTab(QWidget): - - ## Initialize the Schedule tab - def __init__(self, parent=None): - super(ScheduleTab, self).__init__(parent) - - # Widgets - self.addScheduleButton = QPushButton("Add lesson") - self.deleteScheduleButton = QPushButton("Delete lesson") - - # Make the table - self.makeTable() - - # Layout - self.vlayout = QVBoxLayout() - self.hlayout = QHBoxLayout() - self.hlayout.addWidget(self.addScheduleButton) - self.hlayout.addWidget(self.deleteScheduleButton) - self.hlayout.addStretch() - self.vlayout.addWidget(self.scheduleTable) - self.vlayout.addLayout(self.hlayout) - self.setLayout(self.vlayout) - - ## Make an empty schedule table - def makeTable(self, current=None): - self.scheduleTable = QTableWidget(12, 5, self) - self.scheduleTable.setRowCount(12) - self.scheduleTable.clear() - self.updateHeaders() - self.scheduleTable.setAlternatingRowColors(False) - self.scheduleTable.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) - self.scheduleTable.setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectItems) - self.scheduleTable.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection) - selected = None - - def updateHeaders(self): - self.scheduleHorizontalHeaderList = QStringList() - self.scheduleHorizontalHeaderList.append(self.trUtf8("Monday")) - self.scheduleHorizontalHeaderList.append(self.trUtf8("Tuesday")) - self.scheduleHorizontalHeaderList.append(self.trUtf8("Wednesday")) - self.scheduleHorizontalHeaderList.append(self.trUtf8("Thursday")) - self.scheduleHorizontalHeaderList.append(self.trUtf8("Friday")) - self.scheduleVerticalHeaderList = QStringList() - for i in range(8, 20): - self.scheduleVerticalHeaderList.append(self.trUtf8("%i" % i)) - self.scheduleTable.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(self.scheduleHorizontalHeaderList) - self.scheduleTable.setVerticalHeaderLabels(self.scheduleVerticalHeaderList) - - - ## Add the lessons of the semester to the table - def updateTable(self, semester): - self.schedule = getLessonsFromDB(semester) - rows = len(self.schedule) - self.scheduleTable.clear() - for l in range(rows): - self.addLessonToTable(self.schedule[l]) - self.scheduleTable.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) - self.scheduleTable.verticalHeader().setResizeMode(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) - self.updateHeaders() - - ## Add a new lesson to the table - def addLessonToTable(self, lesson): - row = lesson.getTime() - 8 - column = self.getColumn(lesson.getDay()) - code = lesson.getCourse().getCode() - title = lesson.getCourse().getTitle() - type = lesson.getType() - room = lesson.getRoom() - olditem = self.scheduleTable.item(row, column) - newtext = "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (code, title, type, room) - if olditem: - oldtext = olditem.text() - text = QString(oldtext + "\n" + newtext) - collision = True - else: - text = QString(newtext) - collision = False - item = QTableWidgetItem(text) - item.setBackground(self.getBackground(QString("%s" % type), lesson.getCourse(), collision)) - self.scheduleTable.setItem(row, column, item) - - ## Return the column specified by the day - def getColumn(self, dayString): - day = QString("%s" % dayString) - if day.compare(QString(self.trUtf8("Monday"))) == 0: - return 0 - elif day.compare(QString(self.trUtf8("Tuesday"))) == 0: - return 1 - elif day.compare(QString(self.trUtf8("Wednesday"))) == 0: - return 2 - elif day.compare(QString(self.trUtf8("Thursday"))) == 0: - return 3 - elif day.compare(QString(self.trUtf8("Friday"))) == 0: - return 4 - else: - return -1 - - ## Set the right brush and color for the lesson, depending on type of lesson - def getBackground(self, type, course, collision): - if type.compare(QString(self.trUtf8("Lecture"))) == 0: - brush = QBrush(Qt.SolidPattern) - elif type.compare(QString(self.trUtf8("Assignment lecture"))) == 0: - brush = QBrush(Qt.Dense2Pattern) - elif type.compare(QString(self.trUtf8("Assignment help"))) == 0: - brush = QBrush(Qt.Dense3Pattern) - elif type.compare(QString(self.trUtf8("Lab"))) == 0: - brush = QBrush(Qt.Dense1Pattern) - elif type.compare(QString(self.trUtf8("Seminar"))) == 0: - brush = QBrush(Qt.Dense4Pattern) - elif type.compare(QString(self.trUtf8("Other"))) == 0: - brush = QBrush(Qt.Dense5Pattern) - else: - brush = QBrush(Qt.NoBrush) - if not collision: - brush.setColor(course.getColor()) - else: - brush.setColor(Qt.red) - return brush - - -### The Add Lesson dialog -class ScheduleDlg(QDialog): - - ## Initialize the Add Lesson dialog - def __init__(self, parent=None): - super(ScheduleDlg, self).