{ "query": "楽", "found": true, "data": { "taughtIn": "grade 2", "jlptLevel": "N4", "newspaperFrequencyRank": 373, "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "music, comfort, ease", "kunyomi": [ "たの.しい", "たの.しむ", "この.む" ], "onyomi": [ "ガク", "ラク", "ゴウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "楽", "reading": "ガク", "meaning": "music, old Japanese court music, gagaku" }, { "example": "楽章", "reading": "ガクショウ", "meaning": "(musical) movement" }, { "example": "邦楽", "reading": "ホウガク", "meaning": "Japanese music (esp. traditional Japanese music)" }, { "example": "室内楽", "reading": "シツナイガク", "meaning": "chamber music" }, { "example": "楽", "reading": "ラク", "meaning": "comfort, ease, relief, (at) peace, relaxation, easy, simple, without trouble, without hardships, (economically) comfortable, raku pottery, sukha (happiness)" }, { "example": "楽園", "reading": "ラクエン", "meaning": "paradise, Eden, Elysium" }, { "example": "千秋楽", "reading": "センシュウラク", "meaning": "concluding festivities, concluding program, concluding programme, final day of a tournament" }, { "example": "行楽", "reading": "コウラク", "meaning": "outing, excursion, pleasure trip, going on a picnic" }, { "example": "猿楽", "reading": "サルガク", "meaning": "sarugaku (form of theatre popular in Japan during the 11th to 14th centuries), noh, fooling around" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "楽しい", "reading": "たのしい", "meaning": "enjoyable, fun, pleasant, happy, delightful" }, { "example": "楽しい思い出", "reading": "たのしいおもいで", "meaning": "happy memory, sweet memory" }, { "example": "楽しむ", "reading": "たのしむ", "meaning": "to enjoy (oneself)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "木", "forms": [], "meaning": "tree" }, "parts": [ "冫", "木", "白" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "https://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/27005_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "https://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0697d.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/697d.gif", "uri": "https://jisho.org/search/%E6%A5%BD%23kanji" } }