/* * Copyright 2003-2020 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "ProxyDatabasePlugin.hxx" #include "db/Interface.hxx" #include "db/DatabasePlugin.hxx" #include "db/DatabaseListener.hxx" #include "db/Selection.hxx" #include "db/VHelper.hxx" #include "db/DatabaseError.hxx" #include "db/PlaylistInfo.hxx" #include "db/LightDirectory.hxx" #include "song/LightSong.hxx" #include "db/Stats.hxx" #include "song/Filter.hxx" #include "song/UriSongFilter.hxx" #include "song/BaseSongFilter.hxx" #include "song/TagSongFilter.hxx" #include "util/Compiler.h" #include "config/Block.hxx" #include "tag/Builder.hxx" #include "tag/Tag.hxx" #include "tag/ParseName.hxx" #include "util/ConstBuffer.hxx" #include "util/RecursiveMap.hxx" #include "util/ScopeExit.hxx" #include "util/RuntimeError.hxx" #include "protocol/Ack.hxx" #include "event/SocketMonitor.hxx" #include "event/IdleMonitor.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include class LibmpdclientError final : public std::runtime_error { enum mpd_error code; public: LibmpdclientError(enum mpd_error _code, const char *_msg) :std::runtime_error(_msg), code(_code) {} [[nodiscard]] enum mpd_error GetCode() const { return code; } }; class ProxySong : public LightSong { Tag tag2; public: explicit ProxySong(const mpd_song *song); }; class AllocatedProxySong : public ProxySong { mpd_song *const song; public: explicit AllocatedProxySong(mpd_song *_song) :ProxySong(_song), song(_song) {} ~AllocatedProxySong() { mpd_song_free(song); } }; class ProxyDatabase final : public Database, SocketMonitor, IdleMonitor { DatabaseListener &listener; const std::string host; const std::string password; const unsigned port; const bool keepalive; struct mpd_connection *connection; /* this is mutable because GetStats() must be "const" */ mutable std::chrono::system_clock::time_point update_stamp; /** * The libmpdclient idle mask that was removed from the other * MPD. This will be handled by the next OnIdle() call. */ unsigned idle_received; /** * Is the #connection currently "idle"? That is, did we send * the "idle" command to it? */ bool is_idle; public: ProxyDatabase(EventLoop &_loop, DatabaseListener &_listener, const ConfigBlock &block); static DatabasePtr Create(EventLoop &main_event_loop, EventLoop &io_event_loop, DatabaseListener &listener, const ConfigBlock &block); void Open() override; void Close() noexcept override; const LightSong *GetSong(const char *uri_utf8) const override; void ReturnSong(const LightSong *song) const noexcept override; void Visit(const DatabaseSelection &selection, VisitDirectory visit_directory, VisitSong visit_song, VisitPlaylist visit_playlist) const override; RecursiveMap CollectUniqueTags(const DatabaseSelection &selection, ConstBuffer tag_types) const override; DatabaseStats GetStats(const DatabaseSelection &selection) const override; unsigned Update(const char *uri_utf8, bool discard) override; std::chrono::system_clock::time_point GetUpdateStamp() const noexcept override { return update_stamp; } private: void Connect(); void CheckConnection(); void EnsureConnected(); void Disconnect() noexcept; /* virtual methods from SocketMonitor */ bool OnSocketReady(unsigned flags) noexcept override; /* virtual methods from IdleMonitor */ void OnIdle() noexcept override; }; static constexpr struct { TagType d; enum mpd_tag_type s; } tag_table[] = { { TAG_ARTIST, MPD_TAG_ARTIST }, { TAG_ALBUM, MPD_TAG_ALBUM }, { TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST, MPD_TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST }, { TAG_TITLE, MPD_TAG_TITLE }, { TAG_TRACK, MPD_TAG_TRACK }, { TAG_NAME, MPD_TAG_NAME }, { TAG_GENRE, MPD_TAG_GENRE }, { TAG_DATE, MPD_TAG_DATE }, #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2,12,0) { TAG_ORIGINAL_DATE, MPD_TAG_ORIGINAL_DATE }, #endif { TAG_COMPOSER, MPD_TAG_COMPOSER }, { TAG_PERFORMER, MPD_TAG_PERFORMER }, { TAG_COMMENT, MPD_TAG_COMMENT }, { TAG_DISC, MPD_TAG_DISC }, { TAG_MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID, MPD_TAG_MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID }, { TAG_MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID, MPD_TAG_MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID }, { TAG_MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID, MPD_TAG_MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID }, { TAG_MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID, MPD_TAG_MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID }, #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2,10,0) { TAG_MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID, MPD_TAG_MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID }, #endif #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2,11,0) { TAG_ARTIST_SORT, MPD_TAG_ARTIST_SORT }, { TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST_SORT, MPD_TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST_SORT }, #endif #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2,12,0) { TAG_ALBUM_SORT, MPD_TAG_ALBUM_SORT }, #endif { TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES, MPD_TAG_COUNT } }; static void Copy(TagBuilder &tag, TagType d_tag, const struct mpd_song *song, enum mpd_tag_type s_tag) noexcept { for (unsigned i = 0;; ++i) { const char *value = mpd_song_get_tag(song, s_tag, i); if (value == nullptr) break; tag.AddItem(d_tag, value); } } ProxySong::ProxySong(const mpd_song *song) :LightSong(mpd_song_get_uri(song), tag2) { const auto _mtime = mpd_song_get_last_modified(song); if (_mtime > 0) mtime = std::chrono::system_clock::from_time_t(_mtime); start_time = SongTime::FromS(mpd_song_get_start(song)); end_time = SongTime::FromS(mpd_song_get_end(song)); #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2,15,0) const auto *af = mpd_song_get_audio_format(song); if (af != nullptr) { if (audio_valid_sample_rate(af->sample_rate)) audio_format.sample_rate = af->sample_rate; switch (af->bits) { case MPD_SAMPLE_FORMAT_FLOAT: audio_format.format = SampleFormat::FLOAT; break; case MPD_SAMPLE_FORMAT_DSD: audio_format.format = SampleFormat::DSD; break; case 8: audio_format.format = SampleFormat::S8; break; case 16: audio_format.format = SampleFormat::S16; break; case 24: audio_format.format = SampleFormat::S24_P32; break; case 32: audio_format.format = SampleFormat::S32; break; } if (audio_valid_channel_count(af->channels)) audio_format.channels = af->channels; } #endif TagBuilder tag_builder; const unsigned duration = mpd_song_get_duration(song); if (duration > 0) tag_builder.SetDuration(SignedSongTime::FromS(duration)); for (const auto *i = &tag_table[0]; i->d != TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES; ++i) Copy(tag_builder, i->d, song, i->s); tag_builder.Commit(tag2); } gcc_const static enum mpd_tag_type Convert(TagType tag_type) noexcept { for (auto i = &tag_table[0]; i->d != TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES; ++i) if (i->d == tag_type) return i->s; return MPD_TAG_COUNT; } static void ThrowError(struct mpd_connection *connection) { const auto code = mpd_connection_get_error(connection); AtScopeExit(connection) { mpd_connection_clear_error(connection); }; if (code == MPD_ERROR_SERVER) { /* libmpdclient's "enum mpd_server_error" is the same as our "enum ack" */ const auto server_error = mpd_connection_get_server_error(connection); throw ProtocolError((enum ack)server_error, mpd_connection_get_error_message(connection)); } else { throw LibmpdclientError(code, mpd_connection_get_error_message(connection)); } } static void CheckError(struct mpd_connection *connection) { const auto code = mpd_connection_get_error(connection); if (code != MPD_ERROR_SUCCESS) ThrowError(connection); } static bool SendConstraints(mpd_connection *connection, const ISongFilter &f) { if (auto t = dynamic_cast(&f)) { if (t->IsNegated()) // TODO implement return true; if (t->GetTagType() == TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) return mpd_search_add_any_tag_constraint(connection, MPD_OPERATOR_DEFAULT, t->GetValue().c_str()); const auto tag = Convert(t->GetTagType()); if (tag == MPD_TAG_COUNT) return true; return mpd_search_add_tag_constraint(connection, MPD_OPERATOR_DEFAULT, tag, t->GetValue().c_str()); } else if (auto u = dynamic_cast(&f)) { if (u->IsNegated()) // TODO implement return true; return mpd_search_add_uri_constraint(connection, MPD_OPERATOR_DEFAULT, u->GetValue().c_str()); } else if (auto b = dynamic_cast(&f)) { return mpd_search_add_base_constraint(connection, MPD_OPERATOR_DEFAULT, b->GetValue()); } else