{ ... }: { #time, in ticks, to delay the task of passing of night # weather clear is scheduled to run after 2x this amount sleepDelay = 60; #amount of server time to increment by, per server tick # lowering this will slow the night passing, increasing will speed it up increment = 150; #number of server ticks between increments, usually 20 ticks per second # lower makes a smoother transition but more processing # min - 1 timeBetweenIncrements = 2; #sleep attempt cooldown, in ms, to prevent spam bedCooldown = 2000; #whether to fully kick a player from a bed on wakeup call kickFromBed = true; #whether to randomize the message for every player, instead of distributing 1 random message to all # costs more performance to do multiple randomization randomPerPlayer = false; #whether to reset the TIME_SINCE_REST statistic for every player on sleep task resetPhantomStatistics = true; #whether to write players' sleep messages to console logMessages = true; #plugins like EssentialsX will typically setSleepingIgnored on /afk or /vanish # whether to send messages from/to sleepingIgnored players messageFromSleepingIgnored = false; messageToSleepingIgnored = true; #how many players online and awake before sleep messages are used minPlayers = 2; #DO NOT TOUCH VERSION NUMBER version = 2.1; }