__init__(parent) - - # Labels - self.dayLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&Day")) - self.fromLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&From")) - self.toLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&To")) - self.courseLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&Course")) - self.typeLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("Ty&pe")) - self.roomLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&Room")) - - # Widgets - self.dayEdit = QComboBox() - self.dayEdit.addItems(getMain().days) - self.fromEdit = QSpinBox() - self.fromEdit.setRange(08.15, 18.15) - self.fromEdit.setSingleStep(01.00) - self.toEdit = QSpinBox() - self.toEdit.setRange(09.00, 19.00) - self.toEdit.setSingleStep(01.00) - self.courseEdit = QComboBox() - courses = makeCoursesString() - coursesStringList = QStringList() - for course in courses: - coursesStringList.append(course) - self.courseEdit.addItems(coursesStringList) - self.typeEdit = QComboBox() - types = [self.trUtf8("Lecture"), self.trUtf8("Assignment lecture"), self.trUtf8("Assignment help"), self.trUtf8("Lab"), self.trUtf8("Seminar"), self.trUtf8("Other")] - self.typeEdit.addItems(types) - self.roomEdit = QLineEdit() - self.buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok|QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) - - # Buddies - self.dayLabel.setBuddy(self.dayEdit) - self.fromLabel.setBuddy(self.fromEdit) - self.toLabel.setBuddy(self.toEdit) - self.courseLabel.setBuddy(self.courseEdit) - self.typeLabel.setBuddy(self.typeEdit) - self.roomLabel.setBuddy(self.roomEdit) - - # Layout - self.layout = QGridLayout() - self.layout.addWidget(self.dayLabel, 0, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.fromLabel, 1, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.toLabel, 2, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.courseLabel, 3, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.typeLabel, 4, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.roomLabel, 5, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.dayEdit, 0, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.fromEdit, 1, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.toEdit, 2, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.courseEdit, 3, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.typeEdit, 4, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.roomEdit, 5, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.buttonBox, 6, 0, 1, 2) - self.setLayout(self.layout) - - # Connect statements - self.connect(self.buttonBox, SIGNAL("accepted()"), self, SLOT("accept()")) - self.connect(self.buttonBox, SIGNAL("rejected()"), self, SLOT("reject()")) - - # Set the title - self.setWindowTitle(self.trUtf8("Add new lesson")) - - ## Accept the dialog and add the specified lesson - def accept(self): - day = unicode(self.dayEdit.currentText()) - fromtime = self.fromEdit.value() - totime = self.toEdit.value() - courseFull = unicode(self.courseEdit.currentText()) - type = unicode(self.typeEdit.currentText()) - room = unicode(self.roomEdit.text()) - - course = getCourseFromDB(getCourseCode(courseFull)) - - global semester - for t in range(fromtime, totime): - addNewLessonToDB(semester, day, t, course, type, room) - getMain().schedule.addLessonToTable(ScheduleModel(day, t, course, type, room)) - - self.close() - - -### The schedule model -class ScheduleModel(): - - day = "" - time = 0 - course = None - type = "" - room = "" - - ## Initialize the schedule model - def __init__(self, day, time, course, type, room): - self.day = day - self.time = time - self.course = course - self.type = type - self.room = room - - ## Return the day of the lesson - def getDay(self): - return self.day - - ## Return the start time of the lesson - def getTime(self): - return self.time - - ## Return the course of the lesson - def getCourse(self): - return self.course - - ## Return the type of the lesson - def getType(self): - return self.type - - ## Return the room the lesson is in - def getRoom(self): - return self.room - - -### The Add Course dialog -class CourseDlg(QDialog): - - ## Initialize the Add Course dialog - def __init__(self, parent=None): - super(CourseDlg, self).