/* * Copyright 2003-2021 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "PartitionCommands.hxx" #include "Request.hxx" #include "Instance.hxx" #include "Partition.hxx" #include "IdleFlags.hxx" #include "output/Filtered.hxx" #include "client/Client.hxx" #include "client/Response.hxx" #include "util/CharUtil.hxx" #include CommandResult handle_partition(Client &client, Request request, Response &response) { const char *name = request.front(); auto &instance = client.GetInstance(); auto *partition = instance.FindPartition(name); if (partition == nullptr) { response.Error(ACK_ERROR_NO_EXIST, "partition does not exist"); return CommandResult::ERROR; } client.SetPartition(*partition); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_listpartitions(Client &client, Request, Response &r) { for (const auto &partition : client.GetInstance().partitions) { r.Fmt(FMT_STRING("partition: {}\n"), partition.name); } return CommandResult::OK; } static constexpr bool IsValidPartitionChar(char ch) { return IsAlphaNumericASCII(ch) || ch == '-' || ch == '_'; } gcc_pure static bool IsValidPartitionName(const char *name) noexcept { do { if (!IsValidPartitionChar(*name)) return false; } while (*++name != 0); return true; } gcc_pure static bool HasPartitionNamed(Instance &instance, const char *name) noexcept { return instance.FindPartition(name) != nullptr; } CommandResult handle_newpartition(Client &client, Request request, Response &response) { const char *name = request.front(); if (!IsValidPartitionName(name)) { response.Error(ACK_ERROR_ARG, "bad name"); return CommandResult::ERROR; } auto &instance = client.GetInstance(); if (HasPartitionNamed(instance, name)) { response.Error(ACK_ERROR_EXIST, "name already exists"); return CommandResult::ERROR; } if (instance.partitions.size() >= 16) { /* arbitrary limit for now */ response.Error(ACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN, "too many partitions"); return CommandResult::ERROR; } instance.partitions.emplace_back(instance, name, client.GetPartition().config); auto &partition = instance.partitions.back(); partition.UpdateEffectiveReplayGainMode(); instance.EmitIdle(IDLE_PARTITION); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_delpartition(Client &client, Request request, Response &response) { const char *name = request.front(); if (!IsValidPartitionName(name)) { response.Error(ACK_ERROR_ARG, "bad name"); return CommandResult::ERROR; } auto &instance = client.GetInstance(); auto *partition = instance.FindPartition(name); if (partition == nullptr) { response.Error(ACK_ERROR_NO_EXIST, "no such partition"); return CommandResult::ERROR; } if (partition == &instance.partitions.front()) { response.Error(ACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN, "cannot delete the default partition"); return CommandResult::ERROR; } if (!partition->clients.empty()) { response.Error(ACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN, "partition still has clients"); return CommandResult::ERROR; } if (!partition->outputs.IsDummy()) { response.Error(ACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN, "partition still has outputs"); return CommandResult::ERROR; } partition->BeginShutdown(); instance.DeletePartition(*partition); instance.EmitIdle(IDLE_PARTITION); return CommandResult::OK; } CommandResult handle_moveoutput(Client &client, Request request, Response &response) { const char *output_name = request[0]; auto &dest_partition = client.GetPartition(); auto *existing_output = dest_partition.outputs.FindByName(output_name); if (existing_output != nullptr && !existing_output->IsDummy()) /* this output is already in the specified partition, so nothing needs to be done */ return CommandResult::OK; /* find the partition which owns this output currently */ auto &instance = client.GetInstance(); for (auto &partition : instance.partitions) { if (&partition == &dest_partition) continue; auto *output = partition.outputs.FindByName(output_name); if (output == nullptr || output->IsDummy()) continue; const bool was_enabled = output->IsEnabled(); if (existing_output != nullptr) /* move the output back where it once was */ existing_output->ReplaceDummy(output->Steal(), was_enabled); else /* copy the AudioOutputControl and add it to the output list */ dest_partition.outputs.AddMoveFrom(std::move(*output), was_enabled); instance.EmitIdle(IDLE_OUTPUT); return CommandResult::OK; } response.Error(ACK_ERROR_NO_EXIST, "No such output"); return CommandResult::ERROR; }