{ pkgs, config, secrets, inputs, ... }: let # TODO: fix lib lib = pkgs.lib; inherit (secrets) ips ports; in { # All of these nginx endpoints are hosted through a cloudflare proxy. # This has several implications for the configuration: # - The sites I want to protect using a client side certificate needs to # use a client side certificate given by cloudflare, since the client cert set here # only works to secure communication between nginx and cloudflare # - I don't need to redirect http traffic to https manually, as cloudflare does it for me # - I don't need to request ACME certificates manually, as cloudflare does it for me. services.nginx = let generateServerAliases = domains: subdomains: lib.lists.flatten (map (s: map (d: "${s}.${d}") domains) subdomains); s = toString; in { enable = true; enableReload = true; statusPage = true; recommendedGzipSettings = true; recommendedOptimisation = true; recommendedProxySettings = true; recommendedTlsSettings = true; virtualHosts = let inherit (lib.attrsets) nameValuePair listToAttrs recursiveUpdate; inherit (lib.lists) head drop; inherit (secrets) domains keys; cloudflare-origin-pull-ca = builtins.fetchurl { url = "https://developers.cloudflare.com/ssl/static/authenticated_origin_pull_ca.pem"; sha256 = "0hxqszqfzsbmgksfm6k0gp0hsx9k1gqx24gakxqv0391wl6fsky1"; }; host = subdomains: extraSettings: let settings = with keys.certificates; { serverAliases = drop 1 (generateServerAliases domains subdomains); onlySSL = true; sslCertificate = server.crt; sslCertificateKey = server.key; extraConfig = '' ssl_client_certificate ${cloudflare-origin-pull-ca}; ssl_verify_client on; ''; }; in nameValuePair "${head subdomains}.${head domains}" (recursiveUpdate settings extraSettings); proxy = subdomains: url: extraSettings: host subdomains (recursiveUpdate { locations."/".proxyPass = url; } extraSettings); in (listToAttrs ([ { name = "nani.wtf"; value = { locations = { "= /".return = "301 https://www.nani.wtf/"; "/.well-known/".alias = "${./well-known}/"; "/.well-known/openpgpkey/hu/" = { alias = "${./well-known/openpgpkey/hu}/"; extraConfig = '' default_type application/octet-stream; ''; }; }; onlySSL = true; sslCertificate = keys.certificates.server.crt; sslCertificateKey = keys.certificates.server.key; extraConfig = '' ssl_client_certificate ${cloudflare-origin-pull-ca}; ssl_verify_client on; add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *; default_type text/plain; ''; }; } (proxy ["plex"] "http://localhost:${s ports.plex}" {}) (host ["www"] { root = "${inputs.website.packages.${pkgs.system}.default}/"; }) (proxy ["matrix"] "http://localhost:${s ports.matrix.listener}" {}) (host ["madmin"] { root = "${pkgs.synapse-admin}/"; }) # (host ["cache"] { root = "/var/lib/nix-cache"; }) (proxy ["git"] "http://localhost:${s ports.gitea}" {}) (proxy ["px1"] "https://${ips.px1}:${s ports.proxmox}" { locations."/".proxyWebsockets = true; }) (proxy ["idrac"] "https://${ips.idrac}" {}) (proxy ["log"] "http://localhost:${s ports.grafana}" { locations."/".proxyWebsockets = true; }) (proxy ["pg"] "http://localhost:${s ports.pgadmin}" {}) (proxy ["py"] "http://localhost:${s ports.jupyterhub}" { locations."/".proxyWebsockets = true; }) (proxy ["dyn"] "http://localhost:${s ports.minecraft.dynmap}" {}) (proxy ["osu"] "http://localhost:${s ports.osuchan}" {}) (proxy ["vpn"] "http://localhost:${s ports.headscale}" {}) (proxy ["hydra"] "http://localhost:${s ports.hydra}" {}) ] ++ (let stickerpickers = pkgs.callPackage ../matrix/maunium-stickerpicker.nix { inherit (inputs) maunium-stickerpicker secrets; }; in [ (host ["stickers-pingu"] { root = "${stickerpickers.stickers-pingu}/"; }) (host ["stickers-h7x4"] { root = "${stickerpickers.stickers-h7x4}/"; }) ]))); }; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ]; }