% TDT4230Final assignment report % Peder Berbebakken Sundt % insert date here \small ```{.shebang im_out="stdout"} #!/usr/bin/env bash printf "time for some intricate graphics surgery!\n" | cowsay -f surgery | head -n -4 | sed -e "s/^/ /" ``` \normalsize \newpage # The project For this project, we're supposed to investigate a more advanced or complex visualisation method in detail by implementing it ourselves using C++ and OpenGl 4.3+. I'll be doing it by myself. I want to look more into effects one can apply to a scene of different materials. In detail, i plan to implement: Phong lighting, texturing, normal mapping, displacement mapping, importing model meshes with transformations and materials from external files, reflections, fog and rim backlights. I also want to implement som post-processing effects: Chromatic aberration, Depth of field, Vignette and Noise / Grain The idea i have in mind for the scene i want to create, is a field of grass with trees spread about in it, where a car is driving along the ups and downs of the hills. I then plan to throw all the effect i can at it to make it look good.