{ pkgs, unstable-pkgs, lib, extendedLib, config, inputs, secrets, ... }: let inherit (config) machineVars; in { imports = [ ./fonts.nix ./nix.nix ./programs/gnupg.nix ./programs/neovim.nix ./programs/nix-ld.nix ./programs/ssh.nix ./programs/usbtop.nix ./services/dbus.nix ./services/openssh.nix ./services/pcscd.nix ./services/pipewire.nix ./services/printing.nix ./services/resolved.nix ./services/smartd.nix ./services/systemd-lock-handler.nix ./services/xserver.nix ]; sops.defaultSopsFile = ./../.. + "/secrets/${config.networking.hostName}.yaml"; time.timeZone = "Europe/Oslo"; console = { font = "Lat2-Terminus16"; keyMap = "us"; }; networking = { useDHCP = false; nameservers = [ "" "" ]; }; i18n.defaultLocale = "en_US.UTF-8"; environment = { variables = { EDITOR = "nvim"; VISUAL = "nvim"; }; systemPackages = with pkgs; ([ wget ] ++ (lib.optionals (!config.machineVars.headless) [ haskellPackages.xmobar ])); shells = with pkgs; [ bashInteractive zsh dash ]; etc = { currentSystemPackages = { target = "current-system-packages"; text = let inherit (lib.strings) concatStringsSep; inherit (lib.lists) sort; inherit (lib.trivial) lessThan; packages = map (p: "${p.name}") config.environment.systemPackages; sortedUnique = sort lessThan (lib.unique packages); in concatStringsSep "\n" sortedUnique; }; }; shellAliases.fixdisplay = let inherit (config.machineVars) screens headless fixDisplayCommand; screenToArgs = name: screen: with screen; "--output ${name} --mode ${resolution} --rate ${toString frequency} --pos ${position}" + (lib.optionalString primary " --primary"); screenArgs = lib.concatStringsSep " " (lib.mapAttrsToList screenToArgs screens); in lib.mkIf (!headless) (if screenArgs != null then "xrandr ${screenArgs}" else (lib.mkIf (fixDisplayCommand != null) fixDisplayCommand)); }; users = { users.h7x4 = { isNormalUser = true; shell = pkgs.zsh; extraGroups = [ "audio" "disk" "docker" "input" "libvirtd" "lp" "media" "minecraft" "networkmanager" "scanner" "video" "wheel" "wireshark" ]; }; groups = { adbusers.members = [ "h7x4" ]; }; }; services = { gnome.gnome-keyring.enable = !config.machineVars.headless; udev.packages = with pkgs; [ yubikey-personalization android-udev-rules light ]; libinput = { enable = !config.machineVars.headless; touchpad.disableWhileTyping = true; }; displayManager.defaultSession = "none+xmonad"; }; programs = { dconf.enable = !config.machineVars.headless; git.enable = true; tmux.enable = true; zsh.enable = true; }; system.extraDependencies = lib.optionals (config.machineVars.development) (with pkgs; [ asciidoc asciidoctor cabal2nix clang dart dotnet-sdk # dotnet-sdk_3 # dotnet-sdk_5 dotnetPackages.Nuget elm2nix elmPackages.elm flutter gcc ghc ghcid # haskellPackages.Cabal_3_6_3_0 maven nixfmt-rfc-style nixpkgs-fmt # nixpkgs-hammering nodePackages.node2nix nodePackages.npm nodePackages.sass nodePackages.typescript nodePackages.yarn nodejs plantuml python3 rustc rustc rustup sqlcheck sqlint sqlite sqlite-web ]); security.rtkit.enable = !config.machineVars.headless; security.sudo.extraConfig = let sudoLecture = pkgs.writeText "sudo-lecture.txt" (extendedLib.termColors.front.red "Be careful or something, idk...\n"); in '' Defaults lecture = always Defaults lecture_file = ${sudoLecture} ''; }