{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }: let im = config.i18n.inputMethod; cfg = im.fcitx5; fcitx5Package = pkgs.libsForQt5.fcitx5-with-addons.override { inherit (cfg) addons; }; in { i18n.inputMethod = { enabled = "fcitx5"; fcitx5.addons = with pkgs; [ fcitx5-mozc fcitx5-gtk # fcitx5-chinese-addons ]; }; xdg.configFile = let format = pkgs.formats.iniWithGlobalSection { }; in { "fcitx5/profile" = { force = true; source = format.generate "fcitx5-profile" { sections = { "Groups/0" = { Name = "Default"; "Default Layout" = "us"; DefaultIM = "mozc"; }; "Groups/0/Items/0" = { Name = "keyboard-us"; Layout = ""; }; "Groups/0/Items/1" = { Name = "keyboard-no"; Layout = ""; }; "Groups/0/Items/2" = { Name = "mozc"; Layout = ""; }; GroupOrder = { "0" = "Default"; }; }; }; }; "fcitx5/config".source = format.generate "fcitx5-config" { sections = { Hotkey = { # Enumerate when press trigger key repeatedly EnumerateWithTriggerKeys = "True"; # Temporally switch between first and current Input Method AltTriggerKeys = ""; # Enumerate Input Method Forward EnumerateForwardKeys = ""; # Enumerate Input Method Backward EnumerateBackwardKeys = ""; # Skip first input method while enumerating EnumerateSkipFirst = "False"; }; "Hotkey/TriggerKeys" = { "0" = "Control+space"; "1" = "Zenkaku_Hankaku"; "2" = "Hangul"; }; "Hotkey/EnumerateGroupForwardKeys"."0" = "Super+space"; "Hotkey/EnumerateGroupBackwardKeys"."0" = "Shift+Super+space"; "Hotkey/ActivateKeys"."0" = "Hangul_Hanja"; "Hotkey/DeactivateKeys"."0" = "Hangul_Romaja"; "Hotkey/PrevPage"."0" = "Up"; "Hotkey/NextPage"."0" = "Down"; "Hotkey/PrevCandidate"."0" = "Shift+Tab"; "Hotkey/NextCandidate"."0" = "Tab"; "Hotkey/TogglePreedit"."0" = "Control+Alt+P"; Behaviour = { # Active By Default ActiveByDefault = "False"; # Share Input State ShareInputState = "All"; # Show preedit in application PreeditEnabledByDefault = "True"; # Show Input Method Information when switch input method ShowInputMethodInformation = "True"; # Show Input Method Information when changing focus showInputMethodInformationWhenFocusIn = "False"; # Show compact input method information CompactInputMethodInformation = "True"; # Show first input method information ShowFirstInputMethodInformation = "True"; # Default page size DefaultPageSize = 5; # Override Xkb Option OverrideXkbOption = "False"; # Custom Xkb Option CustomXkbOption = ""; # Force Enabled Addons EnabledAddons = ""; # Force Disabled Addons DisabledAddons = ""; # Preload input method to be used by default PreloadInputMethod = "True"; # Allow input method in the password field AllowInputMethodForPassword = "False"; # Show preedit text when typing password ShowPreeditForPassword = "False"; # Interval of saving user data in minutes AutoSavePeriod = 30; }; }; }; "fcitx5/conf/classicui.conf".source = format.generate "fcitx5-classicui.conf" { globalSection = { Theme = "Material-Color"; PerScreenDPI = "True"; # Font = ""; "Vertical Candidate List" = "True"; }; }; }; xdg.dataFile."fcitx5/themes/Material-Color" = { recursive = true; source = "${pkgs.fcitx5-material-color}/share/fcitx5/themes/Material-Color-orange"; }; systemd.user.services.fcitx5-daemon = { Service.Restart="on-failure"; Service.ExecStart = lib.mkForce "${fcitx5Package}/bin/fcitx5"; Service.ExecReload = "/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID"; }; }