{ pkgs, config, ... }: let inherit (config) machineVars; in { home.packages = with pkgs; [ asciidoctor beets biber broot castnow catdocx cheat cli-visualizer cloc czkawka delta diskonaut diskus docker dogdns du-dust duf duff epr fd ffmpeg glances googler gpg-tui gping graphviz hck hexyl httpie icdiff imagemagick ipcalc jq kepubify keybase keymapviz kondo lastpass-cli lazydocker libwebp lolcat manix mcfly mdcat mdp mediainfo mkvtoolnix mmv mtr navi neofetch nix-diff nix-index nix-output-monitor nix-tree nix-zsh-completions nixpkgs-review # nixops nmap ouch pandoc parallel pinentry pinentry-curses progress python3 rclone ripgrep rsync rust-motd sc-im sd slack-term taskwarrior taskwarrior-tui tea tealdeer terminal-parrot termtosvg toilet tokei tsukae unpaper usbutils w3m waifu2x-converter-cpp watchexec wavemon wiki-tui youtube-dl yq yubico-pam yubikey-agent yubikey-manager zip # Needed for VSCode liveshare desktop-file-utils krb5 zlib icu openssl xorg.xprop ] ++ (with pkgs.python3Packages; [ bpython ]) ++ (with pkgs.haskellPackages; [ # bhoogle ]) ++ ( lib.optionals (!machineVars.headless) [ ahoviewer anki ark birdtray calibre cool-retro-term darktable discord element-desktop geogebra gimp gnome.gnome-font-viewer gnome.seahorse google-chrome inkscape insomnia iwgtk keybase-gui kid3 koreader krita ktouch libnotify libreoffice-fresh light maim mopidy mopidy-mpd mopidy-soundcloud mopidy-youtube mpc_cli nyxt # obsidian pcloud pulseaudio pulsemixer scrcpy shellcheck slack sublime3 # swiPrologWithGui sxiv tagainijisho teams tenacity thunderbird transcribe wireshark xcalib xclip xdotool (xfce.thunar.override { thunarPlugins = with xfce; [ thunar-volman thunar-dropbox-plugin thunar-archive-plugin thunar-media-tags-plugin ]; }) xmonad-log # xsnow # Wait until christmas yubioath-flutter yuzu-mainline zeal zoom-us zotero ] ++ lib.optionals (machineVars.laptop) [ touchegg ] ++ lib.optionals (machineVars.gaming) [ citra desmume minecraft osu-lazer retroarchFull steam steam-tui stepmania taisei ] ); }