__init__(parent) - - # The books - self.books = [] - - # Labels - self.codeLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&Code")) - self.titleLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&Title")) - self.shortLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&Short form")) - self.booksLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&Books")) - - # Widgets - self.codeEdit = QLineEdit() - self.titleEdit = QLineEdit() - self.shortEdit = QLineEdit() - self.booksEdit = QListWidget() - self.updateList() - self.booksEdit.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) - self.newBook = QPushButton("Add new book") - self.buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok|QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) - - # Buddies - self.codeLabel.setBuddy(self.codeEdit) - self.titleLabel.setBuddy(self.titleEdit) - self.shortLabel.setBuddy(self.shortEdit) - self.booksLabel.setBuddy(self.booksEdit) - - # Layout - self.layout = QGridLayout() - self.layout.addWidget(self.codeLabel, 0, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.titleLabel, 1, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.shortLabel, 2, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.booksLabel, 3, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.codeEdit, 0, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.titleEdit, 1, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.shortEdit, 2, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.booksEdit, 3, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.newBook, 4, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.buttonBox, 4, 1, 1, 2) - self.setLayout(self.layout) - - # Connect statements - self.connect(self.newBook, SIGNAL("pressed()"), getMain().addBook) - self.connect(getMain(), SIGNAL("newBook"), self.updateList) - self.connect(self.buttonBox, SIGNAL("accepted()"), self, SLOT("accept()")) - self.connect(self.buttonBox, SIGNAL("rejected()"), self, SLOT("reject()")) - - # Set the title - self.setWindowTitle(self.trUtf8("Add new course")) - - ## Update the book list - def updateList(self): - self.booksEdit.clear() - booksDB = getBooksFromDB() - booksStringList = QStringList() - for book in booksDB: - booksStringList.append(book.getAuthor() + u" : " + book.getTitle() + u", " + str(book.getEdition()) + u". edition") - self.booksEdit.addItems(booksStringList) - self.booksEdit.sortItems() - - ## Add a new book to the course - def addNewBookToCourse(self): - book = getBookWithTitleFromDB(booktitle) - self.books.append(book) - - ## Accept the dialog and add the specified course - def accept(self): - courseCode = unicode(self.codeEdit.text()) - courseTitle = unicode(self.titleEdit.text()) - courseShort = unicode(self.shortEdit.text()) - courseBooks = self.booksEdit.selectedItems() - color = getRandomColor() - global colors - while color in colors: - color = getRandomColor() - colors.append(color) - books = [] - for book in courseBooks: - books.append(getBookWithTitleFromDB("%s" % book.text())) - course = CourseModel(courseCode, courseTitle, courseShort, color, books) - addNewCourseToDB(courseCode, courseTitle, courseShort, color, books) - self.close() - - -### The course model -class CourseModel(): - - code = "" - title = "" - short = "" - full = "" - books = [] - - ## Initialize the course model - def __init__(self, code, title, short, color, books): - self.code = code - self.title = title - self.short = short - self.setFull(code, title) - self.color = color - self.books = books - - ## Return the code of the course - def getCode(self): - return self.code - - ## Return the title of the course - def getTitle(self): - return self.title - - ## Return the short form of the course - def getShort(self): - return self.short - - ## Set the full form of the course - def setFull(self, code, title): - self.full = code + ' ' + title - - ## Return the full form of the course - def getFull(self): - return self.full - - ## Return the color of the course - def getColor(self): - return self.color - - ## Add a book to the course - def addBook(self, book): - books.append(book) - - ## Return the books of the course - def getBooks(self): - return self.books - - -### The Add Book dialog -class BookDlg(QDialog): - - ## Initialize the Add Book dialog - def __init__(self, parent=None): - super(BookDlg, self).