/* * Copyright 2003-2016 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "DatabasePrint.hxx" #include "Selection.hxx" #include "SongFilter.hxx" #include "SongPrint.hxx" #include "TimePrint.hxx" #include "client/Response.hxx" #include "Partition.hxx" #include "tag/Tag.hxx" #include "LightSong.hxx" #include "LightDirectory.hxx" #include "PlaylistInfo.hxx" #include "Interface.hxx" #include "fs/Traits.hxx" #include static const char * ApplyBaseFlag(const char *uri, bool base) { if (base) uri = PathTraitsUTF8::GetBase(uri); return uri; } static void PrintDirectoryURI(Response &r, bool base, const LightDirectory &directory) { r.Format("directory: %s\n", ApplyBaseFlag(directory.GetPath(), base)); } static bool PrintDirectoryBrief(Response &r, bool base, const LightDirectory &directory) { if (!directory.IsRoot()) PrintDirectoryURI(r, base, directory); return true; } static bool PrintDirectoryFull(Response &r, bool base, const LightDirectory &directory) { if (!directory.IsRoot()) { PrintDirectoryURI(r, base, directory); if (directory.mtime > 0) time_print(r, "Last-Modified", directory.mtime); } return true; } static void print_playlist_in_directory(Response &r, bool base, const char *directory, const char *name_utf8) { if (base || directory == nullptr) r.Format("playlist: %s\n", ApplyBaseFlag(name_utf8, base)); else r.Format("playlist: %s/%s\n", directory, name_utf8); } static void print_playlist_in_directory(Response &r, bool base, const LightDirectory *directory, const char *name_utf8) { if (base || directory == nullptr || directory->IsRoot()) r.Format("playlist: %s\n", name_utf8); else r.Format("playlist: %s/%s\n", directory->GetPath(), name_utf8); } static bool PrintSongBrief(Response &r, Partition &partition, bool base, const LightSong &song) { song_print_uri(r, partition, song, base); if (song.tag->has_playlist) /* this song file has an embedded CUE sheet */ print_playlist_in_directory(r, base, song.directory, song.uri); return true; } static bool PrintSongFull(Response &r, Partition &partition, bool base, const LightSong &song) { song_print_info(r, partition, song, base); if (song.tag->has_playlist) /* this song file has an embedded CUE sheet */ print_playlist_in_directory(r, base, song.directory, song.uri); return true; } static bool PrintPlaylistBrief(Response &r, bool base, const PlaylistInfo &playlist, const LightDirectory &directory) { print_playlist_in_directory(r, base, &directory, playlist.name.c_str()); return true; } static bool PrintPlaylistFull(Response &r, bool base, const PlaylistInfo &playlist, const LightDirectory &directory) { print_playlist_in_directory(r, base, &directory, playlist.name.c_str()); if (playlist.mtime > 0) time_print(r, "Last-Modified", playlist.mtime); return true; } bool db_selection_print(Response &r, Partition &partition, const DatabaseSelection &selection, bool full, bool base, unsigned window_start, unsigned window_end, Error &error) { const Database &db = partition.GetDatabaseOrThrow(); unsigned i = 0; using namespace std::placeholders; const auto d = selection.filter == nullptr ? std::bind(full ? PrintDirectoryFull : PrintDirectoryBrief, std::ref(r), base, _1) : VisitDirectory(); VisitSong s = std::bind(full ? PrintSongFull : PrintSongBrief, std::ref(r), std::ref(partition), base, _1); const auto p = selection.filter == nullptr ? std::bind(full ? PrintPlaylistFull : PrintPlaylistBrief, std::ref(r), base, _1, _2) : VisitPlaylist(); if (window_start > 0 || window_end < (unsigned)std::numeric_limits::max()) s = [s, window_start, window_end, &i](const LightSong &song, Error &error2){ const bool in_window = i >= window_start && i < window_end; ++i; return !in_window || s(song, error2); }; return db.Visit(selection, d, s, p, error); } bool db_selection_print(Response &r, Partition &partition, const DatabaseSelection &selection, bool full, bool base, Error &error) { return db_selection_print(r, partition, selection, full, base, 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), error); } static bool PrintSongURIVisitor(Response &r, Partition &partition, const LightSong &song) { song_print_uri(r, partition, song); return true; } static bool PrintUniqueTag(Response &r, TagType tag_type, const Tag &tag) { const char *value = tag.GetValue(tag_type); assert(value != nullptr); r.Format("%s: %s\n", tag_item_names[tag_type], value); for (const auto &item : tag) if (item.type != tag_type) r.Format("%s: %s\n", tag_item_names[item.type], item.value); return true; } bool PrintUniqueTags(Response &r, Partition &partition, unsigned type, tag_mask_t group_mask, const SongFilter *filter, Error &error) { const Database &db = partition.GetDatabaseOrThrow(); const DatabaseSelection selection("", true, filter); if (type == LOCATE_TAG_FILE_TYPE) { using namespace std::placeholders; const auto f = std::bind(PrintSongURIVisitor, std::ref(r), std::ref(partition), _1); return db.Visit(selection, f, error); } else { assert(type < TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES); using namespace std::placeholders; const auto f = std::bind(PrintUniqueTag, std::ref(r), (TagType)type, _1); return db.VisitUniqueTags(selection, (TagType)type, group_mask, f, error); } }