$ nc titan.picoctf.net 63779 Welcome to the Binary Challenge!" Your task is to perform the unique operations in the given order and find the final result in hexadecimal that yields the flag. Binary Number 1: 10001101 Binary Number 2: 00100001 Question 1/6: Operation 1: '<<' Perform a left shift of Binary Number 1 by 1 bits. Enter the binary result: 100011010 Correct! Question 2/6: Operation 2: '|' Perform the operation on Binary Number 1&2. Enter the binary result: 10101101 Correct! Question 3/6: Operation 3: '+' Perform the operation on Binary Number 1&2. Enter the binary result: 10101110 Correct! Question 4/6: Operation 4: '*' Perform the operation on Binary Number 1&2. Enter the binary result: 1001000101101 Correct! Question 5/6: Operation 5: '&' Perform the operation on Binary Number 1&2. Enter the binary result: 00000001 Correct! Question 6/6: Operation 6: '>>' Perform a right shift of Binary Number 2 by 1 bits . Enter the binary result: 0010000 Correct! Enter the results of the last operation in hexadecimal: 10 Correct answer! The flag is: picoCTF{b1tw^3se_0p3eR@tI0n_su33essFuL_6862762d}