#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os, os.path
import sys, subprocess

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    print("Usage: build.py SDK_PATH NDK_PATH [configure_args...]", file=sys.stderr)

sdk_path = sys.argv[1]
ndk_path = sys.argv[2]
configure_args = sys.argv[3:]

if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sdk_path, 'tools', 'android')):
    print("SDK not found in", ndk_path, file=sys.stderr)

if not os.path.isdir(ndk_path):
    print("NDK not found in", ndk_path, file=sys.stderr)

# select the NDK target
arch = 'arm-linux-androideabi'

# the path to the MPD sources
mpd_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) or '.', '..'))
sys.path[0] = os.path.join(mpd_path, 'python')

# output directories
from build.dirs import lib_path, tarball_path, src_path

arch_path = os.path.join(lib_path, arch)
build_path = os.path.join(arch_path, 'build')

# build host configuration
build_arch = 'linux-x86_64'

# set up the NDK toolchain

class AndroidNdkToolchain:
    def __init__(self, tarball_path, src_path, build_path,
                 use_cxx, use_clang):
        self.tarball_path = tarball_path
        self.src_path = src_path
        self.build_path = build_path

        self.ndk_arch = 'arm'
        android_abi = 'armeabi-v7a'
        ndk_platform = 'android-14'

        # select the NDK compiler
        gcc_version = '4.9'
        llvm_version = '3.6'

        ndk_platform_path = os.path.join(ndk_path, 'platforms', ndk_platform)
        sysroot = os.path.join(ndk_platform_path, 'arch-' + self.ndk_arch)

        install_prefix = os.path.join(arch_path, 'root')

        self.arch = arch
        self.install_prefix = install_prefix
        self.sysroot = sysroot

        toolchain_path = os.path.join(ndk_path, 'toolchains', arch + '-' + gcc_version, 'prebuilt', build_arch)
        llvm_path = os.path.join(ndk_path, 'toolchains', 'llvm-' + llvm_version, 'prebuilt', build_arch)
        llvm_triple = 'armv7-none-linux-androideabi'

        common_flags = '-march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp'

        toolchain_bin = os.path.join(toolchain_path, 'bin')
        if use_clang:
            llvm_bin = os.path.join(llvm_path, 'bin')
            self.cc = os.path.join(llvm_bin, 'clang')
            self.cxx = os.path.join(llvm_bin, 'clang++')
            common_flags += ' -target ' + llvm_triple + ' -integrated-as -gcc-toolchain ' + toolchain_path
            self.cc = os.path.join(toolchain_bin, arch + '-gcc')
            self.cxx = os.path.join(toolchain_bin, arch + '-g++')

        self.ar = os.path.join(toolchain_bin, arch + '-ar')
        self.nm = os.path.join(toolchain_bin, arch + '-nm')
        self.strip = os.path.join(toolchain_bin, arch + '-strip')

        self.cflags = '-Os -g ' + common_flags
        self.cxxflags = '-Os -g ' + common_flags
        self.cppflags = '--sysroot=' + self.sysroot + ' -isystem ' + os.path.join(install_prefix, 'include')
        self.ldflags = '--sysroot=' + self.sysroot + ' -L' + os.path.join(install_prefix, 'lib')
        self.libs = ''

        self.is_arm = self.ndk_arch == 'arm'
        self.is_armv7 = self.is_arm and 'armv7' in self.cflags
        self.is_windows = False

        libstdcxx_path = os.path.join(ndk_path, 'sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++', gcc_version)
        libstdcxx_cppflags = '-isystem ' + os.path.join(libstdcxx_path, 'include') + ' -isystem ' + os.path.join(libstdcxx_path, 'libs', android_abi, 'include')
        if use_clang:
            libstdcxx_cppflags += ' -D__STRICT_ANSI__'
        libstdcxx_ldadd = os.path.join(libstdcxx_path, 'libs', android_abi, 'libgnustl_static.a')

        if use_cxx:
            self.libs += ' ' + libstdcxx_ldadd
            self.cppflags += ' ' + libstdcxx_cppflags

        self.env = dict(os.environ)

        # redirect pkg-config to use our root directory instead of the
        # default one on the build host
        self.env['PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR'] = os.path.join(install_prefix, 'lib/pkgconfig')

# a list of third-party libraries to be used by MPD on Android
from build.libs import *
thirdparty_libs = [

# build the third-party libraries
for x in thirdparty_libs:
    toolchain = AndroidNdkToolchain(tarball_path, src_path, build_path,
                                    use_cxx=x.use_cxx, use_clang=x.use_clang)
    if not x.is_installed(toolchain):

# configure and build MPD
toolchain = AndroidNdkToolchain(tarball_path, src_path, build_path,
                                use_cxx=True, use_clang=True)

configure = [
    os.path.join(mpd_path, 'configure'),
    'CC=' + toolchain.cc,
    'CXX=' + toolchain.cxx,
    'CFLAGS=' + toolchain.cflags,
    'CXXFLAGS=' + toolchain.cxxflags,
    'CPPFLAGS=' + toolchain.cppflags,
    'LDFLAGS=' + toolchain.ldflags,
    'LIBS=' + toolchain.libs,
    'AR=' + toolchain.ar,
    'STRIP=' + toolchain.strip,
    '--host=' + toolchain.arch,
    '--prefix=' + toolchain.install_prefix,
    '--with-sysroot=' + toolchain.sysroot,
    '--with-android-sdk=' + sdk_path,



] + configure_args

subprocess.check_call(configure, env=toolchain.env)
subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/make', '--quiet', '-j12'], env=toolchain.env)