{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }: let _tmp_func_name = "_tmp_func_Oaw5aifeeniezeiquonaipheNahthae9caik4Rai"; # pwgen ftw mkArgsAlias = alias: ''${_tmp_func_name}() { ${alias}; unset -f ${_tmp_func_name}; }; ${_tmp_func_name}''; in { # TODO: "bind -s 'set completion-ignore-case on'" programs.bash.enable = true; #programs.bash.enableCompletion = true; programs.bash.shellOptions = [ # Append to history file rather than replacing it. "histappend" # check the window size after each command and, if # necessary, update the values of LINES and COLUMNS. "checkwinsize" # Extended globbing. "extglob" "globstar" # Warn if closing shell with running jobs. "checkjobs" ]; programs.bash.initExtra = '' bind 'set completion-ignore-case on' parse_git_branch() { git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/' } export PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[01;37m\] \[\033[01;34m\]\W\[\033[33m\]$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[01;32m\]\$\[\033[00m\] ' # tldr if command -v tldr >/dev/null; then complete -F _command tldr fi destore() { for dst in "$@"; do test -L "$dst" || continue # TODO: assert dst is in the store src="$(realpath "$dst")" if test -d "$src"; then (set -x rm -v "$dst" cp -r --dereference --one-file-system "$src/" "$dst/" chmod -R +rw "$dst" ) elif test -f "$src"; then (set -x rm -v "$dst" cp -v "$src" "$dst" chmod -v +rw "$dst" ) fi done } _choose_nix_systems() { # x86_64-linux aarch64-linux aarch64-darwin x86_64-darwin i686-linux riscv64-linux x86_64-freebsd aarch64-freebsd i686-freebsd riscv64-freebsd gum choose --no-limit --ordered --height 15 {linux,darwin,freebsd}-{x86_64,aarch64,i686,riscv64} \ | sed -E 's/^([^-]*)-([^-]*)$/\2-\1/' } mnix-build() { # TODO: somehow store the out-links _choose_nix_systems | xe -j0 -s 'nix-instantiate --system "$1" '"$(printf " %q" "$@")" | xargs nix-build --keep-going --no-out-link } mnom-build() { # TODO: somehow store the out-links _choose_nix_systems | xe -j0 -s 'nix-instantiate --system "$1" '"$(printf " %q" "$@")" | xargs nom-build --keep-going --no-out-link } mnixpkgs-review() { # TODO: use /run/user/... # mkdir -p /dev/shm/nixpkgs-review # ln -sfn /dev/shm/nixpkgs-review $HOME/.cache/nixpkgs-review nixpkgs-review --systems "$(_choose_nix_systems | xargs)" "$@" } ''; imports = [ ../modules/jump.nix ]; programs.jump.enableBash = true; programs.nix-index.enable = true; programs.nix-index-database.comma.enable = true; # via nix-index-database flake #programs.command-not-found.enable = false; # mutex with nix-index programs.fzf = { enable = true; # TODO: does this conflict with system-wide setup? # alt-c changeDirWidgetCommand = "fd --type d"; # respects .gitignore changeDirWidgetOptions = [ "--preview 'tree -C {} | head -200'" ]; # ctrl-t fileWidgetCommand = "fd --type f"; # respects .gitignore fileWidgetOptions = [ #"--preview 'head {}'" # https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/discussions/3363#discussioncomment-6419463 "--bind 'ctrl-a:reload:eval $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND --no-ignore'" ]; # ctrl-r #historyWidgetOptions = [ "--sort" "--exact" ]; }; programs.eza.enable = true; programs.eza.enableAliases = lib.mkIf (lib.versionOlder config.home.version.release "24.05") true; programs.eza.enableBashIntegration = true; programs.eza.enableZshIntegration = true; #programs.eza.icons = "auto"; # --icons=auto programs.eza.extraOptions = [ "--group" "--group-directories-first" ]; #programs.zoxide.enable = true; #programs.zoxide.options = [ "--cmd cd --cmd dc" ]; programs.carapace.enable = true; # completions # i can't type home.shellAliases.sl = "ls"; #home.shellAliases.dc = "cd"; programs.direnv.enable = true; programs.direnv.nix-direnv.enable = true; programs.tealdeer.enable = true; programs.tealdeer.settings.updates.auto_update = true; # old alias, just learn to use ncdu lol home.shellAliases.dush = "du -shc * | sort -h"; home.shellAliases.dushd = "du -shc * .