# https://nix-community.github.io/home-manager/options.html { pkgs, config, ... }: { nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true; home.stateVersion = "22.11"; # TODO: what uses this? imports = [ ./profiles/bat.nix ./profiles/git.nix ./profiles/gtk.nix ./profiles/micro.nix ./profiles/shell.nix ./profiles/ssh.nix ./profiles/tmate.nix ]; # TODO: add remote-exec once packaged programs.bash.initExtra = '' # remote-exec if command -v remote >/dev/null && remote-quick >/dev/null; then complete -F _command remote complete -F _command remote-quick fi # TODO: remove function atom_nix { nix-shell -p atom --run "atom $(printf "%q " "$@") --in-process-gpu --no-sandbox" } ''; home.packages = with pkgs; [ xclip #rmate-sh # TODO: add to nixpkgs, add to ssh config #remote-exec # TODO: add to nixpkgs zip unrar unzip atool p7zip bzip2 gzip atool dos2unix pandoc graphviz vgmstream gallery-dl youtube-dl yt-dlp ffmpeg-full visidata lolcat toilet boxes tewisay ponysay # TODO: move to graphical? kiosk? cage mesa-demos librespeed-cli cachix #nix-template nix-output-monitor nixpkgs-review manix comma #sshuttle #cargo #cargo-edit #nim #nimble (python3.withPackages (python-packages: with python-packages; [ matplotlib more-itertools numpy #objexplore # TODO: package this, used in python interactive shell poetry ptpython python-lsp-server pyyaml requests rich scipy toml virtualenv ])) ]; home.shellAliases = { #flexget = "ssh -t knut.pbsds.net sudo -u flexget flexget"; flexget = "sudo --user=flexget flexget -c /var/lib/flexget/flexget.yml"; # TODO: only applies to nox... hman = "man -H "; # HTML opened in a browser tmux = "systemd-run --scope --user tmux"; # detach from ssh scope, surviving logout #TODO: vpn # TODO: wayland clip = "xclip -sel clip -t text/plain -rmlastnl -i"; # TODO: ps1? pwd-fqdn = ''echo "$(whoami)@$(hostname -f):$(printf "%q" "$(realpath .)/")"''; http-server = "${pkgs.python3}/bin/python -m http.server"; manix-fzf = ''manix "" 2>/dev/null | grep '^# ' | sed 's/^# \(.*\) (.*/\1/;s/ (.*//;s/^# //' | fzf --preview="manix '{}'" | xargs manix''; # TODO: move to /run/user/... nixpkgs-review = ''mkdir -p /dev/shm/nixpkgs-review && ln -sfn /dev/shm/nixpkgs-review $HOME/.cache/nixpkgs-review && nixpkgs-review''; }; programs.nix-index.enable = true; xdg.enable = true; #TODO: xdg.desktopEntries /** / programs.beets = { enable = true; settings = { directory = "/mnt/meconium/beets_preprocessed/data"; #library = "/mnt/meconium/beets_preprocessed/library.db"; library = "${config.xdg.configHome}/beets/library_preprocessed.db"; #directory = "/mnt/meconium/beets_music/library"; #library = "${config.xdg.configHome}/beets/library_meconium.db"; ##library = "/mnt/meconium/beets_music/data.db"; }; }; /**/ }