/* * Copyright 2003-2022 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "Control.hxx" #include "Error.hxx" #include "Filtered.hxx" #include "Client.hxx" #include "Domain.hxx" #include "lib/fmt/AudioFormatFormatter.hxx" #include "lib/fmt/ExceptionFormatter.hxx" #include "lib/fmt/RuntimeError.hxx" #include "thread/Util.hxx" #include "thread/Slack.hxx" #include "thread/Name.hxx" #include "util/StringBuffer.hxx" #include "util/ScopeExit.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" #include #include void AudioOutputControl::CommandFinished() noexcept { assert(command != Command::NONE); command = Command::NONE; client_cond.notify_one(); } inline void AudioOutputControl::InternalOpen2(const AudioFormat in_audio_format) { assert(in_audio_format.IsValid()); const auto cf = in_audio_format.WithMask(output->config_audio_format); if (open && cf != output->filter_audio_format) /* if the filter's output format changes, the output must be reopened as well */ InternalCloseOutput(playing); output->filter_audio_format = cf; if (!open) { { const ScopeUnlock unlock(mutex); output->OpenOutputAndConvert(output->filter_audio_format); } open = true; playing = false; } else if (in_audio_format != output->out_audio_format) { /* reconfigure the final ConvertFilter for its new input AudioFormat */ try { output->ConfigureConvertFilter(); } catch (...) { InternalCloseOutput(false); throw; } } { const ScopeUnlock unlock(mutex); output->OpenSoftwareMixer(); } } inline bool AudioOutputControl::InternalEnable() noexcept { if (really_enabled) /* already enabled */ return true; last_error = nullptr; try { { const ScopeUnlock unlock(mutex); output->Enable(); } really_enabled = true; return true; } catch (...) { LogError(std::current_exception()); Failure(std::current_exception()); return false; } } inline void AudioOutputControl::InternalDisable() noexcept { if (!really_enabled) return; InternalCheckClose(false); really_enabled = false; const ScopeUnlock unlock(mutex); output->Disable(); } inline void AudioOutputControl::InternalOpen(const AudioFormat in_audio_format, const MusicPipe &pipe) noexcept { /* enable the device (just in case the last enable has failed) */ if (!InternalEnable()) return; last_error = nullptr; fail_timer.Reset(); caught_interrupted = false; skip_delay = true; AudioFormat f; try { try { f = source.Open(in_audio_format, pipe, output->prepared_replay_gain_filter.get(), output->prepared_other_replay_gain_filter.get(), *output->prepared_filter); } catch (...) { std::throw_with_nested(FmtRuntimeError("Failed to open filter for {}", GetLogName())); } try { InternalOpen2(f); } catch (...) { source.Close(); throw; } } catch (...) { LogError(std::current_exception()); Failure(std::current_exception()); return; } if (f != in_audio_format || f != output->out_audio_format) FmtDebug(output_domain, "converting in={} -> f={} -> out={}", in_audio_format, f, output->out_audio_format); } inline void AudioOutputControl::InternalCloseOutput(bool drain) noexcept { assert(IsOpen()); open = false; const ScopeUnlock unlock(mutex); output->CloseOutput(drain); } inline void AudioOutputControl::InternalClose(bool drain) noexcept { assert(IsOpen()); open = false; { const ScopeUnlock unlock(mutex); output->Close(drain); } source.Close(); } inline void AudioOutputControl::InternalCheckClose(bool drain) noexcept { if (IsOpen()) InternalClose(drain); } /** * Wait until the output's delay reaches zero. * * @return true if playback should be continued, false if a command * was issued */ inline bool AudioOutputControl::WaitForDelay(std::unique_lock &lock) noexcept { while (true) { const auto delay = output->Delay(); if (delay <= std::chrono::steady_clock::duration::zero()) return true; (void)wake_cond.wait_for(lock, delay); if (command != Command::NONE) return false; } } bool AudioOutputControl::FillSourceOrClose() noexcept try { return source.Fill(mutex); } catch (...) { FmtError(output_domain, "Failed to filter for {}: {}", GetLogName(), std::current_exception()); InternalCloseError(std::current_exception()); return false; } inline bool AudioOutputControl::PlayChunk(std::unique_lock &lock) noexcept { // ensure pending tags are flushed in all cases const auto *tag = source.ReadTag(); if (tags && tag != nullptr) { const ScopeUnlock unlock(mutex); try { output->SendTag(*tag); } catch (AudioOutputInterrupted) { caught_interrupted = true; return false; } catch (...) { FmtError(output_domain, "Failed to send tag to {}: {}", GetLogName(), std::current_exception()); } } while (command == Command::NONE) { const auto data = source.PeekData(); if (data.empty()) break; if (skip_delay) skip_delay = false; else if (!WaitForDelay(lock)) break; size_t nbytes; try { const