[!.]?* | sort -h"; home.shellAliases.open = "xdg-open"; home.shellAliases.grep = "grep --color"; home.shellAliases.diff = "diff -u --color"; # eyo home.shellAliases.ip = "ip -br -color"; home.shellAliases.rssh = "ssh -l root"; home.shellAliases.watch = "watch -c "; # colors home.shellAliases.sudo = "sudo "; # support aliases home.shellAliases.xargs = "xargs "; # support aliases # old -> new home.shellAliases.vimv = "edir"; #home.shellAliases.atom = "pulsar"; # Be conservative with files # --preserver-root is for GNU versions, preventing changing perms on / home.shellAliases.chown = "chown --preserve-root"; home.shellAliases.chmod = "chmod --preserve-root"; home.shellAliases.chgrp = "chgrp --preserve-root"; home.shellAliases.rm = "rm --preserve-root"; # prompt if deleting more than 3 files at a time #home.shellAliases.rm = "rm -i"; #home.shellAliases.mv = "mv -i"; #home.shellAliases.cp = "cp -i"; home.shellAliases.fda = "fd --no-ignore --hidden"; home.shellAliases.afd = "fd --no-ignore --hidden"; home.shellAliases.inom = mkArgsAlias ''nom "$@" --system i686-linux -j0''; home.shellAliases.inix = mkArgsAlias ''nix "$@" --system i686-linux -j0''; home.shellAliases.rnom = mkArgsAlias ''nom "$@" --system riscv64-linux -j0''; home.shellAliases.rnix = mkArgsAlias ''nix "$@" --system riscv64-linux -j0''; home.shellAliases.fnom = mkArgsAlias ''nom "$@" --system x86_64-freebsd -j0''; home.shellAliases.fnix = mkArgsAlias ''nix "$@" --system x86_64-freebsd -j0''; home.shellAliases.anom = mkArgsAlias ''nom "$@" --system aarch64-linux -j0''; home.shellAliases.anix = mkArgsAlias ''nix "$@" --system aarch64-linux -j0''; home.shellAliases.dnom = mkArgsAlias ''nom "$@" --system x86_64-darwin -j0''; home.shellAliases.dnix = mkArgsAlias ''nix "$@" --system x86_64-darwin -j0''; home.shellAliases.danom = mkArgsAlias ''nom "$@" --system aarch64-darwin -j0''; home.shellAliases.danix = mkArgsAlias ''nix "$@" --system aarch64-darwin -j0''; home.shellAliases.inom-build = "nom-build --system i686-linux -j0"; home.shellAliases.inix-build = "nix-build --system i686-linux -j0"; home.shellAliases.rnom-build = "nom-build --system riscv64-linux -j0"; home.shellAliases.rnix-build = "nix-build --system riscv64-linux -j0"; home.shellAliases.fnom-build = "nom-build --system x86_64-freebsd -j0"; home.shellAliases.fnix-build = "nix-build --system x86_64-freebsd -j0"; home.shellAliases.anom-build = "nom-build --system aarch64-linux -j0"; home.shellAliases.anix-build = "nix-build --system aarch64-linux -j0"; home.shellAliases.dnom-build = "nom-build --system x86_64-darwin -j0"; home.shellAliases.dnix-build = "nix-build --system x86_64-darwin -j0"; home.shellAliases.danom-build = "nom-build --system aarch64-darwin -j0"; home.shellAliases.danix-build = "nix-build --system aarch64-darwin -j0"; home.shellAliases.kaomoji = "curl -s 'https://kaomoji.ru/en/' | htmlq tr td span --text | grep . | shuf | head -n1"; home.packages = lib.filter (x: x != null) (with pkgs; [ rsync bind.dnsutils # dig dogdns # dog edir # better vimv curl wget wakeonlan #tldr stress entr axel aria aria2 xe # xargs alternative sd # sed alternative fd # find alternative silver-searcher # 'ag' ripgrep # 'rg' comby gron jq #fx yq # includes xmlq and tomlq #fq # binary jq #(pkgs.jnv or unstable.jnv or null) htmlq just # justfile gum sysz #du-dust # du alternative duf # df alternative ncdu # Disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface #xplr # tui file explorer aha (pkgs.colorized-logs or unstable.colorized-logs) # ansi2txt, pipetty ]); }