{ "query": "車", "expectedResult": { "query": "車", "found": true, "taughtIn": "grade 1", "jlptLevel": "N5", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "333", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "car", "kunyomi": [ "くるま" ], "onyomi": [ "シャ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "車", "reading": "シャ", "meaning": "car, vehicle" }, { "example": "車検", "reading": "シャケン", "meaning": "vehicle inspection" }, { "example": "見切り発車", "reading": "ミキリハッシャ", "meaning": "starting a train (or bus, etc.) before all the passengers are on board, making a snap decision, starting an action without considering objections to it any longer" }, { "example": "軽自動車", "reading": "ケイジドウシャ", "meaning": "light motor vehicle (up to 660cc and 64bhp), k-car, kei car" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "車", "reading": "くるま", "meaning": "car, automobile, vehicle, wheel" }, { "example": "車椅子", "reading": "くるまいす", "meaning": "wheelchair, folding push-chair" }, { "example": "火の車", "reading": "ひのくるま", "meaning": "fiery chariot (which carries the souls of sinners into hell), desperate financial situation, dire straits" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "車", "meaning": "cart, car" }, "parts": [ "車" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36554_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08eca.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8eca.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%BB%8A%23kanji" } }