return true; } static bool SendConstraints(mpd_connection *connection, const SongFilter &filter) { #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2, 15, 0) if (mpd_connection_cmp_server_version(connection, 0, 21, 0) >= 0) /* with MPD 0.21 (and libmpdclient 2.15), we can pass arbitrary filters as expression */ return mpd_search_add_expression(connection, filter.ToExpression().c_str()); #endif for (const auto &i : filter.GetItems()) if (!SendConstraints(connection, *i)) return false; return true; } static bool SendConstraints(mpd_connection *connection, const DatabaseSelection &selection) { if (!selection.uri.empty() && !mpd_search_add_base_constraint(connection, MPD_OPERATOR_DEFAULT, selection.uri.c_str())) return false; if (selection.filter != nullptr && !SendConstraints(connection, *selection.filter)) return false; #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2, 11, 0) if (selection.sort != TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES && mpd_connection_cmp_server_version(connection, 0, 21, 0) >= 0) { #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2, 15, 0) if (selection.sort == SORT_TAG_LAST_MODIFIED) { if (!mpd_search_add_sort_name(connection, "Last-Modified", selection.descending)) return false; } else { #endif const auto sort = Convert(selection.sort); /* if this is an unsupported tag, the sort will be done later by class DatabaseVisitorHelper */ if (sort != MPD_TAG_COUNT && !mpd_search_add_sort_tag(connection, sort, selection.descending)) return false; #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2, 15, 0) } #endif } #endif #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2, 10, 0) if (selection.window != RangeArg::All() && mpd_connection_cmp_server_version(connection, 0, 20, 0) >= 0 && !mpd_search_add_window(connection, selection.window.start, selection.window.end)) return false; #endif return true; } static bool SendGroup(mpd_connection *connection, TagType group) { assert(group != TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES); #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2,12,0) const auto tag = Convert(group); if (tag == MPD_TAG_COUNT) throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported tag"); return mpd_search_add_group_tag(connection, tag); #else (void)connection; throw std::runtime_error("Grouping requires libmpdclient 2.12"); #endif } static bool SendGroup(mpd_connection *connection, ConstBuffer group) { while (!group.empty()) { if (!SendGroup(connection, group.back())) return false; group.pop_back(); } return true; } ProxyDatabase::ProxyDatabase(EventLoop &_loop, DatabaseListener &_listener, const ConfigBlock &block) :Database(proxy_db_plugin), SocketMonitor(_loop), IdleMonitor(_loop), listener(_listener), host(block.GetBlockValue("host", "")), password(block.GetBlockValue("password", "")), port(block.GetBlockValue("port", 0U)), keepalive(block.GetBlockValue("keepalive", false)) { } DatabasePtr ProxyDatabase::Create(EventLoop &loop, EventLoop &, DatabaseListener &listener, const ConfigBlock &block) { return std::make_unique(loop, listener, block); } void ProxyDatabase::Open() { update_stamp = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point::min(); try { Connect(); } catch (...) { /* this error is non-fatal, because this plugin will attempt to reconnect again automatically */ LogError(std::current_exception()); } } void ProxyDatabase::Close() noexcept { if (connection != nullptr) Disconnect(); } void ProxyDatabase::Connect() { const char *_host = host.empty() ? nullptr : host.c_str(); connection = mpd_connection_new(_host, port, 0); if (connection == nullptr) throw LibmpdclientError(MPD_ERROR_OOM, "Out of memory"); try { CheckError(connection); if (mpd_connection_cmp_server_version(connection, 0, 19, 0) < 0) throw FormatRuntimeError("Connect to MPD %s, but this plugin requires at least version 0.19", mpd_connection_get_server_version(connection)); if (!password.empty() && !mpd_run_password(connection, password.c_str())) ThrowError(connection); } catch (...) { mpd_connection_free(connection); connection = nullptr; std::throw_with_nested(host.empty() ? std::runtime_error("Failed to connect to remote MPD") : FormatRuntimeError("Failed