__init__(parent) - - # Labels - self.titleLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&Title")) - self.authorLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&Author")) - self.editionLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&Edition")) - self.isbnLabel = QLabel(self.trUtf8("&ISBN")) - - # Widgets - self.titleEdit = QLineEdit() - self.authorEdit = QLineEdit() - self.editionEdit = QSpinBox() - self.editionEdit.setRange(1, 50) - self.isbnEdit = QLineEdit() - self.buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok|QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) - - # Buddies - self.titleLabel.setBuddy(self.titleEdit) - self.authorLabel.setBuddy(self.authorEdit) - self.editionLabel.setBuddy(self.editionEdit) - self.isbnLabel.setBuddy(self.isbnEdit) - - # Layout - self.layout = QGridLayout() - self.layout.addWidget(self.titleLabel, 0, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.authorLabel, 1, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.editionLabel, 2, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.isbnLabel, 3, 0) - self.layout.addWidget(self.titleEdit, 0, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.authorEdit, 1, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.editionEdit, 2, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.isbnEdit, 3, 1) - self.layout.addWidget(self.buttonBox, 4, 0, 1, 2) - self.setLayout(self.layout) - - # Connect statements - self.connect(self.buttonBox, SIGNAL("accepted()"), self, SLOT("accept()")) - self.connect(self.buttonBox, SIGNAL("rejected()"), self, SLOT("reject()")) - - # Set the title - self.setWindowTitle(self.trUtf8("Add new book")) - - # Accept the dialog and add the specified book - def accept(self): - bookTitle = unicode(self.titleEdit.text()) - bookAuthor = unicode(self.authorEdit.text()) - bookEdition = self.editionEdit.value() - bookIsbn = unicode(self.isbnEdit.text()) - addNewBookToDB(bookIsbn, bookTitle, bookAuthor, bookEdition) - getMain().emit(SIGNAL("newBook")) - self.close() - - -### The book model -class BookModel(): - - title = "" - author = "" - edition = 0 - isbn = "" - - ## Initialize the book model - def __init__(self, isbn, title, author, edition): - self.isbn = isbn - self.title = title - self.author = author - self.edition = edition - - # Return the ISBN number of the book - def getIsbn(self): - return self.isbn - - # Return the title of the book - def getTitle(self): - return self.title - - # Return the author(s) of the book - def getAuthor(self): - return self.author - - # Return the edition of the book - def getEdition(self): - return self.edition - - -# Database - -# Initialization - -## Connect to the database and return the cursor and connection -def initDB(): - if 'HOME' in os.environ: - home = os.environ['HOME'] - else: - home = "" - path = home+"/.egon/egon.db" - conn = sqlite.connect(path) - cursor = conn.cursor() - - cursor.execute(''' - SELECT name FROM sqlite_master - WHERE type='table' - ORDER BY name - ''') - - if cursor.fetchall() == []: - initSemesterDB(cursor) - initAssignmentDB(cursor) - initReadingDB(cursor) - initScheduleDB(cursor) - initBookDB(cursor) - initCourseDB(cursor) - initCourseUsesBook(cursor) - - return cursor, conn - - exitDB(conn) - -# Create the database - -## Create the Semester table -def initSemesterDB(cursor): - cursor.execute(''' - CREATE TABLE Semester ( - term TEXT, - year INT, - PRIMARY KEY (term, year) - ) - ''') - -## Create the Assignment table -def initAssignmentDB(cursor): - cursor.execute(''' - CREATE TABLE Assignment ( - date DATETIME, - course TEXT, - number INT, - description TEXT, - complete TEXT, - term TEXT, - year INT, - PRIMARY KEY (course, number) - ) - ''') - -## Create the Reading table -def initReadingDB(cursor): - cursor.execute(''' - CREATE TABLE Reading ( - week INT, - course TEXT, - book INT, - chapter TEXT, - pages TEXT, - done BOOLEAN, - term TEXT, - year INT, - PRIMARY KEY (week, course, book) - ) - ''') - -## Create the Lesson table -def initScheduleDB(cursor): - cursor.execute(''' - CREATE TABLE Lesson ( - day TEXT, - time INT, - course TEXT, - type TEXT, - room TEXT, - term TEXT, - year INT, - PRIMARY KEY (course, day, time) - ) - ''') - -## Create