# Appendix ![ The seqmented pane with the cobble texture and normal map ](images/0-base.png){#fig:img-base} ![ The plane from @fig:img-base with a perlin noise displacement map applied to it ](images/1-perlin-displacement.png){#fig:img-perlin-displacement} ![ First rendering of the downloaded grass texture and normal map ](images/2-wrong-handedness.png){#fig:img-wrong-handedness} ![ Rendering of the downloaded grass texture with flipped normal map handedness ](images/3-flipped-handedness.png){#fig:img-flipped-handedness} ![ The field with grass texture, normal map and displacement map ](images/4-fine-plane.png){#fig:img-fine-plane} ![ How a mirrored-on-repeat texture behaves ](images/5-gl-mirror.jpg){#fig:img-gl-mirror} ```{.cpp #lst:new-tbn caption="Modified TBN matrix to account for the slope of the displacement"} if (isDisplacementMapped) { float o = texture(displaceTex, UV).r * 2 - 1; float u = (texture(displaceTex, UV + vec2(0.0001, 0)).r*2-1 - o) / 0.0004; // magic numbers! float v = (texture(displaceTex, UV + vec2(0, 0.0001)).r*2-1 - o) / 0.0004; // magic numbers! TBN = mat3( normalize(tangent + normal*u), normalize(bitangent + normal*v), normalize(cross(tangent + normal*u, bitangent + normal*v)) ); } ``` ![ The displaced field with the TBN matrix rotated along the slope of the displacement. ](images/6-displacement-normals.png){#fig:img-displacement-normals} ![ Car mesh loaded from car model, without transformations ](images/7-car-meshes.png){#fig:img-car-meshes} ![ Car mesh loaded from car model with transformations applied. ](images/8-car-transformations.png){#fig:img-car-transformations} ![ Car mesh loaded from car model with transformations applied, rotated to make z point skyward. ](images/9-car-coordinate-system.png){#fig:img-car-coordinate-system} ![ Diffuse colors loaded from car model ](images/10-car-materials.png){#fig:img-car-materials} ![ Diffuse, emissive and specular colors loaded from car model ](images/11-material-colors.png){#fig:img-material-colors} ![ Car model with all colors, with reflection mapping applied. ](images/12-reflection.png){#fig:img-reflection} ![ The reflection map texture applied to the car ](../res/textures/reflection_field.png){#fig:img-reflection-map} ![ Tree model loaded from model file, no texture support yet. ](images/13-tree.png){#fig:img-tree} ![ Tree model loaded from model file, textures applied. ](images/14-tree-alpha.png){#fig:img-tree-alpha} ![ Tree model with textures, transparent meshes rendered last in sorted order. ](images/15-tree-sorted.png){#fig:img-tree-sorted} ![ Tree model with textures, transparent meshes rendered last in sorted order, with depthbuffer in read-only mode. ](images/16-tree-depth-readonly.png){#fig:img-tree-depth-readonly} ```{.dot include="images/rendering-pipeline.dot" caption="The scene rendering pipline, handling transparent nodes" #fig:render-pipeline} ``` ![ Grass model loaded, cloned and placed randomly throughout the scene ](images/17-low-fps.png){#fig:img-low-fps} ```{.cpp caption="The node uniforms being uploaded to the shader" #lst:uniform-upload} glUniformMatrix4fv(s->location("MVP") , 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(node->MVP)); glUniformMatrix4fv(s->location("MV") , 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(node->MV)); glUniformMatrix4fv(s->location("MVnormal"), 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(node->MVnormal)); glUniform2fv(s->location("uvOffset") , 1, glm::value_ptr(node->uvOffset)); glUniform3fv(s->location("diffuse_color") , 1, glm::value_ptr(node->diffuse_color)); glUniform3fv(s->location("emissive_color"), 1, glm::value_ptr(node->emissive_color)); glUniform3fv(s->location("specular_color"), 1, glm::value_ptr(node->specular_color)); glUniform1f( s->location("opacity"), node->opacity); glUniform1f( s->location("shininess"), node->shininess); glUniform1f( s->location("reflexiveness"), node->reflexiveness); glUniform1f( s->location("displacementCoefficient"), node->displacementCoefficient); glUniform1ui(s->location("isTextured"), node->isTextured); glUniform1ui(s->location("isVertexColored"), node->isVertexColored); glUniform1ui(s->location("isNormalMapped"), node->isNormalMapped); glUniform1ui(s->location("isDisplacementMapped"), node->isDisplacementMapped); glUniform1ui(s->location("isReflectionMapped"), node->isReflectionMapped); glUniform1ui(s->location("isIlluminated"), node->isIlluminated); glUniform1ui(s->location("isInverted"), node->isInverted); ``` ```{.cpp caption="Function for caching the uniform locations per shader. The commented line is the old implementation." #lst:location-cache} GLint inline Shader::location(std::string const& name) { //return glGetUniformLocation(mProgram, name.c_str()); auto it = this->cache.find(name); if (it == this->cache.end()) return this->cache[name] = glGetUniformLocation(mProgram, name.c_str()); return it->second; } ``` ```{.cpp caption="The uniform caching defines" #lst:uniform-cache} bool shader_changed = s != prev_s; #define cache(x) static decltype(node->x) cached_ ## x; \ if (shader_changed || cached_ ## x != node->x) { cached_ ## x = node->x; #define um4fv(x) cache(x) glUniformMatrix4fv(s->location(#x), 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(node->x)); } #define u2fv(x) cache(x) glUniform2fv( s->location(#x), 1, glm::value_ptr(node->x)); } #define u3fv(x) cache(x) glUniform3fv( s->location(#x), 1, glm::value_ptr(node->x)); } #define u1f(x) cache(x) glUniform1f( s->location(#x), node->x); } #define u1ui(x) cache(x) glUniform1ui( s->location(#x), node->x); } ``` ![ Car, trees and grass combined into a night driving scene. Two yellow spot lights attached to the head lights, two yelllow point lights attached to the head lights, two red point lights attached to the read lights. ](images/18-night-scene-lights.png){#fig:img-night-scene-lights} ![ A pink rim backlight applied to the car with strength of 0.3. ](images/19-rim-lights.png){#fig:img-rim-lights} ![ Visualisation of the transformed depth buffer, transformed into a 'point of focus' buffer. z=0 at the depth of the car, tends toward 1 otherwise. ](images/20-depth-map.png){#fig:img-depth-map} ![ Depth of field applied to the scene ](images/21-depth-of-field.png){#fig:img-depth-of-field} ![ The vignette effect, applied to a white frame buffer ](images/22-vingette.png){#fig:img-vingette} ![ The chromatic aberration effect. F is the point of focus. The transformed depthbuffer is centered around the vertical line crossing F. ](images/23.5-what-is.jpg){#fig:img-what-is} ![ Chromatic aberration applied to the scene, where the aberration coefficients have been multiplied by 3. ](images/23-chromatic-aberration.png){#fig:img-chromatic-aberration} ![ Noise/grain applied to the frame buffer. ](images/24-noise.png){#fig:img-noise} ![ Noise/grain, multiplied by the depthbuffer/point of focus, applied to the frame buffer. ](images/25-all-effects.png){#fig:img-all-effects} ![ The same scene, during the day. Spotlights have been turned off. ](images/26-day.png){#fig:img-day}