to connect to remote MPD '%s'", host.c_str())); } #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2, 10, 0) mpd_connection_set_keepalive(connection, keepalive); #else // suppress -Wunused-private-field (void)keepalive; #endif idle_received = ~0U; is_idle = false; SocketMonitor::Open(SocketDescriptor(mpd_async_get_fd(mpd_connection_get_async(connection)))); IdleMonitor::Schedule(); } void ProxyDatabase::CheckConnection() { assert(connection != nullptr); if (!mpd_connection_clear_error(connection)) { Disconnect(); Connect(); return; } if (is_idle) { unsigned idle = mpd_run_noidle(connection); if (idle == 0) { try { CheckError(connection); } catch (...) { Disconnect(); throw; } } idle_received |= idle; is_idle = false; IdleMonitor::Schedule(); } } void ProxyDatabase::EnsureConnected() { if (connection != nullptr) CheckConnection(); else Connect(); } void ProxyDatabase::Disconnect() noexcept { assert(connection != nullptr); IdleMonitor::Cancel(); SocketMonitor::Steal(); mpd_connection_free(connection); connection = nullptr; } bool ProxyDatabase::OnSocketReady(gcc_unused unsigned flags) noexcept { assert(connection != nullptr); if (!is_idle) { // TODO: can this happen? IdleMonitor::Schedule(); SocketMonitor::Cancel(); return true; } auto idle = (unsigned)mpd_recv_idle(connection, false); if (idle == 0) { try { CheckError(connection); } catch (...) { LogError(std::current_exception()); Disconnect(); return false; } } /* let OnIdle() handle this */ idle_received |= idle; is_idle = false; IdleMonitor::Schedule(); SocketMonitor::Cancel(); return true; } void ProxyDatabase::OnIdle() noexcept { assert(connection != nullptr); /* handle previous idle events */ if (idle_received & MPD_IDLE_DATABASE) listener.OnDatabaseModified(); idle_received = 0; /* send a new idle command to the other MPD */ if (is_idle) // TODO: can this happen? return; if (!mpd_send_idle_mask(connection, MPD_IDLE_DATABASE)) { try { ThrowError(connection); } catch (...) { LogError(std::current_exception()); } SocketMonitor::Steal(); mpd_connection_free(connection); connection = nullptr; return; } is_idle = true; SocketMonitor::ScheduleRead(); } const LightSong * ProxyDatabase::GetSong(const char *uri) const { // TODO: eliminate the const_cast const_cast(this)->EnsureConnected(); if (!mpd_send_list_meta(connection, uri)) ThrowError(connection); struct mpd_song *song = mpd_recv_song(connection); if (!mpd_response_finish(connection)) { if (song != nullptr) mpd_song_free(song); ThrowError(connection); } if (song == nullptr) throw DatabaseError(DatabaseErrorCode::NOT_FOUND, "No such song"); return new AllocatedProxySong(song); } void ProxyDatabase::ReturnSong(const LightSong *_song) const noexcept { assert(_song != nullptr); auto *song = (AllocatedProxySong *) const_cast(_song); delete song; } static void Visit(struct mpd_connection *connection, const char *uri, bool recursive, const SongFilter *filter, const VisitDirectory& visit_directory, const VisitSong& visit_song, const VisitPlaylist& visit_playlist); static void Visit(struct mpd_connection *connection, bool recursive, const SongFilter *filter, const struct mpd_directory *directory, const VisitDirectory& visit_directory, const VisitSong& visit_song, const VisitPlaylist& visit_playlist) { const char *path = mpd_directory_get_path(directory); std::chrono::system_clock::time_point mtime = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point::min(); time_t _mtime = mpd_directory_get_last_modified(directory); if (_mtime > 0) mtime = std::chrono::system_clock::from_time_t(_mtime); if (visit_directory) visit_directory(LightDirectory(path, mtime)); if (recursive) Visit(connection, path, recursive, filter, visit_directory, visit_song, visit_playlist); } gcc_pure static bool Match(const SongFilter *filter, const LightSong &song) noexcept { return filter == nullptr || filter->Match(song); } static void Visit(const SongFilter *filter, const mpd_song *_song, const VisitSong& visit_song) { if (!visit_song) return; const ProxySong song(_song); if (Match(filter, song)) visit_song(song); } static void Visit(const struct mpd_playlist *playlist, const VisitPlaylist& visit_playlist) { if (!visit_playlist) return; time_t mtime = mpd_playlist_get_last_modified(playlist); PlaylistInfo p(mpd_playlist_get_path(playlist), mtime > 0 ? std::chrono::system_clock::from_time_t(mtime) : std::chrono::system_clock::time_point::min()); visit_playlist(p, LightDirectory::Root()); } class ProxyEntity { struct mpd_entity *entity; public: explicit ProxyEntity(struct mpd_entity *_entity) noexcept :entity(_entity) {} ProxyEntity(const ProxyEntity &other) = delete; ProxyEntity(ProxyEntity &&other) noexcept :entity(other.entity) { other.entity = nullptr; } ~ProxyEntity() noexcept { if (entity != nullptr) mpd_entity_free(entity); } ProxyEntity &operator=(const ProxyEntity &other) = delete; operator const struct mpd_entity *() const noexcept { return entity; } }; static std::list ReceiveEntities(struct mpd_connection *connection) noexcept { std::list entities; struct mpd_entity *entity; while ((entity = mpd_recv_entity(connection)) != nullptr) entities.emplace_back(entity); mpd_response_finish(connection); return entities; } static void Visit(struct mpd_connection *connection, const char *uri, bool recursive, const SongFilter *filter, const VisitDirectory& visit_directory, const VisitSong& visit_song, const VisitPlaylist& visit_playlist) { if (!mpd_send_list_meta(connection, uri)) ThrowError(connection); std::list entities(ReceiveEntities(connection)); CheckError(connection); for (const auto &entity : entities) { switch (mpd_entity_get_type(entity)) { case MPD_ENTITY_TYPE_UNKNOWN: break; case MPD_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY: Visit(connection, recursive, filter, mpd_entity_get_directory(entity), visit_directory, visit_song, visit_playlist); break; case MPD_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG: Visit(filter, mpd_entity_get_song(entity), visit_song); break; case MPD_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLIST: Visit(mpd_entity_get_playlist(entity), visit_playlist); break; } } } static void SearchSongs(struct mpd_connection *connection, const DatabaseSelection &selection, const VisitSong& visit_song) try { assert(selection.recursive); assert(visit_song); const bool exact = selection.filter == nullptr || !selection.filter->HasFoldCase(); if (!mpd_search_db_songs(connection, exact) || !SendConstraints(connection, selection) || !mpd_search_commit(connection)) ThrowError(connection); while (auto *song = mpd_recv_song(connection)) { AllocatedProxySong song2(song); if (Match(selection.filter, song2)) { try { visit_song(song2); } catch (...) { mpd_response_finish(connection); throw; } } } if (!mpd_response_finish(connection)) ThrowError(connection); } catch (...) { if (connection != nullptr) mpd_search_cancel(connection); throw; } #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2, 10, 0) gcc_pure static bool IsFilterSupported(const ISongFilter &f) noexcept { if (auto t = dynamic_cast(&f)) { if (t->IsNegated()) // TODO implement return false; if (t->GetTagType() == TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) return true; const auto tag = Convert(t->GetTagType()); return tag != MPD_TAG_COUNT; } else if (auto u = dynamic_cast(&f)) { if (u->IsNegated()) // TODO implement return false; return false; } else if (dynamic_cast(&f)) { return true; } else return false; } gcc_pure static bool IsFilterFullySupported(const SongFilter &filter, const struct mpd_connection *connection) noexcept { #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2, 15, 0) if (mpd_connection_cmp_server_version(connection, 0, 21, 0) >= 0) /* with MPD 0.21 (and libmpdclient 2.15), we can pass arbitrary filters as expression */ return true; #else (void)connection; #endif for (const auto &i : filter.GetItems()) if (!IsFilterSupported(*i)) return false; return true; } gcc_pure static bool IsFilterFullySupported(const SongFilter *filter, const struct mpd_connection *connection) noexcept { return filter == nullptr || IsFilterFullySupported(*filter, connection); } #endif #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2, 11, 0) gcc_pure static bool IsSortSupported(TagType tag_type, const struct mpd_connection *connection) noexcept { if (mpd_connection_cmp_server_version(connection, 0, 21, 0) < 0) /* sorting requires MPD 0.21 */ return false; if (tag_type == TagType(SORT_TAG_LAST_MODIFIED)) { /* sort "Last-Modified" requires libmpdclient 2.15 for mpd_search_add_sort_name() */ #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2, 15, 0) return true; #else return false; #endif } return Convert(tag_type) != MPD_TAG_COUNT; } #endif gcc_pure static DatabaseSelection CheckSelection(DatabaseSelection selection, struct mpd_connection *connection) noexcept { selection.uri.clear(); selection.filter = nullptr; #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2, 11, 0) if (selection.sort != TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES && IsSortSupported(selection.sort, connection)) /* we can forward the "sort" parameter to the other MPD */ selection.sort = TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES; #endif #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2, 10, 0) if (selection.window != RangeArg::All() && IsFilterFullySupported(selection.filter, connection)) /* we can forward the "window" parameter to the other MPD */ selection.window = RangeArg::All(); #else (void)connection; #endif return selection; } void ProxyDatabase::Visit(const DatabaseSelection &selection, VisitDirectory visit_directory, VisitSong visit_song, VisitPlaylist visit_playlist) const { // TODO: eliminate the const_cast const_cast(this)->EnsureConnected(); DatabaseVisitorHelper helper(CheckSelection(selection, connection), visit_song); if (!visit_directory && !visit_playlist && selection.recursive && !selection.IsEmpty()) { /* this optimized code path can only be used under certain conditions */ ::SearchSongs(connection, selection, visit_song); helper.Commit(); return; } /* fall back to recursive walk (slow!) */ ::Visit(connection, selection.uri.c_str(), selection.recursive, selection.filter, visit_directory, visit_song, visit_playlist); helper.Commit(); } RecursiveMap ProxyDatabase::CollectUniqueTags(const DatabaseSelection &selection, ConstBuffer tag_types) const try { // TODO: eliminate the const_cast const_cast(this)->EnsureConnected(); enum mpd_tag_type tag_type2 = Convert(tag_types.back()); if (tag_type2 == MPD_TAG_COUNT) throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported tag"); auto group = tag_types; group.pop_back(); if (!mpd_search_db_tags(connection, tag_type2) || !SendConstraints(connection, selection) || !SendGroup(connection, group)) ThrowError(connection); if (!mpd_search_commit(connection)) ThrowError(connection); RecursiveMap result; std::vector *> position; position.emplace_back(&result); while (auto *pair = mpd_recv_pair(connection)) { AtScopeExit(this, pair) { mpd_return_pair(connection, pair); }; const auto current_type = tag_name_parse_i(pair->name); if (current_type == TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) continue; auto it = std::find(tag_types.begin(), tag_types.end(), current_type); if (it == tag_types.end()) continue; size_t i = std::distance(tag_types.begin(), it); if (i > position.size()) continue; if (i + 1 < position.size()) position.resize(i + 1); auto &parent = *position[i]; position.emplace_back(&parent[pair->value]); } if (!mpd_response_finish(connection)) ThrowError(connection); return result; } catch (...) { if (connection != nullptr) mpd_search_cancel(connection); throw; } DatabaseStats ProxyDatabase::GetStats(const DatabaseSelection &selection) const { // TODO: match (void)selection; // TODO: eliminate the const_cast const_cast(this)->EnsureConnected(); struct mpd_stats *stats2 = mpd_run_stats(connection); if (stats2 == nullptr) ThrowError(connection); update_stamp = std::chrono::system_clock::from_time_t(mpd_stats_get_db_update_time(stats2)); DatabaseStats stats; stats.song_count = mpd_stats_get_number_of_songs(stats2); stats.total_duration = std::chrono::seconds(mpd_stats_get_db_play_time(stats2)); stats.artist_count = mpd_stats_get_number_of_artists(stats2); stats.album_count = mpd_stats_get_number_of_albums(stats2); mpd_stats_free(stats2); return stats; } unsigned ProxyDatabase::Update(const char *uri_utf8, bool discard) { EnsureConnected(); unsigned id = discard ? mpd_run_rescan(connection, uri_utf8) : mpd_run_update(connection, uri_utf8); if (id == 0) CheckError(connection); return id; } const DatabasePlugin proxy_db_plugin = { "proxy", DatabasePlugin::FLAG_REQUIRE_STORAGE, ProxyDatabase::Create, };