the Course table -def initCourseDB(cursor): - cursor.execute(''' - CREATE TABLE Course ( - code TEXT PRIMARY KEY, - title TEXT, - short TEXT, - red INT, - green INT, - blue INT - ) - ''') - -## Create the Book table -def initBookDB(cursor): - cursor.execute(''' - CREATE TABLE Book ( - isbn TEXT PRIMARY KEY, - title TEXT, - author TEXT, - edition INTEGER - ) - ''') - -## Create the Course-Book relation -def initCourseUsesBook(cursor): - cursor.execute(''' - CREATE TABLE CourseUsesBook ( - courseCode TEXT, - bookIsbn TEXT, - PRIMARY KEY (courseCode, bookIsbn) - ) - ''') - -# Add things to the database - -## Add new semester to the database -def addNewSemesterToDB(term, year): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - cursor.execute(''' - INSERT INTO Semester (term, year) - VALUES (?, ?) - ''', (term, year)) - - exitDB(conn) - -## Add new assignment to the database -def addNewAssignmentToDB(semester, datetime, course, number, description, complete): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - day = datetime.date().day() - month = datetime.date().month() - year = datetime.date().year() - hour = datetime.time().hour() - minute = datetime.time().minute() - timestring = "%02i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i" % (year, month, day, hour, minute) - term = "%s" % semester.getTerm() - year = semester.getYear() - - cursor.execute(''' - INSERT INTO Assignment (date, course, number, description, complete, term, year) - VALUES (datetime(?), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) - ''', (timestring, course.getCode(), number, description, complete, term, year)) - - exitDB(conn) - -## Add new reading to the database -def addNewReadingToDB(semester, week, course, book, chapter, pages, done): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - term = "%s" % semester.getTerm() - year = semester.getYear() - - cursor.execute(''' - INSERT INTO Reading (week, course, book, chapter, pages, done, term, year) - VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) - ''', (week, course.getCode(), book.getIsbn(), chapter, pages, done, term, year)) - - exitDB(conn) - -## Add new lesson to the database -def addNewLessonToDB(semester, day, time, course, type, room): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - term = "%s" % semester.getTerm() - year = semester.getYear() - - cursor.execute(''' - INSERT INTO Lesson (day, time, course, type, room, term, year) - VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) - ''', (day, time, course.getCode(), type, room, term, year)) - - exitDB(conn) - -## Add new course to the database -def addNewCourseToDB(code, title, short, color, books): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - red = color.red() - green = color.green() - blue = color.blue() - - cursor.execute(''' - INSERT INTO Course (code, title, short, red, green, blue) - VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) - ''', (code, title, short, red, green, blue)) - - for book in books: - cursor.execute(''' - INSERT INTO CourseUsesBook (courseCode, bookIsbn) - VALUES (?, ?) - ''', (code, book.getIsbn())) - - exitDB(conn) - -## Add new book to the database -def addNewBookToDB(isbn, title, author, edition): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - cursor.execute(''' - INSERT INTO Book - VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) - ''', (isbn, title, author, edition)) - - exitDB(conn) - -# Get things from the database - -## Get all the semesters form the database -def getSemestersFromDB(): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - cursor.execute(''' - SELECT * - FROM Semester - ''') - - semesters = [] - for row in cursor.fetchall(): - semesters.append(SemesterModel(row[0], row[1])) - - exitDB(conn) - - return semesters - -## Get the assignments of the specified semester from the database -def getAssignmentsFromDB(semester): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - term = "%s" % semester.getTerm() - year = (semester.getYear()) - - cursor.execute(''' - SELECT * - FROM Assignment - WHERE term = ? - AND year = ? - ''', (term, year)) - - assignments = [] - for row in cursor.fetchall(): - assignments.append(AssignmentModel(getQDateTime(row[0]), getCourseFromDB(row[1]), row[2], row[3], row[4])) - - exitDB(conn) - - return assignments - -## Get the