// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later // Copyright The Music Player Daemon Project /* * Save and load mounts of the compound storage to/from the state file. * */ #include "StorageState.hxx" #include "lib/fmt/ExceptionFormatter.hxx" #include "io/LineReader.hxx" #include "io/BufferedOutputStream.hxx" #include "storage/Registry.hxx" #include "storage/CompositeStorage.hxx" #include "db/plugins/simple/SimpleDatabasePlugin.hxx" #include "util/StringCompare.hxx" #include "util/Domain.hxx" #include "Instance.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" #include // for std::hash() #define MOUNT_STATE_BEGIN "mount_begin" #define MOUNT_STATE_END "mount_end" #define MOUNT_STATE_STORAGE_URI "uri: " #define MOUNT_STATE_MOUNTED_URL "mounted_url: " static constexpr Domain storage_domain("storage"); void storage_state_save(BufferedOutputStream &os, const Instance &instance) { if (instance.storage == nullptr) return; const auto visitor = [&os](const char *mount_uri, const Storage &storage) { std::string uri = storage.MapUTF8(""); if (uri.empty() || StringIsEmpty(mount_uri)) return; os.Fmt(FMT_STRING(MOUNT_STATE_BEGIN "\n" MOUNT_STATE_STORAGE_URI "{}\n" MOUNT_STATE_MOUNTED_URL "{}\n" MOUNT_STATE_END "\n"), mount_uri, uri); }; ((CompositeStorage*)instance.storage)->VisitMounts(visitor); } bool storage_state_restore(const char *line, LineReader &file, Instance &instance) noexcept { if (!StringStartsWith(line, MOUNT_STATE_BEGIN)) return false; std::string url; std::string uri; const char* value; while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != nullptr) { if (StringStartsWith(line, MOUNT_STATE_END)) break; if ((value = StringAfterPrefix(line, MOUNT_STATE_MOUNTED_URL))) url = value; else if ((value = StringAfterPrefix(line, MOUNT_STATE_STORAGE_URI))) uri = value; else FmtError(storage_domain, "Unrecognized line in mountpoint state: {}", line); } if (instance.storage == nullptr) /* without storage (a CompositeStorage instance), we cannot mount, and therefore we silently ignore the state file */ return true; if (url.empty() || uri.empty()) { LogError(storage_domain, "Missing value in mountpoint state."); return true; } FmtDebug(storage_domain, "Restoring mount {} => {}", uri, url); auto &composite_storage = *(CompositeStorage *)instance.storage; if (composite_storage.IsMountPoint(uri.c_str())) { LogError(storage_domain, "Mount point busy"); return true; } if (composite_storage.IsMounted(url.c_str())) { LogError(storage_domain, "This storage is already mounted"); return true; } auto &event_loop = instance.io_thread.GetEventLoop(); auto storage = CreateStorageURI(event_loop, url.c_str()); if (storage == nullptr) { FmtError(storage_domain, "Unrecognized storage URI: {}", url); return true; } if (auto *db = dynamic_cast(instance.GetDatabase())) { try { db->Mount(uri.c_str(), url.c_str()); } catch (...) { FmtError(storage_domain, "Failed to restore mount to {}: {}", url, std::current_exception()); return true; } } composite_storage.Mount(uri.c_str(), std::move(storage)); return true; } unsigned storage_state_get_hash(const Instance &instance) noexcept { if (instance.storage == nullptr) return 0; unsigned result = 0; const std::hash hash; const auto visitor = [&result, &hash](const char *mount_uri, const Storage &storage) { result = result * 33 + hash(mount_uri); result = result * 33 + hash(storage.MapUTF8("")); }; ((CompositeStorage*)instance.storage)->VisitMounts(visitor); return result; }