ScopeUnlock unlock(mutex); nbytes = output->Play(data); assert(nbytes > 0); assert(nbytes <= data.size()); } catch (AudioOutputInterrupted) { caught_interrupted = true; return false; } catch (...) { FmtError(output_domain, "Failed to play on {}: {}", GetLogName(), std::current_exception()); InternalCloseError(std::current_exception()); return false; } assert(nbytes % output->out_audio_format.GetFrameSize() == 0); source.ConsumeData(nbytes); /* there's data to be drained from now on */ playing = true; } return true; } inline bool AudioOutputControl::InternalPlay(std::unique_lock &lock) noexcept { if (!FillSourceOrClose()) /* no chunk available */ return false; assert(!in_playback_loop); in_playback_loop = true; AtScopeExit(this) { assert(in_playback_loop); in_playback_loop = false; }; unsigned n = 0; do { if (command != Command::NONE) return true; if (++n >= 64) { /* wake up the player every now and then to give it a chance to refill the pipe before it runs empty */ const ScopeUnlock unlock(mutex); client.ChunksConsumed(); n = 0; } if (!PlayChunk(lock)) break; } while (FillSourceOrClose()); const ScopeUnlock unlock(mutex); client.ChunksConsumed(); return true; } inline void AudioOutputControl::InternalPause(std::unique_lock &lock) noexcept { { const ScopeUnlock unlock(mutex); output->BeginPause(); } pause = true; CommandFinished(); do { if (!WaitForDelay(lock)) break; bool success = false; try { const ScopeUnlock unlock(mutex); success = output->IteratePause(); } catch (AudioOutputInterrupted) { } catch (...) { FmtError(output_domain, "Failed to pause {}: {}", GetLogName(), std::current_exception()); } if (!success) { InternalClose(false); break; } } while (command == Command::NONE); pause = false; { const ScopeUnlock unlock(mutex); output->EndPause(); } skip_delay = true; /* ignore drain commands until we got something new to play */ playing = false; } static void PlayFull(FilteredAudioOutput &output, std::span buffer) { while (!buffer.empty()) { size_t nbytes = output.Play(buffer); assert(nbytes > 0); buffer = buffer.subspan(nbytes); } } inline void AudioOutputControl::InternalDrain() noexcept { /* after this method finishes, there's nothing left to be drained */ playing = false; try { /* flush the filter and play its remaining output */ const ScopeUnlock unlock(mutex); while (true) { auto buffer = source.Flush(); if (buffer.data() == nullptr) break; PlayFull(*output, buffer); } output->Drain(); } catch (...) { FmtError(output_domain, "Failed to flush filter on {}: {}", GetLogName(), std::current_exception()); InternalCloseError(std::current_exception()); return; } } void AudioOutputControl::Task() noexcept { FormatThreadName("output:%s", GetName().c_str()); try { SetThreadRealtime(); } catch (...) { FmtInfo(output_domain, "OutputThread could not get realtime scheduling, continuing anyway: {}", std::current_exception()); } SetThreadTimerSlack(std::chrono::microseconds(100)); std::unique_lock lock(mutex); while (true) { switch (command) { case Command::NONE: /* no pending command: play (or wait for a command) */ if (open && allow_play && !caught_interrupted && InternalPlay(lock)) /* don't wait for an event if there are more chunks in the pipe */ continue; woken_for_play = false; wake_cond.wait(lock); break; case Command::ENABLE: InternalEnable(); CommandFinished(); break; case Command::DISABLE: InternalDisable(); CommandFinished(); break; case Command::OPEN: InternalOpen(request.audio_format, *request.pipe); CommandFinished(); break; case Command::CLOSE: InternalCheckClose(false); CommandFinished(); break; case Command::PAUSE: if (!open) { /* the output has failed after the PAUSE command was submitted; bail out */ CommandFinished(); break; } caught_interrupted = false; InternalPause(lock); break; case Command::RELEASE: if (!open) { /* the output has failed after the RELEASE command was submitted; bail out */ CommandFinished(); break; } caught_interrupted = false; if (always_on) { /* in "always_on" mode, the output is paused instead of being closed; however we need to flush the AudioOutputSource because its data have been invalidated by stopping the actual playback */ source.Cancel(); InternalPause(lock); } else { InternalClose(false); CommandFinished(); } break; case Command::DRAIN: if (open) InternalDrain(); CommandFinished(); break; case Command::CANCEL: caught_interrupted = false; source.Cancel(); if (open) { playing = false; const ScopeUnlock unlock(mutex); output->Cancel(); } CommandFinished(); break; case Command::KILL: InternalDisable(); source.Cancel(); CommandFinished(); return; } } } void AudioOutputControl::StartThread() { assert(command == Command::NONE); killed = false; const ScopeUnlock unlock(mutex); thread.Start(); }