readings of the specified semester from the database -def getReadingsFromDB(semester): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - term = "%s" % semester.getTerm() - year = semester.getYear() - - cursor.execute(''' - SELECT * - FROM Reading - WHERE term = ? - AND year = ? - ''', (term, year)) - - readings = [] - for row in cursor.fetchall(): - readings.append(ReadingModel(row[0], getCourseFromDB(row[1]), getBookFromDB(row[2]), row[3], row[4], row[5])) - - exitDB(conn) - - return readings - -## Get the lessons of the specified semester from the database -def getLessonsFromDB(semester): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - term = "%s" % semester.getTerm() - year = semester.getYear() - - cursor.execute(''' - SELECT * - FROM Lesson - WHERE term = ? - AND year = ? - ''', (term, year)) - - lessons = [] - for row in cursor.fetchall(): - lessons.append(ScheduleModel(row[0], row[1], getCourseFromDB(row[2]), row[3], row[4])) - - exitDB(conn) - - return lessons - -## Get all the courses from the database -def getCoursesFromDB(): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - cursor.execute(''' - SELECT * - FROM Course - ''') - - courses = [] - for row in cursor.fetchall(): - courses.append(CourseModel(row[0], row[1], row[2], QColor(row[3], row[4], row[5]), [])) - - for course in courses: - cursor.execute(''' - SELECT bookIsbn - FROM CourseUsesBook - WHERE courseCode = ? - ''', (course.getCode(),)) - fetched = cursor.fetchall() - for fetchedRow in fetched: - cursor.execute(''' - SELECT * - FROM Book - WHERE isbn = ? - ''', (fetchedRow[0],)) - for row in cursor: - course.addBook(BookModel(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3])) - - return courses - -## Get the course specified by the course code from the database -def getCourseFromDB(courseCode): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - cursor.execute(''' - SELECT * - FROM Course - WHERE code = ? - ''', (courseCode,)) - - course = None - - for row in cursor.fetchall(): - course = CourseModel(row[0], row[1], row[2], QColor(row[3], row[4], row[5]), []) - - cursor.execute(''' - SELECT bookIsbn - FROM CourseUsesBook - WHERE courseCode = ? - ''', (courseCode,)) - fetched = cursor.fetchall() - for fetchedRow in fetched: - cursor.execute(''' - SELECT * - FROM Book - WHERE isbn = ? - ''', (fetchedRow[0],)) - for row in cursor: - course.addBook(BookModel(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3])) - - exitDB(conn) - - return course - -## Get all the books from the database -def getBooksFromDB(): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - cursor.execute(''' - SELECT * - FROM Book - ''') - - books = [] - for row in cursor.fetchall(): - books.append(BookModel(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3])) - - exitDB(conn) - - return books - -## Get the book specified by the ISBN number from the database -def getBookFromDB(isbn): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - cursor.execute(''' - SELECT * - FROM Book - WHERE isbn = ? - ''', (isbn,)) - - for row in cursor.fetchall(): - book = BookModel(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3]) - - exitDB(conn) - - return book - -## Get the book specified by the title from the database -def getBookWithTitleFromDB(booktitle): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - book = "%s" % booktitle - - cursor.execute(''' - SELECT * - FROM Book - WHERE title = ? - ''', (book,)) - - for row in cursor.fetchall(): - book = BookModel(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3]) - - exitDB(conn) - - return book - -# Update things in the database - -## Update the completion level of the specified assignment -def updateAssignmentCompletion(coursecode, num, completion): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - complete = "%s" % completion - course = "%s" % coursecode - number = (num.toInt())[0] - - cursor.execute(''' - UPDATE Assignment - SET complete = ? - WHERE course = ? - AND number = ? - ''', (complete, course, number)) - - exitDB(conn) - -## Update whether the specified reading is done or not -def updateReadingDone(week, coursecode, bookisbn, done): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - course = "%s" % coursecode - book = "%s" % bookisbn - - cursor.execute(''' - UPDATE Reading - SET done = ? - WHERE week = ? - AND course = ? - AND book = ? - ''', (done, week, course, book)) - - exitDB(conn) - -# Remove things from the database - -## Remove the specified assignment from the database -def removeAssignmentFromDB(coursecode, num): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - course = "%s" % coursecode - number = (num.toInt())[0] - - cursor.execute(''' - DELETE - FROM Assignment - WHERE course = ? - AND number = ? - ''', (course, number)) - - exitDB(conn) - -## Remove the specified reading from the database -def removeReadingFromDB(week, coursecode, bookisbn): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - course = "%s" % coursecode - book = "%s" % bookisbn - - cursor.execute(''' - DELETE - FROM Reading - WHERE week = ? - AND course = ? - AND book = ? - ''', (week, course, book)) - - exitDB(conn) - -## Remove the specified lesson from the database -def removeLessonFromDB(daystring, coursecode, fromTime): - cursor, conn = initDB() - - day = "%s" % daystring - course = "%s" % coursecode - time = "%s" % fromTime - - cursor.execute(''' - DELETE - FROM Lesson - WHERE day = ? - AND course = ? - AND time = ? - ''', (day, course, time)) - - exitDB(conn) - -# Exit the database - -## Commit and close the connection -def exitDB(conn): - conn.commit() - conn.close() - -# Course - -## Get the course code from the full name of the course -def getCourseCode(courseFull): - course = courseFull.split(' ') - return course[0] - -## Add a new course to the list of courses -def addNewCourse(course): - courses.append(course) - addNewCourseToDB(course.getCode(), course.getTitle(), course.getShort(), course.getColor()) - addNewCourseString(course) - -## Return the list of courses -def getCourses(): - global courses - return courses - -## Add the course as a course string -def addNewCourseString(course): - global coursesString - coursesString.append(course.getFull()) - -## Make the courses string list and return it -def makeCoursesString(): - emptyCourses() - cs = getCoursesFromDB() - if cs: - for c in cs: - addNewCourseString(c) - s = getCoursesString() - return s - -## Return the courses string list -def getCoursesString(): - global coursesString - return coursesString - -## Empty the courses list and the courses string list -def emptyCourses(): - global courses - global coursesString - courses = [] - coursesString = [] - -# Book - -## Add a new book to the list of books -def addNewBook(book): - books.append(book) - addNewBookToDB(book.getISBN(), book.getTitle(), book.getAuthor(), book.getEdition(), book.getCourse()) - addNewBookString(book) - -## Return the list of books -def getBooks(): - global books - return books - -## Add the book as a book string -def addNewBookString(book): - global booksString - booksString.append(book.getTitle()) - -## Make the books string list and return it -def makeBooksString(): - emptyBooks() - bs = getBooksFromDB() - if bs: - for b in bs: - addNewBookString(b) - s = getBooksString() - return s - -## Return the books string list -def getBooksString(): - global booksString - return booksString - -## Empty the books list and the books string list -def emptyBooks(): - global books - global booksString - books = [] - booksString = [] - -# Color - -## Return a random color, RGB -def getRandomColor(): - return QColor(getRandomColorPart(), getRandomColorPart(), getRandomColorPart()) - -## Return a random number between 0 and 255 -def getRandomColorPart(): - return random.random()*256 - -# General - -## Convert a SQL timestamp to a QDateTime object -def getQDateTime(timestamp): - if not timestamp: - return None - datetimeList = timestamp.split() - dateString = datetimeList[0] - timeString = datetimeList[1] - dateList = dateString.split('-') - timeList = timeString.split(':') - year = string.atoi(dateList[0]) - month = string.atoi(dateList[1]) - day = string.atoi(dateList[2]) - hour = string.atoi(timeList[0]) - minute = string.atoi(timeList[1]) - date = QDate(year, month, day) - time = QTime(hour, minute) - datetime = QDateTime(date, time) - return datetime - -## Return the main window -def getMain(): - global main - return main - -## Run the program -def main(): - app = QApplication(sys.argv) - form = MainWindow() - app.setOrganizationName("PVV") - app.setOrganizationDomain("pvv.ntnu.no") - app.setApplicationName(form.title) - form.show() - app.exec_() - - -main() -#initNewDB()